old dream

Chapter 184

Chapter 184
This is the first time that Ke Lin combined the diamond technique with the crystal map, but the effect was completely unexpected.

The initial jump had already put him in a dangerous floating state, and after using the eruption of the spirit element, he never expected that the kinetic energy released in an instant would directly penetrate the three-story ancestral house to the end.

I thought it was an exaggeration to collapse a small piece of the roof.

Colin carefully looked into the deep hole. Judging from the proportions, it was probably the living room area that had not been used for a long time.

Hope uncle is okay.

The current Colin has no way to leave the roof alone, so it is impossible to confirm other damage.

The spiritual essence in the hearth was almost consumed, but there were still some residues in the crystal map.After losing the protection of the Vajra Technique, they are the residual heat left after the wound was burned, still slowly eroding the body.

In the depths of consciousness, some huge intentions that are difficult to detect even by oneself are completing an extremely delicate project-the crystal map continues to grow, until the rejection reaction is severe enough to kill the host, this kind of compensation won't stop.

He struggled to walk on the roof. The layers of tiles were covered with oily asphalt, and they were especially slippery after the light rain in the first half of the night.Colin walked along the cracks left by the battle, trying to keep himself from falling off the roof.

Returning to the small depression where Julio had been placed, he looked up at the mansion across the roof.

The originally pitch-black mansion has now lit up every window as if showing off.

"not bad."

Hilpert's voice suddenly sounded from behind, and Colin turned around.Under the scarlet brilliance of the female moon, Lantern Girl still held a thin sword in her hand, and the gorgeous gauntlet made of complicated and thin iron branches was as clean as ever, shining silver and white.

Hilpert raised his rapier, and Colin narrowed his eyes subconsciously.Lantern Girl was still looking at everything she had left on the opposite battlefield, and swiped her hand down casually. With the sound of a whip breaking through the air, all the blood stains on the sword were wiped off.

Suddenly there was a long, thin, straight bloodstain on the tiles of the roof.

Then, she put the sword back into the sheath at her waist.

The rapier is not light. The sword body with a diameter of two centimeters at the bottom is like a solid iron rod, with three-dimensional ridges and several sharp grooves on it. This structure makes it less likely to bend than ordinary blades. fold.

But in the swing of Lantern Girl just now, this thin sword seemed to be a thorn twig that a child broke off from the side of the road.

"The Capello family killed nine gunmen who came after Julio," she said:
"Counting the one you killed, there are three red stars, two red stars, and seven sub-months here tonight." Hilpert recalled the statistics lightly:

"It's a disaster for them to try their best and only get this kind of result."

"Isn't the opponent just now, Ezuki...?"

Ke Lin was a little confused, because only judging from the scale of Lingsu, the steel rock golem was also of the order of a female moon.

"It's just Chi Erxing, because these people still have the protection of the Sanctuary." Lantern Girl said:

"Unfortunately, their organization cut off the connection at the last moment, and they wisely abandoned this group of people. Otherwise, they could be destroyed together with their sanctuary this time."

What is the sanctuary?Some kind of remote support?

Colin silently memorized the unfamiliar term.

Judging from the overall combat power ratio, the combat intensity in Julio's mansion is at least twice that of this side.But the battle situation over there was calm, and Hilpert also obviously looked at ease.

Mr. One once planned to kill her together with him, and Colin suddenly felt grateful for this.

Fortunately, with the death of Aresio, this plan was finally aborted.

Because even if Mr. No. [-] thinks he has a chance of winning, or there is a special way to restrain the lamp girl in his hometown.But that is most likely at the cost of sacrificing the fangs.


Uncle Craigie was pretty annoyed now.

When the disaster happened, he was doing experiments in the basement. As a result, a wall collapsed in half with a loud noise, which made him almost think he was going to be buried alive on the spot.

By the time he took the redstone lamp to the living room to check the huge pit, the broken head of the puppet had evaporated and disappeared, so it was as if an explosion had occurred in the house out of thin air.

The only good thing is that his laboratory and related materials were not damaged, otherwise Colin would not know what he would face.

However, as the number of rainy days gradually increased, the mansion would become uninhabitable in a short period of time without a major repair to the hole in the roof.

Moreover, this address has been targeted by the Ball Brotherhood, and Colin plans to let his uncle go to other places to hide for a while.

The quicker the action, the better. It just so happened that he had already asked for a week off from the seminary, so the next morning, Colin started to help his uncle clean up his laboratory.

There are crates full of manuscripts of mathematical formulas, and redstones counted by pounds, which are used to guide and preserve the spirit element, and are also used for simple lighting.

Other than that, there are only a few crude and unused small devices left.Colin packed the dirty ones into the suitcase one by one, feeling like sorting out the old tools in a handicraft workshop.

Uncle is just an ordinary person, without the cooperation and assistance of an extraordinary person, and no detection methods such as "lantern" and differentiated flora, and he doesn't even have normal eyesight.Colin couldn't imagine how the current him continued to advance his research.

Virtual Life Sciences.

It is said that the spiritual essence that can be perceived by the extraordinary exists in the form of life.

Species differences among these tiny sprites determine the nature of the different spirit forms.Just like the countless single-celled algae in the ocean, it is these bottom-level spiritual life that supports the foundation of the entire virtual world's ecological cycle.

Only relying on the continuous division of divinity and the one-way eternal flow of power is far from being able to give birth to such a complicated world.

There is a saying that it is the infinite self-replication of life in the virtual world that makes the power constantly rot and peel off from the perfect overflow, backtrack, and finally rot halfway.

Like a monotonous rock eroded by life to form a complex organic soil.Between the originally clear ends of cause and effect, another bloated and ambiguous part emerged.The rules of the world are no longer stable and clear, and some reasons may never come to fruition again. This is the so-called virtual world.

Colin carried the suitcase and walked through the rubble. Craigie was sitting on the dilapidated and dusty sofa with a thick blindfold.He was rubbing the exposed parts of his limbs restlessly as the dim morning light was pouring down through the breach in the roof.

It's obviously just an eye disease, but recently it seems that illusions have begun to appear on the skin.

"Aren't you going to explain it?" Craigie said, referring to the explosion.

"I was fiddling with the ceremony in my room last night, and accidentally missed it." Colin said, and then added:
"It's related to cracking."

Colin didn't want his uncle to worry too much, and as long as he used this sentence, he could stuff those endless lectures back into his stomach.

After all, it is related to the life, death and whereabouts of his younger brother Lenz.As long as it is to break the ceremony, everything is allowed.

Craigie was blindfolded, but seemed to be looking at the messy living room.He knew that this was not true, but Colin didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more.Craigie has been here since midnight, no witchcraft I can recall to have this effect, probably something new in the last few years.He mused silently.

"...They were not born for destruction." Craigie said after a while, referring to the spirit element life:

"But the Anhe people who have no vision can only see this side of value forever."


Elena fled in a hurry in the wide drain.

She chose not to leave Stade, but the city seems to be searching for her.The other commissioners who assisted the teacher have all been arrested, and she cannot last long alone.

Thinking of the teacher's final fate, she couldn't help but burst into tears again.

...Lieutenant Heinrich!
The flow of water in the main sewers has been thickened by more rainfall, but the stench of decay has not abated.She has been living here like a mouse for days.I was still worried that in a few days, the waterline would overflow the aisle, and this last hiding place would disappear.

But these worries are superfluous, because she has already been discovered now.

While fleeing, Elena blamed herself and asked which link had revealed her whereabouts. She would go out to collect the necessary water and food for several days, but yet again inexplicably exposed clues.Just like not so long ago, her incompetence directly killed the teacher.

A light source appeared faintly ahead.The familiar milky white light is the response of "Lantern" to Lingsu.She stopped and turned her head in a panic, as the same light was approaching from behind.

Surrounded, the uninterrupted flow of spiritual elements from star magic became a burden she couldn't get rid of.

A figure appeared around the corner, Elena bit her lower lip, and pulled out the revolver in the leather holster around her waist.

The bullets made of Mieyin are also the "triggers" for some large-scale ceremonies, and there are still four rounds left.

But just as Elena raised the muzzle of the gun, one hand held the barrel of the revolver, and her thumb closed the muzzle.

"Are you Linus' student?"

Hoarse female voice, slightly jerky Anhe language.

If Elena pulled the trigger, the opponent's thumb might be shattered.But the ceremonial trigger would also fire inside the barrel, and then, too, die himself.

She looked at the other person's face, then froze.Black hair and black eyes belong to the characteristics of Yemin.They are extremely rare in the Principality, and even Elena always thought that the existence of the Night People was just a legend of rural superstition, but why did they appear here?
"Fortunately, you ran into a place I am familiar with, otherwise, it would be difficult to find you before them." The woman said jerkyly:
"I, it's Nancy." She held out a hand:

"The one who rescued you."

Seeing Elena's still unsure look, Nancy tilted her head and smiled:

"It turns out that the nobles in the holy province don't know me."

"Then, when I say 'Jackdaw Hunting Group', you must have heard it more or less."

(End of this chapter)

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