Chapter 414 Comeback (Please Subscribe and Vote)
"What Mr. Xuan said is true, but I was confused before..."

In the bedroom, Xue Qinghe heard that he proposed to involve the third education committee of Tiandou Royal Academy in this incident, but after hesitating for a moment, he arranged for someone to invite the third education committee and other academy powerhouses into the palace.

Originally, the fewer people know about what happened tonight, the better. However, with Xue Xing, Xue Beng and others fleeing the palace, this matter will probably become more and more troublesome. Let those rebellious officials and thieves pay the price.

"Your Highness, Mr. Yi has come to report that His Majesty is awake."

Just when Xue Qinghe and other confidants were discussing how to win the generals in the city to control the imperial capital as soon as possible, his subordinates reported that Emperor Xue Ye had been awakened.

Xue Qinghe hesitated for a moment, first discussed things with his subordinates and arranged various plans, and then entered the palace to see his father again.


Xue Qinghe was shocked when he saw his father again. Emperor Xue Ye seemed to have aged a lot in a short period of time, with gray hair, a wrinkled face, and a little black blood at the corner of his mouth that hadn't been wiped clean.

"Your second uncle and fourth brother are here."

Emperor Xue Ye looked at Xue Qinghe coldly. Although he was weak at the moment, he revealed an unspeakable power, which made Xue Qinghe feel a little scared.

"Father, the second uncle and the fourth brother led people to forcibly break into the bedroom, and even made that Dugu Bo use poison. They must have hooked up with the Wuhun Palace~"

"You are confused, you don't know how to handle things, and you are so reckless. You want to kill your uncle and brother. Are you really going to make me mad?"

Emperor Xue Ye sternly yelled, but scared Xue Qinghe half of his soul, but fortunately, the father didn't intend to pursue further. Looking at Xue Qinghe who was a little cowering, he sighed and said: "But it seems , you are really not crazy, you still care about my life.

The reason why I was poisoned this time is that there may be other ghosts in the palace. "

Emperor Xue Ye observed Xue Qinghe's reaction while speaking, seeing the prince's expression was a little uneasy, he vaguely guessed the problem with himself in his heart, maybe this prince also has a part, but the severe poison that happened just now should have nothing to do with him, Otherwise, this silly son doesn't need to bother asking someone to wake him up.

"How is the situation now?"

Emperor Xue Ye sighed in his heart, and asked about the outside situation again. Now that he was controlled by Xue Qinghe, he was more inclined to this prince in his heart, so naturally he still had to show a friendly attitude towards Xue Qinghe.

After hearing this, Xue Qinghe said in a hurry: "Father, the second uncle and the fourth younger brother summoned the old department after they escaped from the palace. They really want to rebel..."

"Good job you did."

Emperor Xue Ye glared at the prince angrily. He naturally understood in his heart that there was a high probability that Xue Qinghe was forced to oppose Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng. However, in the current situation, he could only stand by the prince.

This was not because Emperor Xue Ye was stupid, nor was it because he had no grudge against Xue Qinghe, but because he weighed his interests.

Although Xue Beng and Xue Qinghe are both his sons, he has always paid more attention to the crown prince Xue Qinghe. He rarely sees this one, and the other has been trained for many years, so he is naturally biased in his choice.

Now that Xue Beng and Xue Xing are mixed together, let alone whether they were wronged and forced to rebel, if they succeed in defeating Xue Qinghe, it will definitely not be a good thing for Emperor Xue Ye.

Xue Beng has shown himself as a dandy for many years. After seizing the throne, at least in the early stage, he must rely on Xue Xing. No matter how close Xue Xing is to him, he is only his brother after all. It is hard to say that he will not have thoughts about the throne. Emperor Xue Ye must consider this.

Although the crown prince Xue Qinghe was a bit disobedient, he was his son anyway, and at least he was bothered to save him just now, which meant that he wasn't really a wolf. Emperor Xue Ye naturally made a choice.

"Qinghe, I can order troops to guard the palace. If Xue Beng and Xue Xing are really impulsive, you promise me that they will not kill each other."

Emperor Xue Ye pondered for a moment and then spoke in a deep voice. Although he had already transferred a large part of his power to Xue Qinghe, he still had a tight grip on military power, especially the city guards and imperial guards.

The real elite of the imperial guards are not in the palace, at least not all in the palace controlled by Xue Qinghe.If Emperor Xue Ye ordered the deployment of troops, he would be sure to calm down the chaos.

"Father, I have ordered people to invite the three education committee members and other priests. With the current situation, I want to try it myself."

Xue Qinghe naturally heard what Emperor Xue Ye meant, but he also had his own considerations. If he really wanted Emperor Xue Ye to mobilize troops to quell the chaos, there was a high probability that the situation would escape his control. This had nothing to do with his deepest thoughts. Contradictory.

"If you want to do this, then it's up to you. If the Education Committee and all the priests come, that's fine."

Emperor Xue Ye glanced at Xue Qinghe, and he could figure out what this son was thinking just by looking at each other. After thinking for a while, he also nodded.

His own idea is naturally to quell the chaos as soon as possible, but now that the palace is controlled by Xue Qinghe, the prince must cooperate, and the prince obviously wants to completely wipe out Xue Xing and Xue Beng and settle the matter, so he is not willing to let him give orders for the time being meddle.

And if there is no accident, my second brother Xue Xing is also the master who is not reconciled to failure. The two uncles and nephews must want to meet now. Of course, this is not a good thing for the royal family, but Emperor Xue Ye has no way to stop it for the time being. what.

Although he has superb skills, he is only an old man, and he can only agree to this situation. Anyway, he is already awake, and he is thinking that when the royal education committee and the priests come over, he will be sure to solve everything. Since these people want to make trouble, let's continue to make trouble.


In the early hours of the morning, the entire Heaven Dou City was shrouded in a chill atmosphere. Inside the palace, countless imperial guards vigilantly guarded all sides of the palace gate.

Just when a white belly appeared in the sky, at the end of the long street in the distance, a loud horn sounded, and a murderous aura swept over, and the guards guarding the gate became nervous one by one.

There was a faint reflection on the corner of the street in the distance, and a group of about a thousand elite infantrymen of the Guards came quickly outside the palace gate, and then there was the sound of kicking horseshoes in the distance, not only the infantry, but also the cavalry followed Then surrounded the palace gate.

The rapid sound of hooves was like thunder, and the condescending guards couldn't help making a noise. On the far corner of the street, a group of heavily armored cavalry came galloping. These cavalry were obviously the elite of the elite, uniform black steel The armor is almost non-reflective, and the uniform movements make people feel an invincible power.

Thousands of cavalry galloped all the way, and their horseshoes trampled on the blue stone road, making a very rhythmic thunder.

These elite knights also had superb skills in riding horses. The 1000 cavalry actually formed a long queue, which was compact and neat, and even the sound of horseshoes was so consistent.

Before these cavalry arrived, the infantry that had already surrounded the palace gate had already set up a phalanx and moved out of the way. The cavalry suddenly slowed down, and the horses were under the control of good riding skills. None of the horses lost their rhythm. Stopped under the imperial city.

The thousand knights suddenly separated into two teams like a wave, and then amidst more waves of ice armor, a group of elite knights surrounded them and slowly rode their horses to the front of the queue.

"His Royal Highness, the guards probably dispatched at least [-] people."

At this time, some figures also appeared above the imperial city, the crown prince Xue Qinghe and his confidants were leading the ranks, and under the protection of several generals, they watched from afar the invisible Tiandou guards at the end of the street.

"This guy Xue Xing really wants to rebel, so why not just stay in the Prince's Mansion?"

Even if Xue Qinghe had been mentally prepared, he would still be very angry when he saw so many soldiers and guards surrounding the imperial city. He still has some ways to deal with the imperial guards. Unless it is ordered by Emperor Xue Ye, Xue Qinghe His weight as a prince is really not comparable to that of Xue Xing.

At this moment, in front of the palace gate of the imperial city, a large number of troops from the Imperial City Imperial Guard and the Imperial Capital Imperial Guard confronted each other, and the commotion caused by such a chilling scene naturally caused the entire Heaven Dou City to be undercurrents. .

In fact, ever since Xue Xing and Xue Beng successfully broke out of the imperial city, the commotion has gotten out of control, and the huge scene right now is nothing more than tearing off the last fig leaf of the royal family, letting many people know about this internal struggle for imperial power Case.

"Prince Xue Xing, if this crown prince remembers correctly, you have already been withdrawn from the military power. Generals, you are the pillars of the empire, and most of you have been deceived by others today. If you find your way back, this crown prince can ask His Majesty to let you forget the past..."

Above the imperial city, Xue Qinghe saw more and more city guards appearing, and knew in his heart that he could not drag on any longer, so he quickly appeared at the top of the city and raised his voice.His crown prince appeared in person to speak, and he also talked about treason and other remarks, which naturally caused a commotion among the city guards.

As I said before, Emperor Xue Ye gave up a lot of power in order to cultivate Xue Qinghe. Everyone in the empire knew how much the emperor valued the crown prince, and they also knew that this one would probably inherit the throne in the future.

Although the generals of the City Guard Army were more inclined towards Prince Xue Xing, the soldiers at the bottom were somewhat agitated.After all, the prince has come forward to say that they are rebelling now, so naturally some people have concerns.

"Xue Qinghe, you bastard who has no regard for human relations. As the eldest brother, you killed your father and younger brother. You poisoned the second and third princes successively, and you also harmed the emperor Xue Ye. This prince has obtained a secret decree, and he is bound to set things right."

At this time, the voice of Prince Xue Xing also came out from the guards, he came with great fanfare, naturally he would not let Xue Qinghe continue to succeed, today he must pull this prince down.

"Xue Xing, you dare to speak such nonsense and slander, and you are falsely passing on the emperor's order, the secret decree is false, and the conspiracy is true. I think you really don't want to live."

Xue Qinghe was naturally very dissatisfied with Prince Xue Xing's words. He had never done some things at all, how could he admit it, and now Xue Xing was a traitor in his eyes, and he must be wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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