Chapter 947

After reading the original owner's memory at the beginning of time, knowing Ning Guoyun's behavior, she wanted to yell at her father, the zombies in the Qing Dynasty were more enlightened than her, how could she still retain this unbelievable attitude after 40 years of liberation? Sick of feudal thinking?Still passing on the family line, can't cut off the incense, three obediences and four virtues?I three her grandma's three!
It’s okay if she is willing to be a fool by herself, but because of her, the moral standards of the people around her are raised to the sky, requiring women to earn money to support their families, but also to have sons, and if they can’t have sons, they have to agree Men are born outside, so they can't have any complaints, and they have to work hard for their husband's family as cattle and horses and bring up illegitimate children...

What, you can't do it?How could Ning Guoyun do it? !
In the past few decades, everyone has managed to have some sense of equality between men and women, knowing that women can be the masters of the house, independent and self-reliant, and if men can't, they can still get divorced.

Good guy, Ning Guoyun set an example like this, and the living environment of the women around her has become even worse. She has directly set back dozens or hundreds of years, and she has ruined the achievements of the struggle of the majority of women for decades by herself.

Shi Chu felt like vomiting blood, Ning Guoyun was the public enemy of women.

Shi Chu shook his head, thinking that when Xue Yanzong went bankrupt, he couldn't let him run away, he had to stay. Isn't Ning Guoyun a virtuous and good woman? How can such a good woman have no husband to serve her?So I have to help her keep her husband.

When Qiao Shichu returned to his home, Yu Changfan had already started mopping the floor with a mop. When he saw his wife coming back, he smiled and said, "Daughter-in-law, are you back? I'll help my son take a bath after mopping the floor."

Yu Changfan doesn't have Xue Yanzong's messy feudal thoughts, and he is willing to share housework with his wife, but he just loves to play, and he always wants to hang around outside like before he got married, drinking and bragging with friends.

However, if the original owner gets angry and takes him home, he will still work obediently and will not hold grudges. He scolds and fights with the original owner outside. With no outsiders at home, he knew he was wronged, so he was very diligent with a guilty conscience.

Qiao Shichu saw that there were bloodstains from his nails on his neck, but he didn't do anything about it, so he went to get the medicine box and said, "Come here, I'll treat your wound."

"Wound? What kind of wound?" Yu Changfan obediently came over with a mop and asked.

Qiao Shichu took a cotton swab, dipped it in iodophor, and applied it to the blood on his neck.

"Hiss... Take it easy... It hurts..." Yu Changfan said hastily, and only then did he realize that his neck was injured.

"It's right for you to stay home after work and want to be lazy. If you do it again next time, I can scratch your face!" Qiao Shichu said angrily.

"Don't dare, don't dare, there is no next time..." Yu Changfan hurriedly begged for mercy, and then said with a playful smile, "Daughter-in-law, next time you scratch me, can you stop scratching the exposed parts of my face and neck? Others will Laugh at me."

"Just laugh when you laugh. This is your punishment for not being a husband." Qiao Shichu snorted coldly, applied medicine to the wound on his neck, looked him over again, and found no other wounds, and then said , "Continue dragging your land."

Yu Changfan went to mop the floor with a low eyebrow.

After Qiao Shichu put away the medicine box, he walked to the stroller, and hugged little Yu Chengxuan, who had been looking at his parents curiously with his black eyes open.

"Mom...Mom..." Yu Chengxuan was only a little over one year old, and just started to learn to speak, calling his mother the most fluently.

"Is the baby hungry?" Qiao Shichu pinched his son's chubby face and asked with a smile.

"Hungry! Hungry!" The little guy didn't know what hunger meant, so he would imitate the last word of an adult's words and shout.

Qiao Shichu touched his bulging belly, and he immediately twisted his little body and laughed out of tickle.

"Did you feed him milk powder after you came back?" Qiao Shichu turned to ask Yu Changfan.

"No... I see that he is not hungry, and I want to feed him after we have eaten later." Yu Changfan said confidently, "Look at the meat growing on his body, it means that he is over-nourished, so you don't need to feed him milk powder so frequently .”

"I think you have too much water in your mind. He's growing milk and fat, and his flesh is all empty. What kind of nutrition is there?" Qiao Shichu rolled his eyes at him and said.

Yu Changfan touched his nose and fell silent.

Qiao Shichu held the little guy in one hand, and poured water and milk powder out of the bottle with the other.

As soon as the little guy saw the baby bottle, he knew that his ration was coming. He was so happy that he jumped a few times in Qiao Shichu's arms.

Qiao Shichu hurriedly pressed his small body, and said, "Be good and don't move around. Mom will make milk powder for you."

He immediately obediently stopped moving, staring at the bottle with his bright black round eyes without blinking.

After soaking the milk powder, you have to let it cool first, but the little guy couldn't wait, stretched out his little hand, looked at it eagerly, and said childishly, "I want... I want..."

"It's too hot, it will burn your little tongue, wait for it to cool before I drink it for you, don't worry." Qiao Shichu coaxed him, and held his outstretched chubby hand.

Because the original owner and her husband are both employees of the flour mill and have to go to work during the day, they cannot take care of the children, and the children are not yet old enough to send them to nursery schools, so Yu Chengxuan's children are sent to grandma during the day.

The original owner's mother-in-law Yumu had retired a few years ago, and she took care of the housework and took care of the children for Yu Changfan's eldest brother.

Yu Changfan has a brother and a sister. The elder sister was married long ago, and the eldest brother was also married long ago. The children are all ten years old. After Yu Changfan got married, the two brothers separated. Helping Yu Changfan take care of the child is not too partial.

After feeding baby Yu Chengxuan, Qiao Shichu handed him over to Yu Changfan, while she went to make dinner herself.

Although the couple both go to work, because the flour mill’s efficiency has declined year by year over the past few years, the wages are almost out of reach, sometimes delayed for several months, so their family’s life is actually not very affluent.

Yu Changfan looked at the two plates of stir-fried rape hearts and fungus scrambled eggs on the table, and said, "Next month's salary will probably be postponed again."

"There are probably more than 200 yuan in savings at home." Qiao Shichu recalled the numbers on the passbook and said.

Yu Changfan’s monthly salary plus bonus is about 120 yuan, but not every month there is a bonus, so the average is in the early 200s, while Qiao Shichu’s salary is sometimes less than [-] yuan, and the more than [-] yuan in the passbook is about [-] yuan. It was the husband and wife's salary for one and a half months. With this little money, they had to raise a child, so they couldn't help but spend it.

The wages were delayed, and Yu Changfan was a little worried. He couldn't help but squeeze the little friend Yu Chengxuan who didn't know anything, and said, "Son, Dad can't afford you soon."

(End of this chapter)

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