Douluo: Long Live the Hall of Souls

Chapter 413 Exiting the Imperial City

Chapter 413 Exiting the Imperial City (Please Subscribe and Vote)

"Dugu Bo, it was you who brought someone to hurt me back then, and the Wuhun Palace can't help me at all."

In the center of Tiandou City's imperial palace, outside the bedroom, with the collision of two figures, a fierce confrontation of soul power swept all around.

The evil bear Xuanling turned his head slightly while roaring, raised his right hand and slapped away the poisonous mist in front of his eyes, then aimed at the direction where he hit Dugu Bo, a cruel smile flashed in his blood-colored eyes.

Dugu Bo, who was opposite Xiong Xuanling, was not stupid either. Seeing that the situation was not going well, he stepped aside, his feet burst out with soul power, and he retreated suddenly. With the power on his toes, he was about to jump over and then moved away. His figure rose rapidly in midair, and he blinked. In a short period of time, he leaped the height of two or three people.


However, the evil bear Xuanling's reaction was a bit faster than Dugu Bo's. Dugu Bo relied on his higher cultivation level to walk in the air, but he didn't expect that after Xuanling landed, he would directly throw a person towards Dugu Bo's front in mid-air Lu, through this person, the two fought against each other through the air.

Dugu Bo casually threw the unlucky guy thrown by the evil bear Xuanling back to the ground. Originally, according to Dugu Bo's mind, he didn't care about this person's life or death at all. tricky.

Originally, with Dugu Bo's strength, he naturally didn't pay attention to anyone present, but the scuffle outside the bedroom was rather troublesome.

The three Xue Qinghe, Xue Beng and Xue Xing, although he said that he really didn't care, but on the surface, he still had to pay attention to it, and the other strong men on the side of Xiong Xuanling and Xue Qinghe were indeed too difficult. tangled up some.

Especially the Xuanling in front of him, with his huge bear body showing unusual agility and speed, Dugu Bo is not an explosive titled Douluo after all, and he doesn't want to randomly explode his poisonous methods in the bedroom, but he seems a bit restrained.

"Dugu Bo, you are going to die for me."

While Dugu Bo was meditating, the evil bear Xuanling rushed forward, no one could stop him, Xue Beng and Xue Xing's strong guards fell to the ground one after another, while he shouted Dugu Bo, but All went to the uncle and nephew, but they were scared.

"Dugu Bo."

Xue Xing watched her two bodyguards fall to the ground with blood spitting out of their mouths, she couldn't help panic in her eyes, and hurriedly shouted to signal Dugu Bo to make a move.

"Prince, Fourth Prince, this guy is rough and thick, I'm afraid I'll have to use some means, so back off a bit."

Dugu Bo frowned slightly. In fact, if it was only Xuan Ling's opponent, he wouldn't feel embarrassed. However, this is Emperor Xue Ye's bedroom, and he can't figure out the current situation of the emperor. Recently, it is not easy for him to use some highly toxic methods.

However, the aggressive Xiong Xuanling in front of him finally annoyed him, so he ordered Xue Beng and Xue Xing to stay away, so as not to be affected.

Both Xue Beng and Xue Xing are life-saving temperaments. Hearing what Dugu Bo said, they really wish they had two more legs. Naturally, they retreat as far as they can.

On Xueqinghe's side, Dugu Bo had hurt many lives just now, so naturally he didn't have to fight head-on with those with insufficient cultivation. Before the huge dormitory, he saw that these two with the highest cultivation were about to collide.

Xuan Ling, who is at the level of the eight-ring Soul Douluo, is actually quite good in terms of hard power, and in some respects he is not weaker than ordinary Title Douluo.

As for Dugu Bo, the titled Douluo of the control system, he is actually not too outstanding in one-on-one duels. Now that the poisonous methods are not easy to use too much, it is naturally not easy to take down Xuan Ling.

However, these two can be regarded as old rivals. They met each other once in the past, and they both know each other a little bit. This battle is naturally more difficult and fierce.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Waves of blue poisonous light splashed out from Dugu Bo's palm, and everything they passed turned into puddles of stinky venom in an instant.

"Old poison, you can't do anything to grandpa with this method, it's a bit average."

Xuan Ling easily avoided Dugu Bo's tricks, but when the poisonous fog enveloped him, he couldn't help covering his mouth and nose.

Dugu Bo didn't dare to let the poison spread too much, so he rushed into the poisonous mist to fight Xuan Ling in close quarters, constantly absorbing and controlling the poisonous mist to keep it within a controllable range, and at the same time greatly increased the concentration of the poison around him , under such means, Xuan Ling couldn't stand it anymore.

"Elder Dugu, the Holy Son has arrived at the palace, what he means is that you can..."

Just when Dugu Bo was about to capture and kill Xuan Ling in one fell swoop, suddenly there was a slight sound transmission from his ear, and his body trembled when he heard the content, and he looked at the opposite Xuan Ling who kept scolding him with wide eyes and wide eyes in disbelief. However, the shock in my heart is not humane.


Dugu Bo swung his palm again, and the evil bear Xuanling flew out directly. Just as he was about to continue chasing, suddenly there were a lot of footsteps outside, only Xue Qinghe shouted happily, let His subordinates sacked Xue Beng and Xue Xing.

"Brother Dugu, please come back."

Just as Dugu Bo was about to continue the pursuit, Xue Xing's voice came over. He didn't think too much, knowing that the situation was already planned by the Son of Spirit Hall, he flew back to Xue Xing's side.

"It's troublesome, Xue Qinghe has actually controlled the palace guards. Now that a large number of guards have been mobilized, if we continue to force our way in, we will not be able to accomplish anything at all. Brother Dugu, please take my uncle and nephew out of the palace."

Prince Xue Xing looked at the bedroom surrounded by countless guards, although he really wanted to rush into it and take away Emperor Xue Ye, but in the end reason prevailed, and he called Dugu Bo back to discuss the matter of breaking through the siege and regrouping.

During the chaotic battle in the dormitory before, Xue Qinghe may have taken control of the dormitory not long ago, before he had time to control all parts of the palace. Emperor is still possible.

However, now that Xue Qinghe's follow-up reinforcements have arrived, continuing with the previous plan, Dugu Bo may have the ability to bring out Emperor Xue Ye, but it is difficult for the two of them, uncle and nephew, to protect themselves, so it is better to take a step back and rush out of the palace. Prince Xue Xing has other backhands.

Xue Beng looked at Prince Xue Xing expectantly, "Second Uncle, for now, we can only take one risk. After leaving the palace, we can only rely on you."

"I know that your father gave me a secret decree back then, that I could deploy troops when it was critical. Although I didn't say that I would attack the palace, but Xue Qinghe, a beast, has no regard for human relations, so don't blame me for setting things right."

Prince Xue Xing also nodded, when Emperor Xue Ye abolished his military power, he also issued a secret decree to allow him to temporarily deploy troops in times of crisis.Emperor Xue Ye's original intention was not to ask him to transfer troops, but to let this younger brother not think too much, but he didn't expect that Xue Xing was going to use it at this time.

Xue Qinghe and Xue Xingxue Beng were completely torn apart by today's changes in the palace. Now that Emperor Xue Ye's situation is unknown, the two sides will naturally use all means to compete for the supreme position.

Because of Emperor Xue Ye's abdication of power, Xue Qinghe took control of the bedroom first, and now he has complete control over the palace guards.

However, Prince Xue Xing is not a vegetarian. After all, he is an imperial prince who has been in power for many years. He has a high prestige in the imperial military. In Tiandou City, there are many old subordinates who are in charge of the army. Now he is ready to break out and dispatch troops to attack the palace. directly seize power.

"Since you have made your decision, let's go immediately."

Dugu Bo heard the plan of the two uncles and nephews, looked at them with pity, and then took the lead to break through according to Xue Beng and Xue Xing's wishes.

Dugu Bo tied his hands and feet in front of the bedroom just now, mainly because he didn't know the situation, and he was afraid of hurting the emperor Xue Ye in the bedroom. However, he didn't have so many worries when he broke through. How could Wei be able to block Poison Douluo's tricks, and he was immediately placed in a large area.

"Don't let them go, don't retreat, catch up, shoot arrows, shoot arrows..."

Xue Qinghe naturally noticed that Xue Beng and Xue Xing had changed their minds and tried to break out of the encirclement. He also knew the power of his uncle, so he was naturally unwilling to let them break through.

However, no matter how loudly he yelled, these palace guards were not fools. Dugu Bo's poisonous fog was so terrifying, no one dared to touch it directly. Avalanches and snow stars that are protected by layers of protection cannot be hurt.

"Bastard, how dare you..."

Xue Qinghe saw Xue Beng and Xue Xing's group fleeing under the cover of Dugu Bo, and was so annoyed that he wanted to question the general of the Imperial Guard who had just arrived. Did not act impulsively.

"Your Highness."

At this time, a rough and tired voice sounded beside Xue Qinghe, he turned his head to look, only to see Xuan Ling, covered in blood, walking to his side, quickly calming down his anxiety and showing concern.

"Mr. Xuan, don't worry about your injury."

Xue Qinghe cares about this Xuanling. After being rescued by him, he has worked for him for many years. He has long been his trusted confidant, and has strong strength and high potential. With all his strength blocking Dugu Bo, Xue Qinghe naturally cared about his situation.

Xuan Ling shook his head, then cupped his fists at Xue Qinghe and said, "Your Highness, my injury is not a minor matter, but Dugu Bo is indeed a trouble, if he attacks the palace again, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist it alone."

Hearing what he said, Xue Qinghe's face became gloomy, "This old guy has clearly joined the Wuhun Palace long ago, but he also occupies the place of enshrining in the royal family, and has always been close to my uncle. The Soul Palace is dedicated to plotting against my royal family."

Xuan Ling hesitated for a moment and continued: "Your Highness, now is not the time to get angry with him. If you want to stop Dugu Bo, you must have more powerful people. Fortunately, you usually treat people with generosity, and more people recognize your son-in-law. For example, the three education committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy are said to be at odds with Dugu Bo and Prince Xue Xing..."

(End of this chapter)

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