old dream

Chapter 183 Advanced Application of Vajra Technique

Chapter 183 Advanced Application of Vajra Technique
The black shadow has been waiting on the roof, wondering about the situation of Julieo's mansion.

Something must have happened there, but it would be too peaceful to say someone was fighting.

Then, for unknown reasons, a faint spiritual response came from the house under his feet.A bad feeling flashed in his heart, and just as he turned his intention to perceive it, there was a sudden change in front of him.

A figure suddenly appeared in the mid-air to the side, and its movements were so fast that it didn't look like a human being at all.

The black shadow's eyes chased the figure, and when the opponent reached the highest point, he took half a step back slightly, ready to meet the enemy.

Colin's limbs had nowhere to rely on, and his body fell uncontrollably under the gravity. This was the gap where his defense was weakest.

Although it was an unexpected situation, Sombra did not intend to let go of this momentary opportunity at all.

The first face-to-face is a full blow.

The attackers had prepared ten rounds of "Blue Fang", and now he was going to use one of them.

The black shadow crushed the glass ball that was the trigger, and the moment the contents came into contact with the air, it began to emit light.A thick broken line suddenly connected him with Colin.The blue light illuminated a small piece of night sky, and then, the clear thunder seemed to come from the distant sky.


Lingsu brought out strong lightning during the transformation, and the material attack at the speed of light did not leave any room for the opponent to evade.

But before the black shadow pulled the trigger of the ritual, some biomass-like objects surged out in front of Colin crazily. He was in danger of floating in the air, and it was impossible for Colin not to respond.

The thick biomass formed by the shuttle monster was broken down by the strong voltage, more than half of it was vaporized, and the rest was instantly carbonized.But most of the energy of witchcraft is thus released, not enough to penetrate the air again.

Colin hugged Julieo and fell hard on the tiles, and the fragments flew horizontally. He was not seriously injured because of the vajra technique that had already been activated.

The crystal map provides more channels, and the unprecedented abundance of fuel also brings the vajra technique to a new level.

The black shadow on the roof was approaching further, and before Colin stood firm, he still had a chance to easily deal with his opponent.Focusing on Colin's position with intent, he has already crushed the second trigger.

The second shot of Blue Fang, and at this distance, the opponent will undoubtedly die.

The contents of the shattered glass ball were exposed to the air and began to glow within a second, but the pre-prepared ritual did not take effect.

Blue Fang's ineffective trigger, leaving only a comical cloud of smoke on the roof.

Soi Ying was startled, and his bad premonition grew stronger.

The rituals of the ten Blue Fangs have all been exhausted now.

This meant that in less than 2 minutes when the lights were turned on in the mansion, the other nine rounds were hastily consumed by others, and there was no disturbance at all.

What are they facing?
"The Ball Brotherhood?"

Colin's deep voice came from behind the smoke screen.The remaining mist suddenly surged, and something caused a strong air current.The black shadow subconsciously raised his hand to block it, but his body had already flew out amidst the sound of his hand bone breaking, collapsing the masonry chimney not far away.

Ke Lin waved away wisps of light and dust, feeling the power surging from the crystal map.

The spirit essence of the shuttle demon overlaps with its own limbs through countless joints, achieving a literal sense of control.

Compared with distractingly controlling the devil, this is a way of using power that is more in line with human instinct.

Zhu Liou has been placed in the pothole she fell out of just now, and she is always in her field of vision.

The hearth is operating with unprecedented efficiency.

Lingsu supercharged.

It was as if a soldering iron had been run over by countless sprawling crystal patterns, causing severe pain, but also accompanied by a strong pleasure that made people want to growl.

The black figure lay among the broken bricks, one of his eyes was covered with blood flowing from his head, and the remaining one was struggling to look at Colin's terrifying figure.

What a monster.

It's so crazy that it directly fills the body with strength.

He had landed on Chi Erxing several years ago, and he was already considered a powerful wizard in the underground world, but he never dared to adopt this method.

Because before defeating the enemy, those forces may destroy themselves first.

He tried to move, but most of the bones in his right hand were broken, which meant that many witchcraft rituals could no longer be performed.

If this continues, there is no chance of winning.

Every attacker involved in tonight's operation has a consciousness connected to the Sanctuary in the void, which allows them to transfer power with other members of the organization.

Soi Ying knew that the members who entered that mansion were facing a more terrifying enemy at this moment, and as a relatively powerful wizard, he shouldn't ask for too much at this time.

But he didn't have much choice.

The black shadow closed his eyes, and the connection with the sanctuary was quietly activated.The lives from other members are abundant, clean and docile like honey milk, they flow densely into the consciousness, much more powerful than expected.

But this made him feel a little heavy instead.

The apparently strong supply from the Sanctuary seems to indicate only one thing: the denominator is shrinking dramatically.

In other words, other connectors are now suffering heavy casualties.

The "Cang Lei Fang" in the public position has been exhausted. In my private collection, there are three types of witchcraft that can be cast with one hand without on-site auxiliary rituals. Unfortunately, they are all general-purpose witchcraft, and there is not much room for development .

But the power transmitted from the sanctuary is getting stronger and stronger, and now it has reached or even surpassed the female moon level.Normally speaking, Sombra's intention strength cannot control a power of this scale, but because of the transformation of the sanctuary, these spiritual elements are always docile and controllable, as well-behaved as a trained house sparrow.

Even if it's just general sorcery, it's enough to make a qualitative change after injecting female lunar fuel.

Ke Lin lowered his body like a wild beast, and destructive power continuously poured into the crystal map of his legs.

Lingsu supercharged.

Suddenly, large cracks appeared on the asphalt-coated tiles beneath him.

The figure seemed to be still in place, and it had already charged towards the pile of bricks and stones where the opponent was.

Almost at the same moment, Sombra smashed a ritual dagger into the tile with one hand, and a universal witchcraft beyond the scale of the female moon was activated instantly.

On the route of Ke Lin's advance, a huge figure appeared out of thin air.Under the swirling air waves, the three-meter-high steel rock golem had just condensed its mutilated head and upper body in the knot. The muscles arranged like iron fibers had not yet fully grown, but the arms had already slammed towards Colin's body.

But Colin still kept his eyes on the target, as if he didn't even turn his gaze.

The destructive power overflows the ether like a bank burst, and is constantly colliding with the crystal map.The body of a normal wizard might be destroyed in the first instant.

But because of the existence of diamond art, they are always suppressed in the crystal map as a foreign body, and keep running in an orderly manner.

Just like an important shackle of engine performance is the material.The overall affordability of the system sometimes determines the final output.And Vajra Technique may be equivalent to "Body Material Science".

The advanced application of diamond technique allowed Ke Lin to lay ultra-high voltage lines in his body. As a result, the effect of supercharging the spirit element began to show geometric growth.

The stronger the vajra technique, the higher the upper limit of the boost pressure, and the higher the density of the fuel injection, the qualitative change in the effect of the vajra technique can be made.

An infinitely multiplying loop.

The lower body of the steel rock puppet has not yet formed, but the stump-like giant fist has already waved to the eyes with a low whining sound.

Colin glanced at its ancient, statuesque head.

The already hot and overheated hearth seemed to be shaking, and the power density had reached the level of the female moon under the heavy pressure, but now it was about to jump further.

Lingsu exploded.

That is the output that can consume the Shuttle Demon and nine pounds of redstone in an instant, and now Colin has no idea about this kind of power.

Why did a defensive little witchcraft end up like this?
While he was thinking this way, his left leg stepped down suddenly, because now he needs a stable point of force.

The spirit element in the hearth is dropping sharply, but the pressure in the crystal map is still maintained.A piece of the roof below him collapsed in an instant, and with the help of this reaction force, Colin turned his body, and his right leg was shot out like a cannonball.

In an air explosion, the blade-like right leg cut into the golem's head.And the vajra technique in the blessing of infinite spiritual essence can only withstand this kind of collision for a moment. After the loud noise, the ceremony suddenly collapsed and exhausted.

And that ancient statue-like head absorbed all the potential energy as it shattered, smashing into the pile of bricks where the shadow was.

It's not so much a collapse as an explosion.

Colin barely stood still on the roof, and the presence of the Shuttle Demon could hardly be sensed in the hearth.

The dust and mist dissipated, and there was a big black hole in front of him.

After calming down, Colin looked towards the bottom of the cave with some anxiety.

Then saw the new basement of the home.

(End of this chapter)

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