Chapter 824

Above the Tanglou, Li Yin is calling a meeting of private doctors and doctors headed by Sun Zhenren.

The Chang'an First Hospital is represented by Li Ke.

Li Yin is above the main seat, and the people below are full.

Behind him is a large piece of white cloth.

In front of it is a beam of light.

What is displayed on the white cloth is the content of the slideshow.

Everyone is used to slideshows now.

This thing is very suitable for meetings!
Two large characters appeared on the slide.


Then he said: "I believe that you all know what I said just now about the dangers of cholera. Next, I will say a few requirements here, and you all have to remember them! Whether cholera can be controlled this time depends on everyone's efforts!" "

Everyone went quiet.

The pen in the hand writes on the white paper.

It took a lot of time just to gather these people.

Time is running out, so be quick!
Then, when he was about to speak.

There was a sound at the door of the meeting room.


Then the door opened.

Cheng Yaojin, Li Jing and others appeared.

There are about a dozen generals headed by Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin said, "It's me!"

Why are they here?
"Oh? What are you doing here?"

"We came to support the Shengtang Group at the order of His Majesty! Now there are 5 soldiers outside the Shengtang Group waiting for arrangements at the door! If not enough, we can send another [-] soldiers!"

Cheng Yaojin's words gave everyone hope.

This is why Li Shimin attaches great importance to this infectious disease.

1 people were sent out directly.

This is a great thing for Li Yin.

Everyone discussed, and the scene was a sensation.At the same time full of confidence!

After hearing this, Li Yin said:
"Okay, let them wait below. Arrange anytime!"


Then Cheng Yaojin and the others stood by the side, listening to Li Yin continue talking!
"Okay, let's continue!"

Everyone was quiet again.

"First! Be sure to control the source of infection, find patients and suspected patients in a timely manner, conduct centralized isolation and treatment, and search for the source of the epidemic. This is an important part of controlling the cholera epidemic. If this is done well, cholera is actually not terrible !"

I mean, don't be afraid, everyone, as long as you follow the steps, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Regarding this, my medical team has some relevant symptoms, and we can provide them! Let everyone refer! And the testing methods are being perfected!"

Li Ke said.

The crowd nodded yes.

This time it is not a joke, everyone must be prepared.

And at this moment, suddenly the door was knocked again.

"Huh? Who is it?"

It's a meeting, what's going on with these people?

Then, Ji Ruxue came in.

She said to Li Yin: "Mr. Zili, now Shengtang Group has a large number of people from outside, saying that they want to fight the epidemic together with Shengtang Group!"

The arrival of these people brought a new glimmer of hope to everyone.

This time is a time of unity.

Only in this way can we overcome the epidemic.

To get rid of cholera.

"Okay, I see, you go down and tell them, tell them to wait, everything will follow my arrangement!"

Since everyone wants to be together, let's come together. In fact, it is the best arrangement for them to be at home.


Li Yin calmed down, and continued:

"Second, establishment of intestinal outpatient clinics for diarrhea: all medical points should establish intestinal outpatient clinics to receive patients with diarrhea, so as to detect patients and suspected patients in time, carry out isolation treatment and make an epidemic report to prevent the spread of the source of infection. This is A green channel, so that patients can be treated quickly through here. There is also concern about the safety of other patients! If necessary, build a mobile temporary hospital!"

The construction of a temporary hospital will definitely relieve the pressure on the No. [-] Hospital.

Speaking of this, he asked: "Third brother, how many patients are there now?"

Li Keying said: "Currently receiving close to 3000 patients! The number is still increasing! The No. [-] Hospital is almost saturated."

Li Yin was shocked, it was far more difficult than he imagined.

"Okay, then, the construction company of Shengtang Group will directly choose an open space to build a temporary hospital! Also, there must be a medical team around the railway to help, and do a good job of prevention and control, so as to prevent the spread of the infection. Railways, and even surrounding areas. We want to trap the epidemic in Chang'an, and then eliminate it!"

He said firmly.


"Next is the arrangement of Sun Zhenren here!"

"I'm here!"

Sun Simiao responded.

"I want you and your team to conduct stool tests and preventive medications for close contacts: close contacts should undergo stool culture tests. Prevent secondary spread! One more point, for the production of vaccines, please speed up! If necessary, the whole people Shot to complete the universal immunity barrier! In this way, the epidemic will be fundamentally controlled!"

"Yes! The old man understands!"

As for the cholera vaccine, Li Min had already prepared it, but it was not put into production.But it is also very fast!
There are also some influenza vaccines, and he has also studied the commonly used vaccines in the future.

It's just that the research on these things doesn't have to be used, but it can improve the level of vaccines.

Now Sheng Tang Group's medical level is rising rapidly.

It is also very advanced in terms of smelting.

There are plenty of things like syringes and the like.

Now he can't produce plastic, otherwise, he can have more medical equipment.

Because at this time, it is not yet time to exploit oil. If he exploits it, it will be the time when the industry explodes.

Plastic or whatever.

The internal combustion engine will also appear in the future.

The manpower and material resources invested by Shengtang Group at this time are unprecedented.

There are already 5 people doing medical research alone, and the technology team has more than 10 people, and tens of thousands of them are staying in hot spring resorts.

These days, the amount of money he has to spend is countless.

So, he has to keep making money.

Constant investment, as long as there is a project, he will make a fortune.

So as to better increase investment in research.

If the imperial court is allowed to do this, it may not be possible in ten years.

Because people in the court don't understand, their perception of efficiency is too weak.

"Also, gather the produced disinfectant and distribute it."

Propaganda should also be in place, wash your hands frequently!


What I said earlier is a policy for those who have already fallen ill or are in close contact.

The next step is to deal with the problem of infectious diseases from the source.

It's also the hardest thing to do.

It also needs Cheng Yaojin, the army, and the common people to do together.

Therefore, Li Yin put the last point at the end.

Because it is also the most troublesome.

This is a prepared battle, and Li Yin has been prepared for the battle from the very beginning.

He believed that he would be victorious.

(End of this chapter)

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