Chapter 192 Uchiha Sasuke makes a high-profile debut

Ye Feng ignored Naruto.

He was still intently searching for the traces of the serpent.

After all.

Orochimaru did not leave them for a long time.

And this direction should be correct.

As long as they don’t run away.

You should be able to find it.

But if you really can’t find it, there is no way.

that’s all.

The three searched for more than half an hour along the way, but they couldn’t find the base of Orochimaru.

Just when the three of Yefeng almost wanted to give up.


Ye Feng noticed that a cold and familiar Chakra was quickly approaching in their direction.

“This… familiar taste, is it Sasuke?”

Ye Feng frowned and urged Sensation Ninjutsu to Ultimate.


Sasuke is the one who surpasses them aggressively!


ten minutes later.

The four met.

Er Zhuzi stood on the treetops, dressed in a long robe, with a straight-bladed grass naruto sword inserted obliquely behind his waist, dressed in a socially mixed dress, and it felt as if he were very tall.

“Unexpectedly, you are here too. That’s great. In order to be able to gain stronger power, it’s time for me to cut the bond between you and me.”

Sasuke looked at Naruto with cold eyes.

Three years.

It took Sasuke three years but still couldn’t break through this pair of Three Tomoe Sharingan.

At the end of the valley.

Sasuke can actually kill Naruto directly.

But he didn’t do that.

Because he didn’t want to gain power in the way of Itachi’s Itachi.

But these three years of severe beating proved one thing!

Itachi is hateful though.

But the method he said is the only way Sharingan can evolve!

He must kill Naruto.

This way he can upgrade Sharingan.

Have the same pupil power as Itachi!

“Two… Two Pillars…”

“What did you mean by what you just said…”

“Do you really want to kill me… but you obviously didn’t do it last time…”

Naruto looked at Uchiha Sasuke aloft in disbelief.

He doesn’t believe it!

He didn’t believe that Er Zhu had become such a cold boy.

“Hehe, I didn’t kill you last time because I was happy for a while.

But this time, I can also take your life for a moment of happiness. ”


Er Zhuzi suddenly came to Naruto’s eyes.

One hand puts an arm around Naruto’s shoulder.

The other hand had already pulled out the Shinobi behind his back.

The cold eyes seemed to say: Look, this is the speed of my Uchiha Sasuke!

Seeing that Sasuke’s knife was about to hit Naruto.

Little Sakura suddenly slammed a punch to the ground.

Countless rocks fell apart.

Sputtered towards Sasuke.

Zi Zi Zi.

Faced with a surprise attack by the little Sakura.

Sasuke didn’t panic.

The body is covered with the power of thunder of thousands of birds.

In an instant, the hitting rocks were smashed.

At the same time, Naruto and Sakura flew out together.

“The Chidori was taught to me by Kakashi, but Kakashi’s aptitude is too bad. I improved the Chidori. Isn’t this amazing trick of Chidori?”

Sasuke’s mouth twitched.

A touch of pride came out naturally.

You must be handsome in appearance.

This is the basic quality necessary to pretend to be a ninja!

Naruto looked at Sasuke in front of him.

The heart is very complicated.

He thought that as long as he found Sasuke, he would surely bring Sasuke back to Konoha Village.


Naruto found that he was thinking too simple.

As Yefeng said.

Sasuke has changed.

He is no longer the boy he once was!


Naruto felt that Sasuke could save it.

He is going to beat Sasuke first, and then use his mouth to save Sasuke!

After all, in the past few years, Naruto has successfully used this routine to escape a lot of lost teenagers!


Naruto entered the sealed space of Nine Tails.

“Nine Tails! Give me strength!” Naruto said seriously.

Nine Tails shook the big evil tail and looked at Naruto grimly.

“Very well, just come to me, my power can let you defeat the Uchiha kid easily.”

The voice of Nine Tails fell.

Bundles of foamy Chakra burst out of its body.

He rushed in the direction of Naruto.

But at this moment.

Sasuke unexpectedly appeared in Naruto’s sealed space!

He stared at Nine Tails with big evil eyes, and said lightly:

“It turns out that you are the power in Naruto’s body. It is really ugly.”

Sasuke already knew the truth about Jinchūriki.

to be honest.

He admired Naruto very much.

If there is such a tail beast in his body.

Sasuke felt that he had already killed Uchiha Itachi.

And Naruto?

It’s still a crane tail.

Spicy chicken!

“The kid from the Uchiha family, I didn’t expect to see me for three years. You can already see me. It seems that you have developed these eyes very deeply.”

Nine Tails gritted his teeth and looked at Sasuke.

It hates the Uchiha clan most.

Because this is an evil race that can control it.

“I heard that after I have Mangekyō, I can control you for my use.

It’s a pity that I can’t own Mangekyō without killing Naruto, but you will die if you kill Naruto.

Otherwise, I really look forward to holding you in my hands like a dog. ”

Sasuke smiled evilly.

He felt as if he was invincible!

You don’t even need to look at the tail beast anymore!

Just when Nine Tails heard Sasuke’s words, he was about to furious.

The night wind’s voice suddenly rang next to Sasuke.

“It seems that Orochimaru has really loved you for the past three years, and has made you drift like this?”

Nine Tails’ expression was dull.

Although the sealed space of the old man is not a great place.

But not everyone can come in, right?

Did you meet a ghost today?

All these little guys have to come in and pretend to be forced?

“Yamanaka Night Wind! You can come to this place too?”

After Sasuke heard the sound of the night breeze, his brows suddenly raised, and he was about to draw his sword to slash the night breeze.


When his palm just touched the handle of the knife.

Sasuke suddenly felt that his wrist had been caught by the night wind.


Sasuke felt his body lose its center of gravity instantly.

He seemed to be thrown into the air by the night wind.

Immediately afterwards.

Sasuke turned a pair of Sharingan crazily, and habitually wanted to cover his hands behind him.

But everything is too late!

Ye Feng’s kick hit Sasuke’s old place again.

Sasuke crashed into Naruto’s arms like a cannonball.

See this scene.

Naruto smiled freely.

Sure enough, it still feels familiar.

Two pillars.

Do you feel the night wind and my love for you?


The sealed space dissipated without a trace.

There was a cold sweat on Sasuke’s forehead, and he looked at the night wind fiercely.

“Yamanaka Night Wind! How dare you humiliate me so much! I will kill you today!”

Sasuke lost the coldness he had just now.

He yelled hysterically.

Immediately afterwards.

Sasuke begins to seal.

“Fire Style·Haolong Fire Technique!”

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