I want to be emperor

Chapter 1053 Personification

The Great Chu Empire established by Luo Zhixue had both good and bad sides, depending on where you stand on the issue.

When you stand in different positions and are in different environments, you will have different views on many situations in the empire.

Because the butt determines the head!

For example, the elite education system promoted by Luo Zhixue is actually opposed by many people...especially those in the middle and upper classes, but not to the level of powerful people...they don't like the current education system in the Chu Empire.

Because they are not like those children of the rich and powerful, who can enjoy all kinds of high-quality educational resources since childhood. Even if they have ordinary qualifications, they can get relatively good results in the college entrance examination. Although this score still cannot win a scholarship, They can still attend school at their own expense... The tuition fee of two to three thousand yuan in four years is nothing to them.

But for most of the so-called upper-middle class, their children can still only compete for educational resources with those poor students who are struggling... Although they already have a huge advantage over poor children, and the overall proportion of entering higher education is higher. A lot, but they are still not satisfied...

I think that I have spent so much money, but I still can't compete with those poor children... How can you, a poor child, be able to match the accumulation of three generations of my family with your own efforts?

Therefore, many people are very unhappy!

But in fact, poor children are limited by educational resources, and the overall enrollment ratio is actually very low... far lower than the enrollment ratio for children from middle- and upper-middle families.

Out of a hundred students from middle-to-upper-class families, there may be about ten who can go to college, and only two of them get scholarships. Even if they don't get the scholarship, they can still grit their teeth and study at one's own expense... It's just that the overall base is small, so there are fewer people. .

Among a hundred students from ordinary families or even lower-income families, only three or five students may eventually be able to go to college. Because they have no money, those who can go to college are all on scholarships. However, the base of children from ordinary families is too large, so it seems There are a lot of poor students in college...and they all get scholarships.

It's just that most people don't pay attention to these comparisons, or they know it but don't know it... People are always accustomed to choosing things to say that are beneficial to themselves.

Therefore...many so-called high-income families in the contemporary era are actually not satisfied with the current elite education system in the empire...mainly due to the scholarship system and high tuition fees.

Especially some children from high-income families who pay their own way always think that they are paying for the education of untouchable children...

Well, that's actually true.

In the era of high educational attainment, Luo Zhixue adopted a high-proportion scholarship and high self-pay model to achieve a certain degree of fairness.

The education system of the Dachu Empire was never intended to cultivate talents... That was just its incidental function. Its main function was actually the same as the imperial examination, which was to maintain the circulation of the group... It is even irresponsible to say that the Dachu Empire The education system itself is part of the imperial examination system.

To put it bluntly... it is to give the talented students at the bottom a path across life... and by the way, knock down some of the upper-class people who are not doing well!

Only when the population rises and falls can the overall vitality of the empire be maintained. Otherwise, the group will solidify, and the negative consequences will be extremely serious.

That’s why the Chu Empire has such a weird education system... Basically half of the college students are gifted students who receive full scholarships, and there are two or three levels of students who receive half scholarships, and the last 20% or so are self-funded students... …

The 20% of tuition fees for self-financed students supports all scholarship students!

Therefore, there are only two types of students in the universities of the Great Chu Empire: either geniuses or children of powerful people...those who cannot go to university cannot go to university!

And these people who are neither above nor below are very resentful about this!

But it doesn't matter if they have a lot of grievances... They can't go to university anyway, and most of them can't become elites in the empire, nor can they affect the overall situation of the empire... What's more, the number is too small.

The biggest fear is that you allow these resentful people to go to college, and then fail to provide them with favorable upper-level jobs. In the end, their resentment becomes a factor of instability.

And Luo Zhixue chose to strangle them directly at the source: not letting them go to college!

Over the years, the number of universities in the Da Chu Empire has remained relatively small. Although the number of enrollments continues to increase every year, the increase is very small. It is basically based on the vacancies of high-level jobs in the empire and future needs. Enrollment plan.

Ensure that any university graduate can get a good job that matches his academic qualifications... and bring them into the vested interest class of the empire.

It will not be necessary to train a bachelor's degree and then be unable to provide comparable jobs, making them a factor of instability.

This is one of the important reasons why the Chu Empire promoted elite higher education.

However, in terms of grassroots education and technical education, the Chu Empire was free to engage in large-scale education, especially middle school, junior high school education and technical school education.

Because these grassroots education can cultivate a large number of qualified workers, technical workers and even excellent qualified soldiers for the Chu Empire.

Workers with a primary school education are better than illiterate workers, right?

The study courses in grassroots education are often relatively low-end, and are less likely to involve subjects such as history, politics, philosophy, and justice that can easily create unstable elements.

After all, a person who is learning to drive an excavator will not immediately have words like people, boats, and rivers pop up in his mind when something happens.

But a college student who studies history and politics will definitely think of these things in his mind...especially if there is no matching position under his butt...if there is a suitable position, then it will be different, they will become A firm defender of vested interest groups!

Therefore... the elite education system of the Da Chu Empire is deeply supported by the elite group of the empire... No matter where you come from, as long as you are involved in this elite education system, you will support it... because you are this kind of person yourself. vested interests in the system.

Who hates college enrollment expansion the most...former college students!

The education system of the Dachu Empire was multi-faceted and complex... Different people have different views.

The same situation also exists in other industries... For example, in the past few years, the Great Chu Empire abolished the direct admission of officials from the academy examination and turned the academy examination into a preparatory examination for the provincial examination.

When this system was implemented, it also received widespread opposition to a certain extent... There were various reasons, including increasing the cost of examinations for candidates, blocking the upward path for poor children, and leaving fewer and fewer poor children. It's hard to stand up... Luo Zhixue sneered at these words!

Unified recruitment and distribution for rural examinations... whose interests are harmed by this?

No need to ask, Luo Zhixue knew with his toes that they were some official families in the county... After all, if the college examination directly recruits people, it will be too easy for the local dignitaries who control the actual power in the local area to manipulate. ...Even if it's a dog, they can make it pass the exam and receive a piece of royal food!

Recruitment and allocation will be unified at the provincial level, and a remote allocation model will be adopted... Although some fraud and other behaviors will still occur, the scale of this kind of behavior can be reduced on a large scale... After all, ordinary dignitaries in prefectures and counties are not There are several people who have access to the Provincial Department of Ethical Affairs and the Department of Civil Affairs.

In this way, a basic fairness can be guaranteed... Everything depends on the written test. If you pass the exam, you will pass the exam. If you fail, you will fail the exam!

Although there is actually such a term as interview in the Dachu Empire... But this interview is actually an assignment interview after passing the exam. The interview determines the allocation unit...

But if you want to participate in the interview, you must first pass the exam, and the interview qualifications are highly linked to the test scores... For example, if you want to enter several important departments in the provincial governor's office, such as the Department of Civil Affairs, the Department of Ethical Education, the Department of Industry and Commerce, and the Governor Organizations such as the General Office have ranking requirements.

If your test score ranking is not up to standard, you will not be eligible for interviews with these weighted departments.

At the same time, the Ministry of Personnel Affairs also has clear regulations. It will focus on training outstanding candidates for the provincial examination and general examination who have the best test scores... There are clear regulations on your employment training for at least the first six years after joining the official!

Basically, you work in the province for three years, and then you are transferred to the local level to hold a junior leadership position for three years, and then you are transferred back to the original unit of the province... This is a fixed procedure, finalized by the Imperial Council, and implemented uniformly across the country!

Make sure that at least during these six years, you will be given the most basic platform to display your talents... and you will be gradually promoted over time, and you can advance several levels as you gain seniority.

Of course, the platform is given to you, but whether you can achieve results is another matter... After all, the officialdom is too complicated. The system guarantees you platform opportunities for six years. This is already the limit. Any more will destroy the officialdom ecology. .

And these things Luo Zhixue does are for the most basic fairness, giving children from ordinary families a way out... Although this way out is difficult, and they still need to compete fiercely with children from middle- and upper-middle families, but at least there is a chance!

It's just that... many local dignitaries are very unhappy with this, because their children can't just casually enter the officialdom through examinations as in the past, and then use their father's connections to get promoted quickly...

Because the first road to the imperial examination was blocked: he could not enter the official position in the imperial examination.

However, the children of the real rich and powerful are not worried about this...for example, the nobility...the heirs of other nobles do not need to take the imperial examination. As long as they have enough academic qualifications, they can directly join the officialdom or enter the two major military academies.

There is no need to go to college...just graduate from high school. Heirs of nobles can directly join the civil service as civil servants after graduating from high school, and be awarded the ninth rank. If they graduate from junior college, they will be awarded the eighth rank, and if they graduate from the undergraduate degree, they will be awarded the eighth rank!

At the same time, after graduating from high school, you can enter the two major military academies without taking the exam and join the army!

Of course, this kind of treatment is only limited to the heirs of the nobility... other non-heirs to the title of nobles and powerful children do not count!

But even so, the rich and powerful are not short of money or connections. They can get a university degree while studying privately, and then go to a remote province to take the provincial examination. If they pass the exam, they can use their connections to transfer back to a prosperous place... It's just as satisfying. very.

The key point... low-level officials are transferred across provinces when they first join the official service. This is not something that ordinary local powerful families can handle... This involves very complex issues.

In addition, for powerful families, becoming an official is not the only option. Doing business is also very good... Anyway, there is still a serious heir to join politics or the military. If the family power can be maintained, other children can do business. Whether you play art, it actually doesn’t have much impact!

Therefore, for the real upper echelons of the empire, the many restrictions on the imperial examinations are actually of little use... but for the real lower class, these restrictions have many benefits.

Because people at the bottom have no personal connections and rely on their hard work to study... They benefit the most from this restrictive rural examination system.

Whether it’s education or imperial examinations in the Great Chu Empire, they were never used to restrict the real top dignitaries and rich people... because they actually didn’t have many people and couldn’t occupy much education and imperial examination resources... their influence was actually very limited.

Instead, it is used to restrict those local dignitaries and high-income groups who are neither high nor low... If these people are left unchecked, they can swallow up all the education and imperial examination resources of the empire.

The empire restricts these so-called upper-class groups and leaves a path for ordinary people to climb up.

Although this sounds cruel, it is the truth...

For these basic fairness, Luo Zhixue has put a lot of thought into doing many similar things over the years.

In fact, only a time-travel emperor like Luo Zhixue would do this kind of thing... But no matter how powerful or far-sighted he was, no matter how powerful or far-sighted he was, he would not be able to compete with Luo Zhixue. How is it fair to do this... Because to a certain extent, this is actually shaking the foundation of one's own rule and betraying the group to which one belongs.

But Luo Zhixue is a time traveler, and many of the things he does are actually not out of so-called interests... but out of a game mentality... a bit like personifying the country!

It sounds quite mysterious...

To use a simple analogy, he is actually playing a large-scale strategy game, but...he is not playing the role of an emperor, but a country!

Now that Luo Zhixue has unified China and conquered the world... In the past ten years, it can even be said that he has become a little bit wantless... There is nothing to pursue such as opening up territories and expanding the territory.

At the same time, as the most powerful and prestige emperor in human history, he does not need to consider any interests!

So he considers the starting point of things and the gains and losses when doing things... He is different from other rulers, and sometimes he will do things that other rulers would not do.

And these motivations can ultimately be summed up in one sentence: personification of the country!

If you regard the country as Luo Zhixue, and Luo Zhixue as this country...then it will be easy to understand Luo Zhixue's series of behaviors.

Of course... in reality, the country is just a product of a group concept, and it cannot be personified...

Therefore, this will lead to the current situation of the Great Chu Empire: Luo Zhixue often does things that look silly to outsiders, and even incompatible with his status as emperor...

You, a ruler, put yourself in the shoes of the common people every few days, and then sympathize with the common people at the bottom... Isn't this just stupid!

And China's thousands of years of history... no, it also has to include global human history. There is only one such ruler: Luo Zhixue!

It's not because he is so noble... because he is a time traveler, and in a sense, all his actions are just playing games...

As a strategic game player, he can implement many policies to benefit the people for a certain game goal, and he can also exterminate the indigenous people of various countries.

Even... if Luo Zhixue could make the earth explode, Luo Zhixue would definitely detonate it one day, such as in the last stage of his life, just to see the explosion of the earth...

It’s just that the earth is too big for him to explode!

It's a pity...

This is Luo Zhixue's mentality... In fact, he has never truly empathized with or empathized with the people of the empire at the bottom... He is just playing games.

That's it!

P Society war criminals, please raise your hands...

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