Ming Zuo

Chapter 1483 That kind of discouragement

Chapter 1483 That kind of discouragement

On the outskirts of Dai County, a huge prisoner-of-war camp sprang up.

At any moment, captives from the Qing army were sent into it, and gradually, there were more than [-] people.

These disarmed prisoners of war were all as docile as lambs, and they were no longer as fierce as they used to sweep the world.

Bo Luo quietly huddled in a corner by himself, his eyes dull, and he had resigned himself to his fate.

Although he was the son of Abate, the young Boluo became a prisoner before he became a famous general.

He didn't know how long he could live, so he lost the will to resist.

This is also the state of most Qing troops in the prisoner-of-war camps.

When they first entered the customs, the Qing army was full of fighting spirit, and there were no disadvantages.After moving thousands of miles, one victory after another, it seems that the world is at your fingertips.

But that old saying is true.

Its prosperity is also great, and its death is also sudden.

In less than half a year, the rapid rise of the Qing Dynasty was completely interrupted by the empire, and it fell into a desperate situation.

Facing the huge military defeat, the brave Qing army could not accept the reality at all, and fell into despair one after another.

"Bolo, get out!"

The voice of the order woke Boluo up, and he walked out of the cell silently amidst everyone's worried eyes.

Outside, a young Wehrmacht officer was waiting for him, with an expressionless expression on his face.

"Are you going to execute me?"

Bolo thought his time had come.

The officer shook his head.

"I'm looking for you today, I just hope you can help us identify someone."

Because too many prisoners were captured, there were still many dead bodies.But there are too many identities that cannot be identified, especially the senior generals in the Qing army.

As a high-ranking man in the Qing Dynasty, Boluo naturally knew more people, so he was called out.

It is said that Boluo has nothing to do with this matter, he only cares about himself.

"What are you going to do with me?"

How did the young officer know, but he still revealed a little bit.

"You didn't resist to the end on the banks of the Hutuo River. The crime is lighter and you should be safer."

Hearing that he might not die, Boluo couldn't help but feel light all over.

The young officer first took him to the field hospital and came to a ward.

An unconscious man was lying on the hospital bed.

"We found this person when we broke through the camp. He was in a coma at that time. Do you know him?"

When Bo Luo saw it, he couldn't help but feel sad.

"This is Baiyintu. He was seriously injured in the previous battle. He was unconscious because there was no medicine to treat him."

The young officer was very happy to learn that it was indeed a senior general of the Qing army and quickly wrote it down in his notebook.
Seeing someone he knew made Boluo feel agitated.

"Is Baiyintu going to die?"

The officer looked at the doctor at the side. Professional matters need to be answered by professional people.

"This person was seriously injured and has stabilized after treatment. But it is not yet known when he will wake up."

Knowing that Baiyintu will not die, Boluo shed tears of joy.

At the same time, he also had a strong hope.

Even a seriously injured person like Bai Yintu was treated carefully by the National Defense Forces, maybe he really didn't have to die.

As the young officer left the hospital, they went elsewhere.

Just at this time, another group of prisoners of war was sent in.

Although one of them was tied up, he was still rebellious.Not only was he cursing endlessly, but he was also struggling hard.After being hit by the butts of several guns, his head was covered with blood and he did not give in.

Boluo saw it clearly and ran over quickly.

"Shuosai, don't resist. The matter has come to this point, and there is no point."

The captured general of the Qing army was exactly Shuo Sai.

Seeing that Bo Luo appeared in front of him intact and not tied up, Shuo Sai thought he understood something.

"You slaves, hand over the former emperor's country. You Manchu traitors, what face do you have to meet your ancestors?"

He was scolded for his good words of persuasion, which made Boluo feel sad, but he didn't know how to refute.

The young officer stepped forward and ordered: "Take this man down and watch him carefully, and let him be more honest."

The name of Shuo Sai was recorded in the notebook again.

Seeing that Shuosai was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, no matter how he struggled, he was taken away by the soldiers of the National Defense Forces, Boluo couldn't help but feel grateful for his choice.

The two came to the place where the Qing army's dead were collected.

However, seeing corpses densely arranged on the wide flat ground, the scalps of those who looked at it felt numb.

Among them were quite a few faces, all of whom Boluo knew.

But at this moment, these former Eight Banners warriors have lost their souls, just like the status quo of the Qing Dynasty.

The officer led him around inside.

Inside, there was only one corpse.

A suit of fine armor inlaid with white flags, the most striking thing is that the armor is carved with dragons and phoenixes, and the gold borders.The scabbard of the precious sword that he carried with him was studded with various precious stones.

Just based on this armor and weapon, it can be known that this person is of extraordinary status.

But the Wehrmacht couldn't identify him, so he had to invite Bolo.

As soon as Boluo saw that handsome face, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he wailed on the spot.

"Prince Yu..."

The defense forces around were all excited when they heard the news.

So this is the commander of the Qing army, Prince Yu Duoduo?
Soon the news that Duoduo's body had been found spread among the National Defense Forces. Zhang Yan, Jian Zong'an, Yu Lichun and others quickly put down their work and ran over to confirm.

"Is this really Dodo?"

"You look very young."

"See what you said, we're not old either!"

Bo Luo has recovered, his expression is even more decadent, and he doesn't intend to hide anything.

"This is my Prince of Qingyu, His Highness Duoduo. Since he died in battle and his body was shrouded in horse leather, please don't damage his body."

Facing the humble request, Zhang Yan made a solemn statement on behalf of the National Defense Forces.

"Our Imperial Defense Force is a division of benevolence and righteousness, not a beast like your Qing army. Muting the remains of the deceased will not demonstrate our force, and there is no need for that."

Even though he lost a pass, Boluo still hurriedly expressed his thanks.

The discovery of Duduo's body meant that the Qing army along the way basically ended in failure.

Although there must be remnants of the Qing army in the Hengshan Mountains, it has not changed the overall situation.

This also means that the battle of Dai County, which lasted for more than a month, has finally come to an end.

In the Datong area north of Hengshan, another battle of annihilation is also going on.

"This is Mount Baishan? Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, was besieged by the Huns? Isn't it just a small hill? It looks ordinary, but the Huns can't break it."

Listening to Wang Siyi's nagging, Guo Wei's head was full of black lines.

"The Huns didn't have artillery, and the Han army stood guard at the top, so of course there was nothing they could do."

The Huns did not have artillery to deal with Liu Bang, but the National Defense Army had artillery to deal with the Qing army.

The Qing army on the top of the hill watched the artillery being deployed one after another here, and they were all desperate.

"Go to someone, tell Sony, and give him another chance. If he doesn't know the current affairs, he will be wiped out on the spot."

A small hill, Wang Siyi was not interested at all, turned around and went straight to Datong, handing over the battle here to Guo Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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