I am the king of the dead

Chapter 146 The sun, moon, mountains and rivers hang upside down, and the Daming rivers and mountain

Chapter 146 The sun, moon, mountains and rivers hang upside down, and the Daming rivers and mountains are broken

"No, His Majesty's Daming Law expressly stipulates that concubines can only be taken at the age of 40 if they have no children."

"The minister visited, and except for a very few, others are not allowed to be brought into the official residence." Xing'an answered the emperor's question.

Xing'an also communicated with the Ministry of Punishment about whether concubines and concubines could be brought into Xiaoyong Fang.

This kind of communication does not violate the rules. The inner court of the Ming Dynasty is an organ of power, and it is fine to communicate with courtiers, but if you collude with courtiers, you will be courting death.

Yu Shiyue, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, also responded very decisively to the internal affairs department's communication.

According to recorded documents, in this land of China, there is a monogamous system, and there are no equal wives. As for multiple concubines, there are extremely strict regulations.

At the age of 40, there are no children to take concubines, but there are countless officials of all sizes in the court.

This is a blasphemy against the Great Ming Law.

"So that's how it is." Zhu Qiyu nodded, and could only sigh with emotion that the ship of the country leaked from the top, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The habit of taking concubines in the capital is extremely serious. For example, in this memorandum in Xing'an, a seventh-rank official has two concubines.

"Taking a concubine privately will inevitably lead to unrest in the house, so how can you work for the country with peace of mind?" Zhu Qiyu approved Xing'an's suggestion.

As for how to deal with these concubines, or even the children born to concubines, Zhu Qiyu doesn't need to worry about it, because there is also a set of unspoken rules in Daming for how to deal with them.

The Ming Dynasty conducted regular inspections of Beijing officials, and this kind of Beijing inspection was jointly carried out by the Metropolitan Inspection Institute, Jinyiwei, Dali Temple, the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of Rites.

At this time, such concubines who neither conform to the law of the Ming Dynasty nor the law of etiquette will be disposed of.

Wait until the Beijing inspection is over, and then raise it...

Zhu Qiyu directly cut off their idea of ​​raising them again, let's all stay in the mansion.

"Yu Shaobao made a petition and said that he also wanted to find an ordinary house to live in the official residence. He felt that Jiuzhong Hall was originally the residence of the Duke of Qi, and it was the residence of the Duke of Qi, the first meritorious service in Jingnan. The regulations were too high, and he felt uneasy. "Xing'an rummaged again, and handed a copy of Yu Qian's memorial to His Majesty.

Zhu Qiyu didn't even open it, shook his head and said, "It's not right."

"Xing'an, Yu Shao maintains integrity and doesn't engage in such things as gangsters, but there are people who are willing to be his lackeys. Yu Shao can keep his life in the Jiuzhong Hall, but he can keep Yu Shaobao's reputation."

Xing'an raised his head and glanced at His Majesty's expression, no doubt it was normal, then lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Xing'an was observing His Majesty's expression, whether His Majesty was suspicious of Qian, but obviously he didn't.

This made him heave a long sigh of relief, if His Majesty and Yu Shaobao got into a stalemate, it would be a major event where the sky would fall.

Daming's current work efficiency has been greatly improved after the shock of Oala's siege of the capital.

The next day, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs came up with specific regulations. The 20 people in the Beijing camp will set off that afternoon, not to fight wars, but to build roads. Naturally, there is no need to prepare so many.

This time, the weapons in the hands of the soldiers of the Beijing camp were no longer hooks, sickles, guns and firecrackers, but tools for road construction such as shovels and piers.

And the flying fish suit given by Zhu Qiyu was also sent to Xuanfu within a day, following His Majesty's imperial decree.

"I thank the emperor for his great grace." Yang Hong bowed to the ground with gray temples.

It was Li Yongchang who rushed back from Fujian to announce the decree. Although His Majesty has repeatedly emphasized that Yang Hong is old and does not need to perform the full salute, Yang Hong still bowed to the ground and bowed for a week.

"The Marquis of Changping takes over the decree." Li Yongchang handed over the imperial decree to Yang Hong.

Yang Hong took the imperial edict and stood up.

Among all the supports, the trust from His Majesty is the most important.

If Yang Hong wants to support the bandits in the Xuanfu capital's sect, or directly mix with the Wala people, then His Majesty can only move south.

But Yang Hong obviously won't.

Even if all human emotions are excluded, such as the friendship of the eldest son of the capital, Yang Jun, the friendship of loyalty to the monarch, the friendship of patriotism, and the friendship of robes and robes, etc., from the most utilitarian point of view.

Yang Honggui is the Marquis of Changping in the Ming Dynasty, so he went to Wala and the Wala people to eat sand together?

How poor are the Oirats.

"Your Majesty said that our family will take a look at the good men of Ming Dynasty for His Majesty." Li Yongchang mentioned that the pier is far away and the Marquis will not accept it at night.

Of these 280 people, how many will be able to see them again next year?
Li Yongchang stood on the school grounds. He looked at these soldiers, took the flying fish uniforms, and stood upright on the school grounds.

Li Yongchang didn't see any look of fear on their faces, but the hand holding the flying fish suit was quite trembling and very excited.

Your Majesty asked, can a set of clothes make people work hard?

A set of clothes may not be allowed, but the approval from His Majesty is yes.

Li Yongchang had seen this look before.

In the battle of the capital, he saw it when the capital camp went out of the city to fight.

Knowing that the enemy is well-trained, and even the newly defeated Ming elite elite, the sergeants who went out to fight in the city did not have the slightest fear.

You can only know if you can beat it.

It's not a man's true nature to be timid before fighting.

They are the rows of stone lions on the Luding Bridge and the guardrails of Daming.

"Put it on, put it on, Your Majesty told our family to watch you all put it on." Li Yongchang's voice was a little choked up, and he kept waving his hands, signaling these soldiers to change into the flying fish uniforms of the flying fish. .

This is second only to the python suit.

When rows of sergeants put on flying fish uniforms and stood on the school field, Li Yongchang had ordered the accompanying painter to freeze this picture on the canvas.

Li Yongchang didn't waste too much time for these soldiers. The painter simply outlined the outline and filled it in afterwards.

"The sun, the moon, the mountains and the rivers will live forever! The Great Ming will last forever!" A soldier took the lead in shouting, and trivial voices began to sound, and then converged into a neat roar.

The soldiers of Ming Dynasty are extremely restrained in their emotions, and they seldom express their emotions.

It's not like the civil servants have so many mediocre words. This sentence was shouted out by His Majesty when he worshiped the ancestors in the Taimiao.

They heard it, and they called it out.

Perhaps, for a long time, these two sentences have supported the belief that the pier will not accept everyone and go on.

Until the moment when the sun, moon, mountains and rivers hang upside down, and the Daming rivers and mountains shatter.

Li Yongchang pursed his lips, stood up straight, clenched his fists tightly, and yelled after these nights: "The sun, the moon, the mountains and rivers will always exist, and the great Ming Dynasty will last forever!"

The 280 warriors who were not accepted at night changed into their own clothes again, led each other's horses cheerfully, punched each other a few times, and some sergeants even blew their whistles before rushing to the vast grassland. Disappeared without a trace.

"The second item of pier night, after the operation and reporting, it is dangerous and difficult, which is far worse than other troops. If it is not thicker and better, why should it be responsible for its life?" Li Yongchang and Yang Hong communicated about the issue of night remuneration.

This is also the doubt of His Majesty.

This pier is far away and goes deep into the enemy's camp. It is much harder than other troops. Why can't they be treated more generously?Otherwise, why would they sacrifice their lives?

The reason why Zhu Qiyu didn't directly order to treat Yebu favorably was to ask Yang Hong's opinion.

Yang Hong watched the athletes disappear on the vast grassland, shook his head and said: "First, how much money can buy a life? Second, if you join Yebuyan because of favorable treatment, it is for profit. If it is for Li, how can you be loyal?"

Li Yongchang fell into a long silence. These two reasons are very reasonable.

Not for fame, not for profit, regardless of cold or heat, watching day and night.

Li Yongchang continued to ask: "If you don't treat them favorably, wouldn't it mean that Guochao owes them a lot?"

"Is there a compromise?"

Yang Hong shook his head and said, "I am stupid."

Li Yongchang heard the news on behalf of His Majesty, and his answer was to tell His Majesty that he would naturally become a minister.

This is why eunuchs can show off their power in various towns, and they represent the Ming emperor.

Li Yongchang and Yang Hong stood on the Wufeng Tower of Xuanfu, looking at the dotted fortresses on the grassland in the distance, looking at each other silently.

After a long time, Li Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Marquis Changping, the food and military equipment allocated by His Majesty will arrive within a month."

"Our family's decree has also been delivered, so we won't stay any longer. Your Majesty will hold a sutra banquet in person, and wait for the triumphant return of the Marquis of Changping!"

Li Yongchang got off the city wall, got on his horse, and headed towards Juyongguan, followed by four or five fans.

Along the way, he saw the sergeants of the Tenth Regiment Battalion, who were very serious about repairing bridges and repairing roads. Some places that needed to be widened also had new solutions.

Now that Ming has a new type of gunpowder, these cliff problems that could not be solved in the past now have a new solution, which is bombing.

Li Yongchang did not rest all the way, and accompanied by the rumbling sound, he returned to the capital, met the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and told the details of what he had seen and heard along the way.

Especially the scene when the marquis of the pier was leaving, the sergeants punched each other a few times, then whistled and disappeared into the sky.

Li Yongchang handed over half of the painting drawn by the artist to Xing'an.

Zhu Qiyu touched the scroll. Although there were only simple lines on it, it seemed that the tall and straight figures of the 280 strong men were right in front of him.

He couldn't stop saying, "Good boy, good boy."

"Be sure to finish painting this picture, and after it is framed, send it to hang on... this wall."

"The minister leads the order."

He sat up straight and said, "As for the treatment issue, it's easy to solve."

"Participated in the Ye Bu Shou frontier army of Duntai Yuanhou, and their family members can move to the vicinity of the capital. I think Daxing Nanhaizi is a good place."

"Let's say to the outside world, in order to ensure Yuan Hou's loyalty, can't this preferential treatment policy be implemented?"

"Then let Yuanhou's family members talk less about the treatment. The Duntai Yuanhou will be rotated every three years. As long as the Duntai Yuanhou doesn't talk about himself or his family, isn't this a compromise?"

Didn’t those secret fronts in later generations, as well as the first-line anti-narcotics police, all do this?

Zhu Qiyu was taken aback suddenly, Yang Hong is 70 years old, which is a rare age in ancient times.

He should have thought of a compromise, but His Majesty can only say and do this matter of grace.

Only in this way can it be guaranteed.

Otherwise, wouldn't it become self-indulgent?
Therefore, Yang Hong's answer is that the minister is stupid.

 Yebushou has been active in the battlefield since the end of Ming Dynasty. They guarded the border of Ming Dynasty and fought until the day when the sun, moon, mountains and rivers were upside down and the rivers and mountains of Daming were broken.

(End of this chapter)

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