old dream

Chapter 195 Invading the Sanctuary

Chapter 195 Invading the Sanctuary
Consciousness was preyed upon by some devil, no, it was more like being swallowed up by the tide.

The wooden frames of the window panes had been decayed for a long time, and when Pohl's arm pressed down, the wooden piles supporting the wall were overwhelmed, and the bricks and stones collapsed to the side with a crackling sound.

The frequency of Colin's consciousness shifted significantly, and this mental turmoil was quickly reflected in the vision. The light in a small space in front of him was distorted and deformed like a non-Euclidean geometry, and the pollution visible to the naked eye was spreading like a wave.

Colin subconsciously took half a step back to avoid these illusions. He raised his hand to "return to zero", but found that this simple method of returning to zero could no longer offset such a large deviation in the frequency of consciousness.

At this moment, except for Leon who was kneeling on the ground, everyone in the abandoned house was dragged into the abnormal frequency.

The reason why Leon was able to survive was only because of his slow spiritual perception.

This frequency is exactly the hell in District 36 of Urju that Colin is familiar with.

But this place is no longer the familiar Chi Er Xingtian that he had visited before. This time, they dived deep into the female moon sky, which is already the depths of the virtual world that Colin has never touched.

The world above the second curtain.

It was as if the creatures on land were suddenly dragged into the deep sea, and the danger here was not only the monsters lurking in the dark.Because the high-density spiritual essence stagnant at this depth alone is enough to directly crush the spirit of ordinary people.

Under the tremendous pressure, Ke Lin's heart shell was covered with unprecedented cracks in an instant, and the abundance of life that was divided like mist was continuously lost from these cracks into the virtual world.

They have completely disappeared from reality and Colin's heart, and have become bait drifting in the nothingness of Yi Yuetian.

The conscious mind in the shell collapsed violently under the pressure of the spirit element. In Ke Lin's imaging, its "volume" was shrinking continuously, like an orange that was about to be squashed and squeezed dry.But while the abundance of life was being drained outward, part of it was also forced into the depths of Ke Lin.

Therefore, the hearth in his deep consciousness also gained thrust and began to operate automatically. As the density of spiritual elements climbed to Chi Erxing, the internal and external pressure difference was pulled back to a safe range little by little.

As the collapse of consciousness stopped, Colin seemed to break free from the frozen picture suddenly. Although he was a little unsteady, he had already regained control of his body.He stared at Pohl's eyes that were no longer human, panting violently.


Pol seemed a little surprised.Because in his prediction, as long as Colin is not proficient in frequency manipulation and can't escape the predation, then the moment his spirit is brought into the female moon sky, he should be crushed directly.

The female moon symbolizes the second curtain, and the female moon wizard is called the extraordinary of the extraordinary.

Because of the terrifying spiritual pressure that exists above the female moon, the pure "predation" ability of this level of devil is enough to become a lore that crushes the opponent's consciousness.

And if the consciousness is under heavy pressure, the hearth in it will naturally not be spared.

Bohr has already sensed the hearth running in the opponent's body. I am afraid that this imposter obtained the "Wedding Ring" from the real "Heinrich".

What made him a little curious was, how did the lieutenant's hearth survive the collapse of consciousness?
At the same time, Ball also immediately thought that if the "Lieutenant" was a student of the mysteries of the wedding ring, that is to say.

During the heavy-loss attack a few days ago, the enemy other than Lantern Girl was...

"I didn't expect you to be willing to degenerate to protect those bugs?"

Ball said in disbelief that the Brotherhood had lost more than a dozen members because of the folly of the other party.This counterfeit protects outsiders with all his heart, but kills his own people.

Thinking of this, he became even more furious.

"Ah, now I've changed my mind."

The old lion said angrily, and the spirit element in the hearth began to pressurize:
"I have to scrape off your flesh and blood with my own hands, and take it back as a sacrifice to them."

While saying this sentence in anger, Bohr felt a little strange.

Lieutenant Heinrich was able to reach a cooperation with the lamp girl of Cincily...

The two are too far apart in terms of impressions and interests, so Bohr never conceived in such an absurd direction.

Didn't expect it to become a reality.

And what does this blind spot of thinking mean for the current status quo?


Colin was in great distress, for he had fallen into a messy and harmful hallucination.

Even if "return to zero" is used at this time, the consciousness can no longer escape from the abnormal frequency.

Therefore, "that thing" that could not be noticed by primitive perception, just appeared in front of my eyes.

Demons create false images to deceive the inhabitants of the material plane, which are often associated with certain animals.The one in front of him has the appearance of a black dog, and its thick lower body is tightly wrapped around Bohr like a snake, or in terms of its size, it is holding Bohr.The snake's body is covered with brown fluff, and its two swollen outer kidneys are like purple-red pomelo.

In fact, it is impossible to judge its size, because the sense of distance is not clear.This rough phantom has a strong sense of incongruity with the surrounding light and shadow, just like another layer of image superimposed on an improperly developed poor-quality photo.It seems to be far away, but it may be close at hand.

Colin tried to image it, get rid of the illusion, and spy on its true appearance.But the depths of his consciousness also felt a tingling pain, just like when he peeped at the Shuttle Demon with the spirit of an ordinary person.

Bohr completely ignored Colin's actions, because even if Colin completed the imaging, the current situation could not be changed.He stretched out his arm and gave an order to the high-ranking devil who had long surrendered to him.

"Boiling blasphemous fire."

His rich old voice said:
"Let it all be yours."

The faint red flames rise up like wisps of mist.It quickly became thinner in the air, diffused as if tumbling bubbles, and the boards and bricks touched by it disappeared without a sound, as if they had never existed.

Colin stepped back slowly, and the floor disappeared inch by inch in front of him, and the ground below also appeared potholes out of thin air.Compared with that devil, the Shuttle Demon's ability is completely beyond the table, they are not at the same level at all.

The wall was just behind, and soon there was no going back.

In this completely unequal duel, Colin didn't seem to have any reason to win.

But if that's the case - he wouldn't have initiated the attack.

Pohl's blind spot in thinking has been exploited by Colin, and it will eventually have fatal consequences.

Because he and Colin were definitely not the only ones who were dragged into the abnormal frequency by high-level devils.

There is also the lamp girl, Hilpert, who has been hidden in the cobwebs on the beam of the house.

A silver light suddenly appeared from the darkness, and Pohl raised his head consciously.The Lantern Girl had fallen like a falcon, and the sharp blade of the rapier in her hand was moving and rubbing against the air at high speed, and the tremor made a buzzing sound like a tuning fork.

When Bohr sensed the attack coming from above, the point of the sword was already attached to his pupil.Tiny drops of blood oozed from the cornea, and a few centimeters further, the tip of the sword could pierce his brain.

But at this moment, the rapier was gripped by an iron fist that appeared out of thin air.

Grasping the momentary gap, Bohr took a step to the side, his movements were so vigorous and swift that he didn't look like an old man at all, and he covered his bleeding right eye.Then, the "boiling blasphemous flames" scattered in all directions began to retract, and they rolled fiercely, rushing towards Hilpert who was staying in mid-air.

That iron wrist has the texture of a creature, an instant product of materialization.But compared to Ke Lin's out-of-the-ordinary creations, it seems to be a handicraft taken from a precise drawing.

"Well... so what if there is one more lamp girl." Pohl said:

"When I was in Nale, I wasn't a lamp girl who hadn't slaughtered her prime."

Besides, you are just a defective product.

Deng Nu turned the sword in her hand with her wrist, smashing that wrist with just the ridges on the sword body.But the weak gravity dragged her down, and Hilpert couldn't leave the air immediately, and the red mist of fire had already enveloped her body.

But, that's what she and Colin were going for in the first place.

Turning the tip of the sword, it pierced fiercely towards the blasphemous fire, but of course the purpose was not to pierce the flame.Only then did Pohl realize something, but it was too late.

The power of the devil is used in the imaginary world, the process of material formation is missing, and the connection of spiritual elements is exposed.

Pohl immediately wanted to sever the connection between consciousness and the flame, but it was too late.


A large number of spiritual elements with different structures were chiseled and annihilated in an instant, and there was a strange sound like gold and iron colliding.

Something happens and ends in a split second.

All those red flames suddenly disappeared.

Bohr's eyes lost their spirit in the same second, his legs went limp, and his knees hit the ground heavily.

"Peng—" With a muffled sound, Hilpert's body also fell straight from the air, and fell to the ground without buffer, her almond-like eyes were still slightly opened.

And in Ke Lin's eyes, the illusion of the devil with the upper body of the black dog also disappeared.

Because at that moment, Hilpert's consciousness had been connected along the spirit element, and invaded into the "sanctuary" set up by the Boer Brotherhood in the imaginary world.

After the previous confrontation, Hilpert has determined that the Sanctuary of the Brotherhood was built on the frequency of a certain devil, the female moon sky layer of Hell in District 36.

So when Bohr drives the devil to prey, she is also welcomed into the vicinity of the sanctuary.

If he knew that he was facing the Lantern Girl, Bohr would never do such a reckless act.

The battle in the sanctuary has not yet been decided.

Colin looked at the floor that had largely disappeared. Because of the mental stress at the beginning, the revolver fell out of his hand. Although it had not been burned by the blasphemous fire, it was too far away from him.

He shook his head and didn't choose a pistol. While walking around with difficulty, he took out the pheromone and squeezed a drop into his eyes.Then he pulled out the dagger on his lower back, intending to attack in a more direct way.

Pol knelt in the middle of the hall, head bowed, and Leon fell beside him.

Colin walked towards him, and the arm holding the dagger began to accumulate energy.

But at this moment, Boer suddenly showed a grin on his face, and opened his eyes again.


Near the small square of Dino Sokovi, the largest settlement of the Sincilians in the Old City.

It is now under siege.

Residents have placed simple barricades in roads and alleys.But the dense crowds of people are still cruising around here like a swarm of bees.

Thousands of people crowded into such originally narrow streets and squares, and there were no gaps to be found.

They're not all unemployed soldiers.There are also many peripheral personnel who have worked for the lieutenant in the Stade organization.The barkeeps, the milkmen, the newsboys and their families.These were all under the lieutenant's favor, though some of them might have been too confused a day before to distinguish the Sincilians from the natives of the Confederacy.But after being incited again and again by others, they also flooded into the street.

A larger group of rioters has already marched towards South Stadt.Most of the people gathered here were shouting: "Hand over the murderer!" and "Go back to your own country!"

Someone is shooting into the sky.Many more hurled rocks and bricks.Now most of the windows and shop windows along the street have been smashed.


Another large rock was thrown into the room, leaving a dent in the painted wall.

This place is four stories high. Judging from the strength of this stone, someone should have thrown it up with a sling.If it hits anyone, it is enough to smash his skull.

Julio stood by the broken window and looked at the street. The flying stones and even the bullets in front of her didn't frighten her.

But looking at the angry crowd, she felt terrified from the bottom of her heart.

It is obvious that the people here are the most innocent and weak, and they started to resist every time they were forced to go nowhere, but now they are accused of being the source of evil, as if without them, Stadt would suddenly become a pure land on earth Same.

When she was still young, she came into contact with many pamphlet writers, exiles of the upper class and absurd artists because of her painting. These experiences made her deviant, coupled with Alessio's indoctrination, she became too idealistic and naive. , Sometimes it's like a child playing with the world.

Today's alliances are undoubtedly deformed, but back then she knew nothing but accusations and unrealistic talk.It wasn't until recently that Julio lost her innocence and stretched out her hands to accept the existence of the dark side, whether it was the criminal Capello family or bootleggers like Colin.She is no longer angry, and even mustered up the courage to join forces with evil, but she did not join forces with evil, but tried her best to lead things to the good side in cooperation.

Julie Ou thought that she had found the secret to get along with evil.

But today, when she faced this kind of monstrous hatred for no reason, it couldn't be judged by good or evil at all, and it was a problem that had accumulated for decades and could not be resolved.She suddenly discovered her own insignificance and deep powerlessness again.

Perhaps the Principality of Edmund, or even the entire Anher Alliance, is the real evil party in this world.

At this time, Julie could not help but think of the quiet and wise Lantern Girl. After getting along day and night these days, Julie has subconsciously regarded her as a powerful and beautiful sister.

"Delia" is a special name given to herself by Lantern Girl.It is said that out of selfishness, she specially picked a favorite female name.

Sister Delia.she thinks.

What would have happened if Patriarch Valeria was still alive?

(End of this chapter)

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