The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1070 The Air Force's 8th Route Army Air Force First Battle! ! !

Chapter 1070 The First Battle of the Eighth Route Army of the Air Force! ! !
Neiji Okamura was also furious when he heard the news. These damned Eight Routes are really rampant. The two armies are fighting against each other. How dare they play tricks on him, the Great Japanese Empire!
Okamura, who immediately analyzed the battle situation, then learned that the Ushido Manshi Regiment had appeared on the outskirts of Huangyadong.

It's just that for some reason, the Niu Dao Manshi regiment has been timid around the periphery of Huangya Cave.

Only the Eighth Mixed Brigade took the lead in entering Huangya Cave and was fighting fiercely with the Eighth Route Army.

Immediately, Okamura let the communications department get in touch with the headquarters of the Ushijima Division. Soon, the old devil Ushishima Man also learned:
The general headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and a group of senior officers seem to be inside Huangya Cave right now. I heard that they just held a field conference yesterday.

As a result, the Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Imperial Association Army bravely broke into the interior of Huangya Cave, but you are the one who is invincible. The self-proclaimed elite Niu Daoman Kwantung Army Division has been wandering outside, dawdling.

Can this be plausible?
"General, what should we do?" The chief of staff on the side was also a little anxious. Right now, it was not only about rescuing the Eighth Mixed Brigade, but also the pressure from the North China Front Army Headquarters.

Although the old devil Ushishima Man is still calm on the surface at this moment, his heart is actually a little messed up.

At this point, he was almost sure that the interior of Huangyadong must be difficult to conquer. According to the information obtained from the previous two attacks on Huangyadong, the Eighth Route Army must have built a fairly solid fortification inside Huangyadong.

It is even very possible that even this mountain road is a loophole deliberately left for him by the Eighth Route Army in order to lure him into a trap.

But this is a conspiracy!
Even though Ushijima knew that this might be a trap set by the Eighth Route Army, the pride from the Kwantung Army and his confidence in his troops' mountain warfare did not allow him to choose the most conservative evacuation.


Almost at the same time, in another area, around Quyang, just a few ten minutes ago, a battle that was not large in scale, but destined to be recorded in history, and even shocked all parties in the world took place.

It was a mixed mopping up force of nearly 2000 Japanese and puppet troops.

Among them is an elite field brigade of the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army, with a full staff of about 1200 people.

This Japanese field brigade has been strengthened with special equipment. In terms of weapons, it has specially strengthened four Type [-] infantry guns, plus a number of Type [-] heavy machine guns and Type [-] mortars.

The entire Japanese and puppet troops can be described as elite, like an unstoppable sharp knife, straight into the Eighth Route Army base area in Quyang area to occupy the hinterland.

To say that the devil commanders of this Japanese army brigade would indeed insert loopholes, the interspersed route they chose happened to be a weak point in the deployment of the Eighth Route Army's troops.

According to the old devil's vision, under his unexpected surprise attack, he would be able to suddenly tear a hole in the Eighth Route Army's defense line, cooperate with the main force of the Sixth Division to quickly expand the breakthrough, and defeat the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop.

Along the way, there were not many blocking troops encountered.

The Eighth Route Army troops with only about 100 people, after the investigation of the Japanese army's reconnaissance troops, seem to be only some local armed forces.

Although the level of equipment has improved, these former Eighth Route Army guerrilla troops and local troops even have some decent small-caliber mortars, but they are just some modified grenades. gun.

But the strength of the two sides is not at the same level after all.

Even if it is not a puppet army.

The force ratio between the Japanese army and the blocking force of the Eighth Route Army was also nearly 12 to 1.

The two sides clashed somewhere on a hill.

The devil Shao Zuo on the opposite side didn't pay attention to this small group of Eighth Route Army's local armed forces at all. He concentrated his troops and firepower, thinking that only one round of attack would be needed to completely defeat this blocking Eighth Route Army unit.

The change happened suddenly at this time.

The battle between the two sides has not yet started, and the roar of fighter jet engines from far and near suddenly came from mid-air.

Major Devil, who was commanding the battle, was a little puzzled, he didn't call for air reinforcements either!

Could it be the Imperial Air Force passing by?

Then, when the old devil was still in a state of doubt, those fighter planes that arrived quickly, which were obviously Japanese at first glance, directly launched bombing and strafing against the Japanese and puppet troops.

A round of shells slammed down from mid-air.

The fighter jets equipped with aviation machine guns, after the bombing, directly launched a dive and strafing.

The pilot in the cockpit is very skillful, and even dared to lower the height of the fighter jet to almost fly against the side wall of the mountain.

Under such a close-range blow, the power of the aviation machine gun was fully released, and the bullets fell like raindrops. Under the huge power, all the Japanese soldiers who were hit were instantly bloody.

The devil was completely stunned.

For one thing, their troops didn't have much anti-air equipment.

Secondly, they never imagined in their dreams that they thought it was the aviation reinforcements from the empire, and they felt a sense of security and superiority in their hearts immediately. How could they have expected that the attack would be directed at themselves!

The Japanese and puppet troops who were preparing to concentrate their forces to defeat the opposing Eighth Route Army troops were in a relatively concentrated valley at this time.

The shells fell down, and in the explosion, all the limbs and arms were broken. It was a scene of purgatory on earth.

The devils and puppet soldiers under the bombing area were wailing, desperate, and crazy.

It was of no avail. Under such powerful air force firepower, all the devils and puppet troops were as fragile as a piece of thin paper that could be torn apart, without any resistance at all.

The captain of the county brigade who led the team to fight a few hundred meters away watched this astonishing scene, swallowed his saliva constantly, and said to his comrades around him:

"When the main force gave us a task, we asked our county brigade, about 100 people, to stop a full-staffed field brigade of the devils. At that time, I wondered, how to fight this battle?
Can't beat at all!

Then Chief of Staff Xu of a team sent us a secret letter, saying that there were follow-up special reinforcements, and we just let go of the fight.

I was still guessing what the reinforcements were, could it be the reinforcements of the main force?

Good guy, now we fully understand, the feeling is that our air force reinforcements have arrived! "

Then a little soldier asked: "Captain, does the Eighth Route Army also have an air force?"

The captain of the county brigade said happily: "Haha, that's for sure, I'm not bragging with you, when I went to the main force last time, Chief of Staff Xu and the others took me to have a look, good guy, the fighter jet parked at the airport is a One after another, from now on, the main force of the Eighth Route Army will also have aviation units!"

"I heard that this batch of fighter jets was captured by Captain Kong and the others from the devil's Wuchagou Airport!"

"Hey, Captain Kong is really capable, he can even capture the devil's plane!"

"That is, Captain Confucius is in the hearts of our soldiers, that is a flag, that is a javelin, in the eyes of the devils and puppet soldiers, Kong Shaved his head is the living king of Hades, and when he mentions it, he can pee his pants in fear."

Accompanied by the sound of explosions in the area not far away where the Japanese and puppet troops were located, the captain of the county brigade almost shouted at the top of his voice.

Xiao Song, a war correspondent on the side, was also excited and kept taking pictures with his camera.

He was sent by a special team this time. As the first battle of the Eighth Route Army Air Force, the highlights are naturally not to be missed.

Taking advantage of the Japanese and puppet army positions being shrouded in the bombing range, the captain of the county brigade took the opportunity to divide the troops into three groups, go around the Japanese and puppet army positions in the east, west, south and three directions, and then wait for the final order.

After the bombing gradually subsided, the captain of the county brigade immediately shouted:

"Comrades, our Eighth Route Army's air force reinforcements are over, and it's our turn to kill the enemy next. While the little devils are being blown dizzy by our fighter jets, rush up and wipe them all out for me, and shoot out our county brigade's Come majestic!"

After the order was issued, the captain of the county brigade closely monitored the situation on the battlefield. When the fighter jets of the aviation unit flew away and the smoke of the bombs covering the positions of the Japanese and puppet troops had not cleared away, he immediately roared and issued an offensive order. Order.

"Bustleman, blow the charge!"

"Comrades, all charge, kill me—"

beep beep beep beep beep beep—

The Liaoliang Charge, which is unique to the Eighth Route Army, pierced the sky, and comrades in the county brigades in the east, west, and south directions immediately received the news.

Immediately launched a charge from three directions.

The soldiers held their machine guns and rifles and ran wildly. After the following artillery comrades quickly approached, they deployed artillery positions nearby.

With the coordination of infantry and artillery, a new round of small-caliber artillery bombardment was launched on the positions of the Japanese and puppet troops to cover the infantry's charge.

But at this time, the limited positions of the Japanese and puppet troops were already devastated.

I have always watched the imperial bombers bombing the Eighth Route Army and the national army.

It was the first time that the little devils and the puppet army were bombed by the enemy's air force.

Because this army did not take any precautions at all, and the team did not have any decent anti-aircraft weapons, and its forces were relatively concentrated.

The temporary organization transferred from the secret air base of the Eighth Route Army's first air force was the Eighth Route Army's first air force, and the results of this wave of bombing were quite astonishing.

It even exceeded the expectations of the pilots and soldiers who carried out the bombing mission.

It was just this round of bombing by bombers, plus the aviation machine guns loaded by subsequent fighter jets, under the cover of smoke after the bombing, under the low-altitude strafing.

Nearly [-]% of the Japanese and puppet troops were lost.

This full-staffed field brigade from the Sixth Division of the Japanese army deployed all the heavy machine gun positions and artillery positions. Before they could make a move, they were blown to pieces by enemy shells.

As a result, the dizzy Japanese and puppet troops who were bombed had not had time to regain their senses, and there were brilliant charges from three directions, east, west, and south.

For the Japanese army, these assault numbers were like horns that demanded their lives.

At this time, the Japanese and puppet troops were completely frightened by the enemy's air force.

Under the sudden sound of the charge horn, which represented that the Eighth Route Army would launch an overall attack, the devils and puppet soldiers who survived by chance subconsciously thought that the main force of the Eighth Route Army was coming.

In fact, at this time, after the Japanese and puppet troops were bombed by the air force of the Eighth Route Army, although they lost nearly 400%, that is, about 600 people, they still had [-] troops.

On the other hand, the county brigade is only a 100-person army, and it is not a regular army.

If the remaining Japanese and puppet troops can react quickly and launch a counterattack, they may not be able to wipe out the county brigade.

But there are no ifs on the battlefield.

Under the confrontation between the two armies, once the vigor advances and loses, the result is self-evident.

At this time, the Japanese and puppet troops are not as rampant as when they came before.

Even the captain of the Japanese Army Major was killed on the spot in the enemy's bombing.

Looking at the Eighth Route Army team appearing on the other side of the gunpowder smoke that had not cleared away, the Japanese and puppet troops who were completely discouraged saw that there were enemy troops in three directions, east, west, south, and hurriedly fled northward towards the last remaining gap.

This escape was the complete opposite of the well-trained and orderly evacuation of the Japanese army in the past.

This team was almost beaten with their helmets and armor removed. They were so embarrassed. There was no order at all during the evacuation process, not even the rear guard.

A large number of heavy weapons and supplies had no time to be destroyed, so they fled in a hurry.

The captain of the county brigade in charge was dumbfounded.

The captain originally reported his determination to fight to the death, and took advantage of the bombing of the little devil to fight to the death with the Japanese and puppet troops.

Who knew that the devil and the puppet army had just fled like rats with their heads in their arms when the team rushed up.

During the attack, there was no effective blocking at all, so the soldiers, led by the captain of the county brigade, pursued heartily all the way, and almost unilaterally slaughtered the fleeing Japanese and puppet troops.

The backs of the devils and puppet soldiers were so clearly exposed.

What a joy to kill!

The two sides fought fiercely for less than ten minutes, and the battle was completely over. Looking at the positions abandoned by the puppet troops for more than 2000 days, and the large amount of equipment and supplies left behind that were too late to take away, the captain of the county brigade couldn't help rubbing his eyes. is dreaming.

What followed was inexplicable excitement.

Grandma, this battle was really exciting.

Our county brigade, with more than 100 comrades, drove away more than 2000 Japanese and puppet troops, including a full-staffed field brigade from the Japanese elite division!

This is simply a miracle on the Anti-Japanese battlefield.

"Hurry up, hurry up and clean up the battlefield, and count the casualties."

"Commissioner, get on a horse, rush to the nearest contact point, and report the battle situation on our side to the main force headquarters in time!"


The casualties of the county brigade were quickly counted, and it turned out that the captain of the county brigade was a little confused:

"Captain, two of us were seriously injured, and another seven or eight comrades were slightly injured. No one was killed."

In other words, in the battle that completely defeated nearly 2000 Japanese and puppet troops, and even killed more than 100% of the Japanese and puppet troops, none of the more than [-] soldiers in the county brigade died.

The captain of the county team was very excited, and immediately arranged for the soldiers to quickly transfer the two seriously injured to the nearest medical station.

These are some medical stations specially prepared by a team for local comrades. Various medical facilities and special medicines are fully prepared.

At that time, Kong Jie said this about the construction of the medical station and its role in the army:
"I have only one request, to make our medical system a guarantee for our soldiers to have no worries. survive!"


(End of this chapter)

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