space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1267 Arrived at the Village

Chapter 1267 Returning to the Village ([-])
As Qi Ke said, he got up and went back to Qianhe Realm. It was time for two cups of tea. He and Zhaolin went to the outer courtyard to tell the villagers the story of their trip to Fu County.

Villagers who wanted to hear the story came early to occupy seats in the outer courtyard. Men, women, young and old squatted, sat or stood, crowding the very spacious outer courtyard. Even the old general and his old brothers who had heard the story once were too At the scene, it was quite flattering.

Qi Ke supported the only chair in the venue and sat down, took a sip of the honey water on the coffee table to moisten his throat, and then, like a storyteller, slapped his palm on the coffee table, and the story began.

Because it is a story told to the villagers, it is mainly suitable for all ages, to understand what happened, that is, to listen to the story first-hand, if you hear a story that has been turned around a few times in the future, you will not be false. I got it wrong, thinking that she, Qi Ke, did something outrageous in Fu County.

She must be famous in order to do things well, and to seize the moral high ground. Political education since junior high school taught her that if she does not seize the position of public opinion, she will be robbed by the enemy. Therefore, this piece of Qi is very important, and she will not leave anyone to attack her. .

The emotions of the villagers fluctuated with the development of the storyline. When they copied the two main plots of the Aishan Village and the Chen Family Mansion, they all burst into applause and applause. When she went to Liangshui Town to work as a female worker, everyone praised her as a kind person.

"Fortunately, there are so many people who go out to take care of the water bandits. The squire died and cleaned them up together." Before Qi Ke explained why she had a women's army, the villagers had already supplemented it reasonably for her.

"Sister Lin really deserves to have worked as a female bodyguard teacher. She is really good at training people." The old identity that Zhao Lin made up for herself is really easy to use, and the military households with abundant martial arts don't think much about it.

"It's the female coach of the bodyguards. It's good for ordinary bodyguards to practice well on their own. They don't know how to teach others."

"It's not easy for a big family. If so many women and children have no way out, it will be a dead end. Fortunately, there is Liangshui Town that can accept them to work."

"In today's world, compared to being free but dying of starvation, it is better to change to a death contract that can eat well. Didn't you hear that there are many refugees in the mines?"

"Hey, men can still go to the mines to work hard, but women and children can't find work if they want to find work. They either starve to death or laugh at it. It's miserable."

Qi Ke's story has come to an end here, and the villagers did not stop them from discussing, just when they heard the words that the refugees rushed to the mine, an idea came to their minds.

"Okay, the story is over. In a few days, what happened in Fu County will surely spread to our Donglin County through the mouths of merchants. If you hear any strange rumors, don't just listen and believe me, Qi Ke. Not a nice guy."

"That can't be done! Can't be done! Can't be done!" The villagers responded repeatedly, waving their hands vigorously, "We are Bai Jiajun, can we listen to the nonsense spread by private merchants?"

"That's right, there is a general in everything. Such a big matter must be investigated in the army. It can't be turned over with a few nonsense words." The villagers' trust and respect for the Bai family army and the general Bai was really amazing From the heart.

"Yes, it's good to believe in the army." Qi Ke got up with a smile, pretending not to see the old generals and generals who were also wrinkled and blooming with smiles, and waved at the crowd like chasing chickens, "The story is over, It's getting late, let's all rest, there is still farm work tomorrow, let's rest."

(End of this chapter)

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