Ming Zuo

Chapter 922 New Application

Chapter 922 New Application

According to the classification system that appeared after 1660, Linqing should be regarded as a third-tier battleship.

During the construction, Zuo Menggeng discussed with the shipyard many times, and the ship model finally came up with reference to the most famous [-]-gun battleship.

And because of the difference in specific data, the Linqing is very different from the traditional sailing warship.

The length of Linqing is [-] meters, which is more than [-] meters longer than that of the [-]-gun battleship.

Coupled with only two decks, the entire hull is very slender.In this way, it can actually greatly reduce the resistance during travel and increase the speed of the ship.

In details, there are more differences.

Surrounded by everyone, Zuo Menggeng boarded the Linqing and began to experience it for himself.

According to the design requirements, the number of guns on the Linqing is only forty, and Xia Guo's guns are lighter in weight, so there is a lot of extra space on the ship.

Ten of the heavy guns are deployed on the strongest lower deck, five on the left and five on the right, and four light naval guns on each side.

Although it looks sparse, the power of Xia Guo's artillery is there. In fact, this firepower is absolutely sufficient.

On the upper deck, there are ten light naval guns on each side, with a range of about two kilometers, much farther than contemporary European artillery, and higher accuracy.

In addition, the slender hull leads to a calm layout of weapons at the bow and stern.

A twelve-tube rocket launcher is placed at the front of the bow, and a light naval gun is placed behind it, so that it can strike the enemy from the direction of the bow.

As for the stern part, the architectural layout of the Linqing is unique.

The western Galen ship continued to the cabin at the end, and it was modified on the Linqing, so that there was an extra space of about five meters at the end of the bed, and a twelve-barrel rocket launcher was also placed.

Below it, in the deck, was placed another light naval gun.There are gun windows on the left, right, and rear bulkheads, which can push the artillery to shoot in three directions to make up for the lack of firepower at the rear.

And to say that the most user-friendly design on the Linqing is to change the bridge from outdoor to indoor.

The entire bridge is built with a wooden cabin, and large pieces of transparent glass are installed in the left, front, and right directions.In this way, the driver's field of vision will not be blocked, and at the same time, it will be protected from wind and sun.

Because of this design, the captain's podium can be placed above the cockpit, which has a better view and can control the overall situation.

"With such a good design, I can see the situation of the entire ship right here and make adjustments at any time."

Shang Kexi noticed that there were several trumpet-shaped iron pipes on his podium, and he didn't know what they were for.

On the contrary, Zuo Menggeng was able to give an explanation.

"This is for you to give orders. You see, this pipe is connected to the cockpit under your feet. This one is connected to the second deck, and this one is connected to the bilge. In this way, you can shout from here, It can be heard everywhere in the cabin."

Shang Kexi was greatly surprised, and immediately sent people to the cabin.Then he yelled from the iron pipe, and sure enough, the people below heard him clearly, and he could immediately follow through.

"Great! With this thing, I can command everyone and maximize the combat effectiveness of the entire ship."

Zuo Menggeng stood on the podium, looking at the mast and sails.

When he was designing and building warships, he made a request to maximize the simplicity of the mast and sails.

On the western warships he has seen, there are too many ropes, which are too complicated and not conducive to manipulation.

For this reason, he also took out a lot of ideas for later generations and added them to the design.

For example, on the mast, it is much more convenient and safer for the crew on the Linqing to climb up and down than on Western ships.

Because it is on the mast of the Linqing, with an iron ladder.This kind of ladder and mast are fixed together, much like the kind attached to the big chimneys of later generations.

However, the Western warships of this era use rope ladders to climb up and down.

This rope ladder is connected together by the mast and the side of the ship.

If the crew wants to climb up, they must first climb out of the hull and then climb up. The high risk can be imagined.

Especially when fighting, it is easy to be knocked down into the sea, leaving no bones left.

The rope ladder is now replaced by a climbing ladder. In addition to being safer, it also saves a lot of rope applications, resulting in a very simple and clean above the hull.

The ropes used to raise and lower the sails are fixed on the deck with winches.Whether it is raising or lowering the sail, the crew only needs to turn the winch to complete it.

Such standardization has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of ropes and is easier to manipulate.

In addition, the winch is also used to retract and lower the anchor.It does not require a large number of people to work together to complete the actions of anchoring and anchoring.

To be able to do all this, in addition to Zuo Menggeng's ideas, Xia Guo's thriving knowledge of physics is the foundation.

The theory of levers and pulleys has been mastered by many primary school students, and it has also been widely applied to practice.

The Linqing number at the foot is the most objective embodiment.

Zuo Menggeng slapped the railing in front of him, looking down at the whole Qingdao Port, really excited.

If there are a hundred such warships, he is absolutely confident that he will sweep all the powerful countries in the world today, dominate the oceans, and lay down an indestructible security territory for the Chinese nation.

"Your Highness, a distinguished guest has arrived."

Zuo Menggeng was a little surprised by Fu Xinyuan's report.

In the territory of Xia Kingdom, what kind of person can be called a distinguished guest?

But when he saw the person coming, even he was taken aback.

"Master Ge, why are you here?"

The person who appeared in front of Zuo Menggeng was actually Sun Chengzong.

Accompanied by Liu Zongzhou, Lu Shanji, Sun Qifeng and others, he was dressed in casual clothes with a leisurely demeanor, just like traveling in mountains and rivers.

"Hehe, the old man once saw the powerful firearms of your Xia country in the Jiandou army. I was too curious, so I came to visit. His Royal Highness King Xia, can you tolerate this vile guest like this old man?"

Seeing Zuo Menggeng again, Sun Chengzong was really moved.

In the second year of Chongzhen, the person in front of him was still a young general.When he ran to Dianmao in the army, he was well-behaved and clever, and offered a good strategy to defeat the enemy.

At that time, I only thought that this son was extraordinary, and he would definitely grow into a famous player in the future.

Who would have thought that in just eight years, that immature child would become the number one villain in the world.

I don't know why, but he is as loyal as Sun Chengzong, but he doesn't have any disgust or hatred for Zuo Menggeng.

On the contrary, there is a lot of appreciation in his eyes.

This strange performance inevitably made Zuo Menggeng a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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