The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 894 8th Route Army Blitzkrieg

Chapter 894 Eighth Route Army Version Blitzkrieg

The sudden arrival of combat troops from all sides made the Japanese army quite a bit battered in the defense in all directions.

It was like a dam leaking everywhere. The little devil hurriedly blocked one, and immediately other Chinese armed forces dug out the second and third gaps.

The more you make up the worse the situation gets!
Under the fierce attack of the main combat unit of the Eighth Route Army, Shinozuka Yoshio decided to abandon Yangguan, Pingbei, and Hanoi, three large strongholds that were originally used to block the outer lines of the Eighth Route Army's base areas.

And with the retreat of the Japanese army.

Shinozuka Yoshio originally thought that after these damned Eighth Route Army captured Yangguan, Pingbei, Hanoi and other three strongholds, they should give up, right?
Who knew that these Tuba roads would intensify and become more and more rampant. After taking down the strongholds of Yangguan, Pingbei and Hanoi, they continued to attack and continue to attack some of the more remote counties and towns in the quasi-security area of ​​the Japanese army. attack.

At the same time, the Japanese command received news from various directions:
Originally, in the northwestern area of ​​Shanxi, the Eighth Route troops in various base areas launched raids against the Japanese and puppet troops one after another at night.

Without exception, they avoided some counties and towns that were mainly defended by the Japanese army, and chose some remote towns and small and medium-sized strongholds where the Japanese army was relatively weak and the defense force was relatively weak.

They even carried out sabotage operations on some traffic lines in the devil's quasi-security area.

The all-night offensive, after a unit of the Eighth Route Army took the lead in attacking Yangguan, Pingbei, and Hanoi strongholds, gradually turned into a situation that was out of control.

"General, these damn bastards seem to have gone crazy, they are like a group of mad dogs, except for some counties and towns that are firmly controlled by our army.

Including the quasi-security areas of our army, and even some stable marginal security areas, have all been attacked by these Eighth Route Army troops! "

After receiving relevant information from the Ministry of Communications, Kitagawa, the devil's chief of staff, rushed to the headquarters and reported to Yoshio Shinozuka.

At the same time, he brought Yoshio Shinozuka another piece of news that was not harmful but extremely insulting:

"Besides, general, this time, along with these damned Tuba Routes attacking our imperial security area and quasi-security area, apart from the Eighth Route Army, we even found bandits!"


A look of astonishment appeared on Yoshio Shinozuka's face, and then transformed into uncontrollable anger.

Such a situation really made Shinozuka Yoshio feel an old Chinese saying:

Tiger fell and Pingyang was bullied by dogs!
These days, anyone really dares to run out and step on him, the Great Japanese Empire.


a township.

As early as a few years ago, the township fell completely, and it has been under the control of the Japanese. Occasionally, some guerrilla troops of the Eighth Route Army appeared, and it was designated by the Japanese army as a quasi-security area.

Due to its remote location, the number of troops stationed by the devils was not large, and there were only less than two squads of devils.

After the night fighting had begun, the township was suddenly attacked by a unit of the Armed Forces.

The devil's messenger came to report in a hurry.

The highest commander of the Japanese army in charge of the garrison, a second lieutenant of the devil, asked with a straight face: "Baga, such a battle, it must be the damned Tubalu who came to attack. How many people came from the Balu? What is the specific firepower configuration?"

"...Your Excellency, Second Lieutenant, it doesn't look like the Eighth Route Army, but a group of bandits!"

"Nani? Say it again!"

"It's a group of bandits!" The signal soldier repeated helplessly.


The second lieutenant Guizi, who was quite angry and angry, cursed, "These damned Chinese bandits, dare to ignore the power of our Great Japanese Empire?"

The exasperated Second Lieutenant of the Devil immediately led more than 20 little devils into the fortifications of the township to defend.

Although the battle between the two sides was not a large-scale confrontation, it was still extremely fierce.

It wasn't a particularly violent firepower point, but it still dispelled the local darkness a lot.

The one who led the attack was the relatively large one among the dozen or so bandit teams who followed the Eighth Route Army to beat devils together after receiving a letter from Xie Baoqing.

The entire bandit team has more than 150 people, which is not much different from the Heiyunzhai back then.

The head of the bandits who led the team had a tough face, completely different from the former head of Heiyunzhai, Xie Baoqing, who had a somewhat sour taste.

He said, "Brothers, Captain Kong of the Eighth Route Army, that is, the one who cut off the heads of little devils and never blinked, everyone has heard of Kong's haircut, right?"

"Hmph, didn't I brag to you, do you know how much face your boss has?

This time Captain Kong is going to deal with the little devil.Specially asked Xie Baoqing, the head of Heiyunzhai back then, to write a letter to Lao Tzu.

What are you doing?
You want us to fight devils together and make money!
Even though we are bandits, we still admire the good guys who kill devils, such as Captain Kong.

Captain Kong invited us to kill devils, can we be vague? "

After speaking some rough and unreasonable words, it not only gave me enough face, but also boosted the morale of all the minions.

Sure enough, the minions followed suit and started drinking.

The second boss even echoed: "The big boss, Captain Kong is a very annoying person, if he can write a letter to you in person, it means that he thinks highly of you, the big boss.

In addition, we have heard that Xie Baoqing, the head of the Heiyunzhai at the beginning, and later joined the captain of the Kong branch, it was a success.

Good guy, now he is the head of a group of migrant workers, and I heard that there are thousands of people under his command!
Want face to have face, want fame to have reputation, so good.

Brother, since we are going to fight devils with Captain Kong and the others this time, we should be the ones with the most votes, save up the votes for us, and go to Captain Kong in the future! "

The bandit master said happily: "Haha, what the second brother said is right, that's what I meant.

We've been doing this business of robbing houses for so many years, and we're getting tired of doing it for a long time.

Brothers, if you have the backbone, after killing the devils this time, we will go to the Eighth Route Army later! "

After thinking about it like this, the bandits finally felt that it was meaningless to just attack some small and medium-sized strongholds and sneak attack some small villages of the devils.

So he chose the current township as the target of attack.

Fighting broke out suddenly during the night.

If you say that this group of bandits will use their brains when they fight.

Maybe they don't know much about tactics, but this group of bandits are very familiar with this kind of sneak attack at night.

First, they sent out a few veteran bandits with good skills, took the opportunity to touch in, and knocked down a few sentries on the fortifications.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining bandit minions, as soon as they showed their housekeeping skills, easily took advantage of the cover of night to sneak into the fortifications of the outer line built by the Japanese and puppet troops, and temporarily lurked.

Due to the remote location of the township and the fact that its military role is not that important, there is not even an ancient city wall on the periphery of the whole township.

There are only some fortifications and checkpoints set up by the Japanese army on some necessary official roads.

That's it.

It was not until the more than 100 bandits had almost touched the fortifications built by the Japanese and puppet troops that the battle suddenly started.

In the end, the two sides clashed for more than 20 minutes.

24 little devils, plus nearly 30 puppet troops, were all killed by these bandits.

The bandits relied on a sneak attack and touched the devil's sentinel in advance, but even so, the casualties were still not small. Five or sixty people were killed and more than 60 people were injured.

While cursing and cursing the angry bandit master, he had to sigh with emotion: "This little devil really has two brushes.

If it weren't for our sneak attack this time, and the number of devils and puppet troops defending here is not large, we would really fall here.

I'm only now able to understand that Captain Kong can kill hundreds or thousands of little devils at every turn, that's really not bragging! "



Fights similar to bandit forces sneaking up on some towns, villages, and small and medium-sized strongholds in the devil's quasi-safety area are not rare at night.

The news came one after another, which made the devil commanders very angry.

Until about four o'clock in the night.

The main force of a team and each regiment to attack Yangguan, Pingbei and Hanoi strongholds has basically come to an end.

However, the entire northwestern Shanxi did not stop because of the end of the battle of a team attacking the Japanese stronghold, on the contrary, it intensified.

The entire northwestern part of Shanxi was even smashed into a pot of porridge tonight.

In the northwestern Shanxi area, the counties and towns mainly occupied by the Japanese army are on the edge of some quasi-public security areas outside the stable public security area.

Some small and medium-sized strongholds originally used by the Japanese army to guard and block the base areas of the Eighth Route Army were actively attacked by the Eighth Route Army troops.

Because all this came suddenly and with great momentum.

In this extremely cold night again, the Japanese and puppet troops were caught off guard.

The Eighth Route Army combat units operating in the northwest of Shanxi took advantage of the fact that all forces were attacking the Japanese army tonight, further expanding the area of ​​the guerrilla zone.

At the same time, taking advantage of the chaos, they captured many small and medium-sized strongholds of the Japanese army, and pulled out a large number of advance strongholds built by the kidnappers towards the bases of the Eighth Route Army.

You know, these advanced strongholds are prepared by the devils now, and will be used as base stations for sweeping the bases of the Eighth Route Army in the future.

Destroyed in large numbers tonight.

It is equivalent to the devil's secret preparations for several months, and it was destroyed like this.

By the next day, the Japanese and puppet troops finally suffered until dawn.

When the reinforcements of the Japanese army braved the severe cold, they would also send reinforcements to the quasi-security areas that had been raided by the Eighth Route Army.

Waiting for the flying troops waiting to fly at the Japanese airfield, warm up the engine, and dispatch even in the severe cold.


Last night, like a tide, a large number of Chinese armed forces poured out from all directions, including the Eighth Route Army, the Jinsui Army, and even some bandits.

It seemed as if the world had evaporated overnight.

After dawn the next day, five or six Devil reconnaissance planes circled and whistled back and forth over some quasi-security areas of the Japanese army in northwest Shanxi, conducting reconnaissance.

As far as the eye could see, it was covered with snow.

Then you can still see half of the Eighth Route Army, or the shadows of the Chinese armed forces on all sides?
For the Japanese and puppet troops, everything was like a dream.

If it weren't for the fortifications that were blown up in large numbers, and the corpses of the soldiers who would never wake up on the cold ground.

They could hardly believe it was real.

"Baga, these damned Balu are so cunning!"

At the headquarters of the First Army, Yoshio Shinozuka slammed his fist on the table angrily.

On the entire land in the northwest of Shanxi, the snow has not disappeared, the cold wind is howling, and even the air seems to be completely condensed because of the abnormal cold, and everything is expressing the chill and cold of the winter in the dead silence.

This is the day and night battle plan jointly formulated by Kong Jie, Xu Guoan and other commanders of the Eighth Route Army at the headquarters of the first team.

The feast of killing is far from over.

In Kong Jie's words: "This is just the beginning. Every night in the future, we will make the little devil sleepless and be shrouded in endless fear!"


The soldiers are greedily trimming, trying to restore their physical fitness as much as possible.

Take a combat unit with three regiments as an example. With the outbreak of the Pacific War and the continuous transfer of elite Japanese troops, the overall combat strength of the Japanese army continued to decline.

In addition, with the help of this winter, Kong Jie's detachment took the lead in launching a major counterattack against the Japanese First Army stationed in Shanxi in the quasi-security area in northwest Shanxi.

A team has achieved considerable results.

Among them, there are a large number of sites that were seized back from the little devils, which originally belonged to the quasi-security area of ​​the Japanese army, including some advanced strongholds that the devils were forced to abandon.

After successfully capturing these strongholds, Kong Jie found that although this little devil was hateful, the advanced strongholds that he built, especially in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, when the natural environment was the most harsh and cruel, could only play a role. good.

Kong Jie did not waste such good strongholds, gun towers and other buildings.

After being snatched from the hands of the devils, they were repaired and transformed in turn, and directly became a team of Eighth Route Army soldiers, while defending the core base of a team.

Recover the lost ground outwards and attack the important midway depots, granaries and rest stations of the Japanese invaders.

It can even be used as a temporary information and communication station.

At night, the troops that originally launched attacks on small and medium strongholds and remote villages and towns of the Japanese army retreated to the outer line of a base before dawn, and some nearby strongholds had been controlled by the soldiers, and then adjusted and rested.

Everyone cooks with a pot, relying on a team can fully guarantee the logistics transportation and support capabilities provided by the front-line combat troops.

The soldiers ate warm meals and kept warm with charcoal fire, and quickly recovered their physical fitness and combat effectiveness.

With such a whole day's rest, at night, the soldiers can immediately resume their vigorous state.

As Wang Leihu, the head of the second regiment, said: "Comrades, during the day, let's hurry up to eat and sleep.

Fully recover your physical strength, once it gets dark, let's continue to fuck him, you little devil! "

The soldiers responded with loud laughter one after another. Under the proud fighting spirit and happy atmosphere, the food in their mouths became extraordinarily sweet.

The new second group.

Li Yunlong was like a wild wolf quietly ambush, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

His eyes were shining fiercely, and he was staring closely at his target this time - the largest artillery testing ground and processing plant secretly built by the Japanese First Army in Shanxi in Santai Township, a suburb of Taiyuan.

"After fighting all night last night, the little devil is probably very busy now.

Our opportunity to sneak attack on the Japanese artillery testing ground is coming soon! "

"Tomorrow evening, let's grasp the time well in advance, the sky is not completely dark, but it is not as bright as daytime, and it is easy to be exposed.

We will advance our mechanized combat troops to Santai Township as quickly as possible according to the established intersection curve. "

Speaking of this, Lao Li laughed excitedly: "Old Zhao, what did you talk about last time about Guderian's blitzkrieg in Germany.

It seems that our sneak attack on the devil's artillery testing ground this time is also a little interesting, right? "

Zhao Gang smiled and nodded: "I don't say that, it's a bit like our Eighth Route Army's version of the blitzkrieg!"

"It's a pity, we missed the plane! After all, we don't have air superiority, or else, I would have pulled our mechanized combat troops over in broad daylight, so why wait until evening?" Li Yunlong said regretfully...


(End of this chapter)

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