Ming Zuo

Chapter 923

Chapter 923
"The old man came all the way to the east, and only then did he know what is the peace of the country and the people's peace, and the happiness of the people."

It turned out that in Lu Xiangsheng's army, he saw the power of Xia Guo's firearms, which surprised Sun Chengzong.

Later, the Qing army withdrew and Jingji regained peace. Lu Xiangsheng also rushed to Xuanda to take up his post, and Sun Chengzong returned to his hometown.

But every time I dream back in the middle of the night, the scene of Lu Xiangsheng's army being fired and the Qing army retreating is always in my mind.

If he had such a good firearm in Liaodong back then, why didn't he worry about defeating the Jurchens?

Sighing and sighing, Sun Chengzong's curiosity about Xia Guo was raised to a higher level.

In addition, Baoding is not far from Shandong, and some people in their hometown often travel to and from Shandong.Every time I talk about it, I am full of admiration.

Sun Chengzong couldn't bear it any longer, so he simply made up his mind and wanted to come and have a look in person.

But when he walked from Cangzhou to Dezhou, the short journey made him feel as if he had passed away.

On the side of Cangzhou, the imperial army is gathered, and they are always ready to fight, and there is a tension that war will happen at any time.

As far as one could see, Cangzhou was dilapidated to the extreme.

There are few people in the city, and there are a lot of beggars outside the city.It is unimaginable that this is at the feet of the emperor.

But when I first came to Texas, it was a different scene.

It's very peaceful here, except for Xia Jun's checkpoints on the main roads, the army is usually not seen at all.

What's even more exaggerated is that even the city walls in Dezhou have been demolished, and various new residential buildings have begun to spread out of the city.

Sun Chengzong was shocked by the new cement roads one after another.

It is so reassuring to see the leisurely gait of the endless stream of people on the road, and the colorful shop signs fluttering in the wind on both sides of the street.

Sun Chengzong also visited Cheng Shao.

Seeing this old friend enjoying his life in peace and carefree made him even more envious.

Cheng Shao admired Sun Chengzong very much, and he kept advising him in words, if he wanted to do something, he should come to Xia Kingdom, this is the hope of Huaxia Zhongxing.

Sun Chengzong started from Dezhou, went to Linqing, Dongchang, and then Jinan.Traveled with Liu Zongzhou, Lu Shanji, Sun Qifeng and others, and truly experienced the prosperity of the Xia Kingdom.

Among other things, when he saw that the most common people in the Xia Kingdom could often eat fish, he finally completely admired it.

Originally, he also proposed to visit the military camp, but because Zuo Menggeng was not around, no one dared to let him go, which made him quite disappointed.regret
Just at this time, when I heard that Zuo Menggeng had returned from North Korea, he was in Qingdao, and the new ship was about to be launched. Everyone in Jinan set off one after another, and Sun Chengzong followed.

"Elder Ge, you are getting old. You have worked hard for the country and the people all your life, and it's time to take care of yourself."

Facing Sun Chengzong, Zuo Menggeng could only admire him.

When he thought of the Qing army's capture of Gaoyang next year, and Sun Chengzong's family would die heroically, he couldn't help persuading him.

"The state affairs are like this, how can people's hearts be at ease?"

Sun Chengzong did not change his true colors, but he did not question why Zuo Menggeng and others could not work for Daming.

Along the way, it seems that there are obvious differences between Ming and Xia.Bringing up this matter again at this time is not only annoying, but also a shame.

It is said that Ming Dynasty represents the orthodoxy and should be what all people want.

But under the rule of Ming Dynasty, the people were displaced and their families were destroyed. Can it really be considered orthodox?
Even he, the most staunch defender of Ming Dynasty, now has self-doubt.

Looking at the majestic and magnificent battleship in front of him, Sun Chengzong couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

"It is said that the warships of the Westerners are like this. Could it be possible to build them here?"

Zuo Menggeng was extremely proud of the newly born Linqing.

"That's right. Look at the dock over there, there are more than a dozen ships under construction. In the near future, our warships will cover the sea. Westerners can come to Middle-earth from thousands of miles away, and we can also You can walk through the sea waves and go to the places where Westerners live and have a look."

Sun Chengzong raised his eyes and looked at the extremely busy dock on the opposite side of the bay, but his heart had already been conquered by Zuo Menggeng's lofty ambition.

Compare Chongzhen and Zuo Menggeng, two equally young leaders.

One is fussy and pompous, while the other is passionate and aggressive.

It is clear at a glance who is better and who is worse.

"Your Highness, I wonder if the old man can board the boat and take a look?"

Zuo Menggeng hurriedly said: "At the beginning, I was well educated under the leadership of Mr. Ge. I was a teacher for a day and a father for the rest of my life. The word Mr. Ge called me was, in front of you, how dare juniors be arrogant?"

Sun Chengzong was stunned.

Today's Zuo Menggeng has become the overlord of one side and the hero of the world, with a large number of officials and generals under his command.Moreover, he has already established a title, and it is somewhat disrespectful to call him a character.

Seeing this, Liu Zongzhou persuaded him from the side: "My Xia Kingdom is quite different from Ming Dynasty in terms of etiquette and system. Although Zhongheng is the master of the people, he is also relative and friend to us, and we all use words to match each other in private. "

In the eyes of Liu Zongzhou, Hou Xun and others, Zuo Menggeng is always a junior, so they still call him by his name as long as it is not a formal occasion.

For this, Zuo Menggeng readily accepted.

He doesn't want to be alone, it's too boring.

Seeing Zuo Menggeng's sincere smile, Sun Chengzong was completely amazed.

"There are many tyrants in the world, and among the outstanding ones, only Zhonghenger."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone laughed and the scene became more cordial.

Zuo Menggeng said: "Today the Linqing is about to launch into the water, the elder Ge came here just in time for the meeting, how about boarding the ship with the younger generation and enjoying the sea?"

Sun Chengzong was full of joy, and said with a smile, "I will stick to my wish, but I dare not invite you."

Zuo Menggeng nodded to Fu Yusun.

Fu Yusun stepped forward and shouted loudly: "The auspicious time has come, open the gate and release the water!"

At the pier, everyone was waiting for this moment.

After receiving the order, more than [-] workers at the gate chanted neatly and started to push the winch at the same time.

The iron chains that were as thick as an arm began to tighten, pulling the gate and slowly rising to both sides.

As long as the surging sea water grabs a little gap, it will immediately rush into the dock.Soon, the Linqing was slowly lifted up by the sea water, rippling with the waves.

Zuo Menggeng turned around and raised his hands to salute Shang Kexi and the three hundred officers and soldiers.

"Everyone, from today onwards, the Linqing will be in your hands. Raising the might of Xia's army and protecting China's seas and territories are all important tasks. I hope you will work together and keep them in mind."

Shang Kexi and the [-] officers and soldiers raised their hands in return, and solemnly swore their oath.

"We will use our lives and loyalty to protect the safety of China. Since we are the Great Wall of the Sea, we will not allow any foreign enemies to invade China's territory."

This oath was so powerful that it changed Fengyun's color.

After the handover ceremony was completed, Zuo Menggeng ordered: "All officers and soldiers of Linqing board the ship and prepare to sail."

Sun Chengzong watched helplessly as more than [-] people lined up in a neat queue, boarded the Linqing, and began to take over various positions.

The quality of these soldiers opened his eyes.

"Master Ge, please!"

(End of this chapter)

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