Ming Zuo

Chapter 808 The Land of the Extreme North

Chapter 808 The Land of the Extreme North
"Director, give this island a name."

The expedition was about to set off, and the surveying and mapping staff came up with an idea.

The long island in front of us is the first stop discovered by the expedition team since their eastward journey, and it is also the place where human beings set foot for the first time.

For ease of notation, the island needs a place name.

Standing on the boat, General Wu stared at the island that was getting farther and farther away, and thought for a while: "This is a newly discovered place for us humans, and it is also the first time we know about it. If this is the case, let's call it Xinzhi Island."

After hearing this, the surveying and mapping staff took up a pen and wrote on the map.

Since then, this deserted island has had a name.

Xinzhi Island.

According to the previous detection by the northbound team, the fleet is heading northeast.

And this walk is more than a month.

During the voyage, a small island will be found at intervals.

After it was marked on the map, everyone discovered that these islands were distributed in the sea like necklaces.

The amazing thing is that basically every island has one or several volcanoes.

Surveying and mapping staff Yu Zhenping put forward an idea.

"Are these islands all formed by volcanic eruptions?"

The crowd laughed.

"Your whimsical ability is also unparalleled in the world."

After all, these people are not geologists, they just think that Yu Zhenping's idea is random, and they don't even think that the reality is like this.

The further north you go, the colder it gets.

When the expedition team came out, everyone was wearing summer clothes, so they had to put on thick clothes.

On this day, the expedition team finally discovered an island larger than Xinzhi Island.

This island is also oriented northeast and southwest, but the land is much wider.

There are two volcanic belts on the island, one in the south and one in the north.

The expedition team originally thought it was a big island, but when they went around the northern coastline, they discovered that there was a small island behind the big island.

There is a shallow strait in the middle, which can be crossed even by canoe.

The island is big and rich in natural resources.

The expedition team rested here again, re-supplied supplies, and continued northward.

After walking dozens of miles by sea, land appeared again.

But this time, General Wu made a mistake.

I saw the land in front of me, although there was only a sharp corner deep into the sea, but looking behind it, it stretched without knowing the edge.

Apparently, this new island is estimated to be so big that it has no boundaries.

General Wu didn't dare to call the shots, so he called everyone together for collective consultation.

Finally, after deliberation, the expedition team was divided into two.

Wu will lead a team to explore the west along the coastline, and Yu Zhenping will lead the other part to explore the east along the coastline.

Eventually the two armies met in the north of the island.

In the beginning, General Wu still had the intention of exploring the island.

However, their team traveled northward along the coastline for nearly [-] days, and still did not see the land boundary.

Later, they also discovered land on the west side of the sea, which they thought was the same as Sakhalin Island.

But after going deeper, it was discovered that the land on both sides of the sea actually merged into one body at the deepest point.

In other words, the place they discovered was actually a deep and wide bay.

Where the edge of this big island is, they still don't know.

And the worst happened.

The coast here is covered with ice and snow as far as the eye can see.

Icebergs hundreds of meters to thousands of meters stood by the water, and suddenly there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and an ice block hundreds of times larger than the sailboat fell down.

When it fell into the water, the waves surged and the huge waves surged into the sky.

Seeing the waves rushing towards them, they pushed the boat under Wu Jiang and others straight back, and it took several miles for Jiang to stop.

Look at the huge ice block, moving slowly on the sea surface.

If it hadn't been for what he saw with his own eyes just now, who would have believed that there is a larger part under the ice like a hill, under the bottom of the water.

"Director, what should we do? I don't know when we can join the second team."

General Wu couldn't help scratching his head, and when he looked around, he saw that the big guys were all shivering from the cold.

They had already draped the hides they had collected, but it was better than nothing.

It's unbelievably cold in this damn place.

"Go, turn around and look for the second team."

By now, General Wu also felt scared.

He led the team to turn the bow and return along the original route.

Surprisingly, when they returned to the tip of the land, the second team was also here.

The two sides met, and after listening to Yu Zhenping's narration, General Wu knew what happened to them.

It turned out that the second team had the same thoughts as them at first, thinking that after a period of time, they could rendezvous by bypassing the big island in front of them.

As a result, I walked, walked, and walked along the coastline for a long time. Not only did I not see the edge of the land, but the sea in front of me was also frozen.

Although there seemed to be land on the other side of the ice, but the boat couldn't get through, Yu Zhenping and others had no choice but to return.

Holding the maps surveyed and drawn on both sides together, General Wu finally saw his brows.

"We have reached the easternmost point of the land."

The geography knowledge they learned did not come only from the world map brought by Western scholars, but from a more detailed and realistic world map compiled by Zuo Menggeng based on his memory.

Therefore, after seeing it, General Wu recognized it at a glance.The location they arrived at should be the easternmost point of the entire Eurasian continent.

What they thought was an island before was actually not an island, but a very large peninsula.

Judging from the surveying and mapping data, this peninsula is far larger than Sakhalin Island.

Since the east is no longer accessible, and the weather is getting colder and colder, it will take a long time to come out.

General Wu finally decided, and the expedition team began to return.

However, the return journey did not take the original route, but went all the way west along the edge of the mainland.

"According to what the commander-in-chief said, as long as we go west along the coastline, we will definitely be able to return to Sakhalin Island. Although we don't know how far the road is, but since we have come here, why don't we try it?"

General Wu is very inspiring, and his words made the exhausted expedition team full of enthusiasm again.

The expedition team stepped into a completely unknown territory.

This walk lasted for more than two months.

However, because it is close to the coastline of the mainland, it is very convenient to obtain food and water, which does not cause any difficulties.

As the weather felt warmer and warmer, everyone was full of confidence, knowing that they should not be far from home.

Finally one day, when the soldiers standing on the sentry tower dozed off, they seemed to catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of their eyes.

He stood up abruptly, rubbed his eyes non-stop, and was even more ecstatic when he picked up the binoculars and looked towards the shore ahead.

"Home! We're home! We're back at last!"

On the coast far ahead.

On the top of a sentry tower made of cement, the sentinel blew a majestic horn.

Soon, countless people ran out of the castle under construction, gathered on the shore, and saw this vicissitudes of the expeditionary force.

(End of this chapter)

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