old dream

Chapter 185 The Old Rebellion

Chapter 185 The Old Rebellion
Uncle Craigie was moved to an abandoned secret warehouse.In the past, in order to block the line of sight, the windows here have already been nailed with wooden boards, which just saved the time for shading renovation.

Things were a little sudden, and no one could help.Ke Lin could only drive by himself, and then packed the secret warehouse by himself.

After finishing all this work, it was almost twelve o'clock at noon.

In the darkness, dim redstone lamps lit up.Craigie slowly untied the black cloth tied in front of his eyes, and blinked a little uncomfortablely. He looked at the new laboratory and two sets of temporary beds.

"Is there no place where the light is still leaking?"

Colin looked at the re-wrapped dense wooden boards:

"It's not well ventilated here, so you can't use the stove or anything. In the evening, I'll bring back some ready-made cooked food." He said:
"It may take another two days, but I will get a new address ready as soon as possible."

"It's nothing, it's fine here."

Craigie moved to the temporary experimental bench, and reached out to caress the old and broken instruments.It seems that as long as he can isolate light and provide an experimental environment, he has no requirements for life.

During this time, Colin became more and more busy. Although he lived in the same mansion, he and his uncle hadn't spoken for a long time, and they rarely even met each other.

Craigie put the most important suitcase on the table, which contained his messy manuscripts, and he sorted them out quietly.It seems that he didn't realize that Colin was too cautious and nervous along the way, and didn't know the danger he might be facing.

"The nearest Sindhili district may not be peaceful..."

So Colin started the conversation first and told the facts he learned from Marizio.In the coming wave, the people of the same family living in Stadt may encounter a catastrophe.


Craigie's movements paused for a moment, but he didn't make a clear statement.

"...This is not an unfounded guess."

Because I haven't waited for a long time for the next article, Colin tried to make some additions:

"There have been nearly [-] cases in recent nights, and the police detectives have been ignoring them. This is a bloody omen."

"This kind of thing has never been eliminated since the city was founded. It has always happened sporadically in this city." Craigie said:
"Don't talk about refugees, we were born here and we were not treated well."

"It's different, this time it will be more serious." Colin said:

"Ten years ago, there were no soldiers who were demobilized here, and there were not so many people unemployed. If it turned into a riot, many people would really die."

Colin tried to make his uncle realize the horror of the problem, but Craigie didn't seem to hear him, and continued to lay out his old manuscripts, some of which were badly yellowed, written before he left the seminary.

Perhaps they should have been the crown jewels of the academic world.But now it is piled up here like waste paper, worthless.

"Why did you tell me this?" Craigie closed the empty box:

"Don't you expect me to change anything?" He laughed at himself:
"A person who is already living in a coffin and can't even support himself?"

Colin's heart sank a little. He somewhat expected his uncle's negativity, but he still had a glimmer of hope.

You are a hero of the Sincilians.

You have a reputation and influence.If you say something, the Duke and the order will hear it.


Craigie shook his head:
"Do you really think they're a bunch of pure lambs, just blinded and ignorant of what's brewing in this city?"

Too immature.

"Try to think about it again," Craigie said.
"If they hadn't nodded their heads, who would dare to do such a thing in the Principality?"

The mood of the group may turn at any time. Today it may be directed at the Sincilians, and tomorrow it may be directed at the principality authorities.

So Danaro will not sit back and watch this kind of thing happen, unless...

It is they who are deliberately channeling the anger that has nowhere to vent, and have always grasped the direction of this spear.

Therefore, all responsibilities were pushed to the Sincilians.

"I've known that for a long time," said Colin irritably.

"In that case, what do you expect from me?"

"I thought you knew this and would still do it." Colin said, "Because if I were in your position, I wouldn't stop for this reason."

After all, the same blood bleeds.


Craigie slowly lowered his busy hand, as if he didn't know where to put it, and finally dropped it to his leg.He already looked very old, his long hair was thin and pale, and was reflected in a weak blood color under the halo of red stone.

"It's a pity it came too late."

Uncle suddenly said sadly:

"If this happened 15 years ago, or [-] years ago, maybe I could still do something, because I was Craigie D'Allozzo."

"But what am I now? Just a lunatic, freak. No one will listen to me."

And what's more deadly is that the xinxing is also different from that time.

Some past events convinced Craigie that the final price of a person never depends on how much he creates.

What you are worth is actually decided at the last moment when you can't resist.

He may have contributed a lot, but he is still worthless in some people's eyes.

"Stop explaining."

Colin interrupted him with some disgust, unwilling to continue talking like this.

"To be honest, I never pinned my hopes on you."

He walked towards the door, raising one of the two curtains that kept the light out, as he said:

"So whatever you choose, I'm going to do what's right now."

He turned his head and glanced at the darkened, bloody warehouse:

"And you, just wait here to rot."


Last night, Ricardo had already received the news that he was out of trouble, so today he met directly as agreed.

After taking over the familiar mask from Ricardo, less than two days have passed since the last parting.It turned out that everything went well, and no one noticed any abnormalities.This was originally expected, but now it made Ke Lin feel vigilant.

This means that for the Stade establishment, he is becoming replaceable.

The organization is mature enough and has no opponents in the entire old city.In other words, no matter who the leader is, this profiteering machine can continue to operate normally.

"Canado has left Stade now." Ricardo said:
"I personally sent him on the special train to the hinterland, and gave his family the corresponding alimony."

"Except for you and me, everyone thought he was executed. So the atmosphere in the group...is not very good." Ricardo said:
"One or two people came to me in private and said that they were afraid and wanted to quit, and they kept promising that they would never tell the secret..."

Now, they want to quit.

This is not only because of the same partner who grew up together, Kanado was "executed" in front of them.It is also because even Colin was taken away by Marizio to confront him, but Luca did not protect him.

With the imagination of the gangsters, no one could have predicted the current situation.Now, they finally began to understand how huge interests were involved in this transportation line.The steady stream of bootlegging has attracted the attention of the Church, the Ninth Branch and even Danalo.Those behemoths hiding behind the lead cloud are constantly biting and smashing for this bloody profit.

Not to mention the shadows of horrible witchcraft and devil worship that are looming in the inexplicable rumors.

Colin didn't warn them in advance, or they took those warnings as a joke. Before these pawns came back to their senses, they found themselves deeply plunged into this whirlpool.

They were rightfully terrified and wanted to get away.

"... Who is there?" Colin asked after silence.

Ricardo said a few names.

Colin wanted to say to send some people to follow them, but found that no one was available.Neither Capello, the Agency or Chestalo will work.Apart from them, I have no other people I can trust.

Seemingly aware of Colin's hesitation, Ricardo said:
"The battle with those wizards is over, and now I have some time."

"'Lieutenant' is very dangerous now. If you agree, I can continue to be a stand-in to help you block bullets on certain occasions."

"There is also the problem of the underwater route." Ricardo said: "...The partners still trust me, otherwise they wouldn't talk to me. So I can continue to watch them for you."

The only eye behind.

Colin stared at Ricardo:
"If those people keep refusing to listen, and plan to leave while saying that they will never leak the secret, what will you do?"

The conversation between the two suddenly fell silent for a while, but it didn't last long.

After experiencing these days, Ricardo's heart has also hardened, and he understands that many times there is no choice at all.

He raised his head slowly, with a painful expression on his face, but said firmly:

"...Then we can only kill them."

(End of this chapter)

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