847--Chapter [-]
Everyone present was stunned by Jun Haocang's outburst of emotions.

Mu Qingluan on the ground was also shocked, her pale expression was stiff and ugly.

The Emperor Yunlou she knew was as cold as ice for ten thousand years, and he was dismissive of other people's wishes and dedication, and no one could cover his cold heart.

She let go of her dignity and identity, and she was even willing to give up the throne for him at the beginning, just to be with him, but in the end, he didn't even want to give him a look, and now he wants to kill her with his own hands because of other women.

Such a cruel man, such a ruthless man, became crazy for that woman at this moment.

She hated and was so jealous, how could that Su Moliang have such a deep and sincere affection from Emperor Yunlou.

She didn't do one thing less than Su Moliang, she didn't love one less than her, why!In the end is why!
Looking at that angry handsome face, looking at those ice blue eyes that collapsed in grief, Mu Qingluan knew for the first time that he would be in pain, sad, and emotional. He was not indifferent, but warm. That's all she is.

At this moment, Mu Qingluan seemed to be able to hear the sound of her heart breaking. The pain surpassed the injury just now, and she couldn't breathe due to the pain.

She knew that she had lost to Su Moliang, she had won identity, wealth, appearance, and strength, but she lost to Jun Haocang alone.

She lost completely, she lost embarrassingly.

Such a blow almost broke her whole body!

The eldest princess and King Xiangxiang have lived with Jun Haocang for so many years, and she has never seen him like this, and has never understood his anger and sadness so intuitively.

He has been a silent child since he was a child, his emotions and anger are not displayed, and he has a deep temper at a young age. Perhaps he has seen too many cold-blooded and ruthless things, and he has become cruel.

Now for a woman, such intense emotions erupted, it can be seen that Su Moliang is really in love.

Both Jun Qingran and Jun Yueye were overwhelmed by his runaway emotions, staring at him blankly, forgetting to react.

Jun Hao's ashen complexion was filled with rage, and a cold voice squeezed out from between his lips and teeth, with hatred, "Get out of the way, Mu Qingluan must die!"

Several envoys of Fengqi Kingdom saw that Jun Haocang was unwilling to let Mu Qingluan go even if he saw the affection of the eldest princess and King Xiangxiang. Qing Luan stepped forward, "Di Zun, you haven't found out the truth, you can't do this! This matter has nothing to do with the empress. Strictly speaking, the empress is also a victim."

Another envoy also nodded vigorously, and argued, "Di Zun, you can't indiscriminately pin the crime on the empress just because the imperial concubine is missing. At that time, there were huge crowds of people during the Lantern Festival, and the whole street was in chaos. We were scattered by the crowd not long after we left, and then lost news of the imperial concubine, this matter has nothing to do with the empress, you can't wrong a good person."

When Jun Qingran heard the words, he quickly echoed, "Cang'er, the matter has not been investigated clearly, don't jump to conclusions, you may have misunderstood the queen!"

This time, Jun Yueye also agreed with Jun Qingran's words, and nodded her head, "Cang'er, calm down, if you kill a good person by mistake, as the emperor, how will you convince the public and explain to the world?"

Hearing this, Jun Haocang glanced coldly at the faces of the envoys and Jun Qingran, his pupils were stern, and he gritted his teeth and growled, "This time, you'd better pray that Su Moliang is okay, otherwise I will ask all of you to give her Funeral!"

After the roar fell, Jun Haocang walked away with a flick of his sleeves, his black robe fluttering, and with murderous aura all over his body, he rushed towards the direction outside the palace.

In the dark night, the silence was gloomy, and at this time, a roar rose with the wind, like a thunderclap on the ground, resounding through the sky, "Hei Xiao, search for this deity, even if you turn the dark area of ​​Yunlou over, you must find Liang'er!"

Hei Xiao, who was hidden in the dark, also saw Emperor Zun so angry for the first time, trembling with fright from his terrifying aura, ran out immediately, clasped his fists and accepted the order, "Yes!"

He knew that if Su Moliang really couldn't be found this time, Emperor Zun would probably destroy Fengqi Kingdom!

Because of Su Moliang's disappearance, people in the city of the dark domain began to panic. Jun Haocang sent people to search every household, and no place was spared. It really seemed to turn the dark area of ​​Yunlou upside down.

And Su Moliang who was in Xiyu City was also racking his brains, thinking of various ways to escape.

Su Moliang, who has been in the secret room for two days, is being served by two maids. Food and daily life are not a problem, but no matter what she does, someone is watching her, so it is really difficult to do things.

Su Moliang looked at the two maidservants beside him, and asked curiously, "Why hasn't Mr. Moxuan come recently?"

The two maidservants did not notice Su Moliang's intentions, and answered honestly, "Mr. Moxuan has been out of the city recently and is not at the residence."

Su Moliang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and after pondering for a moment, he suddenly had a plan.

She suddenly clutched her chest in pain, and retched twice.

Seeing this, the two maids were taken aback, and asked nervously, "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

Su Moliang whispered weakly, "Maybe it's because the secret room is too stuffy. Now I feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, and my whole body is weak."

The two maidservants looked around and had to admit that the secret room was indeed too stuffy, there wasn't even a window for ventilation, no wonder it made people feel chest tight and short of breath.

Su Moliang frowned uncomfortably, and slowly got up, but she fell to the ground as soon as she stood up, and the two maids were so frightened that they hurried forward to help her up.

"Girl, are you okay, don't scare the slaves!"

Su Moliang was helped onto the bed by her two, and she moved her lips in a weak voice, "It's really stuffy in here, I was seriously injured before, and my body is already uncomfortable, I can't breathe fresh air, I'm afraid I will suffocate to death. "

The two maidservants were very embarrassed, "But, there are no windows here, so you have to be patient for a while."

Su Moliang looked around, and said weakly, "Can you let me walk around the garden, just a circle, to get some wind, it's really uncomfortable to be bored like this."

Hearing this, the two maidservants looked at each other, unable to make up their minds.

If you let her out without Mr. Mo Xuan's consent, they will definitely be punished.

"But Mr. Moxuan told you to take good care of you, slaves—— slaves can't do anything!" Both maids shook their heads in embarrassment.

Su Moliang negotiated persistently, "I'll just go out for a cup of tea, and I'll be back soon. Besides, a group of Houtianjun spiritual masters are guarding the City Lord's Mansion. I'm so weak now that I can't escape even if I want to." what!"

"But—but—" the maid frowned, still not at ease.

Seeing that they were still hesitating, Su Moliang couldn't help rubbing his forehead, and moaned in pain.

"Mr. Moxuan told you to take good care of me. If I fall ill and something goes wrong with my body, can you bear this responsibility?" Su Moliang asked weakly while rubbing his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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