Chapter 948

"Xue Yanzong next door made a lot of money selling electric fans. I saw that he combed his hair all day, wore leather shoes, and looked at the road with his nostrils when he walked. He looked down on people, and he seemed to have made a fortune. , how about I also stay on without pay to do business?" Yu Changfan tentatively asked Qiao Shichu.

Qiao Shichu thought about it, now there are still five or six years before the wave of layoffs, and the flour mill will go bankrupt even if he doesn't resign. It's better to start thinking about a way out now than to start thinking about making a living at that time.

So she said, "Just think about it yourself."

Yu Changfan was a little surprised, smiled, and said, "I thought you would disagree. After all, doing business is too risky. You said before that Xue Yanzong's business would not last long, and the job in the flour mill is the most reliable—even though it is now The salary is almost out, but it is stable after all, and it will never really fall.”

Yu Changfan didn't know what was going to happen next, and thought that the flour mill would never close down.

"Who told our family to raise a child? Now we only have the wages of the two of us, and we can barely get by. But in a year or two, the baby will go to school. At that time, we may not even be able to pay for the tuition fee. Don't you have the heart to let it go?" The child suffers and suffers with us?" Qiao Shichu asked him back.

"Of course I can't bear it, right? Little guy, it costs a lot of money to raise you. Dad has to work hard to earn a lot of money to be able to afford you." Yu Changfan patted his son's little head and said.

Yu Chengxuanxi didn't understand either, so he just smiled and showed a few small teeth to his father.

Qiao Shichu was not worried about Yu Changfan's ability to earn a living.

In the plot of the original world, he also started a business. Although he didn’t do business smoothly like Xue Yanzong, and he made a lot of money in a short time, but he did it step by step in a down-to-earth manner, but he did it slowly. .

However, although he loves to play, he usually goes out drinking, playing cards and ball games with his friends, and has no interest in finding women.

Although he also had to socialize with his business partners and had to find a woman to accompany him in order to follow the crowd, he was not that brave, because the main reason was that he would run to make a fuss every time he found out, not only scolding Yu Changfan. He will also sternly warn his business partners not to drag him into the water to play with women.

She also said that if Yu Changfan dared to cheat, she would castrate him.

So over time, his business partners all knew that it was okay to ask him to socialize and drink, but they couldn't find a woman to accompany him. They also laughed at him for fear of guilt and strict wife control.

After Ning Guoyun heard about it, he even came here to persuade the original owner not to do this, saying that it is inevitable to play tricks when doing business, and it is normal to have a woman, as long as you don’t bring it home, you can treat it as if you don’t know anything...

She also asked Qiao Shichu to bear with it, to know the general situation and take into account the overall situation, and not to be a vexatious and jealous shrew. She also said that she made troubles without regard for the occasion, which would make men look down upon in front of business partners and be underestimated. Maybe even the business was messed up by her.

Hearing her words, the original owner was so angry that he took a broom and kicked her out on the spot, and even scolded her for being a lowly being. If she wanted to drag others to be cheap with her, it would be a day of thunder.

Ning Guoyun probably took this matter back to Xue Yanzong and compared Qiao Shichu's pungent short-sighted attitude with her own tolerance towards her husband, in order to express her sincerity to Xue Yanzong: You see, how tolerant I am! degree, general knowledge...

Qiao Shichu shook his head, and forgot about Ning Guoyun, a woman who had lost his mind, and then discussed with Yu Changfan what kind of business to do.

Yu Changfan is a person with strong action and execution ability. When he said he wanted to stay without pay, he really did. Yu's parents and Yu's mother heard about it and persuaded him several times. Seeing that he was determined, they agreed. I had no choice but to give up, but in the end I still didn't like his decision.

Yu Changfan didn't care. After all, he had already separated from his parents. As long as Qiao Shichu supported his decision, he would be able to work hard without any worries.

Yu Changfan plans to start a furniture business. In this era, the market economy is gradually rising. Many people have made money in business, and there are more and more rich people in other industries. Everyone has the awareness of buying a house. Naturally, the furniture industry With the development of the real estate industry.

Yu Changfan has a wide range of friends, and he knows people from all walks of life. If he wants to be a carpenter who can make furniture, he only needs to ask his friends to find him. Similarly, he is the only one who slowly pulls his friends along to set up a factory, find investment, and solicit business. .

Qiao Shichu didn't intervene. This is Yu Changfan's own business. Qiao Shichu has no interest in this business, and she and Yu Changfan are husband and wife. If the two of them turn the furniture factory into a husband and wife shop, if there is a disagreement, it will easily affect the business decision. .

Although Qiao Shichu himself was still working in the flour mill, he was already thinking about quitting this job and finding other ways to earn money.

If she just wants money, then she can sell a huge sum of money for any piece of jewelry in her companion space, but that is too unchallenging, and she can't explain the source of the money to Yu Changfan clearly, so There is no need to take this shortcut.

"At the beginning of the year, I heard that Changfan went to business after he was suspended without pay?" Qiao Shichu had just returned from get off work in the factory when he saw Ning Guoyun coming back from outside with her little daughter in his arms.

"Yes, the wages of the flour mill are almost out of pay, and the child is growing up slowly, and will soon go to school. If this continues, he will think about doing business to earn some money." Qiao Shichu said directly replied.

Ning Guoyun suddenly showed a disapproving expression, and said: "Hey, doing business now may not make money, and it is very likely to lose money. My family Yanzong is lucky to make some money. If I and Yanzong was not expelled from the factory because of the super-birth incident, so I would not agree to let Yanzong go into business. He drank with people outside every day and ran business, and his body was ruined. If he was still in the factory, where would he be? So many unsafe things?"

Qiao Shichu always felt that her complaints seemed to be showing off, so she looked at her curled hair and said, "Ning Guoyun, what you said is really interesting... If your family Zong didn't do business, so where do you have the money to perm your hair now? By the way, why did you suddenly perm your hair? Shouldn't a good woman have long black, straight and natural hair? How can you get a perm? That's a little bit They are not virtuous and gentle anymore."

An uncomfortable look flashed across Ning Guoyun's face, and he said, "I... I'm not following others' fashion? Yanzong said that he likes women with permed hair, I can't let the women outside compare It's..."

When Qiao Shichu heard this, he couldn't help but want to roll his eyes. My good guy, I did it because men like it, not because I like it.

(End of this chapter)

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