Chapter 958

At this point in the battle, the old devil Shi Chuan, who was full of confidence at first, believed that the advantage lay with me. He originally thought that gathering the main force of the three major brigades would surely wipe out the main force of the Eighth Route Army of the 385th Brigade in one fell swoop.

Because it was only a moment in front of him, and he was a little shaken by the heavy casualties caused by the astonishing artillery raid of the Eighth Route Army.

Such a cunning and tough, well-equipped Eighth Route Army.

Is it really that they can be eliminated smoothly?
It's a pity that the evolution of the war situation has long been completely beyond Ishikawa's control.

At this time, not only his third mixed brigade, but also a considerable number of elites from the No. 16 mixed brigade, the ninth and No. 385 mixed brigade who had been reinforced successively, had already fallen into the big quagmire of the [-]th brigade's base area.

Most of the imperial troops fell into a bitter battle.

Even Ishikawa has now made up his mind and issued an order for the entire army to evacuate.

It was not so easy for the Japanese army to escape from the deep trap set by the 385th Brigade.

As Brigadier Chen at the headquarters said:
"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Since the fish has already been hooked, how can it be so easy to spit the hook out of the mouth again?"

The Chief of Staff also sent good news through the Communications Department.

"Brigade Commander, there has been a communication from Ding Wei saying that the reinforcements' offensive troops are turning in the direction of our 385th Brigade.

As long as we can contain the main force of these devils in front of us as much as possible in our base area.

Wait until Ding Wei sent the Iron Triangle's offensive troops to launch a surprise attack from the devil's back.

Our two armies can attack on both sides and hit the Japanese army hard! "

Brigadier Chen said excitedly: "Haha, that's great, this time I want to see where the little devil can go.

Ding Wei really has two brushes!

The few teams of the Audio-Technica were clearly commanded by him. Not only could they block the attack of the Mongolian army, but they could also free up their hands to divert the attacking troops to our side for help.

If our 385 brigade doesn't work harder this time.It was really compared to those heads of the 386 brigade! "

"Hey, there are two shoulders and one head, who is afraid of whom!
Brigadier, just look at it, this time our 385th brigade can still play awe-inspiring! "The chief of staff said confidently.

The battle situation continued to evolve.

At this time, the third Japanese army, including the ninth and No.16 mixed brigades, basically fell into the big quagmire of the 385th brigade base.

the other direction.

In the Iron Triangle defense area of ​​the 386th Brigade, the Eighth Route Army troops dominated by the three iron triangle regiments, and the elite infantry and cavalry troops of the Mongolian Army stationed in the south by the Japanese army intensified.

What is the strength of the troops stationed in Mongolia going south?
With the elite infantry of the 26th Regiment of the 11th Division as the main combat force, there are a total of about 5000 elites.

In addition, there are two cavalry regiments, more than 3000 cavalry troops, that launched an assault on the Iron Triangle base in advance.

In other words, the total number of elite troops stationed in Mongolia is about 8000.

It's amazing, plus some security forces that were reinforced from the devil's security area.

However, in the eyes of the main field elites of the Iron Triangle who are well-equipped and their military literacy has gradually become extremely solid through training again and again, the security forces are not considered second-rate combat effectiveness.

Basically negligible.

Under Ding Wanwan's arrangement and command.

First, they lured the enemy to go deep, and the two cavalry regiments of the devil strayed into the hinterland of the Iron Triangle Base, and almost wiped out the whole army. Another wave of raids was carried out based on the remote-detonated explosive packs hidden in the gun tower.

After these two waves of attacks, Ichiro Kawatani, the captain of the devil company who led the 11th Regiment of the Mongolian Army to the south, immediately realized that the Iron Triangle was far better equipped and more powerful than he had imagined.

As the two sides continued to confront each other.

For the Japanese army, the exaggerated battle situation seems to be repeating itself.

If we say that the Eighth Route Army troops of the 385th Brigade, the small-caliber artillery has been assigned to the company and platoon, including the combat squads of some main companies.

Then, the [-] small guns, [-] mortars, grenades and the like of each regiment of the Audio-Technica have been assigned to each squad.

In addition, a platoon will even strengthen a small artillery squad.

A company will even be specially equipped with a gun platoon.

After the confrontation between the two sides broke out, the superiority and intensity of the artillery fire was not for nothing.

This seems to be a common problem of the Eighth Route Army troops. They were tortured too much by the plight of lack of guns and ammunition in the past, but if there is an opportunity, they will do everything possible to increase the intensity of firepower.

Most of them suffer from insufficient firepower phobia.

Although the detachment leader Kong Jie has repeatedly explained that no matter how good the equipment is, there must be excellent fighters who can give full play to these equipments. Therefore, we cannot put the cart before the horse. It is necessary to ensure the improvement of the equipment level, and also to keep up with the training of the troops.

It is necessary to ensure that the soldiers can display the corresponding combat effectiveness after obtaining these excellent equipment.

Otherwise like what?

It's like giving away for nothing!
Great guns and shells are given to the little devil for nothing.

After a battle, no matter how much sophisticated equipment, the devils will seize it all.

This is simply an act of capitalizing on the enemy in disguise.

However, the soldiers will continue to increase the firepower density of each combat unit to an appropriate extent.

When discussing at the command headquarters how to determine the basic firepower configuration of the combat squad, a company commander even said cheerfully:

"At the very least, you must have a machine gun, and you must also have a [-]-point gun and a [-]-point mortar. You must have grenades, preferably a grenade launcher that can be fired in bursts, and it is best to have one or two submachine guns.

Plus, some more semi-automatic Garand rifles and that's pretty much it! "

In the end, Kong Jie asked with a dark face: "Then let me ask you, how many people are there in our class?"

The company commander was stunned for a moment, then snapped his fingers and replied, "Generally, there are about 12 people."

Kong Jie said: "There are only 12 people in total, one machine gun, no matter how few, you still have to have a machine gunner, a secondary shooter, and an ammunition man, right?
For a small cannon, there must be a loader and a gunner, and you must have at least two people, right?
In addition, you have to have a shooter and an ammunition hand in charge of the grenade. You can't carry a rifle with a submachine gun, right?
Calculated in this way, once the battle starts, there may be one or two riflemen in a squad, and the rest are either artillery or machine guns.

Even if our team has a big family and a big career, we can't play like this. Sooner or later, we will collapse from the game.

I said why don't you suggest it, just a class of 12 people, each holding a machine gun! "

The discussion at the time was a bit joking.

But the company commander's tendency to increase firepower can basically represent the thoughts of all the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

Of course, the issue of the firepower configuration of specific combat troops is very particular. It requires a variety of weapons to cooperate and coordinate operations, rather than a single weapon to purely increase firepower.

Do you really think that a squad with 12 light machine guns will immediately increase their combat effectiveness?
Not to mention too much, the little devil took the bullet-making barrel to a blind spot, and then a few rounds of shells fell down. A squad of 12 soldiers plus 12 light machine guns would have to be reimbursed in a short while.

Therefore, the basic combat squad and conventional combat performance must never be neglected.

It's great that when a platoon or a company is reached, a firepower squad can be formed to take care of the insufficient firepower of the entire platoon or company.

This kind of coordinated combat, multi-weapon and multi-army cooperative combat is the kingly way.

at this time……

The little devils stationed in the Mongolian Army deeply felt the strength of this Eighth Route Army unit after special firepower transformation.

In the confrontation between squads and platoons, the little devil was almost suppressed by firepower throughout the entire process.

The style of play of the Eighth Route Army of the Iron Triangle is quite simple and rude,
Grenades are used for greetings at close range, machine guns and semi-automatic rifles are used for farther distances, and small cannons or mortars are used for direct bombardment at further distances.

After several confrontations, Ichiro Kawatani, the leader of the devil company who commanded the battle in the rear, was bluffed and his eyelids jumped.

Chuan Gu still has a trump card, which is an artillery squadron attached to his 11th Regiment, which has more than a dozen artillery pieces, including some [-]-type infantry artillery and [-]-type mountain artillery.

At this point in the battle, it was quite a torment for the little devils stationed in the Mongolian army.

Originally used to deal with the Eighth Route Army troops, although the combat troops organized by these regiments would carry some infantry artillery and mountain artillery.

But all the while, the opportunity to use these larger caliber artillery is not much.

One is that the Eighth Route Army troops have always been poorly equipped and ammunition is scarce. Only Japanese squadron and squad-level combat units can easily defeat the Eighth Route Army troops with some grenade launchers.

How can you kill a pig with a butcher's knife?

There is no need for rear artillery units at all.

Second, the Eighth Route Army is good at guerrilla warfare, using mountains as cover, and its position has been erratic.

As for the artillery unit behind the Devils, those infantry artillery and mountain artillery are actually very suitable for fighting positional warfare or siege warfare.

If you really use these larger-caliber artillery to bombard the small groups of the Eighth Route Army that are moving fast in the mountains and forests.

It's kind of like shooting mosquitoes with cannons. It's just a waste of shells, and it may not have any effect.

However, the battle has reached this point. In the grassroots combat units, the Eighth Route Army has completely gained the advantage of artillery fire.

Even if they used cannons to fight mosquitoes, the Japanese army could only fight like this.

Only infantry artillery and mountain artillery can be used to gain the advantage of artillery fire and turn the tide of the battle.


Around dusk.

In less than 30 minutes, it will be completely dark.

The infantry artillery and the [-]-type mountain artillery transported by the devil's artillery squadron are actually quite troublesome to transport due to the bulkiness of the artillery body.

Often a transport vehicle is used as a means of transportation to transport these disassembled artillery to the designated location.

Then the soldiers quickly disassembled and transported the artillery, unloaded the car, and reassembled it to build an artillery position.

More than a dozen cannons were lined up in three or four rows on the not-so-spacious mountain road.

A row of three or five cannons.

Due to the difference in performance, the infantry cannon and the mountain cannon are placed one behind the other, and each has its own division of labor.

The little devil on the [-]th is busy quickly.

After the bombardment location is first selected, the transported artillery will be disassembled and reassembled immediately.

Just when the devil artillerymen were in full swing.


The original dead silence on both sides of the mountain road was suddenly broken by this voice.

Immediately after, some devil artillerymen who were busy stopped their actions and stopped to look far away. They saw that the branches and shrubs on the hillside 200 meters away were overwhelmed in an instant.

It wasn't until the little devils realized what was going on.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of shouting and killing.

A small group of the Eighth Route Army was covered in dead branches and green leaves, looking like savages. From the dense forests on both sides, like tigers descending the mountain, they took advantage of the raised slopes and headed towards the artillery positions of the devils. rushed over.

"Enemy attack enemy attack!"

Captain Guizi, who was directing the assembly of the artillery, saw this scene, and quickly reminded with a face full of shock.

The Devil Artillery had no time to continue assembling the artillery, so they used the cannon body as a cover to launch an attack on the spot.

The series of reactions was nothing short of unpleasant.

boom -

A flying shell hit the devil's unfinished artillery position, and the sound of a violent explosion spread.

The Devil Artillerymen who were counterattacking realized it with horror in their eyes.

What are the several monsters covered in withered vines and green leaves that rushed down from the forest in one breath?

—Armored vehicles!

"Damn it, why do these Tuba roads have armored vehicles?"

The devil captain cursed angrily, feeling a little desperate. There were four armored vehicles rushing down from the flanks, all covered in armor, and they seemed to be slightly different from the armored vehicles of the Imperial Army they were familiar with.

The body styles are roughly the same.

It's just that the number of machine guns and artillery loaded on the car body is several times more than that of conventional imperial tanks.

Another machine gun, another loaded artillery piece.

The guns were firing.

The four big monsters themselves were covered with thick defensive armor, and the little devil's bullets slammed into them, leaving only shallow bullet marks.

It can't stop the advance of the opponent's armored vehicle at all.

What followed was almost a unilateral slaughter.

First, the small group of assault troops that rushed out first attracted the attention of the devil artillery.

Immediately afterwards, the four armored vehicles, which had long been hidden by the soldiers in the mountains on both sides, were camouflaged everywhere, and even buried below the ground by the soldiers, appeared like ghosts, and rushed directly towards the artillery positions of the devils.

This is a surprise attack by armored forces.

In order to achieve today's combat effect, these four armored vehicles, including the armored soldiers inside the armored vehicles, and the soldiers of the assault force lurking on the ground, lurked for nearly three days and three nights.

Eating and drinking Lazard almost never left this area.

With astonishing willpower, the soldiers persisted until the perfect time to make a move.

This is when the headquarters was analyzing the situation, Ding Wei pointed out that once the Japanese army launched a major raid on the Iron Triangle.

The devil's luggage and artillery units are the most likely place to pass by.

So the soldiers of this armored company, which originally belonged to a detachment, hid their armored vehicles in the mountains on both sides in advance, or even buried them shallowly below the ground, and made various camouflages around them.

The soldiers also dug some temporary tunnels, lurking in them, like groundhogs hiding underground.

Even if the devils set off a big sweep, and the reconnaissance troops who advanced first came and went, they didn't find any flaws.

The huge Eighth Route Army base area is a mountainous area.

It is impossible for a little devil to dig three feet into the ground to search.

The little devils stationed in the Mongolian Army never imagined that they would have to pull in military dogs to search carefully if they went south to reinforce the First Army.

He was caught off guard directly.

In the massacre of four armored vehicles leading the charge.

After a brief confrontation, the more than 100 No. [-] artillerymen placed behind the Devils were almost wiped out.

"Company Commander, the devil's reinforcements heard the movement and are about to rush over!"

A mile away, the officer in charge of the investigation was holding a somewhat cumbersome walking machine in his hand, and sent a message reminder in time.

The company commander looked at the dozen or so cannons in front of him. Although a few were damaged by the previous attack, most of them were good.

He was a little bit reluctant, finally gritted his teeth, and ordered:
"Grandma, I don't care about my heartache, I can't leave it to the little devil anyway. We still have combat missions later, comrades, blow up all the devil's artillery for me, and then evacuate immediately!"


(End of this chapter)

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