I am the king of the dead

Chapter 167 Daming Royal Staff

Chapter 167 Daming Royal Staff

At the beginning, Zhao Mei said that the Xuan Mansion would be breached, because a lot had been seized, and the capital might be relocated.

Yang Hong 1 people don't believe it, he is in the Xuanfu, even without the help of Daming, he can exhaust the Wala people's ammunition and food.

As a general who has guarded the border for more than [-] years, Yang Hong has this confidence.

After that, Fan Guang said that Daming would sweep the court and plow holes against the female straight women in Jianzhou, especially Li Manzhu and Dong Shan. Under the condition of constant disturbance, Daming could win a big victory.

He already believed it a little bit, because Dong Shan and Li Manzhu were disturbing the side, and if Daming would sweep the court and plow holes against Jiannu, Fan Guang's topic would be very meaningful.

After that, Fan Guang changed the subject and talked about the loss of Fushun.

But Fan Guang's meaning is very obvious, it must be an army of 50 to fight, and it cannot be wiped out.

Because the victory of Fushun means that Jianzhou Women's Straight has initially completed the accumulation of strength, and it is definitely not something that 20 troops can wipe out.

Because they brought Haixi, Savage, and Jianzhou female straight into their own ranks, and even included some of the descendants of the Mongols, Horqin and other tribes.

This means that Jiannu will have the highest degree of organization since the Kingdom of Jin.

It means that the army will advance and suppress, and they will push out of the pass, and when the army retreats, Fushun will be destroyed again.

He already realized something was wrong.

When Luo Tong took his schoolbook and mentioned that Daming moved south to Yingtian Mansion due to various concerns, it really almost happened.

At that time, many family members of officials fled!The Sixth Master's new funeral, the emperor knocked on the door, and so on...

"Yan Nanqian Zhe Zhan, is it gone?" Yang Hong asked in a low voice.

Zhu Qiyu nodded. It was a wartime regulation, and it was naturally invalidated after the war.

Luo Tong said very succinctly: "We assume that due to various reasons, we had to move south to Yingtian Mansion. We have reason to suspect that after arriving in Nanjing City, we will immediately fall into the disaster of party struggle."

Luo Tong asserted very confidently that if Wala went south, after the Ming Dynasty moved south, it would inevitably fall into party struggles immediately, and the main battle and the main peace would immediately become two torrents in the court, and no one would be spared.

Luo Tong's tone was extremely heavy, and he took a deep breath and said: "At that time, Wala will hold King Ji as a false emperor, and the old officials in the world are in a state of panic. There is one Ming Dynasty, two court halls, and three voices."

Luo Tong pointed to the Kanyu map and said: "Based on the most optimistic estimate, with the utmost care of the courtiers and His Majesty, within three to five years, the disaster of party disputes will be quelled."

"At that time, everything south of the Huaihe River and Qinling Mountains was reduced to scorched earth. With two capitals, two emperors, and two edicts, the world thought about moving."

"Using your Majesty's grand plan and strategy, in a period of ten years, we will sort out the government affairs, and then plan a major event in the Northern Expedition, attacking Xiangyang, Kaifeng, Jinan and other important towns, and the general situation of the world will be achieved."

"With the martial arts of Emperor Taizu Gao, from the 11th year of the army to Zhengzheng, to the 24th year of Hongwu, Fangping settled the world."

"However, Emperor Taizu Gao is also the only one who has ruled the world from south to north in all dynasties."

Luo Tong's homework is very long, and it is roughly divided into several stages. Except for the initial southward migration, and then the removal of several important military towns later, Luo Tong's homework still has some clues.

When it came to the Northern Expedition Dingding later, the speech became more and more vague, and the speech became more and more confused, and even became a little incoherent, and the voice became trembling.

How did the Ming Dynasty decide the country?

In addition to the great martial arts of Emperor Hongwu, the desperate battle of all the warriors, and the Northern Expedition of Liu Futong's Third Route Army, the entire Yuan Dynasty was smashed to pieces!

Before Liu Futong, the Red Scarf Army can even be traced back to the former Song Dynasty!
Luo Tong is not a magician, he can't calculate that far at all, he can't calculate at all.

For a Luo Tong who was at Yanqing Guard, blocked the enemy's attack at Juyongguan, and even had a certain victory, that was an absolutely unacceptable result!
His life, the lives of countless Ming soldiers, and the lives of countless common people are all a joke, engraved as a slave, day and night hope to be king, but can't.

And no matter how he calculates, he can't calculate the possibility of Da Ming's successful Northern Expedition!

Moreover, Luo Tong was only calculating from a military point of view. He wanted an answer to the success of the Northern Expedition, but he couldn't get it.

But in a corner of peace, is the Northern Expedition just a military issue?
In the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, there was the strength of the Northern Expedition, but it was never able to break into the city of Kaifeng and regain the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty.

The entire auditorium was quiet, everyone was quiet, some people had angry eyes, some clenched their teeth, and some clenched their fists with fingernails in their palms.

No one wants to see that scene.

"Okay, Luo Shilang, don't talk anymore." Zhu Qiyu stood up and said, "I am not as brave as Emperor Taizu Gao."

What Zhu Qiyu said was true. There were only two emperors from commoners to unified emperors, Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor Taizu of Ming Dynasty.

He said that he is not as good as his ancestors, which is both a fact and a ritual.

Zhu Qiyu took a deep breath and said: "We won the battle of the capital and drove the Oirats out of the capital. The Beicao army, Beiwa army, Yanqingwei, and Xuanfu guards fought bravely, and we won."

"This is just a hypothesis. Look at all of you, each of you lowered your head, as if that scene is right in front of you."

"There is neither a mud horse crossing the south, nor Shenzhou land sinking, no unbearable looking back, full of scars, and no waiting to clean up the old mountains and rivers, and the sky. Iron, make up for the cracks in the sky."

In Zhu Qiyu's passage, he talked about Zhao Gou's journey to the south and Shenzhou Lu Shen, about Yue Fei's ten years in Shaoxing and his hatred of retreating under the city of Kaifeng, his regret at Chao Tianque, and about Xin Qiji's Ping Rong's good strategy, which no one reads. It is impossible to mend the cracks in the sky.

"Be excited, the subject is just a hypothesis." Zhu Qiyu clapped his hands again and said, "Next."

"Xing'an, file the lecture library." He sat down after speaking.

Luo Tong couldn't calm down for a long time.

After that, various topics in the lecture hall, such as the battle of Luchuan Nandian Xuanweisi, such as the lost land of Jiaozhi, such as the lost land of Hetao, such as Hamiwei, etc., all appeared in the textbooks of the lecture hall, and the lectures were good or bad. , Zhu Qiyu's words don't count, and the instructors sitting below will judge.

Zhu Qiyu is the emperor, he is sitting here, watching the military officers of the military hall comment on the topics, if the instructors score too low or too high, the emperor will not be happy.

Some relatively outrageous topics, such as Fan Guang's defeat of Fushun, the national crisis, Luotong's Ming Dynasty's southward migration, etc., have to be selected by Zhu Qiyu for storage.

It lasted for nearly two hours, with a break in the middle, and this was the end.

Zhu Qiyu walked in front, Yang Hong, Shi Heng and others followed behind, he said with a smile: "The Marquis of Changping has been exhausted all the way, and he has also listened to Fang Qiu berating and pointing Jiangshan for two hours, which made Changping Marquis laugh."

Yang Hong, however, was a little unsatisfied. The smile on his face had never been heard before. When he heard His Majesty speak, he quickly shook his head and said: "That's not true. What they said is very thoughtful and distinctive. The martial arts lectures in the past six months Not in vain."

"Your Majesty's lecture hall is much better than the one I set up in the Xuanfu. My congratulations to Daming! Congratulations to Your Majesty!"

"Then, for the sacrificial wine in the martial arts hall, would Marquis Changping be willing to share my worries?" Zhu Qiyu asked the question before getting started.

Yang Hong looked at the lecture hall, took a deep breath and said, "If Your Majesty doesn't think I'm stupid, I'm willing to do my best for Your Majesty."

"Okay!" Zhu Qiyu nodded in satisfaction.

He also prepared a banquet for Yang Hong, but it was not a big banquet for so many people, mainly the commander-in-chief, deputy commander-in-chief, and commanders of the capital sat down to eat together.

The food is relatively simple, but the martial arts hall is also an army, and drinking is not allowed, just to have fun, especially to ask about things on the frontier.

"What is this?" Yang Hong asked strangely, looking at the chessboard that Zhu Qiyu and Shi Heng had brought out.

Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "Pastime."

This time, it was still the map of the Battle of Xuanfu.

He was still holding the Wala, and Shi Heng was holding the Ming Dynasty. The two sides started to play chess. Shi Heng was in a difficult situation, and the Ming Dynasty couldn't lose. In the two bets, Shi Heng ate Zhu Qiyu's big dragon and won.

But in the same way, Shi Heng's big dragon was also wiped out, and the victory was also a miserable victory.

This map, Zhu Qiyu held the tile, played it more than a dozen times, and it looks a little bit different.

Shi Heng also went all out, who let him have only so few troops on hand, no matter how much supplies there are, only someone can use them.

"Marquis Changping come next time?" Zhu Qiyu said cheerfully.

He is the emperor, and Zhiwala can eat most of Shi Heng's army, which is already very good. The reality is that he also threw away [-] corpses and [-] captives first, and fled in embarrassment.

Yu Qian, Shi Heng, and Yang Jun all said that Yang Hong was the best, so Zhu Qiyu naturally wanted to try.

On Qipanshan, the Tatar tribe led by Agadorzi would not run away. He had played this map a lot, so he still had some experience.

In this ideal state, it shouldn't be too ugly to die.

Yang Hong understood the rules after watching the two sets, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty's pawn push is quite interesting, and there are still nights."

"It's better to be respectful than to obey orders. Talk with His Majesty twice."

Xing'an was still the referee, and not long after, Xing'an shouted loudly: "It's foggy!"

Xing'an could see the blatant and obvious cheating. If he didn't cheat, His Majesty's loss would be too embarrassing!

"North, Gale!" Xing'an immediately took a deep breath and said.

The frequency of cheating is a bit too high.

Zhu Qiyu scratched his head. Before he knew it, his big dragon had been eaten, but his scouts didn't even know where the opponent's main force was arranged...

It didn't take long for Zhu Qiyu to throw the flag and admit defeat.

Afterwards, he refused to admit defeat, and he opened two more shots, still holding Wala, but in the end, he was quickly eaten by the dragon, and he still couldn't touch the north. The only time he found out where the main force was, that's all.

How to fight this!
If he goes first, he will run too. In less than a quarter of an hour, Zhu Qiyu lost three times.

Yang Hong bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, I am too familiar with Xuanfu."

"Furthermore, I thought that the pawn pushing the chessboard was nothing more than a pastime. For example, on the battlefield, there were actually nearly [-] voluntary regiments who practiced and joined the defense of the city, and nearly [-] civilians participated in the earthwork."

"This is absolutely invisible on this chessboard."

Zhu Qiyu nodded, and then asked: "Marquis Changping, what do you think of this lecture hall? I plan to gather all the generals who can't be beaten in this lecture hall, and they are usually responsible for teaching and making judgments."

"If it's time for war, we will judge whether the battle should be fought, how to fight it, how much food and grass to mobilize, and how much armament to mobilize. We can't rush out of the fortress every time Oala comes, and then smash the halberd into the sand. .”

Zhu Qiyu is copying methods again. The Great Ming Royal Staff Department, composed of veteran generals, is responsible for making suggestions for the emperor.

Institutions similar to the five-army governor's office at least give the emperor a rough outline of how to fight.

He didn't intend to set limits for himself, but just let the veterans use their last peripheral vision to shine on Daming again.As for the limited time for his descendants in the future, that is beyond his control.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and he can't control so much.

Yang Hong looked quite hesitant, and he asked tentatively, "Is it Wenyuan Pavilion or Imperial Academy?"

 Thanks to "lyz2010" for the 1500 point reward, thank you for your support.Thanks to "The Warden of Time" for the 160-point reward, and thanks to "Bad Bad Sex Snail", "Baiyun Fangxing", and "Kite Maruko" for the 100-point reward.Thank you for the paragraph rewards of 2 dot coins, and thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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