The first rebel of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 825 Building a Temporary Hospital

Chapter 825 Building a Temporary Hospital

"Next, the last and most important point, General Cheng, I hope you can take the lead on this point!"

"The first point is about the prevention and control of Chang'an trams! Because trams are mobile, when there are patients on board, it will definitely speed up the spread of the disease. Therefore, once patients or suspected patients are found, they should be isolated and treated immediately. Vehicles are thoroughly disinfected."

At this time, Chang'an had already built a large number of trams, which made people's travel more convenient.

But that's also a big part of what's become a cholera pandemic.

While trams bring convenience to people, they also make the epidemic uncontrollable.And at the moment, you can't stop the trams, because that would have a huge impact on the economy.This time, make sure to complete the removal in the shortest possible time.

At this time, if there is no Li Yin, everyone will be at a loss.

However, it is also because of the continuous progress of society that some epidemics will also occur.

This is an inevitable part of social development.

It depends on how to deal with it.

"The second point is to cut off the transmission route, strengthen drinking water disinfection and food management, and ensure water safety, which can significantly reduce the risk of cholera transmission!
Thoroughly disinfect the excrement of patients and carriers!In addition, transmission media such as flies should be eliminated.

As for the water source, it is necessary to disinfect the water source at the source, and especially strictly disinfect the places where the patients live.

This point has been drilled before when we fought against smallpox. I believe you will be able to do well this time.

It is also necessary to promote, do not drink raw water, spoiled food, and do not eat raw aquatic and seafood products.The tableware for eating should be boiled and sterilized, and raw and cooked food should be stored separately.Do not rinse your mouth with dirty water or wash fruits and vegetables.Try not to hold dinner parties during the peak period of the disease, and let the people stay at home.

Strictly control the people who enter and exit Chang'an, only enter and exit!To prevent the spread of the epidemic! "

Li Yin talked a lot, all of which were based on his previous experience in fighting smallpox.

The occurrence of cholera is often sporadic, and the route of infection is usually the digestive tract and respiratory tract.It is infected through ingestion and drinking water; the droplets discharged by sick birds often contain bacteria, which can also cause infection after being inhaled by healthy birds.All can occur throughout the year, more frequently in spring and autumn.

Therefore, we must eliminate the influence on these points, so Li Yin has the above arrangement.

But Cheng Yaojin was at a loss when he heard it.

"Mr. Zili said so much, we can't remember! Can you say it again?"

Li Yin said too many points, it is difficult for people to remember.

So he went on to say:

"Master Sun!"


"You ask people to take out the book we printed before, which has detailed records on how to deal with the epidemic."


"General Cheng, when the time comes, you just make arrangements strictly according to the book."

"That's how I understand."

"So, this matter must be done well. As for the whereabouts of the people below, it is up to you to preside over it, but if anyone is found to be infected, they must report to the First Hospital! The hospital will take care of it! Don't take it lightly! Do you understand?"

"I understand this!"

"One more thing, for areas where patients are found, put up red flags directly, indicating that this area is a high-risk area, and let the people stay away!"

In this way, some high-risk areas can be avoided.

Nowadays, houses in Datang are generally not high.

Therefore, a red flag can quickly tell whether it is safe or not.

But this epidemic is not simple.

You have to be careful.

People were shocked by Li Yin's method, and they didn't expect such a method!

Another point, especially the flowing river water, and drinking water.

"Let me add something about the vaccine. One million doses will be produced in the next few days, and it will start in three days!"

Now they have the production capacity of the vaccine.

Therefore, it is very simple to take injections and medicines.

As long as there is a vaccine, there must be a natural barrier.

In this way, the epidemic will not spread too quickly.

Once universal immunity is achieved, the epidemic will be over.

"Okay, let's stop here, let's all disperse, each of you take care of your own affairs, and report any situation at any time! Tang Lou is your headquarters! Everything is subject to Tang Lou's order!"


Then, everyone dispersed.

Cheng Yaojin led the army to sterilize all the water sources in Chang'an City, and the entire Chang'an City began to feel like it was facing an enemy.

Many places are marked as different districts.

The whole of Chang'an has become a wartime state.

Temporary hospitals are also under construction.It will be built at the fastest speed, and the most used are some modular materials, which are strong and fast.

This time the temporary hospital did not need to be reviewed at all, and the construction started directly, because Li Shimin had spoken, and no one dared to stop it.

This time, the hospital to be built can accommodate around [-] patients.

If it is saturated, it can reach 3 people.

But it's still far from enough.

It depends on whether they can outrun the epidemic and vaccinate the people.

If you can, there will only be fewer and fewer patients.

And that's everything you want to see.

And when everyone left.

Xue Rengui and Li Lizhi appeared.

"Mr. Zili!"

Xue Rengui is here.

"Huh? What's the matter? What are you doing out of the palace at this time?"

Now is a special period, how can they leave the palace?

Only then did Xue Rengui say: "Because an epidemic broke out in the palace, I was worried about Lizhi's body and the baby in her womb, so I told His Majesty to let her live in the tenement building for a while."

It turned out to be the case.

"All right, let your Mrs. Xue take care of her."

Li Min said.

Because, at this time, all the people are soldiers. If Li Lizhi usually comes to live, he will definitely use the best resources to help her.

It's different now, everyone has to go out and work hard to fight the epidemic.

So, not many people.

And it is best to let Mrs. Xue take care of her, after all, Li Lizhi is her daughter-in-law.

"Mr. Xie Zili!"

"Thank you, she is also my sister, isn't she?"

Li Lizhi didn't seem quite willing.

"Now is the epidemic period, how can I bother my sixth brother?"

"Sister, you can live here with peace of mind, if you need anything, tell Ruxue directly! I still have things to do, this is your home, you can do whatever you want!"

After finishing, I went to the top floor to arrange other things.

Now, thanks to the phone, he can remotely control everyone's actions.

As long as he knows everyone's news, it's fine.

At the same time, information about his arrangements was also spread to Chang'an First Hospital.

At this time Li Yuan stood up.

Seeing a large number of people coming and going, the whole hospital was in chaos.

He went out and saw many people living in the aisle with painful expressions, so he stopped a nurse and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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