space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1857 The Rejection of the Bai Family

Chapter 1857 The Rejection of the Bai Family ([-])

The two ladies understood the meaning of the words, and sat up straight nervously.

"Son, don't do stupid things, think about the bright future of Liangshui Town, the plate we worked so hard to build is not for others."

"Dad, don't worry, I will write a letter tonight to reject this marriage proposal."

General Bai no longer hovered left and right, and his eyes became resolute after he had made a decision in his heart. The army is an army that has the final say, but the promise made by the prince is a hidden murderous intention.

"Ask again in the letter, is the prince's idea inspired by the Holy Majesty." Old General Bai snorted.

"Scare him?" General Bai understood.

"The crown prince wrote a letter saying that he wanted to marry Min'er, but it was inconsistent with the etiquette. I guess he made up his own mind and the Holy Majesty may not have known about it. Otherwise, we would have no chance to refuse a marriage decree."

"Yes, the letter didn't mention that we agreed with him to ask for a marriage." Mrs. Bai recalled the original text carefully and added.

"Look, nine times out of ten it's self-assessment to scare him, so that we haven't had a good year this year, so give us an excuse." Old General Bai felt angry again when he thought about it.


That night, General Bai sat in his study, accompanied by his wife, spreading paper and ink to write a letter of refusal to the prince.

The couple discussed a few words from time to time, and they praised Qi Ke every time they mentioned it.

Qi Ke could see the calculations. If he still jumps in, it will prove that he is not clear-headed, has listened to the promise of the prince, and has unrealistic ambitions for the supreme power.

Having said that, it is not certain whether there is supreme power or not. Who doesn't know that the king is most afraid of the power of his relatives being too powerful.

In particular, the Bai family army is still a frontier army. It is an iron law that the frontier army does not interfere with the affairs of the court. Otherwise, relying on military power to intervene in the government, what will other generals with military power think?What do civil and military officials think?Is the court still the royal court?

If we really marry Bo Min, our family will not be far from death.

But in fact, anyone with a brain knows that the current emperor is very old, and no one can say how long he will be in power. The court in the capital is already a cloud of muddy water. If you don't want to lose all the achievements of the year, don't even touch the soles of your shoes.

What Qi Ke wrote in the letter, their family had figured it out as early as the Chinese New Year, but they were only worried about how the prince would retaliate after rejecting the marriage.

After all, he is still a prince, he has the power he deserves, and he has a group of people who are willing to do things for him. It is troublesome enough to put on a small shoe for the Bai family army, and he is even more afraid of someone going to Liangshui Town to find fault.

In the letter, Qi Ke wrote the words "return and no return", but it reassured the Bai family. This shows that Qi Ke is more thorough than them, and those who come to find fault are enemies, and you are not polite to enemies.

Now that the Bai family have given up their illusions about the royal family and the court, do they still care about any consequences of rejecting the prince's marriage proposal?

The current Holy Majesty has been in power for many years and can be called diligent, and the Bai family army will retain his loyalty to him, but his children and grandchildren, then I am sorry, when the front line is short of money, food, and military equipment, including the prince None of the grandchildren gave timely help, and now he is thinking of him when he is fighting for the throne, bah!
General Bai recalled the past and found that there were not many things to be happy about. Instead, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he came up full of anger, put down the pen in his hand, and was in no mood to write.

(End of this chapter)

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