Ming Zuo

Chapter 1482 The Song of Bow and Arrow

Chapter 1482 The Song of Bow and Arrow
In addition to building a new city, another focus of Fu Xinyuan's work is to collect the gold in the hands of the expedition team.

Before his arrival, various expeditions had been panning for gold on both sides of the river for more than a month.

Almost every explorer has a considerable amount of gold in their hands.

Of course, his collection is not mandatory, nor is it a robbery, but an exchange of materials.

Money is of no use in such a place.On the contrary, all kinds of materials brought from the mainland are what explorers need most.

This exchange has been going on for a long time in each new land, and it is very popular with explorers.

In addition to leaving some gold for themselves, the explorers intend to keep it as property when they go back in the future, and the rest have been replaced with various necessary items such as weapons, food, medicine, tents, and clothing.

After collection, the final amount of gold obtained was as high as more than 100 catties.

Fu Xinyuan couldn't help but wonder, how much wealth can be obtained from this golden zone?
And these golds are Zuo Menggeng's incomparably bold confidence.

He believes that with the support of these wealth, the management of the Yellow River will be successful.

All the officials heard that the Yellow River treatment work can be carried out without using the current state finances, and everyone was very happy.

Because this indicates that normal national administrative activities will not be affected, and national strength will not be damaged.

At this time, there is no one who opposes the country's foreign pioneering actions.

The center has already begun to discuss the overall political work after the end of the unification war.

And indeed, as they expected, the war within the Great Wall has basically come to an end.

In the depths of the Hengshan Mountains with complex terrain, Duoduo had no strength left.

After leading the army into the mountain, he suddenly realized that he had made a bad move.

The mountains are extremely desolate, and the most important thing is that there is no road yet.

The Qing army could only climb back and forth on the steep and rugged mountains to find a way out.

But there are many dangers in the mountains, and it makes people dizzy just to identify the direction.

Many times I go around and around, but suddenly find that I have returned to the original place.Or there are still places where people walk and suddenly turn into cliffs and abysses.

The food he carried had already been eaten up.

The Qing army could only hunt animals and gather vegetation to satisfy their hunger while trekking hard in the mountains.

But the National Defense Forces behind them chased after them so hard that they didn't even dare to light a fire and could only eat raw meat.

Coupled with the fact that water sources could not be found in many cases, under the double blow of hunger and thirst, many Qing troops fell on the road.

A few days ago, they suddenly encountered the National Defense Forces on a mountain ridge. After a fierce battle, all the troops led by Duoduo were dispersed.

At this time, there were still about twenty people around him, and they looked more and more alone, precarious.

"What is this place?"

Doduo only felt that his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he found a tree root and leaned on it and sat down.

Others are no better.

In order to reduce the burden, everything that should be thrown away has been thrown away.If it wasn't for combat, even the armor would be a hindrance.

"I don't know what kind of place this is, I can't even see a person. Now we can only go in one direction, maybe there is a way out."

Hearing the guard's words, Doduo became angry from the heart.

"You tell me, how to go in one direction?"

In front of them, there was a narrow valley between two hills.But this valley road is winding, and I don't know where it is twisted.

Obviously, if they walk into this ancient road, which direction they can go is not up to them to decide.

The guard fell to his knees, begging bitterly.

"In any case, please bear with me a little longer, as long as we get out of the mountain, we will live."

Doduo's energy has been dissipated.

"Tens of thousands of troops were destroyed, and the essence of our Manchu people is gone. Even if we go out, what can we do?"

The guard kowtowed.

"The prince is the blood of the old Khan, a great hero of the Manchu people, as long as he is still alive, he will definitely lead the people to make a comeback."

Duoduo looked over and found that everyone thought so, and couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

Even now, these people still believe in him so much, which made him a little more strength out of thin air.

"You're right. No matter how hard it is now, can it be as hard as Lao Khan's back then? Keep up with me, and if you work harder, you will definitely be able to rush out."

The group regained some morale a little and set off on the road again.

They walked into the valley, which turned out to be lush and densely wooded, blocking their view.

When they came out of the woods, they were all dead.

It turned out that outside the woods, there was a team of National Defense Forces searching this way.

The two sides collided head-on, no need to talk nonsense, and immediately entered a fighting state.

"My lord, let's go."

The guards dutifully protected Duoduo and escaped.

The National Defense Army didn't know who they ran into. Seeing that it was the Qing army, how could they let it go?

Both sides chased me and fled, running farther and farther.As for where he ran to in the end, no one could tell.

Fortunately, the terrain was complicated enough that Duoduo finally got rid of the pursuers.

But his condition is not very good.

He was shot in the left arm and couldn't lift it up.In the end, his guards left behind to stop the National Defense Forces, but never caught up again.

Duoduo was alone, walking along a path in a daze.

The place where he was shot in his arm was extremely painful and dripping with blood, but he was unable to bandage it.

He hadn't eaten for many days, and his injuries and bleeding made his eyes darken, and his steps became more and more scattered.

After turning a big stone, Duoduo was stunned.

A thatched cottage appeared in front of it, with this small yard.

In the yard, a Zongjiao child was bouncing and playing.A man squatted beside him, fiddling with a fork.

Doduo's eyes flashed fiercely like a wolf, and he gritted his teeth and ran over.

The child who saw him first was also frightened by the blood on his body.

"Daddy, daddy..."

Hearing the call, the man just raised his head when the knife flashed and his head flew out.


Just at this time, a woman walked out of the room. Seeing this scene, she uttered a tragic cry.

The woman ran over quickly, not knowing what to do.

But Duoduo turned the blade, put it on the child's neck, and looked at the woman coldly.

The woman was paralyzed all of a sudden, she couldn't cry out, she wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry, she just looked at her child in despair.

Doduo felt that he couldn't hold on anymore, so he could only utter two words between his teeth.


Seeing that he did not kill any more, but wanted to eat, the woman immediately came to her senses and rushed to the stove to light a fire to cook.

Seeing that the man of this family had been killed by him, Duoduo felt relieved to some extent that there was only one woman and one child left.

He pulled the child to lean against the fence of the courtyard gate, and sat down slowly.

It seemed that it would take some time for the woman to cook, and Dodo's thoughts began to wander.

He remembered many years ago.

At that time he was still very young, and Dorgon was also very young.

Nurhachi took the big guys, and everyone rode horses, running on the grassland.Groups of animals were driven out, and then they were besieged and killed.

Azig is the worst.

Relying on his age and riding a big horse, he often snatches the prey he and Dorgon fancy.

But I don't know why, recalling everything in the past, Doduo feels very beautiful.

The scene at that time became more and more clear, and the songs sung by people at that time are also vivid in my mind.He couldn't help humming between his lips.

My color is Sasa root
Oh mile ho Tadulizalan's

ok you bouye bo yebi...

The cheerful singing gradually became low and finally dissipated in the air.

Although the woman who was cooking was busy all the time, she kept staring at Duo Duo.

Seeing that the fierce Tartar gradually became silent, after a long time, he still tilted his head...

The woman finally plucked up a little courage.

She walked over gently, picked up the fork from her dead husband, and approached Doduo fearfully.

Dodo remained silent.

The woman grabbed the child and pulled it behind her.

But Duoduo's knife is still hanging on the ground, only the sharp blade is frightening.

The woman cried bitterly, raised the fork, and threw it directly into Doduo's chest.

Blood gushed out and splashed everywhere, but Dodo didn't respond.

The woman was afraid that he would not die, so she chopped his chest to pieces again and again.

The sound of hurried and chaotic footsteps appeared at the gate of the courtyard, which made the woman finally wake up from her madness.

She hurriedly protected her child, waiting for death to come.

But the person who rushed in was different from Duoduo.

Seeing Duoduo's rotten corpse, the leading soldier hurried to appease him.

"Old sister-in-law, don't be afraid. We are Han Chinese and our own army. With us here, we are safe."

The woman was stunned, and her cold eyes finally softened.

She threw herself next to her husband's body, crying heartbreakingly, crying to death.

 "Song of Bow and Arrow" can be found online, and it's quite nice.

(End of this chapter)

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