Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

The original city center of Yingxuejie, the square in front of Dongshan Hotel.

The banner of Yingxuetang Bookstore's Century Outstanding Novel Award covers the sky, and the changing clouds and sky use blue and white to form the cover of the nominated works, which is dizzying.

Liang De was wearing a three-piece formal suit, with Tai Fengxian's handwritten passionate and insulting speech in his inner pocket, his face neither happy nor sad.

He has decided to remain expressionless throughout his award acceptance speech, not to reveal any personal emotions, like the deep Sima Yi, who is as expressionless as he is emotional.

Because the guests who came to Yingxue Hall to present the awards this time were real cowhide, Chi Jie started with a gathering of talents, even Qing Jie had several high-ranking bosses, none of whom he could offend.

If you offend these bosses, maybe one day your business trip will be bombed along with the planet you are on.

Although Mr. Fengxian slapped the table at dinner yesterday and promised to cover him, Mr. Liang is also a mature man, and he would never believe the specific promises made by another man after drinking.

And through contact with Teacher Tai Fengxian and Teacher Du Gongtai, he found that the so-called "Taishang Wangqing" is difficult to apply to Jieyuan Xingzhe.

Liang De directly or indirectly came into contact with not only one or two great masters of the Green Tribulation, but he more or less summed up some commonalities.

Sheng Wuxu, Zhou Bofu, Tai Fengxian, and Du Gongtai, these four people have different personalities, but they have one thing in common - none of them are good people.

There is also Lei Ting Zhenzong Pu Xuande who was repeatedly criticized by Teacher Fengxian. If it is true what Teacher Fengxian said after drinking, Pu Xuande is a scumbag who is worse than tofu, and even the moral standards of ordinary people can't reach it.

Too forgetful?Immortal?Aloof?

These few people have nothing to do with these words at all. They are obviously powerful enough to destroy the universe, but each has a worse personality than the other.

But then again.

According to Liang De's understanding, after having the earth-shaking power, of course you have to do whatever you want. Forget it?

At least Mr. Liang will not forget.

Shen Shiyu was wearing a blue mermaid dress, keeping a personal distance of 45 centimeters from Liang De. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Liang De's expression and tried to hold back a smile.

Du Gongtai led the two of them into the arena in front, and everyone passing by smiled and saluted them, and it was not the time to laugh at them.

In front of the Dongshan Hotel, the tall and slender woman in charge of welcoming guests had steel blue eyes in her eyes, and wore the emblem of Yingxuetang on the left collar of her small suit. She stood in front of the door, like a jade-like rainbow handle Sword, sharp and outstanding.

"Thips, are you still used to the work of Yingxuetang?"

The tall slender woman bowed deeply to Du Gongtai.

"thanks to you."

When Liang De and Shen Shiyu passed by the door, Thrips turned his head slightly and smiled at Shen Shiyu.

The trial language touched Liang De's shoulder and said in a low voice:

"After the awards ceremony of Thrips' Sound Transmission into Secrets, treat the two of us to a late-night snack."

"Why does she only talk to you and not to me?"

"You're annoying."

"Nonsense, it's a life-and-death relationship, why are they treated differently?"

"Because you look hideous."

Liang De lifted it up in one breath, looked at the profiles of Shen Shiyu and Thrips, and after a quick comparison of the looks of the enemy and ourselves, he swallowed again.

"That's what you say it is."

The two walked into the awards hall, sat down and waited quietly for the ceremony to begin.

All of a sudden, the hairs on Liang De's body stood on end, and he found that there was a very violent and powerful energy pouring in from behind him.

Intuition told him that a big man was walking in.

Liang De looked back at the gate of the awards hall. Half of the award hall had lost its original shape and turned into a chaotic and dim scene.

The sky is full of flowers, the five sounds are noisy, and a ray of blue light comes from far to near in the chaos.

A single-shaft two-wheeled cart surrounded by purple lightning appeared from the chaos. The twelve blue dragons in front of the cart stretched their long beards and halberds, with lightning in their mouths, and they flew forward vigorously.

Around Jiaoche, [-] golden-haired and blue-eyed yellow-haired wrestlers soared through the clouds and drove the fog to guard the left and right, and the army formation was as majestic as the wind.

After the green dragon chariot landed, the falling flowers and yellow-haired wrestlers disappeared, the awards hall returned to its original state, and the scene of the chaotic universe disappeared, leaving only the single-shaft chariot driven by twelve green dragons.

The thin Taoist sitting upright on the left side of the Qingjiao chariot, put the sapphire dust whisk on his arm, and got out of the car together with the handsome monk in the middle, and the Taoist priest sitting on the right side of the car got out of the car and respectfully followed the other monk.

In the staff seat of Yingxuetang Bookstore, Qin Xiao carefully glanced at the thin Taoist and the handsome monk beside him, and said to the colleagues beside him:

"Brother Wang, Pu Xuande and Du Gongtai are going to present awards, and Tai Feng is going to accept the awards first. Now even Thunder Demon Sect Zhu Yuanzhi has arrived, so this time the four friends of Thunder are all present?"

"What's the matter, at most, the Green Tribulation Walker sent an avatar to attend the awards ceremony, if the main body came, Yingxue Realm wouldn't be able to accommodate so many big bosses.

The Four Friends of Thunder are very active on both sides of the sky and the sea, and they are not rare characters. You will understand after a few trips to the field. "

Wang Suibing, senior editor of Yingxuetang Proofreading Department II, looked around:

"Strange, why didn't I see Teacher Tai Fengxian?"


"Junior Brother Du, you came so early."

The thin Taoist holding a sapphire whisk sat next to Du Gongtai and greeted him with a smile.

"I used to work in Yingxuetang, I know how hard it is to prepare for the awards ceremony, so come early to reassure them."

Du Gongtai sipped his tea and smiled at the handsome monk of Yushu Fengshen.

"Ah Zhu, why don't you come here when you have time?"

Zhu Yuanzhi flicked the number beads in his palm, and said with a smile: "I heard from Brother Pu that there are many young female writers present at the award ceremony, so let me see if these female benefactors are related to my Buddha.

If there is a destiny, I will participate in the Dharma with them. "

"Hahahahaha." Pu Xuande hit Zhu Yuanzhi twice with the sapphire whisk in his hand, "Ah Zhu, let me pick out female benefactors who have spiritual roots first, and realize the Dao with them. I'll let you figure out the rest."

"That's natural, senior brother, Buddha is the Tao, if there is a female benefactor that you can't understand, you might as well let me enlighten you."

Pu Xuande and Zhu Yuanzhi chatted some gossips, and with a wave of consciousness, he said to Du Gongtai:

"Junior Brother Du, isn't Junior Brother Tai going to receive the Best Popularity Award today? What about others?"

Du Gongtai smiled connotatively, leaned into Pu Xuande's ear, and said:

"Several orc oirans from the visual department came to Yingxue Realm for an event, and Tai Shixiong went to join in the show, and will come back when he receives the award."

The sapphire whisk in Puxuande's hand was stirring, making Du Gongtai and Zhu Yuanzhi both listen to it:

"I'm afraid Tai Shidi will be bored by himself, so I'll go to accompany him. Leave a fake body here and wait here, and you can take care of it for me."

After Pu Xuande finished speaking, he fled his spiritual sense away, and Du Gongtai and Zhu Yuanzhi looked at each other and smiled.

Du Gongtai clenched the folding fan in his hand.

Go straight to the goal without a guard, and it's almost a goal.

(End of this chapter)

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