I am the king of the dead

Chapter 166 When going downhill, step on the accelerator

Chapter 166 When going downhill, step on the accelerator

As for the practice, Yang Hong has been on the border for more than [-] years, and he has seen a lot. The practice in the martial arts hall is mainly based on theory, supplemented by practical operation.

The lecture hall has been in session for more than half a year, and it is time to test the results periodically.

Zhu Qiyu walked in front, and the courtiers walked behind, and they came to the auditorium of the martial arts hall together.

Most of the students have already finished the half-yearly big homework, and it's time for acceptance.

The auditorium of the lecture hall was already full of people. Zhu Qiyu was sitting under the stage today. He is not the protagonist today, but the students of the lecture hall are the protagonists.

Hanging in the auditorium is a huge geomancy map, covering the entire territory of the Ming Dynasty, even including the Yilibali forces in the Western Regions, and the Xuanweisi in the old port in Southeast Asia.

The Xuanwei Division of the Old Port was located near Palembang, Sumenda. In the fifth year of Zhengtong, the Xuanwei Department of the Old Port was annexed by the Manjaboyi Kingdom. After Zhu Qizhen took office, he admitted the matter with his nose and allowed the Manjaboyi Kingdom to pay tribute.

The two official factories set up by the Ming Dynasty in Xuanweisi, Jiugang, were also annexed by Majapahit.

Zhu Qiyu is not Zhu Qizhen, he will not hold his nose to admit this established fact, the Ming Dynasty is bound to set sail, and the Malacca Strait, as an important gateway to the South China Sea and the Western Ocean, naturally Zhu Qiyu will not give up the claim of sovereignty over these places.

"Let's get started." Zhu Qiyu sat down and said to Shi Heng.

The first person to take the stage was Zhao Wei, the commander who was pouring water on the wall at Juyongguan. He walked up to the ceremony stage with some restraint, and first gave a salute to Zhu Qiyu who was in the audience.

Zhu Qiyu accepted Zhao Min's first salute and nodded to him.

Zhao Wenzheng said: "The topic I chose is the fall of the Xuan Mansion."

"The Ming Dynasty is once again caught in the disaster of relocation. How should we relocate in an orderly manner, strategically organize and organize a large-scale defense line, and delay the enemy's pace."

Zhao Min's first sentence made Yang Hong's eyes widen!He stared blankly at the map and blinked in disbelief.

"The topic selection is just a topic selection, don't worry about Changping Marquis." Zhu Qiyu hurriedly whispered.

"Let's assume that the Oirat army persuaded the general officer of the Xuanfu to surrender, and the Xuanfu was captured by the enemy in the capital of the Ming Dynasty. At this time, Oirat will have more than [-] Ming army prisoners."

"If the Xuan Mansion is breached, Datong cannot survive alone. When the Xuan Mansion is breached, the battlefield will be divided into two fronts, east and west."

"The eastern front is to build the first line of defense with Yanmen Pass in Gouzhu Mountain as the core. Datong, Shanyin, and Shuozhou are the enemy's occupied areas. Our defense line on Gouzhu Mountain has the following strategic points. Defense."

"Yanmenguan, Ningwu, Loufan, and Tianmenguan are four important towns. This is the ancient road of Loufan. You can go south from outside the mountain and approach Taiyuan."

"If the enemy breaks through our army's Yanmen Pass and goes straight to Xinzhou, or breaks through Loufan Ancient Road, they can go straight to Taiyuan."

"The Loufan Ancient Road has been the route for the Huns, Turks, Rouran, Xianbei and other grasslands in the north to go south since ancient times. There are poems, but the dragon city that keeps the dragon city flying and does not teach Huma to go to the Yinshan Mountain is Taiyuan."

"On the western front, Juyong Pass, Zijing Pass, and Daoma Pass constitute the first line of defense. However, this first line of defense is difficult to defend. Zijing Pass is easy to break, and the capital is the second line of defense."

"If our army can hold the defense line of Gouzhu Mountain or Taiyuan, it can be relocated to Kaifeng, Luoyang, Chang'an and other places, and recruit the king of Qin from all over the country to wait for an opportunity to counterattack."

"My basis is that at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jin people went south, and Jin Wushu approached Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, within four months, but returned in vain."

"After Jin Wushu withdrew his army, he joined forces with Nianhan to attack Taiyuan. The general of Taiyuan, Wang Zhi, guarded the isolated city alone for more than 250 days, and died in a fierce battle, which caused the two emperors to hunt north."

"The counterattack route is..."

Zhao Wen spoke eloquently for two quarters of an hour. His assumption was that after the Oirats broke through the Xuan Mansion and obtained a large amount of military supplies, their strength skyrocketed, and the Ming Dynasty fell into another catastrophe.

How to relocate, how to organize resistance, how to counterattack, how to judge whether to continue to relocate, how to organize people to protect themselves, etc., are comprehensive.

Yang Hong shook his head and said: "It is impossible for the Oirats to break through the Xuanfu, they have already lost."

Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "The enemy is expected to be lenient. This is just a hypothesis. Firstly, to cultivate the generals' resilience, and secondly, to serve as a reference."

"Such an assumption seems unlikely to happen, but what if it actually happened? In desperation, Daming had a plan and proceeded in an orderly manner, so that there was an opportunity to counterattack."

Zhao Mei bowed her head and left the stage. His assumption was very bold, but the next assumption was even bolder.

Fan Guang, who was about to be appointed as the capital of Liaodong, stepped onto the stage. After saluting, he said loudly, "My topic is the slave rebellion."

"Since the change of Tumubao, Li Manzhu, Dong Shan and others have led troops to harass Kaiyuan, Shenyang, and attack Fushun City many times."

"Based on the established facts, I make the following inferences."

Zhu Qiyu, however, was sitting upright. He knew that Fan Guang's topic was about the capital of Liaodong, but he actually focused on the rebellion of the female slave chieftain in Jianzhou.

"I presuppose two inferences, one is victory and the other is defeat."

"Victory means destroying the dead, leaving the pass from Fushun, dividing the troops into three routes, and taking the three guards of Jianzhou, leaving the Hunhe River on the left, crossing the Shimen, passing the Tumu River, and reaching Fenshuiling, and passing the Xichangkou on the right. , Pass Phoenix City, Black Pine Ridge area."

"The middle road starts from Fushun, passes through Bodao Mountain, Nianyuling, crosses Wuling, crosses Suzi River, and reaches the ancient city."

"Three-way encirclement, kill them all!"

"The strong will kill, the old and the weak will be captured. If the earth collapses and the fire is extinguished, if it disintegrates and the ice disappears, the house will be emptied and the pig's house will be empty, and the lair will be empty and its nest will be empty. On a cold day, the prisoner's situation will be depressed. .”

Fan Guang paused when he said this, and looked at Zhu Qiyu, he didn't know whether he should continue or not.

And Zhu Qiyu looked at the marks on the Kanyu map with some curiosity. Isn't this marching route a copy of Chenghua Liting?
It's just that the North Korean servant army was not involved.

"Continue." Zhu Qiyu's voice was not loud, but in the quiet auditorium, it was extremely clear.

Why didn't Fan Guang say anything?
Because next, he was going to say he was defeated.

"Defeated..." Fan Guang took a deep breath, pointed at Fushun's position and said, "Defeated, then the slaves in the captive territory must work together to take down Fushun."

"At that time, all the elite of our Beijing camp went to Shenyang, the capital of Liaodong. I thought that it would be difficult to get Fushun back without 50 troops."

"Fushun is placed in Liaodong, just like the Xuanfu is placed in the capital. It is a gateway. In the cold winter and deep mountains, the joint efforts of the Jian and the barbarians must be waiting for the battle. If the strength is less than 50, it may not be effective."

A guard of a thousand guards finally couldn't help but stood up and said, "It's nonsense! I am a big Ming elite with a strong army and only a few thousand slaves. Why do I need 50 heavenly soldiers?" !"

Zhu Qiyu stretched out his hand and said, "Sit down, this lesson is assigned by me. We can discuss it privately after Commander Fan finishes his lecture."

"The last general commanded the decree." Chief Qian's guard was still unconvinced.

Zhu Qiyu is not Qin Shihuang. At the beginning, Wang Jian said that an army of 50 could destroy Chu, but Qin Shihuang didn't believe it. He asked Li Xin to lead an army of 20 and went back in a big defeat.

Wang Jian led an army of 50 to destroy Chu.

Fan Guang used to be in Liaodong, and Zhu Qiyu believed in Fan Guang's words. If Fushun was lost, it would indeed be a major event that would shake the government and the public.

"If there are no 50, based on the terrain of Liaodong, if we attack in three or four ways, we will be defeated by the enemy. If we attack with one force, Jiannu will inevitably flee into the captive territory in a hurry, break them up into pieces, and overcome them next year. I am Ming Fushun."

"In this way, over and over again, Jiannu will destroy our Liaodong capital, take advantage of the trend, fight thousands of miles, and take down Guangning in one go. At that time, we only need to cut off the two wings of Mongolia and North Korea, and my Ming Dynasty will always be in Jiannu Under the iron hoof."

It is extremely rebellious for Fan Guang to say such things at this time.

Daming, who is invincible in the world, just experienced a change of civil fortress, and soon the battle of the capital was restored, and the Oirats who were beaten by the Xuanfu were defeated.

But Zhu Qiyu's eyes turned and flickered. Isn't this the route after the rise of Hou Jin?
Take Fushun.

When the army advances and suppresses, it escapes from the pass, and when the army retreats, it breaks through the pass and enters again. After continuous probing, in the Battle of Sarhu, the Ming army was defeated, and they fought down the Ningyuan city in one go. Chieftain, it is hard to say whether the Liaoxi Corridor can be held.

What does it mean to be defeated like a mountain?
In the Battle of Saerhu, Yang Gao, in addition to the 20 troops he led, was also supported by the Mongolian Lindan Khan and the Korean army, and returned in a big defeat.

50, Fan Guang, it's really not nonsense.His intended strategy is to step by step.

But half a million troops...

Zhu Qiyu nodded and asked: "If it is defeated, even the Guangning you are worried about is lost, the Mongols will have to go west, the North Koreans will have to bow their heads, and cut off the left and right wings of my Ming Dynasty. Is there a good strategy?"

Fan Guang was a little stunned. He didn't expect that his majesty would actually ask his majesty what he said. He looked at the Kanyu map for a long time before sighing and said: "I am stupid, I have no good plan."

"Okay." Zhu Qiyu nodded and said, "If Fushun Pass is broken!"

"I will give you an army of 50 troops, even if I spend all my internal money, I will not hesitate to issue an imperial edict to King Qin! You write this sentence in your project, and send it to Xing'an Archives Lecture Hall library."

Fan Guang said a little dullly: "But your majesty, the style of slavery is weak, and Fushun is as solid as gold, how can it be broken? Even if Dong Shan and Li Manzhu are given [-] soldiers and horses, he can't afford to feed them."

Li Manzhu and Dong Shan can't afford [-] soldiers, but Nurhachi and Huangtai Jineng!

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "Yu Shaobao said at the beginning that there is no city that cannot be broken in this world, so just do it."

"The minister leads the decree." Fan Guang took his homework off the stage, added a few words, and handed it to Xing'an.

This is the first subject to be archived in the lecture hall. It contains detailed plans for the food and grass needed, the number of people to be mobilized, the marching route, the selection of good generals, and the location of the piers and outposts.

Zhu Qiyu took the subject book from Xing'an and handed it to Yang Hong, which contained an extremely detailed battle plan.

Yang Hong shook his head and said, "Whether it is Xuanfu or Fushun, it is impossible to break it. Your Majesty... I don't agree with it."

"That's right, the invincible Ming Dynasty, how could Xuanfu and Fushun, the important towns, be destroyed." Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "But these are our generals, they have already walked in front of the court officials."

"They have bolder assumptions, more adequate preparations, and more rigorous plans. When fighting, they can know what they are doing."

"They dared to assume that the emperor was captured, dared to assume that Xiongguan was broken, and dared to make various plans."

Yang Hong flipped through the textbook again, and finally understood what His Majesty meant. He bowed his head and said, "It's my preconceived idea. Although this will never happen, it can indeed cultivate generals."

The world is so big that there are no surprises. At this moment in the Ming Dynasty, no one would have thought that the future of the Ming Dynasty would be in jeopardy.

This is also a common problem of the empire: "The empire is so powerful that no one would think that the empire will become weaker, but when it goes downhill, it will often step on the accelerator to the bottom."

Next is an instructor that Zhu Qiyu is very optimistic about, Luo Tong, the right servant of the Ministry of War, talented in both civil and military, and good at construction.

He walked up to the stage and performed a salute, and said in a vibrating voice: "My subject is, the disaster of relocation!"

"If the capital hadn't been defended at that time, and even when King Ji was hunting north, the Ming Dynasty moved south, where would the Ming Dynasty go!"

Yu Qian said at the beginning that those who said they would move to the south would be beheaded, and Zhu Qiyu had also decreed that those who said that they would move to the south would be beheaded. Zhu Qiyu even ordered Jin Yiwei to arrest fourteen writers from the Fengyang Poetry Society. After the war, they all beheaded for public display.

At that time, the battle of the capital was over, and Zhu Qiyu still brought 14 people out of the imperial prison and beheaded them all.

This is also the point that he was criticized the most by the courtiers. Chen Xun kept talking about benevolence, that is, His Majesty really has the appearance of a king who subjugated the country.

As soon as Luo Tong said this, there was an uproar, only Yang Hong thought about it.

In fact, Yang Hong was also ready for the royal family to move south and his family to die for the country at that time.

At that time, Yang Hong felt that the capital could not be defended, and sooner or later it would be relocated. Since it was relocated, Xuanfu was an isolated city. If the whole family died for the country, could it be that they were the pioneers of the Oirats?

Yang Hong has been on the border for more than forty years, and he simply cannot accept the humiliation of the day he became a lackey of the captives.

As a soldier, if you die, you must die like a soldier.

Yang Hong suddenly understood that these seemingly unrealistic textbooks might really happen!

 Today is still the fourth watch!

(End of this chapter)

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