old dream

Chapter 143 1 Ori

Chapter 143 Eleven Thousand Ori

Asking Benedict's rate of income under ideal conditions is to approximate:

Is it possible to gather enough funds to buy a thousand pounds of redstone before the Lingsu tide comes.

Ji Li'an said that she will do everything possible to improve the cracking ceremony and reduce the amount of redstone to less than 40 pounds, but this still means that it will cost nearly [-] Ori.

The current date is October 631, [-] in the new calendar.

The revolution period of the sub-month is 34.42 days, and the cycle of the earth orbiting the female moon is 13.5 times of the revolution period of the sub-month.So there are actually 13.5 months and 464 days in a year.

In order to evenly divide the four seasons, the new calendar divides a year into 12 months, with 38 days in a normal month, but 43 days in June and December.

The Lingsu tide will come on the winter solstice this year, that is, on December 100, which is almost [-] days later.

If he can earn [-] Ori a day from next month, it seems that there is still plenty of time.But it is impossible for Ke Lin to spend all the money by himself, and the reinvestment needs funds again and again, and it will take time to get redstone.

What's more, the entry of [-] Ori is only an assumption under ideal conditions.

Therefore, Ke Lin must make the reality close to this ideal condition, so that it is possible to achieve the goal.



"Rye whiskey, fifty cases in total, 150 Ories each. Real Issini anisette, twenty cases, three hundred Ories each."

Colin wore a burn mask and let his body sink into the leather sofa.He slightly raised his head and looked at the person sitting opposite him, a wealthy businessman named Daniel, a tycoon in the ready-to-wear sales industry in Stade.

"Who are you and why do you know this place?"

But Daniel didn't seem interested in the proposal, and he cast a questioning look at Colin.After all, he only left for half a minute before this man with a burn mask appeared on his sofa.Daniel glanced at the window, this was the fifth floor of the office building.

"I'm Heinrich."

Colin said in a low voice:

"But it doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what I bring. In this season, only I can provide you with more than two thousand bottles of decent original wine at one time."

"What do I need so many contraband for?"

Daniel said with a half-smile as he approached his desk calmly.There was a small electrical device there, and at the push of a button the bell for the guardhouse would ring.

"Mr Daniel, you know why I'm talking to you about whiskey and anisette."

Colin said:
"Don't think about it again, do you really want to let the third person know about our transaction?"

The man who claimed to be Heinrich seemed to be talking in a nonsensical manner, but Daniel knew why he needed these contraband.

Stade is close to the cotton-producing areas of Senal and Otu, and has a lot of cheap labor, so it has become the textile center of the western part of Ankh.

Once a year, buyers from all over the league will come to this city with a blank check.

For Daniel, these people are the God of Wealth.So I kept inviting them to the best restaurants to eat and drink, and booked the best seats to invite them to watch performances.Daniel would do anything to get them happy signing orders and writing checks.Presenting women to male buyers and providing noodles to female buyers, there are now more male prostitutes in the clothing district all night than in the red light district.

However, what really makes these Gods of Wealth yearn for now, what can satisfy their fantasies about this sinful city?
Undoubtedly, contraband.

Especially the innocuous contraband, alcohol.

Ankh's life traditions were formed during the war years of scarcity, advocating moderation, and most people have no drinking habits.But now after the promulgation of alcohol prohibition, some people in the middle and upper classes have begun to be curious about alcohol in order to seek excitement.

"If anyone can give the buyer a box of real Assini ouzo, there is no need to worry about the clothes not being sold. Especially if you can also send a little to the managers who send buyers, then it should be more secure. "

Colin behind the mask said:
"I've recently started hearing about this kind of statement. I wonder what Mr. Daniel thinks?"

What do buyers really want now?Daniel knew it all too well.The fatheads are licking their fingers and asking around for a reliable private bar.Because the occasional violation of the ban can make these pig heads feel just the right amount of rebellious feelings and the sense of superiority of the privileged class, so they are eager to try one by one.

But the problem is that in Stade today, not even Daniel can get alcohol legally.

"Contraband trading, after all, will violate the alliance law..."

Daniel said hesitantly that he was an innocent businessman and actually didn't want to have anything to do with these things.

"Trading is illegal, but 'giving away' is not."

Confederate law prohibits the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, but makes no mention of other forms of gifting.

Colin corrected: "There will be no third person who will know the transaction between us, so in the whole process, you just gave those unknown liquids to the guests."

As Daniel's lawyer, he must be able to deal with this obviously exploitable loophole.

Daniel couldn't help thinking seriously. Considering the increasingly fierce competition among his peers, if he was the only one who could provide alcohol, he would undoubtedly win over more buyers.This is an order for most of the alliance for a whole year, and a little bit of twists and turns may involve a profit of 10,000+ Ori.

So Daniel quickly made up his mind and asked instead:
"How to ensure that your goods are clean and safe?"

"You get a warehouse ready and someone will ship the goods there tomorrow."

"After inspecting the goods, you should pay [-] Ori in cash. The remaining [-] Ori will be settled after everything is over." Colin said slowly:
"I guess you've probably heard of the bootlegger's style of doing things. We don't care about anything except money. If you want to have a safe next cooperation, you'd better not use any crooked brains."



Colin half-covered his face and left from the office building of Daniel Garment Company. Some employees were surprised by this and wondered when this person entered the boss's room.

Half an hour ago, Colin used the shuttle magic to lift his body and came directly to the office from the window on the fifth floor.

As for where he got the address from, the Seminary newspaper sometimes provides communication services for other companies and institutions. Colin used this to make a yellow page containing a large number of addresses, and Daniel's office was in it.

The average bootlegger would never have thought of linking the recent influx of clothing buyers to the Stade with filthy contraband.Because they live in two worlds completely, they will not appear in each other's field of vision.

Only a person like Colin who has lived in two worlds at the same time for a long time, and observed the operation of the city based on the promulgation of the Prohibition Law a few years ago, will discover such an inconspicuous but surprisingly profitable channel.

One shot is more than 1 Ori in return.What does ten thousand Ori mean?The total income of a middle class for nearly ten years.All the money will be invested in the expansion, but Colin has no real feeling for this number.

These days, Benedict has gradually shown more reliable abilities than imagined.Colin was going to hand over some tedious matters to him, but this was limited to the underground bar.

As for other channels, such as key guests and sources of bootleg wine, they must be firmly in their own hands.

But there is a limit to what one person can do. Just like this time, it was impossible for Colin to send the nearly [-] boxes of bootleg alcohol to the warehouse designated by Daniel by himself.So he needs a group of people who can really be trusted.Even, as appropriate, let them touch the true identity under the mask of Heinrich.

Ke Lin walked out of the office building without haste. He knew that there must be a pair of eyes staring at him on the fifth floor.After turning into a hidden corner, he took off his burn mask.

Ricardo had been waiting here for a long time, and began to polish his pistol again.Colin handed him the note in his hand:

"Send things to this address with Kanado tomorrow afternoon, and I will go there together."

Ricardo stared at the note for a while, nodded, and silently put it away.

With the identity of "Heinrich", it is impossible to find someone who can really be trusted.

After all, only time can give trust.

(End of this chapter)

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