The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1071 The question of where to blow up

Chapter 1071 The question of where to blow up
... "Diary, diary, this time the first battle of our Eighth Route Army aviation unit has achieved such amazing results, this battle log must be written, and I have to think hard about how to write it.

Captain Chen, I think that after this report is published, it won't be long before our aviation unit of the Eighth Route Army will become famous all over the world! "

With a camera hanging around his neck, Xiao Song, who was still shooting excitedly, said excitedly.

The captain of the county brigade greeted the soldiers to quickly clean up the battlefield and seized the equipment, and at the same time leaned in front of Reporter Song, with a silly smile on his face, rubbing his hands, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Reporter Xiao Song, well, see if I can trouble you to mention our county brigade when you report, we don't ask too much, just mention it!
Then I invite you to drink! "

After hearing this, Xiao Song was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Captain Chen, don't worry, your county brigade fought beautifully this time.

Not to mention the equipment and materials seized after the war.

Let's talk about the battle loss ratio of both sides in this battle.

Under the reinforcement of our Eighth Route Army aviation unit, our county brigade, about 100 comrades from the local army, were in a confrontation with the 2000 Japanese and puppet troops, severely inflicting damage on the Japanese and puppet troops, and completely captured the Japanese and puppet defense positions.

The Japanese and puppet troops were almost wiped out by the entire army of our county brigade, and in the end they escaped with four or five hundred Japanese and puppet troops.

In the end, the battle loss ratio between our county brigade and the Japanese and puppet troops was almost 0:1500! ! ! "

Good guy, after the battle loss ratio came out, the county captain was taken aback.

He just felt a little dazed. Such an exaggerated battle loss ratio, let alone the entire Anti-Japanese War, is probably rare even in the entire history of the world.

Such a battle destined to be recorded in the annals of history was actually commanded by me, Old Chen?
Even when Captain Chen was walking, he suddenly felt a little swayed, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Captain, Captain, are you alright?"

A few soldiers quickly came over to help them, and one asked with concern: "Captain, you were injured in the battle just now, right? Let me see where the injury is?"

Captain Chen slowed down, and said with a smile: "Silly boy, I didn't get hurt anywhere, the main reason is that I was shocked. Tell me, are we dreaming? The battle loss ratio of 0 to 1500, this is really true. Was it played by our county brigade?"

Xiao Song hurriedly stood aside, filming the scenes on the battlefield, together with the fighting heroes who participated in this battle.

at the same time.

The secret aviation base of the First Anti-Japanese Independent Detachment of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi.

Fighters and bombers of the First Air Force, which carried out the first bombing mission of the Air Force of the Eighth Route Army, returned to the airport one after another. The mission was successfully completed without any loss of fighters or fighters.

After the planes stopped on the runway, the pilots who participated in the bombing mission got off the fighter planes one by one.

The leader took off his helmet and revealed his face. It turned out to be Lieutenant Colonel Doolittle of the US Air Force.

The bombing mission this time was jointly carried out by a group of American pilots led by Doolittle and a team of Eighth Route Army pilots.

After getting off the plane, the pilots and soldiers of the Eighth Route Army couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It is worthy of being a team of pilots who dared to bomb Tokyo across the ocean. These Yankees are skilled in flying fighter planes and have superb combat experience in launching air strikes.

In fact, while the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army expressed their admiration for these American pilots, Doolittle and other American pilots also admired the Eighth Route Army pilots who participated in this battle.

Doolittle knew very well that no matter how solid the theoretical knowledge these Eighth Route Army pilots had mastered, this was their first actual combat after all.

Each of them performed so well, and their psychological quality in battle was quite stable, and they were even able to tacitly cooperate with other American pilots to carry out air strike missions.

This made Doolittle and his party couldn't help but sigh with emotion, recalling that when they first came into contact with fighter planes and the first actual combat, they performed far worse than these Chinese soldiers.

The only thing they can show off right now is that they have enough actual combat experience.

...The time is pushed back to one day ago.

Eighth Route Army Iron Triangle Temporary Joint Headquarters.

Today's Iron Triangle troops, especially under the rapid development of a team as the leader, the entire base area, the entire army has developed so rapidly that it stands out from the Eighth Route Army troops like a runaway black horse.

Not to mention the level of equipment and the combat literacy of the troops.

The overall communication ability of the team has been greatly improved.

In Ding Wei's words, it really achieved the effect of strategic planning and decisive victory thousands of miles away.

Even Li Yunlong, who always liked to lead commandos to the front line to charge, was honest under such high-intensity communication.

Why are you honest?

It was because of Kong Jie's words.

"Old Li, let's not say that we as commanders should stay in the position of commanders. This is not because we are afraid of death, but because we have to think about the overall situation and be responsible for the lives of the soldiers of our regiment.

Do you think a company commander who takes the lead in the charge is a good company commander?
That is a bastard company commander, a bastard company commander who is not responsible for the lives of the entire company's soldiers.

Having said that, let's make a metaphor, what if you, Lao Li, lead a commando to charge the front line?

What is great about you is that you have completed a few combat missions. Even if you are more powerful and can take over some important headquarters of the Japanese army, it is nothing more than that.

The levels you can relate to, the excitement you can participate in, are simply pitiful.

But if you stay at the headquarters, hehe, with the current level of communication of our troops, the sand table covers all battlefields, wars, and troops, including information about enemy troops, all of which can be presented to you.

At this time, you can participate in almost all the excitement on the battlefield.

Strategies, overall command, while talking and laughing, the Japanese invaders are wiped out, turning hands into clouds, and hands into rain. Isn't this kind of joy stronger than that of you, Lao Li, who led a few teams to the front line to fight? "

As usual, Lao Li cursed and said that Kong Jie looked more like a political commissar than Zhao Gang.

But he listened to Kong Jie's words.

After thinking about it, this is indeed the case. The times have changed. No matter how hard our old Li leads the team to charge the front line, what the eyes can see and what the body can participate in is the one or two battles.

But if Kong Er and Ding Dabi were hiding in the headquarters, they would be able to command the overall situation. Maybe we, Lao Li, would be led around by them.

He can't do this loss-making business.


In the headquarters, Ding Wei can no longer sing a one-man show. Kong Jie and Li Yunlong, who secretly returned from Yan'an, have successfully arrived at the headquarters.

Knowing that Ding Wei led the overall deployment of all the troops of the Audio-Technica, Li Yunlong couldn't help saying: "I said, old Ding, you are good at things. I and Lao Kong are not here, and there is a new second in this team." The teams of the regiment are temporarily transferred to your command.

Good guy, there are more than one division in each of our three teams!
You kid is better than the teacher! "

After hearing this, Ding Wei snorted nonchalantly, "Lao Li, go out and find out, whether it's our main force or the local army, do you know what nickname our old Ding has now?"

"What nickname?" Li Yunlong said he didn't know.

Ding Wei said: "I'm not bragging about it, this nickname was not given to me by my old man, it is the main force, and it is also a good name given to our old man by local comrades.

Ding million!
Do you know what Ding Wanwan is?

It means that as many troops as Ding Wei leads, the more the better. To put it bluntly, even if you give me an army of 100 million, I can still command you in a decent manner. "

Ha ha ha ha--

"Old Ding, I've come back this time and I can see clearly, you kid has no other abilities, but this bragging ability is good!
You also command 100 million troops, you are better than our deputy commander in chief! "

The three old comrades-in-arms who came out of the hail of guns and bullets for so many years hadn't seen each other for a long time, so naturally they had to greet each other and scold each other a few words.

Then he talked about Kong Jie and Li Yunlong's mobile troops fighting in the western and northern Shanxi areas, and what they saw after returning to Yan'an.

Li Yunlong was coaxing, his head almost went up to the sky.

Ding Wei couldn't help but remarked: "If you want to say that you are going to fight in northern Shanxi and Mengxi this time, Lao Kong is the commander-in-chief, and your Lao Li is also the deputy commander.

The commander-in-chief hasn't said anything yet, why is your second-in-command so tail up in the sky?
I see you, there are still many things to learn from other people's old Kong! "

"Ah bah, big nose Ding, you have the guts to talk about me, you brag about your million Ding million when we meet, are you humble? If you are humble, there will be no humble people in this world!"

Li Yunlong is naturally not to be outdone, Lao Li, who has a good name, has never suffered from anyone with his mouth.

—Except for Lao Kong.

After joking for a while, Kong Jie smiled and changed the subject, shifting the attention of the three of them to the current situation in the Iron Triangle defense zone.

The final topic quickly shifted to the most core and the most exciting for the three old comrades, the first battle of the aviation unit first built by the Eighth Route Army.

Li Yunlong said: "In the battle in the west of Mengxi, the first battle of the armored troops built by our Eighth Route Army can be said to be famous in the first battle.

Right now, the aviation unit we have specially built has to be even more brilliant, or it will really make people read a joke. "

Ding Wei echoed: "Old Li is right. Our Eighth Route Army has been poor for so many years. In the past, let alone armored and aviation troops, we didn't even have extravagant expectations for artillery.

Now we have armored units, and even the aviation unit has been pulled up.

If you want to fight us, you have to beat him ruthlessly, you have to fight to make a name for yourself, and you have to fight him so that the little devil is terrified, and he can't even dream about it.

Let the devil know that even if he is in the sky now, it is not his little devil's family that has the final say! "

But how will the first battle of the aviation unit first built by the Eighth Route Army be fought?

Li Yunlong rolled his eyeballs and spoke first, only to see him laughing twice, looking like he wanted to poke a hole in the sky, and said:

"Old Kong, what Lao Ding said is right, the first battle of our Eighth Route Army Air Corps, the movement must be loud, and it's best to scare the little devil to pee his pants.

I wondered how the Doolittle group became famous all of a sudden by bombing Tokyo.

We also have an aviation unit now, let me tell you, let's do something ruthless and go directly to bomb Taiyuan!Hehe, it would be best to blow up the headquarters of that old devil Yoshio Iwamatsu.

The little devil's headquarters must be blown up? "

Before Li Yunlong had finished speaking, Ding Wei interrupted immediately.

"Hey, Lao Li, you're saying you're worthless, right? What's the point of blowing up a small Taiyuan? If I say I want to blow up, I'll blow up Beiping, and directly give the headquarters of the devil's commander-in-chief Neiji Okamura He took it!

That's something to watch! "

"Fart, if you want me to say that Taiyuan is still going to be bombed, Beiping is too far away, even the general headquarters that took the devils can't cooperate with our follow-up operations." Li Yunlong retorted.

"If you want to blow up, blow him up ruthlessly, blow up Peking!"

"Fried Taiyuan!"

"Fried Peking!"

"Fried Taiyuan!"


Looking at Li Yunlong and Ding Wei who were still arguing, Kong Jie was speechless for a while, but he was glad that these fighter jets were not captured by Lao Li and Lao Ding, or they would have tossed them away sooner or later.

"Come on, I said Lao Li and Lao Ding, you all should be serious.

The air force we have built with great difficulty is not for you to fiddle around like this.

Can Taiyuan and Beiping be bombed casually?

Without sufficient intelligence support, without a reasonable battle plan, if you really proceed according to your ideas, it is estimated that the aviation unit we have worked so hard to build will fall into it after a wave of passing.

After the Wuchagou Airport of the Japanese and puppet troops was captured by us, the little devils will definitely be on guard. Then Taiyuan City, including Beiping, has always been the military defense center of the Japanese army. Do you think there is no air defense construction?

If it was blown up so easily, Jiang Jun's air force would have passed by long ago.

Why didn't you see the chairman make a move? "

Of course, Kong Jie also knew very well that these two old comrades-in-arms just had a good time.

Then how to fight?

Kong Jie said: "After the establishment of our air force, the important thing in the first battle is not to have a record that shocks China and the world.

The most important thing is to play deterrence, to play the deterrent of our air forces against the Japanese invaders, so that the little devils will not dare to be rampant again.

This dangling arrow is much scarier than the shot arrow. "

"In addition, considering the safety of our air forces, I think we can do the opposite, and don't even think about picking any heavyweight targets, just choose a little-known devil to go into the mountain to sweep up the troops , conduct an air strike.

Let the little devil be hard to guard against.

Such devils mopping up troops don't have much experience in air combat at all.

In addition to sweeping into the mountains, we basically dare not disperse on a large scale. Under the coercion of our mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare, our forces will be relatively concentrated.

It is also very suitable for the first bombing mission of our air force.

We can also use this to allow our pilots to quickly accumulate combat experience through actual combat.

...In addition, this operation was also carried out to cooperate with Shi Dahu and his strategic camouflage bureau, using fake airports to lure the Japanese army into the hinterland of our base. "

Li Yunlong and Ding Wei had no objection to this, and then the three of them studied the first battle of the Eighth Route Army's air force based on military maps and related intelligence information, and what kind of combat target should be selected...

(End of this chapter)

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