The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 818 Support - Armored Company

The biggest shackle that limits the combat effectiveness of the elite troops of the Eighth Route Army.

It has always been the backwardness of equipment and the scarcity of ammunition.

And once this shackle is broken.

When the well-trained soldiers of the main regiment of the Eighth Route Army have excellent equipment and abundant ammunition.

The fighting power that such a division of steel can display, others say it is a little devil as an enemy army, even the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army themselves are stunned by it...

It turns out that a seemingly powerful little devil can be so fragile.

Under the cover of the gradually darkening sky, the soldiers of each company in the four regiments broke out in an encounter with the Japanese army in the mountains and forests in the process of breaking out.

The firepower poured down, the soldiers of the fourth regiment holding semi-automatic rifles, light machine guns, and Gade submachine guns.

The sudden burst of firepower was powerful, but none of the targets within sight could survive such firepower for half a minute.

Bullying the little devils who were used to the three guns and eight roads a few years ago.

Still holding a bolt-action [-]-type rifle with only five rounds of ammunition in his hand, it took time and effort to pull the bolt for intermittent shooting.

A full squad with more than 50 members, in addition to standard rifles, is only equipped with three light machine guns, plus three grenade grenades.

So in the encounter battle under the dusk that broke out in an instant.

The Japanese army perfectly explained the truth of being beaten if you fall behind:
Faced with the unusually powerful firepower of the soldiers of the fourth regiment combat company that broke out.

The figures of the Eighth Route Army soldiers on the opposite side just appeared in the sight of the confronting little devils, and the firepower of the submachine gun held by the opponent was like raindrops.

The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army in the surrounding area held the Garand rifles in their hands and kept pulling the trigger.

With a fairly fast rate of fire, it continuously killed Japanese soldiers who were close at hand.

In fact, if the firepower configuration gap between the two sides is discarded.

Most of these well-trained Japanese soldiers have undergone nearly a year of militarized training before going to the battlefield.

In addition, as the security force in the Zhongtiao Mountain area, they have also experienced many battles.

When it comes to the military literacy of the troops, and even the individual combat capabilities, these Japanese soldiers may not be inferior to the soldiers of the Fourth Regiment.

But in the case of similar military literacy.

One side has excellent equipment and strong firepower, while the other side has backward equipment and sparse firepower.

Then the result of the final battle between the two sides can be imagined.

It's like two people with similar skills, one with a machete and the other with bare hands.

How is this played?
At this moment, the soldiers of the fourth regiment are like the man with the machete.


A company commander held a Gade submachine gun hanging around his neck with a rope and took the lead in charging.

After beheading dozens of Japanese soldiers with ease and breaking through, the company commander who took the lead in the charge could not help but curse:
"Grandma, what's the situation, we just broke out?"

Several platoon leaders beside him came up together, and said deeply, "That's right, company commander, we haven't killed enough yet!"

"Company commander, why don't we go back and kill him like Chang Shan Zhao Zilong, stabbing him seven times in and seven out!"

A quick-thinking platoon leader suggested, and was immediately echoed by other squad platoon leaders.

Facing the fiery eyes of the cadres, the company commander hesitated for a while, and when he recovered, he stared and cursed:
"Damn it, almost let you bastards fool you"

"The commander's order couldn't be more clear. We didn't come here to kill the enemy this time, but to break through the encirclement of the devils and quickly break through the sweeping net of the Japanese army!"

"Okay, there will be more opportunities to kill devils in the future, hurry up and continue to break out!"


The cadres smiled helplessly and had no choice but to obey the order.

Seeing the regretful faces of the cadres, the company commander who was still stern suddenly laughed.

"Look at all of you, you are not promising. Is killing devils so enjoyable and delicious?"

"It's a good meal, don't be afraid of being late, what's the rush... 500 meters further forward, there is an unnamed ravine, that place is the most suitable for ambushes, let's wait there and beat him up again!"

The company commander who didn't change his face said solemnly, under the gradually darkening sky, his face looked solemn and solemn.

Platoon leaders: "..."

Squad leaders: "..."

"Company commander, this, didn't the commander say..."

The company commander scolded: "What the regiment commander said is to seize the time to break through, don't love to fight, we have already broken out, and I didn't take you back to kill him, this devil is chasing him closely, I set up an ambush on the way, that's always right Bar?"

"That's right, it's definitely right!"

The platoon leaders and squad leaders immediately nodded like chickens pecking rice, and responded without hesitation.


After almost 20 minutes.

Wait for an intensive ambush to end quickly.

The company commander took the soldiers with the guns and ammunition seized from the corpses of the devils that had fallen all over the ravine, and continued to evacuate outwards contentedly.

This time the Japanese army set off a big raid on Zhongtiao Mountain.

Rear Temporary Headquarters.

Wait for the news to come one by one.

"Report, the Eighth Route Army has broken through the encirclement from the north."

"Report, three defensive positions in the east direction have been breached by the Eighth Route Army, and a large number of Eighth Route Army have broken out of our army's encirclement."

"Report, the westward sweeping force broke out with the Eighth Route Army, and our army suffered heavy casualties..."


For the Japanese army, the constant bad news came one after another.

Originally, it was a good sweep of the big net, but in order to completely wipe out the Eighth Route Army troops in Zhongtiao Mountain, they deliberately pulled out two layers.

As a result, the Eighth Route Army troops who broke out from all directions easily broke through.

It's like a big balloon, leaking from all directions.

"Baga, these goddamn bastards. How did the blocking troops in front do it? They were so easily broken out by the Eighth Route Army?"

The devil commander couldn't help cursing angrily.

The devil's staff officer who had analyzed the battle situation ahead replied with a bitter face: "Sir, the Eighth Route Army's equipment is really excellent, most of them are American equipment, and their firepower is extremely powerful."

"After the encounter broke out, due to the weather, our army did not occupy a favorable position in time to defend. In the close-range firepower confrontation, the firepower of the Eight Routes completely suppressed our army's attack."

"In addition, in order to completely besiege the Eighth Route Army, our army's mopping up troops were relatively scattered. After the Eighth Route Army concentrated on a point for a surprise firepower attack, our army was caught off guard, and the Eighth Route Army took the opportunity to break out of the encirclement."

"These bastards! Where did you get the American equipment?"

The devil commander is completely numb at this time. If the target of the mopping up is the Tuba Road with outdated equipment and scarce ammunition, that's okay.

But the current Eighth Route Army troop is so well-equipped and has such powerful firepower that it is almost like an American military troop.

Coupled with the fact that the Eighth Route Army itself is not weak in combat effectiveness, how can such an army be able to besiege it?
It's like besieging hungry wolves with sheep.

No, it can even be said to be a tiger.

The destruction of the Uchida Brigade of the Kwantung Army is the best example.

The Japanese Army Command decided to shrink the encirclement and quickly eat up the main force of the Fourth Regiment, partly because of the destruction of the Uchida Brigade.

Until this moment, the confrontation between the two sides broke out completely.

Only then did the devil officers realize that the strength of the Eighth Route Army unit that could destroy Uchida Brigade was far from being able to be dealt with by a mopping-up unit with scattered troops.

This method of dealing with ordinary Eighth Route Army troops has completely failed.

"It must not go on like this!"

After thinking for a while, the devil commander said incredulously.

In order to deal with the well-equipped and powerful Eighth Route Army troops that are currently breaking out from all sides.

Realizing that our own equipment level is no longer enough to stop these powerful Eighth Route Army.

The devil commander immediately requested tank reinforcements from the general headquarters in the rear.

He is thoughtful.

Although this Eighth Route Army unit showed excellent equipment and powerful firepower, whether it was the opponent's submachine gun, semi-automatic rifle, or small-caliber artillery.

Although it is enough to cause huge casualties to one's own infantry.

But the defense of one's own tanks is absolutely helpless.

As long as the tank troops of the Empire of Japan arrive, with the help of tank attacks, these main forces of the Eighth Route Army that have broken through the mopping up and encirclement will be defeated in one fell swoop.

In order to achieve this goal, the devil commander temporarily adjusted the combat deployment:
On the one hand, the various ministries immediately abandoned their original plan to continue to encircle the deep mountainous area of ​​Zhongtiao Mountain, and retreated to the counties and towns in the occupied areas, reenclosing the Eighth Route Army that had already broken through in large numbers within the encirclement circle.

On the other hand, the garrisons of the Japanese army's major counties and towns cooperated with the field sweeping army and pushed outward at the same time.

Attacking from both sides, the Eighth Route Army troops that had broken through were completely besieged between the mountainous area, county towns, and towns.


Considering that the Fourth Independent Regiment is equipped with a large amount of American equipment, its firepower is strong.

The 41st Division of the Japanese Army, which was originally stationed in Linfen, dispatched more than ten tanks and armored vehicles belonging to the division.

Assist the mopping up troops to encircle the Eighth Route Army.

At this time, the Japanese army naturally had an absolute upper hand in the overall situation.

The difference in strength between the two sides is still huge.

The devils mobilized tank troops to restrain the strong firepower of the fourth regiment.

Even with the design of the Fourth Regiment to lure the enemy deep, under the pressure of reinforcements from all sides, they wiped out the most elite vanguard of the Japanese army - the Uchida Brigade of the Kwantung Army.

At this time, the Japanese army still had more than one division in strength.

If it weren't for the relatively scattered forces of the Japanese army during the sweep.

If the devil's elite main force concentrates on a decisive battle with the fourth regiment.

Even the Fourth Independent Regiment, which has been forged into the Meiji Regiment, is by no means an opponent of the devils.

After all.

The Fourth Independent Regiment is not the U.S. military. The so-called American Armed Regiment formed through Kong Jie's efforts is far inferior to the real main U.S. military regiment.

The main combat regiment of the U.S. military has heavy tanks to assist in combat operations, large-caliber artillery to follow up and attack, air force reinforcements that can be called at any time, and the most powerful logistical support...

In contrast, the fighters of the Fourth Independent Regiment only had some conventional American equipment.

And over time.

With the large-scale raid launched by the Japanese army to Zhongtiao Mountain this time.

In fact, the Japanese army will soon discover that there are not as many Eighth Route Army troops as they expected in the entire Zhongtiaoshan combat area.

In the entire Zhongtiao Mountain, there is only one Independent Fourth Regiment of the Eighth Route Army insisting on fighting the Japanese army, and its shortcoming of only more than [-] troops will soon be manifested.

At the beginning, Han Feng led the soldiers to attack Zhongtiao Mountain for nearly a hundred miles in one day, and the plan to paralyze the judgment of the Japanese army would be completely exposed.

At that time.

The main force of the Japanese army's mopping up can be completely deployed in the combat areas of the four regiments and each company, concentrating their forces to compress the combat space of the soldiers of the four regiments.

The confrontation between more than 1 Japanese troops and more than [-] Eighth Route Army soldiers.

No matter which angle you look at, the two sides are not at the same fighting level at all.

... "With the sweeping raids launched by the Japanese army, the actual strength of the Fourth Regiment has been completely exposed.

Even if we send a batch of American equipment, the next four regiments will be in danger. "

A team command.

Chief of Staff Xu Guoan worriedly analyzed the current battle situation in Zhongtiaoshan on the combat sand table.

Kong Jie naturally attached great importance to Zhongtiaoshan's anti-sweeping operation.

Almost all of his attention was on the situation in Zhongtiao Mountain.

After all, this is not only related to the survival of the Fourth Independent Regiment, but also related to the gambling agreement between Kong Jie and Yankee John.

Whether the Fourth Regiment can use this batch of American equipment to create miracles in Zhongtiao Mountain will be directly related to whether Kong Jie can carry out in-depth arms cooperation with John in the future.

"The Japanese army has more than 1 people, and its strength is really too many. This kind of strength is even enough to launch a large-scale raid in our Taihang base area.

But Zhongtiao Mountain is supported by Wang Huaibao and Han Feng.

Old Kong, we must send troops to reinforce, we can't just watch our four regiments fall into the hands of the devils! "

Xu Guoan said with emotion.

Kong Jie, who naturally understood the crisis in the fourth regiment of Zhongtiao Mountain, nodded emphatically.

Not long ago, relying on excellent American equipment, the Independent Fourth Regiment wiped out the Uchida Brigade of the Kwantung Army in one fell swoop in the sweeping battle launched by the Japanese army.

It was indeed a wonderful battle that shocked the whole North China.

But it was obvious that the devils in Zhongtiao Mountain were also furious, and now they were desperately trying to wipe out the four regiments in one fell swoop.

Once the four regiments are defeated, or even eliminated.

Originally destroyed the prestige of the Japanese Kwantung Army Brigade.

It will also disappear with it.

It even in turn fueled the arrogance of the Japanese army.

The ugly little devils can now yell unscrupulously: No matter how powerful the opponent is, it will be completely crushed by our Great Japanese Empire!
In addition, relying on American equipment, the Independent Fourth Regiment still wiped out the Japanese Kwantung Army Brigade even though the Japanese army launched a major raid.

Although shocking.

It is enough to prove the strength of the fighters of the four regiments, and it is also enough to prove the power of this American equipment.

But this is far from enough in Kong Jie's view.

Is such a record alone enough to impress those Yankees?
not necessarily!

Right now, it just shows the edge of the M3 submachine gun.

The main event is yet to come!

As long as the four groups can stand firm.

"Wang Huaibao, Wang Huaibao, you have to fight for me!"

Kong Jie thought to himself, and then asked someone to call Dong San from the logistics department, and asked, "How is the installation of the self-propelled artillery going?"

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Dong San has been leading the workers of the arsenal to fight day and night.

With dark circles under his eyes, he looked exhausted, but his eyes were still bright:
"Head, one-third of it has been successfully refitted."


Kong Jie waved his hand, and said to Xu Guoan beside him: "Old Xu, you make arrangements, immediately let these one-third of the tanks and armored vehicles form an armored company, select good manpower, and quickly go south to reinforce Zhongtiao Mountain .”

"In addition, according to the original plan, the first regiment, the second regiment, and the third regiment all moved to cover the armored company going south."

"Okay, old Kong, I'll arrange it right away!" Xu Guoan responded.


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