1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 631: Three West Coast States secede from the Union

Chapter 624 Three West Coast States secede from the Union

"That's the case, then I'll go back and pack up and leave for Washington. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ ⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞" Now that Liang Yao has said everything, Rong Hong no longer refuses and agrees.

The Civic Party does need eye spies within Washington. Otherwise, the West will only have a dark eye on the situation of the federal government and have no knowledge of it.

As a new and dynamic political party, the Republican Party is relatively united internally, and there are many first-generation Republicans with ideals and aspirations.

There are also people from prominent families among the top Republicans, such as Seward, Bates, Blair and others. These people are not short of money and have relatively good personal relationships with Lincoln.

If you want to use money to corrupt them and bribe them to serve as insiders in the West and provide intelligence to the federal government, it is difficult to operate. Even if it can be operated, the price you need to pay is very high.

Furthermore, the current situation is that the east is strong and the west is weak, and the north is strong and the south is weak. There is no reason for these top Republicans to secretly communicate with the West.

"Don't worry, stay and have a family dinner with me later before leaving." Liang Yao said with some reluctance, holding Rong Hong's hand.

Rong Hong has done a good job during his years in the Ministry of Education. If there wasn't really no one to send, he wouldn't be willing to let go of such a capable person.

Everyone looked at Rong Hong with admiration. They had decided that the West would take the path of armed neutrality in this drastic change in the North American continent.

Under such circumstances, the situation that Rong Hong would face when he came to Washington alone to take up a post in Washington was bound to be very dangerous.

"Everyone, please look, this is our national flag." In order to ease the depressing atmosphere in the hall, Fremont ordered someone to display the national flag that had already been designed.

The background color of this flag is blue. There is a relatively large white five-pointed star in the center of the flag. Around this relatively large white five-pointed star, seven relatively small white five-pointed stars are clustered equidistantly around it.

"The larger white star in the middle represents California, and the remaining seven white stars represent the other western states." Fremont walked up to the flag and introduced the meaning of the flag to everyone.

"Which states do the remaining seven white stars represent?" Stanford asked hurriedly. He counted with his fingers and felt that the number of stars was a little wrong.

Liang Yao and Fremont had already prepared the national flags, which surprised Wu Yuanhua and others, wondering whether they had already thought of the name of the country.

"The seven stars respectively represent Oregon, Liangzhou, Western Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico." Liang Yao explained to everyone, "Nevada is a barren land with few people, and there are no new states. Incorporated into California."

The eight states or territories represented on the national flag are the areas that the western political group has been able to effectively control so far. Liang Yao decided to integrate these areas.

As for the Idaho Territory, Montana Territory, and Wyoming Territory, areas that have not yet been able to be effectively governed can wait until they gain a stable foothold and slowly make plans.

Idaho Territory, Montana Territory, and Wyoming Territory are geographically far away from the east and adjacent to the west, and the western region is geographically advantageous. Sooner or later, these areas will be the prey of the West.

"Okay, okay, okay!" After learning that one of the eight white five-pointed stars on the White Star Flag represented the Utah Territory, Stanford praised it repeatedly and had no objection.

"Is it too radical to directly establish a new country?" Robinson hesitated for a moment and said with concern, "It is better to temporarily establish a Western Customs Union and test the attitude of the East first."

Robinson also favored secession, but he preferred that the western region secede in a gentler, more gradual manner.

"You must have heard about what happened in Baltimore." Liang Yao passed the photo Collins presented to him to everyone.

"Lincoln, before he ascended to the presidency, monopolized power, trampled on the Constitution, ignored the rights of the state of Maryland, and secretly sent Dix to lead the Northern Army into Baltimore, which resulted in tragedy. Do you want our western city to become the next Baltimore?"

Liang Yao had not reacted much to the changes before because the situation was still unclear and the Republican Party and Lincoln had not yet made any obvious mistakes. The western region is a free state, and it is unjust and unreasonable to rashly secede from the Union.

Now four light-blue states, led by Virginia, have announced that they have changed their color and joined the Confederacy. The Confederacy has gradually taken shape and moved its capital to Richmond. The Southern Confederacy has the power to fight the Northern Confederacy, and the form is very clear.

More importantly, Lincoln had already violated the constitution and blatantly trampled on state rights. At this time, he declared to secede from the Union, and the West did not have to face too much pressure from public opinion and political pressure.

If we don’t secede from the Federation now, when will we wait?

"Now is the best time to secede from the Union." Fremont also stood up and expressed his position. "Lincoln has not yet officially taken office, the cabinet has not yet been organized, and the situation in the east is chaotic. For at least three months, the federal government will have no time to move west. Gu, we have enough time to deal with the pressures we will face after leaving the Confederacy, especially military pressures."

"I won't say any more nonsense. If you don't have any objections, everyone can go back to their respective homes. Oregon and Liangzhou will hold state congresses and quickly follow the procedures to secede from the federation. The remaining territories must be completed within a month. Jianzhou said, it's too late, don't blame the fact that you don't have a seat in the Congress." Liang Yao glanced at everyone present with his cold eyes and said in an unquestionable tone.


1861 entered its second month.

The addition of Citizen Garrett and Yong Hong to the future new government was a rare joy for Lincoln and the Republican Party these days.

Lincoln even made a big fuss about this, telling the public that the entry of members of the Civic Party into the cabinet, especially the entry of members of the Chinese Civic Party, was the best proof of the unity of the East and the West. A union among the free States will crush all lawless forces that seek to break up the Union.

Lincoln was very happy to drag Garrett and Rong Hong to appear frequently in public, and officially appointed Garrett as Deputy Secretary of the Postal Department and Rong Hong as Vice Chairman of the Federal Board of Education.

Just the day after Lincoln appointed the two men, three free states on the West Coast, California, Oregon, and Liangzhou, electrified the country and declared their secession from the Union on the grounds that the federal government was unconstitutional and did not respect state rights.

The news that the three West Coast states had announced their secession from the Union was like a bolt from the blue, and Lincoln was so shocked that he could not recover for a long time.

The secession of the three West Coast states from the Union dealt a far greater blow to Lincoln and the Republican Party than the four southern swing slave states led by Virginia seceded from the Union and joined the Confederacy.

After all, these states were originally slave states, and Lincoln did not have much hope in winning over these states.

The three West Coast states that have just announced their secession from the Union are all free states!

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