old dream

Chapter 182 The culmination of lights

Chapter 182 The culmination of lights

Colin stood up staggeringly, his vision still blurred by tears, but he struggled to look out of the dark window.

It is not known whether Hilpert turned off the lights before leaving, or the assailants cut off the power, and now Julio's residence is completely in darkness.

The mansion was only three stories high, with a mixed style of Nale and Anhe, wooden structure, and a bit of the shadow of the pioneering era.

Because it is for a large family to live together, there are many rooms.Under cover of darkness, the attackers were probably hunting for Julieo.Somewhat chillingly, none of the gunmen have yet fired.

These people came for Julio. When they were in Southstadt, there were already eyeliners staring at Capello.

And judging from the reactions of the gunner and Hilpert, there should be extraordinary people among those people.

Even, all of them.

"How long has it been?" Colin asked after a sigh of relief.

He was referring to the time when the invaders arrived.

"Half an hour." The lamp girl replied calmly:
"So far, none of the people who went in have come out."

And this means that she and Julieo have also been hiding here for half an hour.

Ke Lin glanced suspiciously at the replacement and transfer ceremony on his desk, and couldn't help but feel a little worried, after all, his starting coordinates were engraved on it.

"I'm not going to visit your position."

Hilpert obviously didn't look back, but he seemed to know what Colin was thinking:
"Because even if I want to deal with you in the future, I don't need to use this method at all."

It seems to be slighted.

But no matter whether what she said is true or not, there is no point in avoiding it now.Colin shook his head, leaned on the wall with difficulty to open the locker, and took out some well-preserved redstones from it.

Through the relationship of the arms dealer Schmidt, Colin was able to start buying redstone from gray channels other than Lucca, and he bought it by the pound.Of course, the total amount is not too large, because this part is only for daily use, so far the total is less than [-] pounds.

After the consumption just now, there are still nine pounds left.

But nine pounds of redstone piled up together already have quite a visual impact.When Colin opened the cabinet door, the uniform red light covered almost every corner of the small room, and even Hilpert, who was standing by the window, couldn't help but take a second look.

But it's just a glance.Lantern Girl seemed to be only wary of the flow of spirit essence, and after glancing at it with her almond-shaped eyes, she was no longer interested.

Ke Lin took out nine pounds of all the redstones, and activated the method of replacement and transfer on the table again.The foreign spirit element appeared in the consciousness out of thin air, slowly replenishing the previous consumption, and also produced a rough feeling of wear and tear somewhere in the heart.

"It's up to you to watch her later."

When Colin recovered a bit, Hilpert signaled him to protect Julie:
"I'm going to clean up the people who entered that house first."

Before the sound dissipated, Lantern Girl's toes had already touched the window railing, and the wind from the classical toga blew the gauze curtains into the air. Reminds me of something:

Lamp Girl Hilpert turned her head and said:
"Actually, there is another troublesome person on your roof. He is with the intruder. He may only be responsible for stalking, and he got here by accident."

"I may not be able to deal with this person quietly. If I make a noise, the people on the other side will notice it. So it's best not to pay attention to him until I come back."

"But if he discovered you first."

Hilpert's expression never changed much, and he seemed to smile frivolously:
"Then you don't need to worry about anything."

As if standing unsteadily in the night wind, Hilpert leaned forward and fell out of the window while still talking.

Don't worry about the people in the opposite mansion, I will naturally deal with them there.

Just let go and kill him.

Colin approached and looked out the window, but there was no one there.He couldn't help but look around, no matter the road downstairs or the mansion opposite the window, there was no movement, as if the Lantern Girl who was alive just now was just an illusion.

Or, she suddenly turned into a ghost.

Less than a minute later, the lights in the outermost room on the first floor of the opposite mansion suddenly turned on, as if the owner who had been away for a long time only opened the door to go home.

The gauze curtain in front of the window was still drawn, and the light coming through was dim and warm.

Then another window lit up, and this time there were bloodstains on the gauze curtain, but because they were all elegant and powerful spots, it was not unusual to say that it was a deliberate decoration left by the owner.

Still no sound.

In the mansion opposite, a peaceful killing is taking place.

There was a faint spiritual reaction, so slight that it was hard to believe that it was a battle.Hilpert was doing this, as if he was just doing some housework like dusting, a normal day-to-day.Not to mention an understatement, but it doesn't mean to be noisy at all.

What kind of strength does the lighting system have at the apex of Stade?
Colin forced himself to look away, because now was not the time to focus on that side.

There is another person on the roof.He glanced at the replacement ritual still running on the table, which at this moment became a hidden danger.

If it is activated, it will increase the possibility of being discovered, but if it is not activated, it will not be able to recover its combat power.

It may be a kind of trust that Hilpert didn't stop when he put in the redstone.Although she said that she belittled her partner, she still chose to restore her combat power rather than increase the risk.

In the nine pounds of red stone, the flow of spirit essence is becoming more and more turbulent, maybe it is only a matter of time before it is discovered here.

But if the one on the roof found himself and Julieo first, then this position is likely to become a battlefield.

In the case that the replenishment of the spirit essence is not completed, the replacement ceremony is disturbed, which may have fatal results.

So it should be a better choice to take the initiative from here.

The rooms of the mansion opposite the windows lit up slowly but inexorably, like an industrious old servant in the empty house patrolling, assiduously trying to light every lamp in order to inspect every corner .

If all the rooms on the first floor were lit up, it meant that Hilpert had killed more than half of the opponent, and blocked all the exits by himself, cutting off the intruder's route to Julieo.

While Colin was thinking this way, the first room on the second floor was also quietly lit up.

I'm afraid that the people on the roof here have also started to get anxious, and at the same time, the replacement ceremony on the table has been fully stimulated, and the flow of spiritual essence has reached a level that cannot be ignored.

The time has come.Colin lifted Julio's body and held it around his waist.

Because she can't be left here alone.

Colin stepped on the window sill, and the figure of the shuttle demon disappeared in a flash.The supercharged spiritual element, the power provided by the hearth along the crystal map in an instant, even surpassed his own imagination.

The efficiency of the overflow of spiritual essence is doubled, and the shuttle demon is attached to the joints of the crystal map, as if the physical body has its own power.

As Colin exerted strength, the stone window sill sank under the load.His vision blurred for a moment, and then his body was in mid-air.Because of too much force, he jumped too high. If it wasn't because of the vajra technique that was activated in advance, he might have fallen and seriously injured.

Or break a bone at the first step.

Then he saw the black figure on the roof, with only a pair of eyes gleaming coldly, staring at him firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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