Chapter 893
call out--

Following a special sound with a long tail, immediately after, a flare that flew into the night sky burned instantly.

Among them, magnesium powder and aluminum powder are metal combustibles that burn rapidly.After burning instantly, it even erupted with a high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius, and at the same time emitted an extremely dazzling light.

It was as if a small sun hung in the middle of the night, and the rapidly spreading light quickly dispelled all the darkness in a large area around the Japanese army's Yangguan stronghold.

At this time, the Japanese army and the Eighth Route Army had been fighting for more than 20 minutes.

Under the fierce offensive firepower of the Eighth Route Army, the casualties of the Japanese and puppet troops stationed at the big stronghold of Yangguan continued to spread.

It wasn't until the Eighth Route Army suddenly lit up flares in the air that in just a few tens of seconds, it almost forcibly transformed this area from night to day with scorching light.

Still relying on the stronghold's fortifications, the stubborn little devils finally saw the situation around the stronghold clearly with the help of the flare's light.

The three-layer barbed wire protection net that was originally pulled up around the perimeter has already been blasted by the Eighth Route to open five or six big holes.

The water injection trench with the effect of a moat has already been boarded up by the Eighth Route Army. A large number of Eighth Route Army combat troops are quickly attacking the Yangguan stronghold with the help of the light of the flares.

The bombardment didn't stop.

The eight-way rear artillery is constantly roaring, covering the charge of its own soldiers.

The short tens of seconds of daylight brought by the flare made the little devils see the Eighth Route Army soldiers rushing forward like a tide.

At this time, the Japanese and puppet troops who had been completely intimidated by the Eighth Route Army's fearless aura.

The original will to fight collapsed by [-]% in an instant.

The tide is gone...

Looking at the fortifications on the outside line, under the fierce attack of the Eighth Route Army, they have been completely damaged.

"It's all over!"

The Japanese and puppet troops stationed at the stronghold couldn't help thinking sadly in their hearts.

"Reinforcements, reinforcements, we need reinforcements!"

Major Guizi, who was in charge of guarding the Yangguan stronghold, was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He urged the Communications Department again to request tactical guidance from the higher command.

On the other side, the devil commander Yoshio Shinozuka, who was also closely watching the battles in Yangguan, Pingbei, and Hanoi, and the devil's chief of staff, Beichuan, got the news at the same time.

After Yangguan, Pingbei, and Hanoi strongholds were aggressively attacked by the Eighth Route Army.

Without exception, the reinforcements from all directions that the imperial troops moved out quickly were blocked by the Eighth Route Army troops along the way.

In the direction of Beitong Road, the Japanese brigade that rushed to reinforce them was blocked by the new regiment led by Ding Wei.

In order to completely cut off the little devil's intention to reinforce the Yangguan stronghold from Beitong Road.

Ding Wei even directly ordered to blow up a stone bridge that must pass through a certain section of Beitong Road.

The Japanese reinforcements at Xiaogoulinzi and Sanhewan Road were all blocked by the Eighth Route Army.

Especially in Sanhewan Road.

A Japanese combat unit that was reinforced accidentally fell into an ambush circle specially set up by the [-]nd Regiment of the [-]th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army.

The head of the [-]nd Regiment Cheng made up his mind to fight a beautiful battle of annihilation.

In the words of Commander Cheng who mobilized the soldiers before the battle: "A few years ago, our regiment, our entire [-]th Brigade, or even our entire [-]th Division, had the best equipment, the largest number of troops, and the strongest combat effectiveness. main battle group.

But now?

You see, in the entire northwestern Shanxi area, and even our entire [-]th Division, whenever a regiment-level combat unit is mentioned, it is either Kong Jie's first unit, his Li Yunlong's new second regiment, or Ding Wei's new first regiment , What happened to our [-]nd regiment?
In the battle order of the national army, we are the entire brigade and one of the only two registered main regiments.

If we don't fight hard, the next time Li Yunlong sees Lao Tzu again, he will probably raise his big tail again, saying that when he joined the army, he taught Lao Tzu to rob him hand in hand!
Comrades, the Independent Regiment, the New First Regiment and the New Second Regiment, compared to our [-]nd Regiment, are all brats, and their new combat troops are almost riding on our heads to shit !
Can everyone swallow their breath? "

"Can't, can't—"

There are two shoulders against one head. The fighting will and beliefs of the pure revolutionary martyrs during this period are not bragging.

All the soldiers roared loudly, full of fighting spirit for a while.

Leader Cheng smiled gratifiedly, and then shouted: "Then for tonight's battle, let's call those new regiments that are rising up, and let them have a good look at it.

What is the combat effectiveness of the old-school main force.

One of his teams, the New First Regiment and the New Second Regiment, headed for the devil's stronghold.

Then let's rush to reinforce the devil's reinforcements in the big stronghold. When they attack the stronghold, we will wipe out his devil's reinforcements, and they will not miss them! "


The battle broke out instantly.

The soldiers of the [-]nd Regiment mustered their strength one by one.

To say that the [-]nd Regiment's military and economic development over the years is indeed not as good as that of the first brigade.

However, as one of the few veteran main combat regiments, the overall military quality of the [-]nd Regiment and the proportion of veterans are still relatively high.

Immediately after this night-time annihilation war broke out.

The elite veterans of the [-]nd Regiment really showed extraordinary combat effectiveness.

Taking advantage of the darkness, avoiding the superior firepower of the devils, and taking advantage of the surprise attack, the little devils were caught off guard.

Once the battle between the two sides broke out, they had an absolute superiority in military strength and geographical advantage, and the equipment was also not bad.

This battle was doomed from the start.


"General, the situation seems to be really bad. These damned Tuba Roads are obviously well prepared. Our army's reinforcements from various roads to Yangguan, Pingbei and Hanoi strongholds were all ambushed by the Eighth Route Army troops!"

Kitagawa, the devil's chief of staff, brought quite bad news to Yoshio Shinozuka.

The two old devils were also shocked.

Bei Chuan clenched his fists angrily, "Sure enough, any battles related to this Kong Jie are often not trivial.

This person is especially good at conducting joint operations with various units of the Eighth Route Army. His influence seems to be considerable. Every time a battle starts, other Eighth Route Army units will often be involved in the battle.

General, the Eighth Route Army's offensive this time is fierce.

It seems that if Yangguan, Pingbei and Hanoi strongholds are not conquered, they will not give up! "

Yoshio Shinozuka had some headaches. The reinforcements from Yangguan, Pingbei and Hanoi strongholds could not go through for the time being.

The three stronghold headquarters have sent emergency calls for help many times, and they are constantly asking for reinforcements.

Go on like this.

The reinforcements will be ambushed by the Eighth Route Army on the way, and the casualties may not be small, and the big strongholds of Yangguan, Pingbei and Hanoi will still be lost.

In desperation, although he felt a little ashamed, Shinozuka Yoshio still made up his mind and immediately issued a military order:
"Immediately ordered Yangguan, Pingbei, and Hanoi headquarters to quickly move the main force from the stronghold to the direction of the county.

In addition, the reinforcements from all walks of life no longer need to entangle with the Eighth Route Army blocking along the way, and immediately withdraw to the station! "

This is the most helpless choice.

Yoshio Shinozuka had to admit that he was caught off guard again by Eight Road this time.

These damned Eighth Route Army, as if ignoring the severe cold weather, would launch such a fierce attack in the middle of the night.

Everything came too suddenly.

Recently, under the winter offensive of the Eighth Route Army, the Japanese army, which was constantly retreating, did not expect that the Eighth Route Army would suddenly attack the big stronghold, so they were caught off guard.

While Shinozuka Yoshio was depressed, his heart was filled with hatred.

He secretly made up his mind, endure!Continue to bear it!

Temporarily preserve the vitality of the imperial army until after the beginning of spring.

With a sweeping momentum, it will completely wipe out the occupied areas occupied by the Eighth Route Army that originally belonged to the empire, and at the same time launch an unprecedented sweep of the Eighth Route Army's base areas.


boom -

Unusually violent artillery fire exploded in the direction of the retreat of the Japanese army's Yangguan and Pingbei strongholds.

The devil's Yangguan, Pingbei, and Hanoi strongholds, since they are called big strongholds, apart from their extremely strong fortifications and a large number of troops stationed, the area of ​​the gathering point itself is also not small.

The entire stronghold is about the size of a village.

In addition, the little devil uses the big stronghold as the core, and uses the surrounding small and medium-sized strongholds as an extended defensive network to expand the defensive formation to ensure that the direction of attacking the big stronghold is mainly forward.

Concentrate forces for higher defense while avoiding being besieged by the Eighth Route Army from multiple directions.

Therefore, the battles that took place at night were mainly carried out in the north direction of Yangguan and Heping Beida strongholds.

In the construction of these large strongholds, the little devil also considered how to retreat when the enemy attacked fiercely and things could not be done.

The approximate strategy is also very simple:
The devils built the fortifications of the entire stronghold in a north-south direction, and the north is the most suitable direction for the Eighth Route Army to attack.

Once the battle unfolds and the general situation is over, the devils can quickly abandon the fortifications facing the north, and then quickly evacuate from the south, or the back side of the stronghold.

Leaving the rear guard troops, or even breaking their arms to survive, to cover the retreat of the main combat troops.

The little devils were even in a hurry, laying a certain amount of landmines in the area behind the stronghold, using the minefields to delay the pace of the pursuing Eighth Route Army.

Everything went fairly smoothly.

Just when the devil Shao Zuo thought he would be able to evacuate smoothly immediately.

Under the night, not too far away, there seemed to be the sound of a cannon being fired.

Immediately afterwards, under the dim night, more than a dozen shells crossed a beautiful arc mixed with a destructive atmosphere in mid-air, and slammed into the rear area of ​​the Japanese stronghold of Yangguan and Hepingbei.

boom -

Amid a series of violent explosions, the devil Major who led the team had no time to react, and was blasted to pieces in the violent explosions.

The sudden shells shattered the Japanese troops preparing to evacuate from the Yangguan Hepingbei stronghold.

The southward road that the devils were planning to retreat to was also completely blocked by artillery fire.

Even the minefield hastily arranged by the devils was directly destroyed when the enemy was almost covered by firepower.

The artillery interception method arranged by Chu Yunfei finally showed its power at this moment.

As soon as he made a move, it was really extraordinary.

To the south of the Japanese army's Yangguan and Heping Peking University stronghold, there is a hilltop a few hundred meters away.

With the firing of the artillery, the officers of the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army who led the team specifically confessed: "After a few rounds of shelling, stop the shelling immediately, and transfer in time, don't blow up the Eighth Route again!"

That night.

The battle around the Japanese army's Yangguan, Pingbei and Hanoi strongholds is about to unfold.

And what is getting worse is not only the level of firepower of the confrontation between the two sides, but also the evolution of the scale.

Attacking the stronghold is attacking the stronghold.

Those who help in the middle of the way help in the middle.

Bei Chuan, the devil's chief of staff, was right. Kong Jie's favorite thing was point-driven combat, and his favorite thing was joint offensives.

Gather everyone's strength to deal with the little devil.

In Kong Jie's words, "When we deal with the little devils, everyone gathers firewood and makes flames, so why should we set up an anti-Japanese united front?
Fight devils together, this is a lot of opportunities, everyone has the benefits, everyone has the advantages, this is a win-win battle. "

So, after a unit of the Eighth Route Army took the lead in attacking the big strongholds of Yangguan, Pingbei and Hanoi.

That night, the battles in which armed forces from all sides attacked Japanese strongholds and even towns and county towns were like firecrackers that had been ignited, crackling and exploding.

The capable ones, like a team led by Kong Jie, directly attacked the devil's stronghold.

Those with weaker strength, such as some newly formed Eighth Route Army combat regiments, attacked the nearby small and medium-sized strongholds connected to the big strongholds of Yangguan, Pingbei, and Hanoi.

It is really centered on the three big strongholds of Yangguan, Pingbei, and Hanoi, and then blossoms in all directions.

The anti-Japanese armed forces that participated in the battle that night were not just the main force of the Eighth Route Army.

Including some local army units and militia units.

It also includes some combat units of the Jinsui Army, such as the 57th Regiment of the Jinsui Army, the 71st Regiment of the Jinsui Army, and the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army.

Even some bandit minions jumped down from the mountains to participate in the battle, holding high the banner of cooperating with the Eighth Route Army to attack the Japanese stronghold.

a few days ago.

Kong Jie asked Xie Baoqing, the head of the first migrant workers group, who was the original head of Heiyunzhai Xie Baoqing, to write a letter to each of the bandit leaders in Northwest Shanxi.

Kong Jie explained the general content of the letter as follows: "Old Xie, tell the brothers in the green forest for me that the current situation is turbulent and life is hard, and they are forced to become bandits. This is understandable.

I, Kong Jie, also won't look down on them because of this.

However, there is a premise for this: being a bandit should also have the pattern of a bandit.

Bullying the unarmed common people, robbing the poor people who are suffering, what kind of green forest hero is that?

Such bastards, even if the little devils don't take care of them, I, Kong Jie, will take care of them sooner or later.

Those who are capable, hehe, follow me to fight devils.

Where the devils want materials and materials, money and money, and they can get a reputation as an anti-Japanese war, this is not to lose the reputation of a green forest hero!
You tell them, on the night of the 23rd, I am going to attack the little devils, and those who have the guts will follow our Eighth Route Army troops to fight the little devils! "

At that time, after Kong Jie's confession was finished, Xie Baoqing felt that what Kong Jie said made people's blood boil.

He was even thinking, if he was still in Heiyunzhai, he would definitely have nothing to say when he heard these words, and he would go down the mountain to fight the devils with his gun.

In this way, Xie Baoqing basically did not make any changes to the last letter written by Kong Jie.

I just added a few words at the end: "Captain Kong is a ruthless character who speaks for himself. Nian had a meal in a business back then. I, Xie Baoqing, advise everyone.

First, don't use ordinary people to hang around in front of Captain Kong, or you won't be able to cut off even if you have a few heads.

Second, this business of robbing houses cannot be done for a long time.If you want to be like me, Xie Baoqing, to change from evil to righteousness, and even to be reused by the Eighth Route Army, at least you have to come up with some certificates of merit, and use the help of fighting devils to gain some reputation, which will come in handy in the future.

Third, this time the Eighth Route Army will definitely attack some strongholds of the Japanese army on a large scale. This is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters. "

Then, the letter was sent to the bandit leaders in various places.

that night.

In the northwestern area of ​​Shanxi, there were indeed as many as a dozen bandit troops, with as many as 300 people and as few as 20.

Participated in the battle against the Japanese army at night...

(End of this chapter)

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