old dream

Chapter 228 Backhand

Chapter 228 Backhand
But at this moment of turning around, he suddenly felt something strange.

The NO.12 pier in the middle of the night seemed to be quieter all of a sudden.Colin didn't stop, he looked around calmly, and at the same time took his hands out of the coat.

As if someone was watching him.

The spiritual elements in the surrounding ether were not disturbed, and the comb fire in the hearth could not provide any warning.Colin's guess has no basis at all, it is entirely based on unreliable intuition.

Colin's perception has always been weak, but this time the premonition of crisis is stronger than ever.

He pressed the wide-brimmed hat with his left hand so that it covered his eyebrows and eyes.The sight quietly passed over the crowns of the bald cypress and sweet maple trees on the high place, only the silhouettes remained in the darkness.Not far away, the signal light of the wharf railway was still flickering feebly alone.

Ke Lin's eyes moved over one by one, and finally saw a shadow on the roof of a yellow brick building.

The "man" stood alone, holding on to the wrought iron railing, and at the same time staring at this side.

When did you follow me?
Who will it be?

Before the eyes of the two sides met, Colin had already lowered his head.At the same time, the hearth began to operate quietly, and the pressure in the crystal diagram rose rapidly.

The tingling pain of Lingsu's rejection came immediately, and there seemed to be the sound of pus and blood boiling in the overwhelmed body.

Colin's footsteps did not stop, nor did he take another look in the direction of the shadow.He silently got into his car parked not far away and started the redstone engine.

During this period, the hearth remained pressurized. Colin glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time and found that the shadow did not take any action.It was as if what he saw just now was just some kind of hallucination.

But just as the vehicle was speeding up, Colin caught a very thin ray of light flashing past the window.On the windshield standing upright in front of him, the light angle was slightly deflected for an instant.

When the imperceptible abnormality happened, Colin instinctively lowered his head on the steering wheel, and at the same time stepped on the brakes to the bottom.Because the speed was not fast, the car body stopped immediately.

After the sound of brakes subsided, there seemed to be nothing unusual in the compartment.But Colin didn't stand up recklessly, but kept staring at the windshield in front of him.It appears to be in good condition.Then Colin maintained this posture, tilted his head and looked up, at the height where his throat was originally.

It looks like nothing.

Colin's fingertips were covered with a thin layer of flames, and he brushed them tentatively.


Before he could feel what he had touched, the sound of a steel wire snapping sounded in his ears, as piercing and abrupt as the reverberation of a broken string.

Outside the carriage, the low bushes on both sides suddenly rebounded to the outside, shaking unceasingly.It was as if a silk thread that had been pulling them was broken.

At this time, the upper part of the windshield suddenly fell completely, and hit the hood protruding like a container, breaking into pieces.

The front half of the hull has been smoothly cut horizontally.But even on the glass, no obvious traces can be seen.Cold sweat broke out in Colin's palms. He was still lying on the steering wheel without changing his posture. At the same time, he had already pulled the accelerator lever to the bottom. The rear wheels of the old-fashioned car rubbed against the ground violently. out.

The redstone engine was roaring, and Colin quickly raised the speed to the highest.The car body was violently bumped and shaken on the uneven road.

But that shadow didn't catch up, I don't know if it couldn't be done, or it didn't want to do it.

After driving for about six kilometers in one breath, there was no one around, and Colin began to slow down.Close your eyes and sense the tracking device you placed on Marizio's boat.

It has left a long trail in consciousness.There was nothing wrong with the ship, and it was still sailing steadily towards the open sea at this time. It was already three kilometers away from the pier, far away from any threats on the shore.

He was slightly relieved.Opening his eyes, he began to guess who the shadow might be.

During this period of time, Colin was almost used to being watched.It was inevitable, too, as he moved toward center stage in this country.In the ninth game, more and more eyeliners were placed, as well as the archduke's men, the legendary "City of Silence".

And because of Lisa's relationship, Colin accidentally learned some dangerous secrets, so his recent actions were also watched by the Jackdaw Hunting Group.

But tonight's attacker does not belong to any of the above parties.

It's not so much an attack as a temptation, although the hostility contained in it is already strong to the extreme.

The ghost appeared tonight, and it may have something to do with Marizio.

So now who else is related to the interests of the big boss?
Outside a speakeasy, Colin cut off the engine and waited silently for the pain of rejection to fade.Afterwards he carefully put on the burn mask and thought to himself:

Could it be Luka's people?


Afterwards, "Marizio" received a funeral worthy of his status, with a long line of black funeral cars, flowers, tears and eulogies lining the street.This is what every patriarch insists on, including those who betrayed him.

Maybe he was hateful when he was alive.But a dead Marizio is undoubtedly respectable.

The big boss's death without warning is destined to be surrounded by many mysteries.But the murderer that everyone thought of at the first time must be Luca.

But soon there was a voice saying: It was actually Colin D'Allozzo who killed Marizio.Because at this time, only he has the opportunity to get close to the big boss.

Someone restored Colin's entire plan, including letting his subordinates pretend to be tax officials to sneak into the building and so on.These details are completely consistent with the report made by the police detective later, which has a high degree of credibility.

The detectives did not have any evidence, the murder weapon had long since been destroyed, and there were no fingerprints at the scene.But in the hearts of the Sincilians, Colin began to be silently regarded as a murderer.

Killing the patriarch is a terrible crime for gang members.

Colin didn't expect the news to leak out so quickly, but he also reacted immediately and planned to transfer Uncle Craigie to the safe Danaro.

The "manly man" suddenly became a traitor, and Ke Lin's reputation in the past collapsed. Naturally, he lost his right to inherit the "big boss".The result was a little more violent, but it still met Colin's needs. It would be a good thing if the "manly man" could fade out of people's vision.

But just when everyone was skeptical, another voice appeared in Nanstadt.

Marizio was assassinated and died in the office. At that time, there were many people present besides him and witnessed all this.

This group of people suddenly began to testify, firmly claiming that Colin himself had never been present on the day Marizio died.

Please calm down from the betrayal - think with your head, who has the most to gain from Marizio's death and the setting up of Colin D'Allozzo?
Luca Chestalo.

The reason why the framers were able to tell the details of the assassination was because they were the planners.

Luca is the real culprit.

The people of the Caruso family, after witnessing Colin killing "Marizio", made him more determined to be the patriarch.Because, this is the extreme situation that the old patriarch specifically warned:
"If he really shot at me, then you all have to separate yourself from him, and the real culprit is Luca."

They did, because dragging Colin into the water was the only way for Caruso not to be swallowed up by Chestalo.

Because of Marizio's backhand, things did not develop as Colin and Luca expected.

(End of this chapter)

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