The black belly is too fierce

Chapter 846 Jun Haocang collapsed

Chapter 846 Jun Haocang collapsed
Where is the palace maid Jun Haocang's opponent? Before she got close to Mu Qingluan, she was blown away by a powerful wave two meters away.

There was a loud bang that shook the heavens and the earth, and several court ladies fell to the ground and died instantly.

Seeing this horrifying scene, Mu Qingluan looked at the pair of icy blue eyes that were burning with rage, and the fear of death suddenly jumped in her heart.

She knew that Jun Haocang was really thinking about killing

Realizing this, Mu Qingluan trembled, and said with difficulty, "Emperor—Emperor, you—can't—kill me, I am—the empress of Fengqi Kingdom!"

She wanted to use her spiritual power to break free from his shackles.

But although her strength is good, she is by no means Jun Haocang's opponent. Now she is suppressed by the powerful coercion he erupted, and she can't use her strength. Even struggling is very strenuous, let alone spiritual power.

Mu Qingluan really didn't expect that, after a face-to-face meeting, Jun Haocang did not even have time to say anything, so she was caught off guard, and she wasn't even mentally prepared.

When Jun Haocang heard her words, sparks of hatred shot out from his sinister pupils, he gnashed his teeth and roared, his voice was like thunder, shaking the surroundings, "Mu Qingluan, I don't care who you are, dare to touch Su Mo! Liang, there is only one end, death!"

After the roar fell, Jun Haocang raised his hand violently, and slammed it hard on Mu Qingluan's chest.

How could Mu Qingluan bear such an attack, she shot backwards overwhelmed, hit the wall with a bang, and slid to the ground.

At this time, Mu Qingluan didn't have the dignity and elegance of being a queen, but she was lying on the ground covered in blood like a bereaved dog.

The stunningly pretty face was as pale as paper, with blood spurting out of his mouth, like a vampire.

Mu Qingluan never thought that Jun Haocang would really kill her like this for a woman.

"I'll give you one last chance, where is Su Moliang now?" Jun Haocang lowered his voice and tried his best to suppress the raging anger. When he thought of Su Moliang's whereabouts and life and death, he couldn't control himself and wanted to Cut Mu Qingluan into eight pieces.

Hearing this, Mu Qingluan, who had been beaten limply, suddenly sneered ironically. She raised her head slightly, tears fell from the corners of her eyes, her pale face was full of sorrow, and she let out a series of miserable laughter, "Hahaha --Ha ha ha ha--"

Because of the injury, her voice was extremely weak, almost whining, and the tears kept falling like broken beads, wet the whole cheek, mixed with the blood, adding a bit of sadness.

Mu Qingluan was looking forward to Jun Haocang's coming to see her, and was looking forward to staying with him, even if it was just for a while, she was satisfied.

However, she never thought that he came to see her because of another woman, and he stood in front of her to kill her!
Hehe, that's ridiculous!
Her feelings, and even her whole being, are ridiculous to the extreme!

Over the years, she had paid so much and sacrificed so much, but he wanted to kill her for another woman!
"It seems that you don't plan to talk about it, so I have to send you on your way!" Jun Haocang's suppressed anger finally erupted, and fierce spiritual power suddenly lingered in his palm, and he was about to buckle down on Mu Qingluan's celestial spirit cover.

Facing the torrential power and seeing Jun Haocang's ruthless handsome face, Mu Qingluan's heart was ashamed at this moment, and she lay on the ground, welcoming death.

It doesn't matter if you die, at least you won't torture yourself, at least you don't have to think about him, at least you don't have to feel heartbroken for him.

Since the love started because of him, it might be a good ending to end it with his own hands.

Seeing that Jun Haocang was about to kill Mu Qingluan, he heard a terrified roar from behind, and suddenly raised his voice, "Cang'er, absolutely not!"

I saw a slender figure rushing towards Mu Qingluan like an arrow from the string, and shouted in horror, "Cang'er, you are crazy! She is the monarch of Fengqi Kingdom, if you kill her, Yunlou The Dark Realm and the Fengqi Empire will go to war immediately, and the Burning Blood Sky City will definitely take advantage of the fire, and the Yunlou Dark Realm will be attacked by enemies, and when the time comes, the country will be ruined and the family will be destroyed, and you will be the sinner of the Yunlou Dark Realm!"

Jun Qingran's hoarse and exhausted roar echoed throughout the hall, and even more stimulated Jun Hao into a rage. The spiritual power that had already been prepared to unleash wrapped around his arms, making a terrifying sound, and his clenched fists were filled with anger. Even more violent veins.

At this time, Jun Yueye and several envoys from Fengqi Kingdom were also attracted by the movement made by Jun Haocang.

As soon as everyone came in, they saw corpses all over the place, even the noble empress was beaten to the ground by Jun Haocang, covered in blood, all of them changed their faces in fright, as if there was a thunderbolt on the top of their heads, and their hearts seemed to be about to burst from the ground. His throat seemed to pop out.

"Cang'er, what are you doing!" Jun Yueye growled in disbelief when she saw this scene.

Jun Hao's eyes were dark and cold, and his voice seemed to come out of hell, with a sinister air, squeezed out from between his lips and teeth, and instantly shook with hatred, "I warned her, Don't make Su Moliang's idea, but she just killed her, if something happens to Su Moliang, not only the queen of Fengqi country, but I want the whole Fengqi country to be buried with her!"

The word "buried with me" carried a torrential force, centering on Jun Haocang, it fluctuated in an instant, and everyone standing nearby was blown away by accident, even Jun Qingran and Jun Yueye fell to the ground , the injury is not shallow.

Jun Qingran didn't expect Jun Haocang to be so angry that even she and Jun Yueye were affected, her pale face from the injury suddenly showed extreme shock, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Cang'er, you are really crazy. You are so fascinated by that woman that you have lost your mind, and you don't even know what you are doing! Please wake up, do you really want to see the dark area of ​​Yunlou for a woman?" Do you want to perish? Do you really want to see the people in the dark area of ​​Yunlou become subjugated slaves because of Su Moliang? Do you really want to see your sister die of grief for you?" Jun Qingran cried out in grief, with that shrill voice Let everyone be moved.

When Jun Haocang heard Jun Qingran's words, mist formed in his scarlet eyes, and his hoarse voice was choked with rare sobs, "Sister, how can you understand that Su Moliang is my life, She is dead, and I can't live! Seeing her hurt, I hurt more than her, seeing her sad, I feel sadder than her! How do you let me give up, how do you let go? Every word of yours, you treat Su Mo Every bit of Liang's injury is gouging out my heart and killing me!"

"Since I met her, I realized that I am also a human being, not the god in your mind. I also have sentience and feelings. This is the first time in my life. I want to live for myself and for Su Moliang. Live! I can live without everything, but I can't live without her!" Jun Haocang roared hoarsely, the roar reverberated in everyone's hearts, everyone was so shocked that they all turned pale and forgot to react.

Such a powerful, so strong, so ruthless, so cruel and cold-blooded person, at this moment, is overflowing with tears and his face is full of sorrow. What kind of deep feelings can make the indifferent and cruel Emperor Yunlou say these words?

(End of this chapter)

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