“It has nothing to do with you.”

“It’s really a pity~”

Fried shook his head seemingly in embarrassment.

However, the next second.

His face instantly deformed and became beautiful, and the tongue nailed to the tongue revealed a twisted and weird feeling.

“If it doesn’t matter, I can only execute you useless fellow!! ~~”

“Don’t you really think that the stronghold of the fallen angel is so easy to get out?”

“Bang bang!! ~”

As Fred spoke, the light gun he hid at his waist quickly gushed!

Several light projectiles containing the power of holy light burst out! Flying towards Lin Mo at an amazing speed!

“Ding-ding!! ~”

The light bullet was hit by the thunder sword in the air and dissipated.

On Lin Mo’s hand, the iron sword flashed with thunder.

He had long known that Fried was not a good bird.

What can Fred do except be sent out to perform the kind of mission that doesn’t matter even if it hangs?

Should anyone really expect Fried’s kind of goods to interrogate intelligence?

“Oh? It seems that unlike what you said, you are not an ordinary person~”

Fred narrowed his eyes, and as soon as the long-handled object in his hand stretched out, the power of holy light gushed out and turned into a lightsaber.


Lin Mu snorted coldly.

It seems that Mithiart also did not tell her partner about his success in avoiding her energy shock, otherwise Flid would not have reacted this way.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the purple check-in! ] 】

[Check-in Event: Death of Father Crumbs (Kill Lost Father Fride)].

[Check-in time: 24 hours.] 】

The system’s tone rings in your ears.

“It’s challenging, let me, a person who has just awakened his power, go and kill the lost priest with combat experience.”

“But……. I’d love to do this kind of thing. ”

Lin Mo’s hand holding the sword tightened.

“Would you like to?”

Fried raised his forehead and smiled rather pleasantly.

“Actually, for such a thing as being able to kill a little white face that is as handsome as you but has no ability.”

“I’d love to do it too!! ~”

The young priest Fried can be said to have been unhappy with Lin Mo for a long time!

Even if Mithielt doesn’t care, Linali actually wants to pull him into the camp of fallen angels in the first place, even if only as a pet-like character.

It’s a pity that Linali is not such a good person to get along with.

Since Mithiart had no way to subdue him, she had no intention of continuing to waste time with him.

Anyway, as long as you catch it and use the method of fallen angels to brainwash, you can extract information directly from memory!

“Don’t worry~”

“I’ll keep you alive!! ~”

“Hee hee hee hihihihi!! ~”

With a lightsaber in one hand and a lightsaber in the other, Fried rushed directly towards Lin Mo.

“Don’t worry! I’m definitely going to fight you with the idea of killing you! ”

Lin Mo also responded positively.

In the next instant, the figures of the two disappeared in an instant.

[Teach gun fighting and light follow! ] 】

[Thunder Breath, Wu no Type, Heat Realm Thunder! ] 】

Thermal thunder, the purest lightning strike!

It is the purer pure energy attack method among the Thunder Breath Method!

“Hahaha!! ~Tender! It’s so immature! ”

“Inexperienced, inexperienced!”

Fried threw the light gun directly at Lin Mo, and the heat thunder hit the light gun, and he also took advantage of this opportunity to quickly approach Lin Mo.


The lightsaber directly hit and pierced Lin Mo’s chest, passing through his chest, and the smell of burning blood came from the air.

Indeed, as he said, Lin Mo just had empty moves and a certain physical fitness, and his combat awareness and experience were too lacking!

“When did I say I wanted to win with combat experience?”

Lin Mo grinned, and blood involuntarily flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Taking advantage of the distance from which Flid swung his lightsaber, Lin Mo took a step forward directly and tightly grabbed Flid’s arm!

“It’s hard to do! In the previous battle, you misled me and made me think that you can only send it in the form of sword skills…” Fried instantly figured out why.

It’s just a pity, it’s already late.

[Thunder Breath, Wu no Type, Heat Realm Thunder! ] 】

【Maximum power! 】

Golden thunder and lightning wrapped the two of them.

“It’s not even close!!!! ~”

Against Lin Mo’s lightning strike, Fried pulled the lightsaber in his hand with all his strength!

He was ready to cut off Lin Mo directly along his chest!

“Nope! It’s over! The corner of Lin Mo’s mouth hooked.

[Thunder Breath · One Type · Thunderbolt Flash】

[Thunderbolt Flash], originally a move that poured power into one foot and burst out in one breath.

Like thunder that tears the air, it can approach the opponent at high speed, and perform a speedy assault at a speed that even the ghost cannot see, and the ghost’s head can be cut off with one blow.


In addition to using it as a sword technique, there are other ways to use it!

In Lin Mo’s hand, the iron sword fell due to gravity.

It happened that just as Lin Mo expected, it fell above his feet.

[Thunderbolt Flash] is a move that uses foot power.

And this foot power can also be used elsewhere!

“Boom!!! ~”

The bearer’s golden thunder and lightning radiant foot fully exerted its strength and fiercely kicked the iron sword that Lin Mo slipped from his hand.

The iron sword was blasted away by the powerful force and turned into a flying sword that took people’s lives!

Without any suspense, the iron sword pierced Fride’s neck in a hundred-step flying sword posture.

Moment! Flesh and blood! The corpse is separated!

Fride’s head, ascend to heaven!

The head flew up, and Fred was stunned, leaving his last words.

“Isn’t it?”

“Boom!! ~”

The head fell to the ground.

Lost priest Fried, pronounced dead.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the purple check-in! ] 】

[Check-in Event: Death of Father Crumbs (Kill Lost Father Fride)].

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the reward: Treasure Item: Fantasy Great Sword, Heavenly Demon Fall. ] 】

[Fantasy Great Sword, Heavenly Demon Fall: The cursed holy sword that has achieved the great cause of slaying dragons, and has the attribute of the original magic sword “Broken Dawn (Gram)”, which will transform the attribute into a magic sword or holy sword according to the user.

The blue gem on the hilt stores and stores the magic power of the Shindai (True Ether), and when liberated, it releases dusk-colored sword qi. Adds damage to those with dragon blood. 】

Treasure Tools! Powerful treasures!

Can unleash light cannons! A treasure that can determine the victory with one hit!

Good stuff without a doubt!

It’s a pity that Lin Mo didn’t have time to take care of any treasures.



Lin Mo fell weakly towards the ground.

A big hole was opened in the chest, and it was pulled horizontally, although Lin Mo did not hang up on the spot, it was not much different from hanging up.

“It seems that I am not very lucky, so I can only temporarily give up the color sign-in on the Red Dragon Emperor.”

“If the time of resurrection is the same as before, it will expire at 72 hours.”

“However, it’s not bad to be able to leave Komawang Town temporarily, which gives me more time to improve my strength.”

“If I have to fight for my life every time I meet an opponent, then my ability may be guessed by others.”

“Fortunately, now, with Zigfei’s treasures, there is more or less a hole card.”


When his consciousness gradually blurred, Lin Mo saw a pair of small leather shoes wearing these white socks stay in sight.


New book uploaded.

I ask readers to support them with a lot of data!

Generally speaking, four changes a day.

Update time, 9:12 a.m., 9:12 p.m.

There will be a plus more.

The addition rules are as follows.

Four changes every day.

2000 flowers plus one more.

200 review votes plus one change.

20 monthly pass plus one change.

50 comments plus one more.

5000 tips plus one change.


It has been written to the shelf chapter, readers can greatly rest assured to collect!

You can view the images in this chapter for verification.

New book seedlings ~ ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass support ~~

[PS: It’s an unspoken rule, only cultivate feelings when simulating, will not push, push will only push after the simulation ends. ] 】

[After that, he will awaken the ability to bring people to simulate together, and when NTR, he will use this way, such as taking Gurefia to experience the new world line, making him feel desperate and powerless, and finally get two, a Gurefia who was in love and a strong conquered Gurefia. ] If it is original, it will be original. 】


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