Chapter 145

After Zhu Qiyu's edict was issued, the household department was the one who scratched his head the most.

The Ministry of Households needs to recruit civilians, and this kind of recruitment needs to be recruited from Gyeonggi, and it needs to cooperate with the Ministry of Industry to widen and level roads.

There are also grain chariots. After all, Xia Yuanji, the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, spent years building chariots in order to cooperate with the warlike Zhu Di. In the first Northern Expedition alone, 30 chariots were built.

The Ministry of Industry has accumulated a lot of craftsmen, and even if there is a shortage of carts, there will not be too many shortages, which can be made.

"Could it be possible to organize the Tenth Regimental Battalion to level the road and pave the road in the early stage?" Jin Lian sat on the chair of the head of the household department and said to the servants and ambassadors below.

Everyone fell into silence, the army had no fighting power, but if more than 20 people could move, it would indeed solve the urgent need of the household department.

Everything else is easy to say, but the matter of opening mountains and building roads is really difficult.

In particular, the army can use gunpowder, which brings many conveniences to level the road.

Daming liked to use the Beijing camp for construction. For example, when the Yellow River broke its embankment, the Beijing camp would be sent there.

For example, in Xu Youzhen's water control book, it was also mentioned that if necessary, the capital camp should go to Zhang Qiu.

"I'll talk to Yu Shaobao, you stay here for a while." Jin Lian stood up, walked out of the household department, and headed for the military department.

The six divisions are all on the left side of the Royal Road from Chengtianmen to Damingmen, and the distance is only a few steps away.

It's spring plowing right now.

The Wala people chose the time very cleverly. They knew that you, Daming, would be busy with spring plowing, so they would come here.

Jin Lian did not find Yu Qian, but only saw Li Binyan, the Minister of the Ministry of War. After a little questioning, he found out that Yu Qian had gone to Daxing County again.

Jin Lian scratched his head, so he dispatched a fast horse himself, and within two hours, the fast horse returned.

"Yu Shaobao said that the Beijing camp is His Majesty's Beijing camp, and once dispatched, it is up to His Majesty to decide. In the future, we should ask His Majesty what is appropriate for the Beijing camp." The postman left the household department after finishing his speech. yamen.

Jin Lian could only sigh, and wrote a memorial to him, and handed it to Wenyuan Pavilion.

As for whether His Majesty is willing to help this favor, he is a little uncertain.

Can Your Majesty agree to the sergeants of the Beijing camp doing such hard work?

When Zhu Qiyu received the memorial that was not planned by Jin Lian, he thought for a long time, and finally decided that he could supervise the matter.

The training in the Beijing Camp takes at least three years. Isn’t it training to open mountains and build roads?

Doesn't it require a degree of organization to open mountains and build roads?Don't you need a command to open a mountain and build a road?

Opening mountains and building roads is a drill and a good opportunity to improve the coordination of the army on a large scale.

Especially in the use of gunpowder, blasting is also a great science.

In the Battle of Qingfengdian, Shi Hengxian blew up a lot of rocks to block the road, causing the Tatars led by Agadorzi to suffer heavy losses, and fled in a hurry. The target of the enemy's vital forces.

Engineering, civil work is not a combat force?

In the early Ming Dynasty, the strength of the Northern Yuan Dynasty was still strong, and Liaodong had not yet recovered. In the early Ming Dynasty, Ma Yun and Ye Wang, two powerful generals, stood firm in Liaodong.

Beiyuan Naha went south to Gaizhou, intending to drive the Ming forces out of Liaodong.

Ma Yun and Ye Wang commanded the soldiers, from Lianyun Island to Kutuo Village for more than ten miles, spread earth, stone and sand along the river, built ice blocks as a wall, poured water on it, and it froze at night, making it as strong as a city wall.

Near Lianyun Island, lay nail boards in the sand, set traps next to them, and ambush the army to wait for the enemy.

Beiyuan relied on Naha to go out, and returned in a big defeat, escaped to heaven with only a few rides.

Civil engineering work is of course an important part of combat effectiveness!

Luo Tong, the right servant of the Ministry of War, and Zhao Min, the guard general of Juyong Pass, commanded the same acquaintance Zhao Min, pumped water to irrigate the city, and the city wall was frozen. Isn't this the credit of the earthwork?
Yu Qian built a T-shaped street to block the enemy, dug trenches, and repaired the city wall in the Guomin house in the capital city. This is also civil engineering work.

Civil engineering work is the ability to guarantee logistics, Jin Lian's proposal is very good.

The 20 people in the Beijing camp practiced all day long, but there was no actual combat. Since they couldn't fight the enemy, they couldn't fight field battles, and they couldn't resist the enemy for the time being, then they used mountains and rocks as their enemies and opened up mountains to pave the way!
After Zhu Qiyu Zhu approved Jin Lian's memorandum, he assigned Shi Heng, Fan Guang, Yang Jun and Sun Tong to supervise the matter. He also issued an order to ask the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry to draw up road sections, and the army would pave the way at any time. .

Xing'an bowed his head with a memorial and said: "Your Majesty does not eat and drink in the palace. Guanglu Temple can eliminate 240 people's cooks, and save about 8000 pigs, [-] sheep, and more than [-] geese every year." , more than [-] chickens, [-] calves, and [-] taels of monthly salt and silver."

Zhu Qiyu took Xing'an's memorial with a frown, and asked puzzledly: "Six thousand cooks? I remember that Taizu Gao ordered the Taichang Temple to have only 400 cooks?"

"That's too much."

The law of the Ming Dynasty to kill cattle violated the laws of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Qiyu would slaughter ten cows for rewards except when the army was mobilizing. The rest would be replaced by pork, mutton, chicken, duck and goose.

Cattle are an important production tool, and in many cases, they are more expensive than people.

Xing'an bowed his head again and said: "At the beginning of the tenth year of Xuande, there were only more than 5000 people. At the end of the tenth year of Xuande, there were 880 people. In the seventh year of Zhengtong, there were [-] people. Your Majesty asked the minister to clear the palace, and the minister did it."

"Only more than 880 of the 600 four chefs are living people, and the rest are all found."

Zhu Qiyu didn't suspect that Xing'an was eliminating dissidents, nor did he suspect that these [-] people were silently killed by Xing'an.

Zhu Qiyu went to the battlefield, and more than 100 catties of meat were placed there, which was a big piece. After cleaning up, at least four people handled a corpse.

There are more than 6000 to 600 chefs in Taichang Temple. This is not eliminating dissidents, but a massacre.

It is almost impossible to kill so many people without any movement.

Xing'an has the ability to kill so many people so easily and silently, so he was simply released to Oirat, and the Oirat people were exterminated in a few years.

Xing'an continued: "The chef of Guanglu Temple was originally responsible for the food in the palace. Later, all the palaces in the palace came to Guanglu Temple to eat, and Guanglu Temple began to be greedy. A pot of meat can be cooked for a year without changing it. .But more and more pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks are needed.”

"I searched and checked, and finally settled the bad debt of Guanglu Temple. If your Majesty is thirsty and eats in the palace, you can rest assured. After all, I am your Majesty's extravagant staff and responsible for testing dishes."

Xing'an did it for his own sake, not to clean Guanglu Temple inside and out, if anyone poisoned His Majesty, he would be the one who poisoned him to death...

"Bring a food box, if you don't keep secret, you will lose your minister." Zhu Qiyu still shook his head.

Not only did he not trust water and food in the palace, but even the palace masters who lived in that big cage didn't trust them. They all let their eunuchs cook instead of passing dishes to Guanglu Temple.

The cooking at Guanglu Temple is unpalatable, and it’s not like dragon liver and phoenix marrow. It’s a rare and unique taste. It’s all fish and meat, and it’s even dangerous.

"Let's clear it up then." Zhu Qiyu approved Xing'an's memorabilia on eliminating the chef.

Zhu Qiyu held a big banquet, of course Guanglu Temple would not dare to serve meat that had been cooked for a year at that time.

Xing'an took out the blueprint of Taiji Factory and said: "Your Majesty, I have also figured out that there are seven illegal houses that need to be demolished. More than a thousand craftsmen are enough."

"I selected dozens of hounds. Your Majesty said last time that you want big dogs. I sent someone to look for them. After the curfew, they will be placed in Xiaoyong Square, where thieves cannot enter."

"Even if the captain's strength is ineffective, this hound can bark and bite wildly to protect the safety of my lord Mingming."

Xing'an is always very stingy when doing business, and the Qigong card is only 20 yuan in total. It has to be gilded instead of pure gold, and it was Zhu Qiyu's order that it was replaced with pure gold.

Xing'an is not happy to let Xing'an bulldoze the big and small Yongfang and rebuild it.

But let him tear down the illegal ones, tear down the courtyard walls for others, and re-plan, with more than a thousand people and tens of thousands of taels of silver, he thinks it can be done.

Mainly the duration.

Xing'an thought about it, His Majesty also planned to let the officials move as soon as possible. It would be a bit slow to tear down and rebuild, and it would be easier to make a little change.

"Well, it's very good to follow the instructions of the Taiji Factory." Zhu Qiyu came up with an idea. The Taiji Factory produced drawings to save costs. implement it.

"Didn't Your Majesty promise that the water will flow?"

"As soon as I think about it, I plan to divert the Jinshui River to dig a three-foot-wide and three-foot-deep river ditch around the wall of this square, so as to prevent some youngsters from digging tunnels to steal."

"Also here, I set up a watchtower on the wall of the square, and I can look at the whole Shiyong Square, but the walls of each house are very high, and there are shades of trees, so the watchtower can't peek into the privacy."

"Glass pieces are added to the walls of the square. Your majesty's swords and axes are too expensive and not good for maintenance."

Xing'an went on to introduce his big and small Yongfang renovation plan. There are many small designs in it, such as the trenches and waterways around the wall of this square. Is it to prevent Xiaoxiao tunnels, or who?
Xing'an is an eunuch, and eunuchs and court officials are not easy to deal with by nature. His Majesty entrusted this matter to him, so he naturally searched his brains, and achieved perfection without violating His Majesty's will.

"Very good." Zhu Qiyu affirmed Xing'an's work, which guaranteed the officials' safety and daily life to a high degree.

"You can't bring this concubine?" Zhu Qiyu asked another question.


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(End of this chapter)

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