Ming Zuo

Chapter 809 New Life

Chapter 809 New Life

"Commander, this is the change in Sakhalin today."

"Okay! It's really great. You finally opened up the situation and gained a foothold here."

Liang Fa came back with Zhang Keda, and while describing the changes in Sakhalin Island, he presented a newly drawn map.

Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, and even the Bering Strait all come to life on this map.

Although there is him as a cheater, the map used by Shandong is much more detailed than that provided by European scholars, but it is still not perfect and detailed.

After all, he has never been to many places. Even a geographer cannot draw the entire world map correctly based on his memory.

But it is different now.

Through the efforts of General Wu's expedition team, the entire North Pacific has lifted the veil of mystery.

Although specific and in-depth exploration cannot be carried out, but the geographical conditions of the Kuril Islands, the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Bering Strait and the shores of the Strait of Okhotsk have been clarified, and it will not be difficult to develop in the future.

Zuo Menggeng lay on the map, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, and he couldn't bear to let go.

These are all endless wealth.

In the original history, China missed these.But this time, he must hold it firmly in his hands.

After thinking about it, he pointed to the location of the Bering Strait and asked, "Who discovered this place?"

"It was discovered by a surveying and mapping staff officer named Yu Zhenping of the General Staff Department."

Zuo Menggeng immediately made up his mind.

"Since this is the case, from now on this place will be named Zhenping Strait."

Everyone was taken aback, and then envied Yu Zhenping who had never met before.

Human life is limited, but the earth and ocean are infinite.

With this naming, Yu Zhenping will surely go down in history and be remembered by the world.

"Huang Taiji is currently conquering the Chahar tribe. He has no spare power for Lushun, let alone Sakhalin Island thousands of miles away. I predict that from now on, he will not be able to go north. So next time you go to Sakhalin When we were on the island, tell Wei Yuanfeng, Zhang Chun, Mang Gurtai and the others that we might as well be bolder, step faster, and bring that vast land under our name."

When General Wu's expedition returned to Sakhalin Island, the Northward Army had already established a firm foothold in the Heilongjiang River Basin.

All nearby tribes know of their existence through exchanges and transactions with Goji Riverguard.

More and more people came to trade with the Beishang Legion, and regarded the Beishang Legion as friends.

After the relationship was stable, Wei Yuanfeng began to recruit workers from various tribes.

Anyone who is willing to work at the Sakhalin Shipyard will be paid by the Northward Legion.

These rewards are not money.

Money is useless in such a place.

All kinds of metal tools, as well as cloth and salt, are all favorite things of various tribes.

Especially the iron pot has greatly solved the living problems of primitive tribes.

Come to think of it, even the Mongolian grasslands cannot use iron pots to stew meat because of the Ming Dynasty's ban on iron trading.

The Mongolian cavalry went south, and among the treasures they grabbed, they also paid the most attention to the iron pot.

And this kind of thing abounds in the Northward Legion.

When Zhang Keda came back this time, he had already asked Zuo Menggeng for instructions.

The Northward Legion intends to build an iron smelting plant on the Sakhalin Island to produce all kinds of products.

For this request, the center naturally has no reason not to agree.

When almost all the metal tools stored by the Northward Legion were traded, Wei Yuanfeng creatively used another better commodity to reach a deal with the primitive tribes.

What commodity?

It is brick and tile cement housing.

After some primitive tribes came to work in the shipyard, they lived in dormitories made of bricks, tiles and cement.

This kind of strong, safe and warm house conquered these primitive people at once.

In the end, these people didn't even want their beloved iron pots, so they wanted to ask the Northward Legion to help them build this new house.

For the Northward Legion, this request is really what they wished for.

After all, some metal tools have high technical requirements. Even if the Northward Legion has established an iron smelting plant, there is no way to produce it by itself, and the supply of goods is limited.

Unlike bricks and tiles and cement, which can be made from local soil, it can be described as endless.

The two sides hit it off.

Within a few months, starting from Gejihewei, all tribes had fixed residences with brick and tile structures.

When Zhang Keda and others returned to the voyage, it happened that winter was coming soon.

Amidst the howling cold wind, the primitive people living in the brick house heard the howling white-haired wind outside the house, while the house was scorching hot, and their gratitude to the Northward Army had surpassed that of the gods.

This winter, their people will never freeze to death again.

Under the influence of the Northward Legion, these primitive tribes leapfrogged the primitive stage and the feudal stage at once, and entered the new society directly.

Those aborigines who worked in the shipyard learned a lot of new things while working, and even mastered Chinese.

Under the influence of their ears and eyes, their civilization level is also improving rapidly.

The traditional primitive tribal system has begun to arouse their dissatisfaction.

I believe it won't take long for these primitive tribes to transform and integrate into their new lives.

And this time Zhang Keda and Liang Fa came back and brought new things to improve the quality of life.

Liang Fa took out a sealed iron lunch box, and when he opened it and saw the contents inside, Zuo Menggeng's eyes couldn't help but straighten.

"Commander, we caught a lot of big fish near the mouth of a big river, each of which weighed over a hundred catties. The eggs of these fish are all very delicious, but they are not easy to preserve, and they will go bad soon. Someone thought about it later. There is a way to salt this kind of fish roe, but I didn’t expect the taste to be even better. This subordinate specially brought some back, you can try it.”

Zuo Menggeng couldn't laugh or cry.

Unexpectedly, these people made caviar without a teacher.

This thing will be the top ingredient that is priced like gold in later generations.

But now it seems that the people of the Northward Legion are too rough, wasting this good food in vain.

Under Liang Fa's earnest gaze, Zuo Menggeng ate a spoonful.

how to say?

Even the caviar produced by such a rough method is far more delicious than that of later generations.

There is only one reason.

The caviar of later generations is basically artificially farmed, but these are all natural products.

Looking at the crystal clear, plump and round caviar, Zuo Menggeng thought of something.

"Go and invite Minister Deng Yuhan, Academician Galileo and Ms. Cheslet over here."

When it comes to eating caviar, Europeans are obviously better at it.

Now that Shandong has such a good thing, it seems that it can operate well and become a profitable commodity.

The three of Deng Yuhan were in Jinan, so they came very quickly.

When they saw caviar, the three of them were very exaggerated.

"This is definitely the top quality caviar. If it is sold to France, the nobles there are willing to exchange it for gold."

The French have a soft spot for caviar, but France itself does not produce this kind of thing.

The caviar that the French eat is imported from the Black Sea area.

Only the richest nobles can eat it.

As the most influential country in continental Europe, influenced by France, caviar has become a status symbol all over Europe.

The three of Deng Yuhan have never eaten any of them, but they have admired this food for a long time.

"Mr. Commander, I made some bread, which can be used to neutralize the taste of caviar."

Every time Cheslet visited the Commander's Mansion, he would bring along some European food that he made himself.

And this time, the bread she brought out had some prototypes of later sandwiches.

Spread the caviar on top and gently send it into your mouth.

Toasted sweet bread, accompanied by natural salty caviar, is really the top enjoyment.

(End of this chapter)

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