old dream

Chapter 227 Night Fog Boat Bell

Chapter 227 Night Fog Boat Bell

Colin looked thoughtfully towards the direction of the front desk, where the four tax officials had already taken out their IDs:
"You knew what I was here for?"

"To be more precise...everyone here today knows it." Marizio lowered his head and rubbed his brows, and said relaxedly and frankly:

"Your relationship with Luka is not a secret, and the position of the big boss is nothing to you. So it's not hard to guess that you will fall for him."

Colin nodded seemingly calmly, and at the same time touched the pistol stuck in his waist.If Marizio had expected it, it means they have fallen into the trap.

"But I don't intend to stop you." The big boss continued:
"Because Marizio's death itself is irrelevant, what matters is who died at the hands of him. Everyone present here today is someone who I have carefully selected and is willing to die for me. But today's task is not Not risking your life to protect me."

"It's about surviving and going to testify for me."

Marizio put down his left hand that was rubbing between his eyebrows, and took a deep breath.Trying to suppress the trembling in the voice, the fear of death:

"I just need a little proof from them."

"Colin D'Allozzo was not present at the scene of Marizio's death."

So the one who killed the big boss was not Colin, but Luka.

Now that his own death is inevitable, he might as well use it to create momentum for Colin.

"Why bother?" Colin murmured:

"You know I'm going to give the position to Luca."

In this way, everything becomes futile.

After all, what is extremely important to Luka is not important to him.

But Marizio just smiled and didn't answer, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

At this time, someone led four tax collectors into the room.Everyone present knew their real identities, but no one gave them a second look.One of the assassins held up a certificate and claimed to be a member of the authorities, saying that he would conduct a special investigation and demanded to know who Marizio Caruso was.

But the big boss still closed his eyes.

"He just happened not to be here today."

said a family aide, and rose to meet the civil servants.At this time, a staff member brought the ledger over.This place seemed to suddenly become an office. When several people were reconciling the account books in a decent manner, Ke Lin also gave up his position, stood up and wandered around seemingly carelessly.

But his hands were clenched tightly, his nails almost digging into his palms.

At the same time, several "tax officials" have been watching Colin's arm from the corner of their eyes, just waiting for him to give a signal to point out who is Marizio among the people present.

Colin has only a few seconds to make a decision.

When the opponent is really ready to die, it makes it a little difficult for him to do it.

Colin recalled how Marizio solemnly made a promise to several old people in the lighted chapel.As he walked around the room, he said to Marizio, another assistant beside him, as if talking to himself:
"Maybe you can still see a good night view on the barge at No.12 pier tonight. Don't you think so?"

Ke Lin stopped and turned around, and said to the assistant who didn't know why:


Not knowing what Ke Lin was up to, "Big Boss" couldn't help frowning, and looked sideways at the assistant beside him.But almost at the same moment, several nervous "tax officials" had also received Colin's signal.The four drew their guns from four angles, and the moment Colin spoke, they also pulled the trigger at the same time.


The four gunshots were almost merged into one, which made it seem extraordinarily long.Four blood holes appeared on the head and chest of the innocent assistant at the same time, and his head fell to the side due to the impact, and there was absolutely no possibility of survival.

Each person is responsible for a vital point to prevent any dead ends.This is the result of four high-priced gunmen working together for nearly half a month and countless rehearsals. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to survive this kind of assassination.

Panic immediately swept the entire office building, and Colin lay down on the long table and quickly checked the assistant's body. His pupils were dilated, and he was already dead.

At the same time, a "tax official" also moved his gun horizontally, preparing to deal with several other people present, including the real Marizio. Can wait to be killed.

But Colin stopped the shooter at this point.

"Marizio is dead," said Colin:

"do not waste time."

Colin was in charge of the operation, so the gunman nodded and raised the gun again.

At this time, Marizio's bodyguards were rushing downstairs, and when Colin and his party withdrew from the office, they happened to run into them face to face.Then Colin saw the leader on the opposite side, Pietro Morello.Also as outstanding lone wolves, they had met once.

People on both sides confronted each other. Morello couldn't see what happened in the meeting room, but guessed that Colin and the others had succeeded.At this time, there was still a deposit of [-] Ori paid by Marizio in his suitcase, but the employer might be dead, and he would have nothing to do.

Colin once again stopped the men who were about to shoot, and slowly backed away while staring at Morello.And Morello stood still, a little at a loss.The other gunmen behind Colin kept controlling the whole situation, so that the people who were playing cards at the door could not draw their guns. Someone tried to do so, but was immediately shot through the metacarpal bone.

Finally, Colin turned around, walked through a short corridor, and the five of them left the office building together.


Marizio understood Colin's last hint, or warning.

That night, he wisely brought his family to the No.12 wharf. Except for a few luggage, he only had a bank book and a small amount of cash, and he gave up everything else.Colin has already arranged a ferry for him, and then they will take a freighter two miles away to live in the distant Kingdom of Senal.

Colin handed over the luggage to Marizio, who came here to see the big boss off in person, and also to ensure that Marizio really left Stade.

As Marizio himself said, it doesn't matter whether he himself is dead or not.

What matters is that "Big Boss" is dead, and who killed him.

"In this way, there will be no regrets." Before parting, Marizio showed a treacherous smile and said to Colin:
"Because my obligations have been transferred to you."

"Stop Luca?"

Colin replied with a smile, noncommittal.

Until now, Marizio seems to still wishful thinking that Colin will stand on the opposite side of Luca.

Ke Lin has no such intentions, after all, the Five Hands will enter the next era sooner or later.But he is reluctant to dash Marizio's hopes here.

"Buy a bigger manor and be a farmer." Ke Lin said:

"It's okay, don't read the newspapers here."

It was already late at night, and the jingling ship bells rang through the thick fog.The motor started, and the ship carrying the former overlord of Stade began to slowly sail out of the bay.

On the small No.12 pier, only Ke Lin was left.He continued to watch the ship disappear into the dark direction, as if watching the passing of the previous era.

It was already very cold, and the exhaled breath quickly condensed into white mist under the lamp.He froze for a while, then turned and left.

 The editor is on weekends, and I have to wait until Monday to change it.

(End of this chapter)

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