The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 817 - The Gade Submachine Gun

The ambush that destroyed the Uchida Brigade of the Kwantung Army was undoubtedly successful, classic, and shocking.

Elder, an American journalist who was a reporter with the Fourth Independent Regiment.

In the textbook ambush in which the four regiments annihilated the Uchida brigade with cameras and video cameras, many highlights were permanently frozen with photos and videos.

And the collapse of the Uchida Brigade of the Kwantung Army.

Even during the period when the main force of the Japanese army accompanied the sweep.

Uchida Nobuya actually sent the entire Kwantung Army brigade, including himself, into the central blooming tactic that was thought to be a must.

When the news reached the Japanese army's rear general headquarters, the Japanese officers were completely dumbfounded, but also shocked and ashamed.

As the absolutely elite Kwantung Army brigade of the Japanese army, it was wiped out by the Eighth Route Army during the sweep.

For the Japanese army, this was a great shame and humiliation.

The facts before and after it seemed that the Japanese army had just won a big victory in Zhongtiao Mountain, and with a crushing victory, they completely drove the Central Army stationed in Zhongtiao Mountain to the south of the Yellow River.

It left the most shameful stroke in the history of the National Army's Anti-Japanese War.

As a result, when you turned your head, the Eighth Route Army troops directly annihilated your full-staffed Kwantung Army brigade during your Japanese army's large-scale raid.

The shame it brought was no less than the defeat of the Zhongtiaoshan National Army.

The original joy of Zhongtiaoshan's complete victory seemed to have been washed away with the destruction of Uchida's brigade.

When the Eighth Route Army Independent Fourth Regiment annihilated the Japanese Kwantung Army's Uchida Brigade, the news spread completely.

The Japanese army was furious, and the devil officers swore with red eyes that they would smash the Fourth Independent Regiment into thousands of pieces.

In the area south of the Yellow River, where the Central Army is stationed, the news also came.

The Eighth Route Army, which is also China's armed force, has achieved such a dazzling victory.

It stands to reason that the Central Army should be happy.

But at this moment in the central army headquarters, the faces of the national army officers were silent.

Next to the headquarters is the latest newspaper issued by the newspaper office.

One of the reports was the most eye-catching and took up the most space. From beginning to end, it proclaimed the impressive record of the Central Army's recent battle with the Japanese army and the victory of more than 120 Japanese troops.

What a big victory it was supposed to be.

At this moment, news came that the Eighth Route Army had wiped out the Japanese Kwantung Army Brigade.

Dwarfed by comparison, many officers couldn't hold their old faces.

What a shame!

If more than 100 Japanese troops are eliminated, it is worth advocating. How about the Eighth Route Army directly annihilating a full brigade and killing more than a thousand elite Japanese troops?

More than 20 troops failed to hold Zhongtiao Mountain for a month, and were completely defeated by the Japanese army. They were humiliated and defeated, and fled to the south bank of the Yellow River in a panic.

It was originally thought that the decline of Zhongtiao Mountain would become a channel for the Japanese army to completely open up the northern and southern battlefields.

As a result, the Eighth Route Army stood up

Every time your national army retreats steadily and loses its position.

On the battlefield behind the enemy, the land that had lost all hope, and the Eighth Route Army, which also represented the Chinese Anti-Japanese Armed Forces, will always stand up tenaciously and continue to fight the Japanese army to the death.

Right now, we are using practical actions to illustrate a fact:
Your national army lost Zhongtiao Mountain, and our Eighth Route Army opened up a base area here; you were humiliated and defeated, and you were defeated, and we were able to destroy the Kwantung Army brigade full of devils here...

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison.

The headquarters of the Japanese First Army stationed in Shanxi in Taiyuan City, the devil commander Yoshio Shinozuka, soon learned of the massacre in Zhongtiaoshan, and the news that the Kwantung Army's Uchida Brigade was wiped out by the Eighth Route Army.

The first thing that appeared on the old devil's face was an expression of disbelief.

Waiting to come to his senses, he accepted the news.

Yoshio Shinozuka, who was frowning tightly, was furious.

The troublesome first anti-Japanese team in Northwest Shanxi in the Taihang base area, and Kong Jie, a difficult guy, haven't been killed yet!

The Independent Fourth Regiment, which also belonged to the first team, had achieved such a shocking record in Zhongtiao Mountain.

This damn Kong Jie is so difficult to deal with.

Even under his command are fierce generals like clouds?

Shinozuka Yoshio believed that the commander of the Fourth Independent Regiment was definitely not a vegetarian if he was able to wipe out Uchida's brigade in one bite while the main force of the Japanese army failed to reinforce in the massacre of tens of thousands of troops in Zhongtiao Mountain.


"At all costs, get rid of this Independent Fourth Regiment!"

The sullen Shinozuka Yoshio directly issued the highest order to the Nakajoyama headquarters.

This old devil is extremely depressed. I can't beat Kong Jie in the Taihang base area. Could it be that I can't beat your generals under Kong Jie in the Zhongtiao Mountain area?
Also aware of the potential threat of the Independent Fourth Regiment in Zhongtiao Mountain.

Yoshio Shinozuka must not just sit back and watch the Zhongtiaoshan base of the Eighth Route Army appear similar to the Taihang and Taiyue bases.


On the nameless slope of Zhongtiao Mountain.

The soldiers who acted quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and the reinforcements from all sides of the Japanese army were approaching.

In addition, the devil's flying troops have also arrived and started bombing the area where the two sides were originally fighting.

The reconnaissance whistle in the high-altitude police circle blew the whistle in advance for warning.

The soldiers quickly evacuated in multiple ways under Wang Huaibao's order.

The blocking forces of all parties also chose to withdraw immediately.
This is the reality of the current anti-mopping up campaign. Even if the Devil's Kwantung Army brigade is destroyed, it will still be a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak.

Facing the advance of the Japanese army's mopping up main force, Wang Huaibao still could only lead the soldiers of the fourth regiment to avoid the front and keep retreating.


"If the devil's raiding force is compared to a knife, the Uchida Brigade of the Devil's Kwantung Army is the tip of the knife.

Now that the tip of the knife has been broken by us, there is nothing to be afraid of this blunt knife. "

After leading the soldiers to completely jump out of the encirclement swept by the Japanese army, Wang Huaibao, the head of the fourth regiment, said calmly to the several battalion commanders around him.

This seems to be the case.

Without the Kwantung Army brigade as the sharpest point of the knife, the momentum of the Japanese army's mopping up troops was significantly weakened.

Coupled with the strong combat effectiveness displayed by the fourth regiment, it was even able to wipe out the Kwantung Army brigade within two hours.

The main force of the follow-up raids by the Japanese army opened up a large sweeping net. A single combat unit would never dare to be smaller than a brigade, for fear of being repeated by the Eighth Route Army and repeat the same mistakes.

It ended up being wiped out like the Uchida Brigade.

In this way, when the total strength of the Japanese army's mopping up forces was fixed, the meshes of the sweeping net opened by the Japanese army became much larger all of a sudden.

Leading the Fourth Battalion to detour ahead of time and launch a surprise attack from the back of the Uchida Brigade, Han Feng, the commander of the Fourth Battalion, played an indispensable role in the battle to annihilate the Uchida Brigade.

After successfully cooperating with the main force of the regiment to annihilate the Uchida Brigade, he immediately asked Wang Huaibao to lead the main force of the Fourth Battalion through the gaps in the Japanese army's sweeping net, and went back to the Japanese army's rear to fight.

at the same time.

Just when the Neida Brigade was wiped out, all the attention of the devils in sweeping up the main force fell on the Independent Fourth Regiment.

In the rear of the Japanese mopping up troops, many counties in the area were occupied.

Duan Peng led the commando soldiers into groups and sneaked into various counties, and launched a killing feast of commando beheading operations.

As the first anti-Japanese team in Northwest Shanxi, the absolute elite, Kong Jie's most powerful trump card.

In terms of equipment, the commando has always been a priority configuration.

For example, the sniper rifles used by the forty members of the commando who mainly use sniper killing as the main means of beheading operations are currently being carried out.

Whether it is the Japanese-style 98-style or [-]-style sniper rifles, or the Dezhi [-]k sniper rifles, or even the American Springfield sniper rifles.

As long as the fighters like it and think it is the most convenient to use, Kong Jie will find a way to get it for everyone.

At this moment, these superior sniper rifles have found their best bole.

In the hands of every commando, they displayed unparalleled power.


At a distance of 700 meters, Duan Peng pulled the trigger decisively, and the bullet was fired from the muzzle of the sniper rifle in his hand. The flying bullet hit the target's chest precisely at a speed that almost pierced through the air.

"Your Excellency, Major! Enemy attack, hide and hide!"

In the alley a few hundred meters away, the Devil Captain shouted with anger and anxiety, and hurriedly led the guards around him to carry the fallen Devil Major onto a stretcher.

Great fear completely enveloped the little devils in the 30s on the street.

It was a threat more terrifying than death faced on the battlefield.

Bullets seem likely to hit you from all directions with precision at any time, killing you.

What was even more frightening was that the sniper rifle used by the other party was equipped with a silencer. The previous gunfire was too far away, so no one heard the attacked devils.


It was as if he had slapped his hands a few hundred meters away, and the sound of the bullets fired through the air was inconspicuous in this busy city.

Until a ghost lieutenant fell down.

The great fear that appeared on the faces of dozens of little devils proved that the scenes in front of them were not illusory.

Lurking in the alley hundreds of meters away, but always exposing the dozens of little devils to his sniper vision, Duan Peng was like a patient, shrewd, and powerful hunter.

The little devils a few hundred meters away were all randomly selected prey.

The feast of killing is staged again and again here at Duan Peng...

The other team members were also not idle.

After the order for the beheading operation was issued, the forty team members fought in groups.

The target was the security forces officers in the main counties in the devil-occupied area around Zhongtiao Mountain.

As the most elite fighters of the entire first team, each of them can stand up to ten.

You can fully imagine the huge threat they can bring to the Japanese officers when dozens of tough guys like this, armed with the most advanced sniper rifles, infiltrate the county seat in the devil-occupied area and lurk patiently.

The beheading operation officially began around ten o'clock in the morning.

to two o'clock in the afternoon.

Including Duan Peng, a total of forty commando members sniped and killed Japanese security officers in various counties and towns in the enemy-occupied areas.

Just under four hours.

The entire commando beheaded more than 11 Japanese security officers, including [-] assistant officers and more than [-] lieutenant officers.

After the Japanese Army Command finally noticed the changes in the rear occupied area, it was shocked and immediately issued an order to make corresponding adjustments:
"First, all officers shall wear the rank of soldier, and shall not expose themselves to the broad field of vision at will."

"Second, the current period is special, and all soldiers are not allowed to salute the officer, and are not allowed to surround the officer."

"Thirdly, immediately block the gates of the city and enforce martial law throughout the city. Anyone who has no documents, who has a strange face, or who has unknown origins will be arrested. The hidden gunmen must be found out and wiped out!"

After three consecutive military orders were issued, the speed at which the officers of the security forces in the devil's major county towns were continuously sniped suddenly slowed down.

But it didn't stop.

After realizing the adjusted deployment of the Japanese army, the commando soldiers gritted their teeth.

Okay, since you little devil hid the officer, let's just randomly select and kill without distinction.

If this accidentally kills the officer, it can only be considered unlucky for you.

The county town in the rear was turned upside down, and a large number of security force officers were killed by lurking snipers.

The Japanese army swept the troops ahead, so the pressure doubled.

The headquarters ordered the mopping up troops to speed up their march.

It is necessary to eliminate the main force of the Eighth Route Army within two days, and then return to the rear county in time to help maintain law and order. dusk that day.

As the Japanese mopping up troops continued to advance, there was less and less room for the soldiers of the Fourth Regiment to move.

Wang Huaibao looked at the sky, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Here it is, this is exactly the time he was waiting for to break through.

At dusk, the sky is between day and darkness, and it is most suitable to break out with the help of the concealment of the mountains and forests.

Because of the destruction of the Uchida Brigade of the Japanese Army, the nets of the devils' sweeping nets were widened.

In order to ensure the victory of the breakout, Wang Huaibao decided to fight in pieces.

He used the main force of the three battalions around him as a separate combat unit.

At the agreed time point, break out from different directions at the same time.

"With the help of the cover of the sky and the concealment of the mountains and forests, in the process of breaking out, try to use camouflage to get close enough to the Japanese army, and then break out directly with absolute superior firepower!"

"Remember one thing, don't love to fight. This time our goal is to break through all the companies to the blockade of the devils, not to destroy the Japanese army."

At the temporary military meeting before the decision to break through, Wang Huaibao solemnly entrusted the company commanders to call together.

He is very clear that the Japanese army still has an absolute advantage in strength.

It is definitely unwise to fight a war of attrition with the devils at this time.

We can only break through the blockade of the Japanese army first and completely break the encirclement of the devils.

"Yes!" The company commanders of each company responded in unison, then left, and prepared separately, leading their respective companies to choose a breakout from the planned location.

As for this breakout operation, Wang Huaibao has no doubts.

When they were in the Taihang base area, the devils also launched a big raid. At that time, the troops were short of guns and ammunition, and two people couldn't even carry a gun. In addition, the troops were not trained enough, and the military quality of the troops was not high.

It can be said that the soldiers fight with their blood.

Just like that, he still broke through the devil's raids many times and broke out of the encirclement.

Not to mention the current Independent Fourth Regiment, which is already strong, well-equipped, and powerful.

In particular, among the American equipment sent by Kong Jie this time, there is also a considerable number of American M3 Gade submachine guns.

Many American submachine gun cadres have seen it before.

I just heard that this kind of sophisticated equipment has always been equipped only by some elite central troops.

Right now, after Kong Jie and John reached a gambling agreement, the American equipment sent to the Fourth Independent Regiment was enough to ensure that each combat squad of the Fourth Independent Regiment would have one or two M3 submachine guns.

Plus quite a lot of bullets.

Such a well-equipped infantry combat squad.

Garand semi-automatic rifle, Browning light machine gun, plus M3 submachine gun, [-] small gun...

It can be said that it is armed to the teeth.

With the help of the dark sky and the cover of the mountains, once the two sides engage in a close confrontation, the powerful firepower that such sophisticated equipment can explode will definitely surprise the Japanese army.

This is true.

While each company of the Fourth Independent Regiment broke through the siege, an encounter with the Japanese army broke out in the mountains and forests.

The firepower of each company of the four regiments burst out suddenly, facing the firepower, the little devils who were hit were directly stunned.

This kind of unilateral complete crushing of firepower made Japanese soldiers unable to adapt to the battlefield against China.

This has never happened before.

Under the gradually darkening sky, I saw the firepower points from the opposite side raining down like raindrops, and the comrades around me fell down one by one.

Submachine guns, semi-automatic rifles, light machine guns, and even 60mm mortars for auxiliary support.

The sweeping net pulled up by the Japanese army was as fragile as a thin piece of paper in the face of such firepower.

From dusk, local encounters broke out on all sides.

There is no sunset yet.

The four regiments, three main battalions, and more than a dozen companies, without exception, all easily broke through the encirclement of the Japanese army and killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers in fierce battles all the way.

The devil's original sweeping net was almost shattered by the impact of the breakthrough from all directions...

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