The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 957 Cannons rise and clouds fly...

Chapter 957 Cannons rise and clouds fly...

As the confrontation between the two sides gradually heated up, the Japanese army felt more and more the powerful artillery fire of the Eighth Route Army troops of the 385th Brigade.

It's getting harder and harder to fight.

With the remaining elite of the three major mixed brigades of the Japanese army, they gradually concentrated their forces to attack the base of the 385th brigade.

The 385 brigade has gradually emerged more and more main forces.

The entire 385 brigade base area is like an invisible abyss, a quagmire with no bottom.

No matter how many troops the Japanese army sent, it seemed that they would be deeply involved.

This item is also the most troublesome thing for the Japanese army.

Originally, according to the old devil Ishikawa's idea, now I have the advantage, and the three major mixed brigades concentrate their forces against the Tuba Road of the 385th Brigade.

Whether it is in terms of military strength or equipment, they have all the advantages.

After all, the three major mixed brigades, even if some elites were transferred to reinforce Huangyadong, there were still nearly 15000 elites.

And what they faced was just a brigade of the Eighth Route Army.

According to the division of the brigade-level organization of troops, whether it is Jiang Jun troops, Jinsui Army troops, or local national army troops.

Or a brigade corresponding to the brigade-level organization of the Japanese army and the Chinese army.

Although the comparison of troops will not be exactly the same, they are generally not too different.

After the Japanese army passed the brigade, there was a two-two formation.

Generally speaking, an infantry brigade consists of two infantry regiments, and the strength of the entire brigade, plus supply units, artillery units, and some combat units directly under it, ranges from 3000 to 9000 people.

Of course, this change in troop strength took into account the great changes that occurred in the early stage of the Anti-Japanese War, and until the later stage, when the Japanese army gradually became insufficient in strength and weak in succession.

During this period, a brigade of the Japanese army generally has a strength of about 8000 people.

The troops of the Jiang army and the Jinsui army corresponding to the Japanese army are mostly organized in the three-three system.

A brigade consists of three infantry regiments.

A brigade has fewer troops than a brigade of the Japanese army.

Of course, the specific situation is analyzed in detail. After all, like the 358th regiment of the Jinsui Army, there are always a small number of combat regiments with more than 5000 troops in one regiment.

As for the troops of the Eighth Route Army, the changes have been great.

In the early days, a brigade numbered in the battle order of the national army had only two main regiments, and its strength might be only 5000 people.

But with development, this is also the same establishment that has not changed.

The specific strength of the troops is getting more and more out of character.

What do you mean?
A brigade was agreed, but a brigade of the Eighth Route Army may appear to be a brigade, but in fact it may even have as many as a dozen main combat regiments under its jurisdiction.

It can even pull out [-] to [-] troops in one breath.

His mother is about to catch up with a division of the Japanese army.

This is also a very important conclusion drawn by the Japanese army after fighting against the Eighth Route Army behind enemy lines for many years:

When fighting the Eighth Route Army, never judge the strength of troops based on the opponent's establishment, but judge based on the specific strength of the troops obtained after actual investigation.

In fact, not only the brigade-level organization, but also some regiment-level combat units of the Eighth Route Army. With the continuation of the War of Resistance Against Japan, extremely exaggerated changes in the strength of the troops under its jurisdiction will also occur.

Take the typical independent group as an example.

In the early days, it was only a team of more than a thousand people, and then it quickly grew to two to three thousand people, and now it has become the first independent anti-Japanese detachment in Northwest Shanxi, but in fact it is still a regiment-level establishment, but the number of troops under its jurisdiction may have reached nearly 3000.

How can there be any reason for this?
It's time for the little devil to speak up.

We will use about one or two brigades to deal with the independent regiments of the Eighth Route Army.

Feel ashamed to say it!

This is probably the case at the moment. With the 16rd, 385th, and No.[-] mixed brigades of the Japanese army, plus the [-]th mixed brigade of the North China Security Army, nearly [-] Japanese puppet troops gradually penetrated into the base of the [-]th brigade.

At first, the 385 brigade first emerged two or three main combat regiments to stop them along the way.

Although the firepower configuration has been enhanced, it is still within the acceptable range of the Japanese army.

However, as the Japanese and puppet troops continued to advance, the strength of the 386 brigade seemed to be endless.

A main group, a main group, kept jumping out.

When the Japanese puppet army approached the hinterland of the 385th brigade base, according to the statistics of the Japanese army, there were at least a dozen main forces of the Eighth Route Army that jumped out to block it.

How many main regiments does this have to be?

Is this bastard a brigade or a teacher?

In addition, the firepower configuration of the Eighth Route Army combat regiments is also rapidly increasing.

The main combat units of the Eighth Route Army that hit the back, even the squads and platoons, were equipped with various types of artillery, including some small-caliber mortars, and grenades that provided close-range firepower advantages.

After this series of offensive methods, the Japanese and puppet troops who had originally divided their forces into multiple routes and advanced at the same time were completely beaten out of their temper.

The old devil Ishikawa had no choice but to order that all advancing troops be merged into one.

Concentrate forces to attack.

Therefore, after the originally scattered Japanese troops gathered, a large number of Japanese and puppet troops would gather in one area.

Some mountain roads in the hinterland of the 385th Brigade's base area are rugged and difficult to navigate, sometimes wide and sometimes narrow. When entering a narrow area, a large number of Japanese and puppet troops even had to line up in a crowded team to pass quickly.

The artillery units placed in the rear of the Japanese army closely followed the pace of the main force, in order to guard against the Eighth Route Army taking the opportunity to attack the artillery and supply units.

The little devil pays special attention to this point.

This is also the biggest reliance of the three major mixed brigades of the Japanese army at this time.

For the artillery units of the three major mixed brigades of the little devil, the advantage of concentrated artillery fire is quite obvious.

There are seventy or eighty artillery pieces of this caliber just for the regiment artillery and infantry artillery.

That is to say, this time when entering the Eighth Route Army base area to sweep, it is necessary to ensure the mobility of the troops.

Otherwise, the devil's three major mixed brigades would even assign one or two heavy artillery pieces to the battle.

The rear artillery unit serves as the strongest supporting artillery.

The Japanese army spread out a large number of scouts in advance, ready to guide the attack of rear artillery fire at any time.

Nan Tian, ​​Chief of Staff of the Devils, believed: "With the superior artillery fire of our army as the backing, in the process of advancing at any time, whenever the artillery positions of the Eighth Route Army are exposed, our army can destroy them immediately.

In order to fully suppress the artillery attack of the Eighth Route Army. "


The troops gathered by the Japanese and puppet troops were like a converging rush of water, when passing through a narrow mountain road somewhere in the hinterland of the 385th Brigade.

The soldiers of the 385th Brigade, who had been lurking here for a long time, suddenly launched the most violent offensive method:

That was the specially built flying mine artillery unit of the 385th brigade.

This time, in order to deal with the little devils, coupled with the strong support of a brigade of arsenals, the brigade of the 385th brigade belongs to the Feilei artillery unit.

Only those with a caliber larger than 200mm, there are at least a hundred of them!
But what kind of cannon is the Feilei Cannon?

In terms of another name, it will be famous immediately.

It was first invented and produced by a team of arsenals, and it was also named as an unscrupulous gun, an alternative explosive package projector.

The specific production method is very simple, and the production cost is quite low in terms of the current military conditions of the Eighth Route Army.

A gun barrel made of gasoline barrels, a launcher for explosives.

The main body is an empty gasoline barrel. After filling the propellant in it, put the explosive package bundled into a disc shape into it, and then ignite the propellant, and the explosive package of ten kilograms or even 20 kilograms can be thrown to 150-200 meters. distance.

The caliber of this weapon is absolutely amazing - as big as the barrel is, the caliber is as big.

The strong explosive impact produced by the huge explosive package is no joke.

This completely breaks through the traditional method of throwing and throwing the explosives by manpower, at most a distance of ten meters, or even carrying the explosives and killing the little devil together.

It is equivalent to letting a ten-kilogram or even twenty-kilogram explosive pack greatly increase the throwing distance.

From a distance of 200 meters, he could even throw it on the head of his little devil.

I lost Lei's mother...

At this moment, the soldiers of the 385th Brigade, who were hiding in the forested areas on the steep slopes of the mountain roads on both sides, suddenly launched an ambush and attacked with flying thunder cannons, which probably meant something like this.

On the steep hillsides on both sides, nearly a hundred explosives, at least ten kilograms, soared into the sky.

It's like an unusually fat sparrow that has been magnified a hundred times in size, covering the sky densely.

With the help of gravity, it smashed fiercely towards the Japanese and puppet troops on the lower mountain road.

boom -

Nearly a hundred explosive packages weighing more than [-] kilograms exploded at the same time, and the resulting big explosion can only be described as "amazing".

The shock wave brought by the violent explosion immediately vented to the surroundings, within a few hundred meters of the concentrated explosion.

It's really a person turning his back on his back.

The little devil in the center of the explosion had almost no bones left, and was thrown away by the shock wave like a piece of paper a little further away.

There are also some Japanese and puppet troops who are obviously far away, and they are also killed instantly under this violent shock wave.

There were no wounds on his body, but the seven orifices bled to death, and he was shocked to death alive.

What do you mean by not talking about martial arts?

What do you mean without a conscience?

What do you mean by slaughtering the two Japanese invaders, like slaughtering chickens and dogs?

That's the situation right now.

The flying thunder cannons hidden by the soldiers were deliberately lengthened, and the ambush circles they laid out were also pocket-shaped ambush circles.

Under this unscrupulous bombardment, at least more than 1000 Japanese and puppet troops were shrouded in the explosion range of the explosive package.

After the terrifying big bang, the shock wave was released everywhere.

It was like a poisonous gas bomb thrown by a little devil on the spot, spreading to the surroundings like a stormy wave. After the spread, there was only a piece of scattered corpses lying forever on this cold land that did not belong to them.

almost the same time.

On a high slope somewhere in the rear of the 385 brigade base.

Head Wang of the 769th Regiment was holding up a binoculars, looking at the magnificent scene not far away where nearly a hundred explosive packages exploded at the same time.

Brigadier Chen also stood beside him with a solemn expression mixed with inexplicable excitement and shock.

"The cannons are flying and the clouds are flying!"

Ever since he learned that Li's big head had begun to study culture, Captain Wang had also started to study culture, so at this moment, Wen Zou Zou said something.

Then, there is no more text!
"What's the next sentence?" Brigadier Chen asked with a smile.

Head Wang was stunned for a moment, and said, "Next sentence? Liu Bang didn't teach the next sentence either!"

Brigadier Chen: "..."

Seeing that the brigade commander's face was dark, head Wang quickly laughed and said: "Yes, yes, brigade commander, I have another sentence here!"

cough cough-

As he spoke, he coughed twice and cleared his throat. While stroking the stubble he hadn't taken care of for a long time, he said loudly:
"Feather fan towel, while talking and laughing, forcefully blowing the ashes into smoke, hahaha——, Brigadier, I have a feeling, yes, yes, that's the feeling, Zhou Gongjin's poem is so wonderful!"

Brigadier Chen said happily: "You are worthless, it was written by Su Shi!"

Head Wang waved his hand and laughed loudly.

"It doesn't matter who wrote it, it's just that it means it!"


How much can that barrel weigh?

In order to facilitate the shot, transfer these unscrupulous cannons in time.

When the soldiers in the arsenal produced this kind of oil barrel for firing explosives, they also welded some handles on both sides of the oil barrel.

As soon as the two soldiers lifted it left and right, they immediately ran away with no conscience on their shoulders.

The large number of infantry artillery and mountain artillery placed in the rear of the Japanese army looked at the tiger, and the soldiers knew very well that there was only one chance to make a sneak attack at the moment, so no one hesitated.

It was just a wave of raids. After a hundred and ten explosive packages weighing more than ten kilograms were thrown down at the same time, before the Japanese army could react, the soldiers, in groups of two, resisted the oil barrels and carried the explosive packages, and immediately evacuated according to the established route.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army's attack with unconscionable artillery was like spring flowers blooming, all over the mountains and plains, and there were Eighth Route Army shots on the high slopes on both sides of the 400 meters deep.

Waiting for the Japanese army to recover from the devastating shock brought about by the collective firing of hundreds of unconscionable cannons.

The infantry guns and mountain guns placed in the rear of the devils began to counterattack and bombard the high slopes on both sides.

The soldiers who used unconscionable artillery to attack the Japanese army have basically evacuated.

The devil's artillery counterattack brought very limited losses to the soldiers.

In particular, the oil drums used in this unconscionable cannon are cheap to manufacture for the current military conditions of the Eighth Route Army.

If the devil's artillery attack came too fast, follow the orders given by the commanders of the Eighth Route Army early in the morning.

The soldiers simply threw the heartless cannon down the hillside, rolled down towards the little devil, and then ran away.

People are alive, this is the most important thing.

The soldiers of the 385th brigade have already passed the tragic period when they needed to exchange their lives for weapons.

There were not many soldiers in charge of using unconscionable cannons to attack the little devils. In addition, they scattered and fled immediately, using the dense forest as a cover. No matter how powerful the artillery fire behind the devils, it was impossible to wipe them all out.

After the scouts of the devils in front came the news that all the cunning Tubalu had escaped.

The bombardment of the devil's rear artillery fire gradually stopped.

In this sudden wave of ambushes by the Eighth Route Army, the specific number of casualties was transmitted to the brigade headquarters in the rear.

"Sir, according to preliminary statistics, during the sneak attack by the Eighth Route Army using explosives just now, there were 541 Yusha Empire warriors in our army, and 245 from the Imperial Association Army. In addition, 731 people were injured..."

With such casualties, it only took a few minutes before and after.


Ishikawa, who had heard the report, couldn't bear it any longer, and became furious, losing all his demeanor as a general of the Japanese army...

(End of this chapter)

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