space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1858 A little help from the ladies

Chapter 1858 A little help from the ladies ([-])

Mrs. Bo personally changed the hot tea, took the snacks that her daughter mailed back from Liangshui Town, put them on the corner of her husband's table, and coaxed him to eat some softly to change his mood.

"Don't be angry, they didn't show kindness, it's just good for us right now, otherwise we still have to worry about a certain prince jumping out to repay the kindness."

General Bai chewed the shacha-flavored beef jerky without saying a word, but his face looked better.

Mrs. Bai pursed her lips and smiled lightly, then lifted the teapot and filled the cup.

The general ate piece by piece, a package of freshly opened beef jerky, half of which went down in a blink of an eye, but his mood was reorganized, he picked up his pen and licked the ink, and continued to write.

In the early morning of the next day, the post soldiers will take the letter together with the military letter sent to the Ministry of War in the capital. When they arrive in the capital, the letter will be taken out and thrown into the East Palace.

Mrs. Bo also wrote a letter to send to Liangshui Town to her daughter. It was a shopping list. In addition to household necessities, there were also many fresh snacks and snacks, mostly meat.

The post office in Liangshui Town is really convenient for delivering letters and packages. You don’t need to send someone at home to buy anything you need. You can write a letter to your daughter and send it directly through the post office, which is convenient and fast.

There is no Qi Ke's shop in Dong'an Mansion, and Mrs. Bai also finds it quite inconvenient, but she has heard about how much a shop in Fucheng costs. The road section suitable for Qi Ke to open a shop is not cheap.

Besides, if the business of the store is doing well, no one wants to change the store. If you want to find a store, you will not be in a hurry for a while, so the ladies and ladies in Mrs. Bai's circle can only pay attention to it secretly.

Bo Min knew that a group of ladies and ladies in Dong'an Mansion were eagerly looking forward to Qi Ke's going to open a shop. During the Chinese New Year, she heard the same words countless times from different people. Speaking of this, she couldn't bear it anymore, and wrote a note to Qi Ke, begging her to open a shop in Fucheng as soon as possible, and everyone waited eagerly for their necks to stretch.

Qi Ke slapped the table and laughed wildly after receiving the news.

In fact, she already knew about this. After all, there is a spy team in Dong'an Mansion, but she can't do anything about opening a shop. The shop there is really expensive.

And she doesn't just need to open just one store, but if she wants to open it, she can open a large store similar to a general shopping mall, concentrating all the businesses she runs in Liangshui Town in one building. You can do everything you need without leaving home.

Based on this purpose, what she needs is not a pavement, but a piece of land.

In the century-old city of Dong'an Mansion, every inch of land is precious. How can there be such a large piece of wasteland for her to build a building? Didn't the spy team who watched the activities everywhere find no usable land.

It is really useless to rush to open a shop.

However, she still replied her thoughts to Bo Min, and she wrote them in a letter home, and sent them home along with the things she bought.

This is also intentional by Qi Ke. She is afraid that the wives and ladies will be enthusiastic and introduce a bunch of inappropriate shops to her. Besides, the secret agent team is limited in manpower. Instead of sharpening their heads and looking around, it is better to ask these wealthy people. Ladies, they are better informed inside.

Mrs. Bai read her daughter's letter, and the first reaction in her mind was the girls' dormitory building of the Agricultural School. Thinking of building such a big house, Mrs. Bai immediately spread it in her circle. The word spread.

(End of this chapter)

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