old dream

Chapter 144

Chapter 144
Daniel designated a warehouse in the old city as the trading location.In the early morning of the next day, Colin met with Ricardo and Kanado.Since the warehouse casino, this is another cooperation between them in the past two months, but there is no gap between them, after all, they have been working together for five or six years.

Colin casually asked Kanado what he had been doing for the past two months.He replied dully, "Forging iron in a helper's shop." Although joining Chestalo in name, Colin's former partners still acted independently.

Ricardo has already explained the cause and effect to Canado, and Canado also knows that this matter may offend the Five Hands.But out of trust in Colin, he remained silent as always, and followed without asking any further questions.

Benedict had already placed the goods in the location designated by Colin. Together, the three of them loaded nearly a hundred cases of wine onto the four-wheeled carriage, and lowered the black cloth curtains to cover the interior.

At this time, there was no room for anyone in the carriage.So Ricardo climbed onto the roof of the car, while Colin and Canado sat on the driver's seat together, raised their whips, and drove the two horses towards the old city.


Half an hour later, they entered the old city. The narrow road was somewhat congested, and there was the piercing sound of copper air horns from time to time.Colin has noticed that in recent months, there have been more cars on the road here.

Unlike Lucca's shiny car, it is a luxury of publicity.The skins of these vehicles are all covered with a black paint.The paint is cheap and dries quickly, but the color is dull and makes the whole car look like it's covered in soot.

The newspapers in the first half of the year said that the design of the Redstone engine had been improved again, so the production cost of cheap cars was reduced to several hundred Ori, and it began to enter middle-class families.

Ke Lin didn't know whether assembly line production had already appeared in this world, but in any case, the appearance of this cheap car was enough to make 631 in the new calendar an important year in the industrial history of the alliance.

It is completely foreseeable that this automobile industry, which requires a large number of general-purpose parts, will grow into the largest industrial system in the alliance.

And the only factor that hinders the popularization of this kind of car may be the redstone control.

If redstone may have a status similar to that of oil in the previous life, is it possible that the alliance will consider opening up some civilian redstone?
Ke Lin's original plan was to contact redstone traders outside the alliance.But as long as it is within the sphere of influence of the alliance, redstone control exists to some extent, and it will still be difficult to obtain large quantities.

Now that these cheap models are appearing on the street, the demand for Redstone must be rising sharply.Who is supplying them?
Ke Lin began to think about the possibility of obtaining redstone through domestic channels.



Daniel didn't go to the warehouse in person, but the seven thousand Ori agreed was not less than a penny, all in cash.

After the carriage arrived, the seven people sent from the opposite side came to help unload the goods. No one spoke during the whole process. Colin and the person in charge on the opposite side kept staring at everyone.

A man split open several wooden boxes with an axe, took out a few bottles of anisette from the straw, and inspected the goods. From looking at the color to smelling the aroma, his technique was very professional. He should be a recently unemployed sommelier.He turned his head and nodded to the person in charge, who handed a leather bag to Colin.

Colin reached into the leather bag and fumbled twice, but did not count again.He turned around and boarded the carriage with Ricardo and Kanado.

The other party was very kind, and the whole transaction process took less than 3 minutes.After the carriage drove for a certain distance, Colin took off his mask and brought the shuttle demon, who had been staying four meters in the air, back to the hearth.He had been paying attention to the expressions of everyone just now, and confirmed that there were no supernatural beings among them.

A few days ago, Colin had been hesitant about whether to contact a business giant like Daniel.Because he doesn't know how the authorities will protect such capitalists, and whether the other party has the possibility of being involved with the extraordinary.

But after thinking about it, it is impossible for the authorities to have enough manpower to protect all the important figures in the alliance. At least a manager like Daniel is not qualified enough.

As for why no extraordinary person attacked him, on the one hand, his personal cash is also limited, and most of his wealth is other assets in his name.On the other hand, it should be intimidated by the authorities.

Without real-time protection, it does not mean that there is no follow-up investigation.

The use of witchcraft will inevitably leave traces, coupled with the existence of "fictitious temples", it is possible for the authorities to restrict the crimes of lower-level transcendents on a large scale. There may be fish that slip through the net, but it will not affect the overall situation.

Only on this basis can the modern industrial society be established.

Colin opened the overstuffed leather bag, and there were seven bundles of Ori stuffed inside, all in denominations of 10.Notes of this value are rarely in circulation, so most are pristine.On the front is the portrait of the first Mortal King.When he took office, dozens of gold coins minted by the major nobles were still in circulation in the market. After the currency reform he promoted, kaooli became the common currency throughout the alliance.

Colin counted out twenty of them, and Ricardo and Kanado will each be rewarded with one hundred Ori.This is what they deserve, after all, there are more things that need to be entrusted to these partners in the future.

Ricardo patted his face, trying to wake himself up.

In the past, he followed Colin through life and death, and spent a few days with his life only to get dozens of Ori.But this time the transaction took less than 3 minutes, and he directly obtained [-] Ori.

Not to mention that this is just the beginning, there are still thousands of Ori in that leather bag, and they will soon enter a new cycle, giving birth to more money at this speed...

"See clearly now." Colin said while counting.

He knew that no matter how much he explained to Ricardo before, the other party would still be dubious.No language is as intuitive as today's knowledge. Colin closed the lid, waved the heavy leather bag in his hand, and it whirred:

"It's called bootlegging, and now you know what it means."

The previous business would look like a child's joke.

Do everything as I say, and you will gain unimaginable wealth.



After distributing the rewards, Colin told them that there will be other work to be done soon in the next few days.There were seven of Ke Lin's past partners, and soon, each of them would gather a considerable amount of money.

"But there is one thing that is different from the previous petty fights. This time you have to keep the money yourself." Colin said.

He's always been the one who holds cash for everyone.In the past, everyone's property was only a thousand ores in total, but in the future, everyone may hold thousands of ores in their hands.

"Remember not to spend too much money at once, everything behaves the same as in the past, understand?"

Kanado silently accepted the ten Ori, Ricardo glanced at him and said:

"Just like when I was a child, I understand."

In the past when petty theft happened, most people were still living at their parents' house.If someone suddenly took out unexplainable money to buy something, he would inevitably be questioned, and if he didn't handle it well, the deeds of the remaining few people might be exposed in one go.

This kind of thing happened once. After that, several children agreed to hand over all their dirty money to Ke Lin for safekeeping. If anyone wanted to buy something, the small group would hold a meeting to discuss it.

The current situation has become similar to that then.Under the mutual guard of the five hands, most people's spirits are tense.If anyone suddenly becomes extravagant, it may arouse the suspicion of Marizio and others.

"It's impossible to put all the money in my hands now, so I'll give you the reward directly." Colin said.

The amount is already too large, not to mention that everyone is an adult.In case anyone has any doubts or grudges, it will hurt each other's trust.

"But I want you to treat it as if it doesn't exist after you get the money slowly. At least for two months, can it be done?"

Two months from now, the situation must be completely different.

The two partners made promises and put ten brand new Ori into their pockets.

(End of this chapter)

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