old dream

Chapter 194 Paranoia, death penalty

Chapter 194 Paranoia, death penalty

Leon was the first person to follow the lieutenant, and even among the first batch of candidates, he was the one most trusted by the lieutenant.

He touched almost everything in the establishment, from transporting cash to bank deposit boxes, overseeing the speakeasy run by outsiders, and distributing whiskey to newsboys and milkmen.

So apart from Colin, he is the person who is most familiar with the Stade institution.Even compared to top designers like Ke Lin, Leon has a deeper understanding of the team.Because he and his military colleagues not only get along at work, but also often party and drink together in private.They have the same past, the same state of mind.

Colin has never been vigilant enough to Leon, not even after discovering the existence of the Ball Brotherhood.Because Leon was not as cynical as the others, and although somewhat disappointed with the authorities, never showed any tendency to hate or attack the Sincilians.

This is not a pretense, he really recognized the truth.The fact that the veterans are in this situation does not lie with the Sincilians but with the authorities.

Compared with those muddle-headed comrades-in-arms, Leon is indeed calmer and smarter. He is really an ideal assistant.

If he wasn't Bohr's younger brother.

"When did you resume contact with Bohr?"

Leon lowered his head, his limbs were firmly bound.Ke Lin held a blood-stained iron tongs in his right hand, and asked in a cold tone.

Borrowing the power of the Caruso family, Colin set out to clean up the organization and extract information from the traitor's corpse.Perhaps, those people should be called fools rather than traitors, because when they do certain things, they may really feel that they are helping the lieutenant, so that they will be used to death without knowing why.

As a result, Colin got an unexpected piece of news from their corpses.

Leon, formerly known as Leon Ball, did not have the potential to become a superhuman himself, but he was one of the leaders of the Ball Brotherhood in the past.After the outbreak of the Senalese War, he had a disagreement with Bohr because of his waywardness, and then left the organization and changed his name.

"Three weeks ago, he was the one who found me again... We haven't seen each other for 17 years."

Leon endured the pain and said with difficulty:

"This time, I can't refuse him again."

The condition reached between Leon and Ball was that after the death of the lieutenant, Ball would hand over the Stade Agency to him.

In fact, Leon does not approve of the actions of the Brotherhood, nor is he greedy for status and power.He will accept cooperation only because of guilt about the past.

17 years ago, because of his leaving without saying goodbye, many members of the organization sacrificed needlessly.

But no matter how helpless the reason is, the result is the same.Through the holes in the mask, Colin looked at Leon who was kneeling on the ground, and murderous intent began to surge in his sight.

This is a long-abandoned residence, a meeting place for the Ball Brothers.

Members of the fraternity will draw secret signs on the road or corners to invite them.And now Colin forces Leon to use his special code to ask Boll out alone.

Or rather, coercion here.

"It doesn't matter if you want to kill me or Boll." Leon still knelt on the ground: "People like us deserve to die."

"But in my current residence, there is another..."

Leon raised the volume unconsciously, but only halfway through, he was interrupted by a voice from outside the window.
"Oh, poor Leon."

It was a male voice in his twilight years, but it was full of breath, like a roar rolling from a lion's throat:
"I saw the mark. Troubleshooter, when can I have a good rest?"

Colin turned his head to look, and found that the wooden boards that originally blocked the air leaking panes were gone.An old and strong man was leaning on the window sill with his hands crossed and looking at them.

He was only wearing a worn thin cotton robe, and he looked like a general wearing a bearskin coat.


At this moment, he who was standing outside the window also saw Colin.

"Oh... Lieutenant Heinrich?"

At this time, Pohl's expression was obviously a little surprised.Because according to the news from the Ninth Bureau, the lieutenant should have been dealt with by now.

The winning ticket is in his hands, so he will come to the appointment alone without hesitation.

Is there something wrong with that woman?

But it doesn't matter, since the matter has come to this point, in fact, the life and death of anyone here is irrelevant.

"Lieutenant, maybe you don't know what happened in the old city just now, so let me tell you a piece of news." Pole said:

"It is said: 'The savior-like Heinrich died, and he died at the hands of the Sincilians.' But I didn't expect you to appear here again, so this is probably a rumor."

Colin's heart sank, he and Marizio were still one step too late after all.

"But rumour, or not, it's spread," Ball said:

"Now tens of thousands of people have heard of your death, and they are excitedly rushing to the Sindhili District to avenge you." Boer said leisurely and jokingly:
"You always like to favor those bugs, so I guess you must be in a ridiculous mood now."

"So, can you share it with me?"

I don't know what's going on with Ricardo, Colin thought to himself.

The moment he saw Pole, Colin had already drawn his gun.But instead of pointing at Bohr, he pointed at Leon who was kneeling in front of him.

"Go and make them stop," said Colin in vain:
"Or I'll shoot him right away."

But after hearing Colin's threat, the old man outside the window didn't respond, just watching them as if watching a good show.

"Huh? What are you waiting for?" After a while, there was no movement, and Pohl asked as if unexpectedly:

"Why don't you do it?"

Colin stared into Pole's eyes, still not pulling the trigger.Ball added:

"Actually, for us, there is no one who cannot be sacrificed."

"...But if he dies, no one can take over the Stade Institute." Colin said: "If you can't make a profit, the people in the ninth bureau will destroy you with their own hands."

"But so what?"

Pol shook his head and said:
"Actually, let me tell you a secret..."

The deformed laughter began to leak out uncontrollably:

"Actually... I haven't thought about what will happen after this riot is over."

All the gestures of long-term planning are just to paralyze others.The old man showed a calm and terrifying smile:

"Since the goal has been achieved, what will happen next, and what does it have to do with me? Huh?"

So what if the agreement with the senior management of the Ninth Bureau cannot be reached?
So what if the Brotherhood would be destroyed because of it?
Even if it turns out that the lieutenant's death was just a rumor and the whole massacre was a farce.Will those bugs come back to life?

Leon looked at his brother in disbelief.He originally thought that Bo Er was much gentler and calmer than before, but he didn't expect that it was just a disguise to persuade others.

As he grows older, this person has not been worn out at all, but has become more and more paranoid.

A real madman.

Seeing Boer's incomparably weird expression, Colin only had this thought in his mind.

In front of this kind of lunatic, all the common sense of playing games with others will be invalid.

"Ah, that's right." Pohl said as if he suddenly remembered something:

"I don't know what happened in the ninth game, but in the past few days, I can't let you go out and show your face."

There must be no mistakes until the riots ferment to a certain scale, so you must be dealt with here.

No action was seen from Bohr, but Colin found an inexplicable oppression coming.

The air pressure in the dilapidated mansion seemed to be rising sharply, making ears hum.Something huge slowly squeezed into the window, it has no form, and it has an aura similar to that of a shuttle demon.

The high-density spiritual element is flowing down from Bohr's ether, and Colin saw that the emerald green flame flashed away.

That's the hearth in action.


Goldie screwed the shower valve back and forth, the brass threads creaking in friction.

After the shower stopped, the bathroom became extremely quiet, except for the occasional sound of one or two drops of water.

The bathtub beside him was already filled with blood red wine.Why did the lovely strawberries turn into such a color after they rotted and fermented?It's like, like someone just got beaten to a pulp here.

A whole tank of strawberry sparkling wine is fizzing silently.The water vapor after bathing is so thick that people can't see clearly what is in front of them.The luscious smell they volatilized in the high temperature made Goldie dizzy.In a daze, she stretched out her finger and swiped across the surface of the squirming foam, dipping some.The brain pondered for a while without any results, and then she instinctively sent it directly to her lips.

Lieutenant, lieutenant...

She squinted her eyes, and while licking the liquid left on her fingers, she was thinking wildly.

I never expected that you would lose to something so ridiculous.

In fact, just relying on the notebook provided by Ball to Goldie is not enough to make her and the people behind her completely abandon Lieutenant Heinrich.

Because the lieutenant also holds the bootleg liquor transportation line to overseas.

Many people are rumoring that in a month or two, the local moonshine wine will be on the market. By then, the lieutenant's advantage in supply may disappear.

But this is just a lie that laymen take for granted.

In the territory of the alliance with no wine-making culture, even if the slums and rural workshops can produce some low-quality wine, they cannot be compared with the works of those ancient wineries overseas.

It is said that there has been a considerable drinking craze among Danalo's noble circles.It is foreseeable that the profits that those names can bring will be much richer than those low-quality private wines that anyone can make.

So for the ninth inning, the lieutenant was still irreplaceable.

That's right, "would have been" could not have been replaced without this absurd sorcery that "turns water into wine".

The so-called "wine stone" that appeared in some remote myths is said to be able to achieve the miracle of turning some water into wine.The colleagues in the sub-bureau had just tried it out with the idea of ​​playing around, but it turned out to be miraculously successful.

But this witchcraft has certain flaws.Maybe it's due to the certain requirements on the physique of the caster. So far, only Goldie has been able to turn water into wine.

Soak the "tartar stone" in clear water to turn the clear water into fine wine.

And the current self is an "artificial tartar".

Thinking about it, she couldn't help laughing out loud, what an outrageous thing this is.

If the lieutenant was really defeated because of this kind of playfulness, wouldn't everyone in the entire Principality want to...

Goldie blushed and wrapped herself in a toga and walked out of the bathroom.

On the floor of the bedroom, the "Lieutenant" was tightly tied to three rings. Judging from the frequency of his breathing, he had woken up, but he didn't say a word.

Goldie sat on the rug on the ground beside him.

This room was only on the second floor, with a tulle-like curtain drawn over the window.

She filled her slender glass jug with strawberry wine, stared at the sky light coming through from the back of the curtain, and was dazed for a while.

"Hey, did you hear the voice outside?"

She slowly leaned down, approached the lieutenant and asked.

On the street outside the window, there seemed to be some chaotic voices coming from afar.Someone is yelling, someone is screaming.

There were also some puff puffs, gunshots like bursting bubbles in a wine glass.

"Listen, it's rare that those people are celebrating our cause." Goldie said.

What the hell am I talking about.

Maybe when facing a dying person, he will gradually become unscrupulous in speaking.

Since waking up today, I have been in a trance.Even when the lieutenant was attacked in public, her mind was still dizzy, because she couldn't help but imagine the upcoming scene.

"Where did all the previous prestige go? Well, why didn't you talk?"

Goldie smiled playfully.Because she found that the current lieutenant is just like a kitten.The sharp contrast with before made her very happy physically and mentally.

But something still seems to be missing.She sat on the carpet, while slowly sipping the scarlet and sweet wine, trying hard to remember.

Oh... so I forgot the business.

Goldie stood up and wandered the room thoughtfully, searching here and there.Half an hour later, she found some cloth, nails and rope.

Slowly execute the lieutenant by himself.Goldie fought hard to get this thing.She felt that this was what she deserved, a reward after working hard for half a month.

"Okay, let's get started." She said a little helplessly.

Under the mask, Ricardo couldn't quite understand what this drunk woman was talking to herself.

The only thing that is certain is that these people are hostile to Colin.

He has already fallen into the enemy's hands, and the only thing he can do is to hold on a little longer and delay time.

Ricardo had endured several months of lynching in prison, humiliation and torture were nothing.

But facing the current weird situation, he was still a little flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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