The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1069 You can shoot with money!

Chapter 1069 You can shoot with money!
... "Brigade seat, there is a message from the headquarters of the Ushido Manshi Regiment, asking us to lead the troops to move closer to it."

Adjutant Zhou Dacong, nicknamed Da Congming, brought the news to Yan Sanfu, commander of the Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army. Yan Sanfu was leading the troops of the Imperial Association Army to carry out raids on the base areas of the Eighth Route Army in accordance with the orders issued by the superior headquarters, in cooperation with the Japanese army in North China.

But Yan Sanfu, the second devil, is very shrewd.

When the devils sent someone to supervise the battle, this guy looked aggressive and led the troops to advance quickly, and even had several confrontations with the local troops of the Eighth Route Army on some battlefields.

Although defeated, he was quite heroic in the battle.

Yan Sanfu arranged the devil's war supervisors in the rear, enjoying the blessings, serving them with good wine, cigarettes and meat, and taking no risks at all.

The sound of guns and guns on the front line is endless, so intense.

Although the puppet army was finally defeated, at a glance, there were many injured people in the team, but there were also gains, and dozens of corpses of the Eighth Route Army would always be used as military exploits.

The devil's war supervisor admired Yan Sanfu very much, and gave a thumbs up: "Yaoxi, Brigadier Yan, your troops are very brave in combat, and you are even more loyal to the Great Japanese Empire. I will definitely report the situation to the headquarters truthfully! "

Yan Sanfu showed a look of shame: "Taijun, you are really flattering me, I still lost the battle after all."

"Courage is commendable, don't worry about the rest!"

The ghost supervisor said a few words of relief. The power of the Eighth Route Army is very clear to the puppet army today, especially for these security forces. Always on tenterhooks.

Even the elite troops in the field frequently reported that they were ambushed by the Eighth Route Army everywhere, and suffered heavy losses, let alone the second-rate security forces like them.

After sending the devils' supervisors away, Yan Sanfu's smile faded away.

"Great cleverness, have the brothers' funeral arrangements been made?"

Adjutant Wang Dacong quickly replied: "Please rest assured, all the arrangements have been made. The brothers who died have been given an extra pension, which will be sent to their families one by one at that time."

"It's a pity for these brothers. It's all my fault that the brigade commander is incompetent and can't protect his brothers!" In the subsequent military meeting, looking at the regiment and battalion commanders, Yan Sanfu was heartbroken.

Adjutant Wang Dacong chimed in and said, "Traveler, how can I blame you for this?
Brothers all know that the brigade is for the benefit of our brothers. If we don't do this, if we really go to the front and fight with the Eighth Route Army, I am afraid that even a few people in our brigade will not survive.

As it is now, only a few dozen brothers are sacrificed each time, and they are immediately packed into the corpses of the Eighth Route Army and given to the little devils. Our brothers will have much fewer casualties, and in addition to pensions, we can also receive an extra reward.

To survive in troubled times, it is impossible for you not to pay a price.

The brigade is all for our brothers' consideration!
Let's think about those who sincerely follow the little devils and dare to fight against the Eighth Route Army, including the first and third mixed brigades. The current organizational system has been disabled.

The brigade commander of the third mixed brigade was directly beheaded by the Eighth Route anti-rape troops on his own bed at night.

Our brothers also follow the traveler, relying on the wisdom of the traveler to cater to each other, we can live in peace and stability until now! "


"Traveler, don't blame yourself!"

After some reassurance, Yan Sanfu seemed to regroup and said:

"Thanks to the trust of my brothers, it is really not easy to survive in the cracks of a team like ours now that there is a lot of gunfire, but everyone believes in me, and I will definitely find a way to lead everyone out of the way!"


After Ushidoman's order was conveyed, Yan Sanfu not only scolded with a cold face: "Damn it, this little devil is using us as cannon fodder again!
I really didn't know that the area where the Niudao Manchu Regiment was located was close to the Eighth Route Army's Huangyadong area, and the old devil was probably planning the Eighth Route Army's Huangyadong Arsenal again!
But when the devils attacked the Huangyadong Armory with so many troops, they failed to take it down, and almost wiped out the entire army and fell inside.

Just us mobs, if we really get in, I'm afraid there won't even be scum left. "

"Traveler, what shall we do then?"

He scolded angrily: "I said you are very clever, are you the chief of staff or am I the chief of staff? If I want to know how to do it, I still need to ask you?"

Da Zhiming laughed awkwardly, turned his head, and immediately thought of it:

"Yes, brigade, the devil wants us to go and get closer. He probably wants to use us as cannon fodder. If we don't go, it will definitely not work.

Then go, when we were exploring the way, I thought we would be like this, like this, like this..."

After hearing this, Yan Sanfu said suddenly, "Haha, you have to be you, I'm so smart, this is a good idea, I think I'll do it like this!"

Soon after, Yan Sanfu led the troops to move closer to the periphery of the Niu Dao Man Division according to Uu Daoman's order, and quickly penetrated to the periphery of Huangya Cave according to the interspersed route led by the team sent by Niu Daoman.

The equipment of the Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Puppet Army is actually very poor. It can be regarded as a lightly armed force at best, without even a few decent artillery.

The Japanese army probably also understood the combat effectiveness of these puppet troops, and it would be a waste to leave them artillery, and they had to worry about their rebellion.

Therefore, Yan Sanfu and his party walked through the mountain road, only holding a rifle and carrying some dry food, the pace was naturally easy and there was no difficulty.

The next situation was according to Niu Daoman's plan. Worried about the accidental discovery of the mountain road into Huangya Cave, which contained bombs, Niu Daoman ordered the Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Imperial Association Army to go in first to explore the way.

Along the way, there are high mountains and steep terrain.

The secret sentries arranged by the Eighth Route Army troops in advance had been spread all over the route. As soon as the puppet troops entered, the news was quickly transmitted to the Eighth Route Army's former enemy headquarters.

Knowing that the first to enter was a puppet army, the deputy chief of staff smiled and said:

"Although this old devil, Niu Daoman, is arrogant, he is not stupid. This old boy is still a bit cautious. It seems that we have to work harder!"

Then a cadre asked: "What should we do with the Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Puppet Army who first entered our trap?"

The deputy chief of staff said: "Yan Sanfu is an interesting traitor. If you say he is bad, he is not completely bad. If you say he is good, this kid is a fool, and he will fall wherever the wind blows.

If it was before, even if we wanted to let these puppet troops go, the equipment in the hands of the puppet troops would not be in vain.

As for the moment, it is better to let this puppet army go, sometimes it may be useful. "

The family was discussing, and then, the correspondent rushed to report a very interesting thing to everyone:

After the Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Puppet Army entered the trap circle, the marching team was so honest that they all got together and chose the most obvious road to advance slowly. Even the security troops did not spread outwards.

It seems that they are afraid that the Eighth Route Army will be discovered and force a battle to break out.

It also seems to be telling the Eighth Route Army that we are a bunch of blind people, so stop bullying the blind people.

What is the funniest thing?
Yan Sanfu, the second devil, even specially arranged some semaphore soldiers to use semaphore to convey information to the high slopes and mountains along the way.

To say that this second devil is really talented, this set of semaphore is a set of semaphore invented by Yan Sanfu himself and his subordinates, which is exclusive to the Eighth Mixed Brigade.

And the Eighth Route Army already had many captives from the Eighth Mixed Brigade.

Call for an interpreter who understands semaphore.

It roughly means: "Brothers of the Eight Routes, please hold your hands high. We were also forced by the little devil. The devil is hanging behind us. As long as the battle starts, our army can surrender immediately, as long as we can leave a way for the brothers to survive!"

The deputy chief of staff couldn't help saying happily: "Haha, it's interesting, let me just say that the second devil, Yan Sanfu, is interesting! This old boy has become a genius and returned it.

This is talking to us under the eyes of the little devil!
In this case, why don't we just play a few scenes with this Eighth Hybrid Brigade in the air! "

The situation continues to evolve.

Yan Sanfu, who was leading the team forward cautiously, suddenly heard the sound of violent shelling, and then he saw a large number of shells exploding continuously in an area more than 100 meters away.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, brigade seat, the Eighth Route Army is coming to attack us, run away!"

Adjutant Wang Dacong was so frightened that he was out of his wits and wanted to run away.

Although Yan Sanfu was also taken aback, but he was the commander of the Eighth Mixed Brigade anyway, he calmed down quickly, slapped Wang Dacong on the head and cursed: "Idiot, why panic, if the Eighth Route really wants our lives If not, these shells will be aimed at our heads."

"That's right! Lu Zuo, what does Balu mean by..."

"I think it's likely to be the case. The news we sent must have been received by Balu. This is to play a good show with us, so that the little devils behind can watch!"

Wang Dacong was a little worried: "Traveler, shall we cooperate with Eighth Route in acting?"

"Nonsense, you kid doesn't want to kill me, but I want to die!"

"But Balu obviously set a trap here. If we cooperate with Balu in acting and bring in devils, then..."

"Don't think too much, we don't know the situation, even if this devil is defeated, why should he rely on us?
The current situation, brother, I have seen it for a long time. The Eighth Route Army is getting stronger and stronger. The little devil is a grasshopper after autumn. I don't think it will be a few days.

But the more this is the case, the more the devils have to rely on our Imperial Association Army. As long as there is no evidence, even if it is to win people's hearts, they will not dare to do anything to us! "

Yan Sanfu saw it very clearly, and then he ordered the troops to cooperate with the Eighth Route Army in acting.

How to act?
The artillery shells from the Eight Routes didn't come directly at his team, which was enough to save face.

Yan Sanfu immediately arranged for the troops to fire all the guns and artillery crazily towards the empty hill not far away.

The sound of gunfire from both sides seemed to be intertwined in some areas, and the sound of fierce fighting was quickly transmitted to the rear.

Hearing the movement, the old devil Ushishima Man looked awe-inspiring.

As he expected, there were indeed Eighth Route Army troops blocking along the way.

The news of Yan Sanfu came soon after.

"General, Yan Sanfu said that his troops were blocked by the Eighth Route Army troops along the way, and accidentally stepped into a minefield. The forward troops suffered heavy casualties, and the Eighth Route Army's artillery fire was fierce. Please reinforce!"

After the chief of staff reported the news, he asked for instructions: "General, shall we send reinforcements immediately?"

"Reinforcement? No, no, let's see the excitement first!" Ushishima said nonchalantly. In the eyes of these senior Japanese military officers, the life and death of the Imperial Association Army was not a filter at all, whether it was one or a group.

The important thing is that these dog legs can achieve the expected effect.

Niu Daoman is not sure now whether this mountain road leading to the inside of Huangya Cave is a flaw accidentally exposed by the Eighth Route Army, or a trap deliberately set by the Eighth Route Army.

He is still hesitating whether to lead the main force into it.

As for the eighth mixed brigade.

"Tell Yan Sanfu, you must withstand the attack of the Eighth Route, and I will lead the troops to reinforce it soon!"

But after the news passed, the entire Udo Manshi regiment simply stood still.

Niu Daoman just arranged some forward observation posts to observe the reaction of the Eighth Route Army in the surrounding area from a distance.

Front Enemy Headquarters.

The deputy chief of staff still smiled, "It seems that if you want the fish to take the bait, you have to use the last dose of strong medicine!"

Soon after, the Japanese intelligence agency received a special report.

At the press conference in the Huangyadong area of ​​the Eighth Route Army, the Commander of the 386th Brigade, the Commander of the 385th Brigade, and the Commander of the 129th Division, as well as a group of officers of the Eighth Route Army, including the Deputy Commander-in-Chief and the Deputy Chief of Staff, appeared on the scene, accepting all parties Interviews and questions from war correspondents.

What is the most exaggerated?
These war reporters are not only from all over the world, but also from the Central Army and the Jinsui Army, including war reporters from the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries, as well as some neutral country reporters.

There are even some Japanese war reporters wearing Japanese military uniforms.

This made some journalists in the same industry feel a little dazed.

The old brigade commander of the 386th Brigade stood up with a smile and said: "This is some war reporters specially invited from the Japanese war zone by a team of our Eighth Route Army. Please welcome them!"

The ghost reporters looked bitter. The security measures around them were not comparable to those of the high-level Japanese army officers. Those elusive soldiers of the Eighth Route Army captured them while they were sleeping.

Among them, the deputy chief of the general staff answered such a question: "Yes, yes, to tell you the truth, the current headquarters of our Eighth Route Army is located inside Huangya Cave.

...enemy attack?

No, no, I don't think the Japanese army has the courage and strength to break into Huangya Cave! "

Brigadier Chen of the 385th brigade also told the war reporters from various countries with a smile, a special way of playing in the field.

"Have you seen these long-range heavy artillery of our Eighth Route Army?
As long as we journalists are willing to pay, we can send professional soldiers to assist our journalists, operate the cannons with our own hands, and shoot the shells into the Japanese camp, so that everyone can personally feel the determination of our Eighth Route Army to fight against aggression! "

As soon as these words are exported, the attraction is not small.

These war reporters dared to risk their lives to shoot on the front line, all of them had their heads pinned to their waistbands and were not afraid of death at all.

Naturally, he also wanted to be famous, to be the world-famous war reporter.

If only a report could appear in the newspapers: a certain war correspondent from the British, American, and Soviet sides fired artillery at a certain position of the Japanese invaders on the outskirts of the Huangyadong area on a certain day in a certain year!
This gimmick is probably enough to alarm the world.

With this in mind, some war reporters really came forward to ask for the specific price.

In the end, large-caliber artillery has a large-caliber price, and small-caliber artillery has a small-caliber price. Reporters who are rich can directly fire cannons, and those who are not worth can also open small cannons for fun.

This scene really stunned the Japanese field reporters who participated in it.

But after the news spread to the various headquarters of the Japanese army, the Japanese officers were about to explode...

(End of this chapter)

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