1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 630: The conspiracy of the old Lincoln thief

Chapter 623 The old Lincoln thief’s conspiracy

Because Fort McHenry's telegraph lines were cut, Washington was not immediately informed of the situation in Baltimore.

It was not until the third day of Baltimore's armed attack on Fort McHenry that Lincoln and Buchanan, who were in Washington, learned of the deterioration of the situation in Baltimore from a letter asking for help sent by Lieutenant Colonel Barlow.

The deterioration of the situation in Baltimore was not only unexpected by Buchanan, but even Lincoln did not expect that the situation in Baltimore would deteriorate to such an extent.

After a brief period of consternation, Lincoln quickly made new arrangements. Through Secretary of War Scott, he telegraphed Robert Patterson's Pennsylvania Army to immediately rush to Baltimore and control Baltimore at all costs.

At the same time, Lincoln sent a message urging Seward, who had already arrived in North Carolina, to win over the local gentry as soon as possible and oppose John Gilmore, a former conservative member of the split Whig Party, to join the cabinet.

Lincoln feared that the North Carolina gentleman would change his mind after learning of a series of unpleasant events in Baltimore.

North Carolina and Virginia were the two most important southern swing states, and they were the swing states that Lincoln wanted to win most.

Virginia, or at least most of Virginia, was an extremely powerful slaveholding faction, and it was almost impossible to win over Virginia. So Lincoln pinned his hopes on winning North Carolina.

As long as he won the key swing state of North Carolina, Lincoln could geographically isolate Virginia from the other deep blue states and defeat them one by one. The federal government will take the strategic initiative.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

The massacre in Baltimore spread quickly to major cities in the Southern states through the developed telegraph network.

This move completely angered the four southern swing states. A week later, the Virginia General Assembly voted to conditionally secede from the Union. Soon after, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee also declared independence from the Union.

When Seward approached North Carolina tycoon John Gilmore and offered Gilmore a cabinet position, Gilmore also made his request to Seward: the Republican Party must provide protection for slavery.

Obviously, it was impossible for the Republican Party to agree to Gilmore's request, so Seward and Gilmore broke up on bad terms and returned to the north in embarrassment.

Lincoln's plan to win over North Carolina completely failed, and the number of deep-blue states declaring secede from the Union increased from six to ten.

Much to Lincoln's relief, Dix had already crushed thousands of local troops in Baltimore before Robert Patterson's Pennsylvania regiment arrived in Baltimore. After quickly quelling the "rebellion" in Baltimore, the two immediately sent troops to take control of Delaware.

Therefore, although four southern swing states seceded from the Union, two southern swing states, Maryland and Delaware, "chosen" to remain in the Union. Washington, the capital of the federal government, will no longer be surrounded by slaveholding forces, and its security is guaranteed.

After the "rebellion" in Maryland was quelled, Lincoln labeled Max, the Baltimore mayor who organized the rebellion, as a rebel and put a reward on him.

Lincoln asked Montgomery Blair, a Marylander on his team, to go to Maryland to clean up the mess and promised him the post of Secretary of the Postal Service.


Weixiuju, Sacramento, California.

"Lincoln did not invite you to join the cabinet, but instead invited us to join the cabinet. It can be said that his intentions are sinister." Wu Yuanhua threw the letter from Lincoln inviting him to join the cabinet and scoffed.

"He is destroying the unity of our Civic Party and trying to divide our Civic Party!"

"Yes! We must not fall into the tricks of the old Lincoln thief!" Minister of Agriculture Chen Baoliang also handed over Lincoln's letter inviting him to join the cabinet, expressing his attitude.

"I also received a letter from Lincoln inviting me to join the cabinet." Deng Wenyu said with a smile, "Does Lincoln have so many positions in the cabinet?"

Except for Liang Yao and Fremont, almost all the main members of the Citizen Party had received invitations from Lincoln to join the cabinet.

"Lincoln is casting a wide net." Liang Yaoyun said calmly, "Garrett has also received Lincoln's invitation to join the cabinet and has agreed to join Lincoln's cabinet."

"Garrett the traitor!"

Everyone was surprised and outraged to learn that Garrett had agreed to join Lincoln's cabinet.

"I asked him to join Lincoln's government team." Liang Yao said, "In addition to Garrett, I also want to choose someone among you, preferably a Chinese, to join Lincoln's government team. Your Excellency, the President, kindly invites you, We can never give the President face."

Liang Yao decided to use his trick to let two less important Citizen members join Lincoln's government team and infiltrate the federal government.

"You decided to let the west join the north?" Feier was very surprised by Liang Yao's decision.

"No, my position favors armed neutrality and try to avoid premature involvement in direct military conflicts between the North and the South." Liang Yao expressed his position and tendency, "Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina , Tennessee has declared to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy, and the countdown to the war between the North and the South has begun. "

Liang Yao informed everyone of the two telegrams he had just received. The content of one telegram was that Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee quickly convened a special state assembly to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy.

Another telegram contained a resolution by the Confederate government to move the capital from Montgomery, Alabama, to Richmond, Virginia.

The distance between Richmond and Washington is only 100 miles (more than 170 kilometers).

"There is only one cabinet candidate left. Who do you want to join Lincoln's cabinet?" Wu Yuanhua asked.

Liang Yao wanted to take advantage of the situation and let a Chinese join the Lincoln administration. This person could only be produced among a few of them.

Liang Yao's eyes wandered around the several Chinese people in the hall, and Jean's eyes finally fell on Rong Hong, the Minister of Education: "Mr. Rong, I'm afraid you will have to be wronged in this matter."

Among the Chinese present, only Rong Hong had long-term experience of living in the East. Rong Hong also has many old friends in Connecticut. There is no doubt that Rong Hong is the most suitable candidate.

"The Ministry of Education is establishing a joint university. I am in charge of the work of the Ministry of Education. I am afraid it will be difficult for me to leave." Rong Hong looked embarrassed.

He didn't want to experience the lonely study experience of studying alone in a foreign country in his early years.

"I will let Huang Kuan take over the matter of United University." Liang Yao walked up to Rong Hong and said earnestly, "Mr. Rong, this matter must be done by you. Only if you go can I rest assured."

The so-called joint university is a plan of the California Department of Education to integrate the elite educational organizations from the east who have moved to the West Coast to form a high-level university.

The abolitionist struggle in the east has long spread to universities. Many professors and students from eastern universities have chosen to move to the west, where the political environment is relatively relaxed, in order to escape politics.

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