Pinnacle player

Chapter 862

Chapter 862
The two sides held their own opinions and could not settle down, but Yun Xiaohan was noncommittal about this. In his opinion, it is still controversial whether it is cost-effective to exchange rare skills for network expansion, but it is definitely a loss for legendary skills to exchange network expansion, so it depends on the player Can you learn legendary skills? If you can learn it, you will probably not consider changing your connections. After all, relying on others is not as good as relying on yourself.

What's more important is that legendary skills are just a stepping stone. Although Yun Xiaohan has never contributed legendary skills, he has also met many hero-level NPCs, and even has a good relationship with a few of them.

For example, Napoleon was caught by Yun Xiaohan once, and Yun Xiaohan later recommended him to Liya. Napoleon can pretend not to know Yun Xiaohan when he meets Yun Xiaohan?Obviously impossible!
In fact, after Liya appointed Napoleon as the chief officer of the thousand-man army, although Liya was the one who reused Napoleon, Yun Xiaohan also had the merit of recommending him. The sensitivity has increased a bit, and it is only a short distance away from "familiarity". It is estimated that it will be able to reach "familiarity" with one more increase.

This is still "friendly" favorability does not seem to be very high, but Napoleon may be one of the best NPCs in "Choice", and it is even possible to remove "one" and his favorability will increase The difficulty is too great.

Yun Xiaohan reckoned that if other players offered a legendary skill to Napoleon, at most it would only change Napoleon's favorability towards him from neutral to first acquaintance, and it was still one level behind friendliness, but it was just a lot of favors , and a super strong character like Napoleon is probably very unlikely to adopt other people's suggestions. This kind of favor is probably not very useful, so it may not be better than Yun Xiaohan's current situation. It can be seen that blacksmithing requires hard work what.

Although others don't compete with Yun Xiaohan for [Fairy Dragon Skin], he can't offer a very low price, which would be too unethical, so Yun Xiaohan directly quoted a price of 135 gold, so that everyone in the team If you can get 7.5 gold, and Yun Xiaohan's own 7.5 gold is deducted, it will be a real price of 127.5 gold.It is more reliable to buy [Fairy Dragon Skin] at such a price. Although Yun Xiaohan still took advantage of it, his teammates were not at a disadvantage.

For Yun Xiaohan, it is worthwhile to spend twice or even twice as much money for this skill. Yun Xiaohan's current magic resistance still has a big gap compared to physical defense, but when he learns it [Fairy Dragon Skin] and [Space Barrier], his performance in magic resistance is no worse than physical defense.

After clearing the dungeon, Yun Xiaohan will continue to do the missions. The missions below level 48 in the Gloya City area have been completed, and Yun Xiaohan will go back and continue to do the missions in Xueman City.

However, there are not many tasks left in Snowman City. Even if he can only do tasks for about 2 hours a day during March and August, he can almost finish them in another 2 to 3 days. Continue to do tasks in other towns in the Snowman City area, or go to Ivas City to do tasks. Yun Xiaohan still prefers the latter. On the one hand, Ivas City is his own city, and on the other hand, there is a mercenary guild there.

Ivas City is different from the cities on the three islands of Sardinia, because it was originally an empire-controlled area, so it is open to all empire players. Other empire players can also register as mercenaries in the mercenary guild of Ivas City, but the science Players in the Viscountdom of Sijia have two privileges.

The first privilege is the priority to post and receive tasks.The quests that can be released in the mercenary guild are limited, and the quest list is refreshed every 1 hour. During this 1 hour, everyone can apply, but only a few can be released successfully. The Viscount of Corsica Tasks posted by players will be given priority.The same is true for receiving quests. If a quest limits the number of people who can accept it, then if many people apply at the same time, players from the Viscounty of Corsica will receive it first.

The second privilege is that the handling fee is halved. Other players need to pay a small amount of money to the guild when publishing and accepting tasks. As a reward for the services provided by the mercenary guild, players in the Viscounty of Corsica only need to pay half.

Because of the existence of these two privileges, players in the Viscounty of Corsica still take advantage of it, especially since the mercenary guild in Ivas City is only at the first level, and there are not many tasks that can be issued. Players can't compete with Corsican Viscounty players at all when issuing quests, and they will always see a "task distribution failed" prompt when the quest list is refreshed.

Fortunately, Ivas City is currently the main leveling city for players above level 40 in Snowman City. There are many players coming and going to Ivas City, and the missions are released and completed very quickly. Only players who are not Viscounts of Corsica can occasionally successfully release a mission .

At present, the main reason is that the level of the mercenary guild is too low, the level and number of missions that can be issued and accepted are too low, and the number of tasks is too low, resulting in low fee income, which greatly affects the income of the mercenary guild.

Speaking of which, many Snowman City players were very surprised that Ivas City suddenly became Yun Xiaohan's territory.Don't look at the low income of Ivas City, but that is mainly because there are too few profitable economic facilities or service facilities in Ivas City.

In terms of economic facilities, there are no pharmacies, food stores, forging shops, leather workshops, tailor shops, etc., and they rely on two hotels and taverns to support the table. The price of food consumables here is more than half that of Xueman City, and players are stupid to buy here.

In terms of service facilities, the blacksmith shop is actually very profitable. Because the ore is cheap, the repair cost in Ivas City is about 20% lower than the market price, and although the repair cost is not particularly high, it cannot support the large amount. Players can at least You have to repair it once, and if you die twice more, you have to repair it again, so you can make a lot of money every day.But at present, the blacksmith shop in Ivas City is only level 3, and can only repair equipment below level 40, but there are strange spots above level 40 near Ivas City, and no players below level 40 will come to Ivas City. There is no way around this, and the money can’t be earned even if you want to.

Therefore, the vast majority of players still habitually set Hearthstone in Snowman City, where they can buy consumables and repair equipment, and this is the result of the facilities not keeping up with the player's development speed.

In terms of accommodation, the hotel beds are just enough for the Viscount of Corsica players themselves, so Yun Xiaohan will naturally not open them to outsiders.

Because of the relationship between mithril and mica, the refinery is still closed to the public, neither foreign players nor foreign NPCs are allowed. This is directly prohibited by Liya and Balgruf, but other mines produced in the local mines can still be refined here , this part of the tax will also be paid to Yun Xiaohan normally.

The mining guild also doesn't make much money at the moment. Ivas City is mainly composed of combat players for leveling. Due to the inconvenient land transportation, there are not many merchant players who are not from the Viscount of Corsica. They are mainly merchant players, which is embarrassing.

The most important thing is that the mining guild here was not open to the outside world in order to cover up the silver mine. Therefore, there are very few snowman city merchants who know that the mining guild here can already use it, which further affects the mining guild. income.

But just like blacksmith shops and mercenary guilds, the benefits of mining guilds can be expected.Yun Xiaohan believes that with the increase of players traveling to and from Ivas City, Ivas City has great potential in terms of economic benefits, and this is the biggest reason why he was so eager to take down Ivas City .

(End of this chapter)

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