Chapter 1268

The villagers laughed and said goodnight to Qi Ke, and the flow of people started to flow, and they dispersed in an orderly manner.

The maids guarded the gate and waited for the crowd to leave and close it. Qi Ke was full of thoughts about the inspiration just now, and hurried back to the back house and stopped in the yard.

"What are you thinking?" Zhao Lin followed and closed the courtyard door smoothly.

"I just remembered I forgot something."


"Before I heard the villagers comment that the displaced people in the mine were willing to go. This reminded me that there are only a lot of female workers and no male workers in Liangshui Town."

"Where do you want to put the male workers?"

"There is a shortage of laborers moving goods between the docks and warehouses. When will the first batch of merchant ships pick up the goods? Do we still have time to find workers?"

"Yes, there is, but you have to act quickly. If it's too late, let the assistants take over. Where are you going to recruit male workers from? How will you recruit them? Is it hiring or prostitution?"

"Let's hire men as laborers in the name of Jiaji Shipping Company, and it is seasonal. When the northwest wind blows and the overseas merchant ships disappear, there will be no need for laborers. We will hire new ones next year."

"Hire a group of laborers for only half a year?"

"As a short-term worker, of course you can't get the same treatment as an iron rice bowl that has signed a death contract."

"Then what if we develop smoothly and more and more merchants come along the inland waterway? No one is moving goods at the pier?"

"Then it depends on the volume of business. If the business is small, let the assistants take over. If there is more business, then hire long-term workers. Carrying bags is pure physical work. I don't want any man. Those who want to come have to pass the on-site test."

"So, Ligong only hires people and doesn't sign a contract of sale?"

"If you don't sign, if you do a good job, you will be the head of the labor force, and you can only be promoted from the long-term workers. Before that, the short-term workers were all managed by the shipping company."

"Where are you going to hire someone?"

"What's the current situation on our border with Siping County?"

"It's better than before. We built simple houses and no longer sleep in tents, and the number of refugees has not decreased." Zhaolin said while projecting the images on the border between the two counties. a large number of heads.

"Why are there still so many refugees? What are their county officials doing? Are the people really leaving their homes and careers behind?" Qi Ke was surprised.

"Their local forces got involved, and they all wanted to expand their power and annex others. The yamen couldn't stand it, and no one was convinced to stop it. It became more and more chaotic."

"Isn't this a problem in rich places? When the local power grows bigger, it doesn't pay attention to the officials appointed by the court? I always want to be the emperor myself, and I don't even think about whether I have that fate."

"They give us a large proportion of our female workers."

Qi Ke was stunned for a moment, then sighed, "In the future, we need to reduce the number of female workers in Siping County and reduce the proportion, otherwise it will be impossible to form a Siping Party in my territory."

"Okay, when we have a land in Fu County, we can collect more people from there." The land in Fu County is only a verbal agreement between Qi Ke and Shu Ying, and for the sake of making a suggestion, leave a piece of land for her. There are variables at any time before getting the title deed.

"There is also Jiajia Village in Nanyang County. Could it be that that county has always been peaceful and undisturbed?" Qi Ke thought about it, and sure enough, he still needs to open more new sites to ensure a steady stream of fresh blood for the factory.

"Yes, it's just that no action has been taken. The main energy is to maintain normal business, fight with their local Cao Gang, and find mines and minerals by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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