I want to be emperor

Chapter 1054: 1 company, 1 city

Luo Zhixue stayed in Berta City, the most important city in north-central North America, for almost half a month before leaving.

During this half-month, Luo Zhixue inspected the local urban infrastructure and inspected local factories in shipbuilding, steel, textile and other industries. In the following days, he visited several agricultural towns outside Berta City for inspections. .

After the inspection in Berta City, Luo Zhixue once again deeply felt the richness of the Americas.

The surrounding areas of Berta City are rich in very high-quality coal and iron ore resources. It is almost a unique advantage to establish a steel plant here. In terms of the development potential of the steel industry here, it is even better than that in Northeast Asia. Some.

Iron ore and coal are of higher quality and are easier to mine and transport.

Moreover, although Berta City is located in the north-central region of North America, the winter is quite cold, but it is relatively acceptable. The lowest average temperature is about minus 11 or 2 degrees Celsius, and the average maximum temperature is about 2 or 3 degrees Celsius.

However, it can still be overcome without affecting daily production.

At the same time, this city is located in the southwest of the Great Lakes. It can easily use the Great Lakes to transport materials and obtain agricultural, livestock and mineral resources in the areas surrounding the Great Lakes.

Secondly, the agricultural advantages of this place are also very great. The land is flat and fertile. At the same time, there are many water networks, the Great Lakes and railways. The transportation of agricultural products is very convenient.

All of these have brought rich agriculture and agricultural resources to Berta City, allowing the city to rise rapidly.

And places like Berta City are not unique in North America. In fact, there are many places like this.

North America has a lot of coal and iron ore resources, as well as other minerals... not to mention agricultural resources. The agricultural resources in the three provinces of North America are comparable to those in the entire East Asia.

In addition, the Americas also have a very important resource, which is oil!

At present, the oil industry in the Da Chu Empire has gradually developed. Kerosene refined from oil has entered thousands of households and has even been sold to various indigenous countries.

At the same time, various other chemical products extracted from petroleum, such as lubricants, have also become important materials in the industrial field.

Not to mention the rapid development of the gasoline engine industry in recent years, which has also driven the refining and sales of gasoline.

The petrochemical industry has become a rapidly growing and important industry in the Dachu Empire's industrial system, bringing huge economic benefits and numerous jobs... and changing people's lives.

Especially kerosene lamps and gasoline.

Kerosene lamps lit up the night sky of Chu State.

And gasoline... started a new revolution in agricultural production and transportation.

The Americas are rich in oil resources.

Several large oil companies in Chu State have successively explored and exploited oil in the three provinces of North America. Especially in the Gulf of Mexico region of Mexico Province, they have found oil fields with huge reserves.

Every day, there are crude oil carriers moored at the port, loading crude oil and then transporting it to major refineries in East Asia, where kerosene, gasoline, lubricants, paraffin and other chemical products are refined and supplied to the market.

And such a good place belongs to the Chu Empire and the Chinese nation now and in the future.

Winning treasures like America is enough to support the Chinese nation's century-old peak.


After leaving Berta City, Luo Zhixue's inspection train continued to go west and passed many towns along the railway line... Although there were no large-scale cities along the way, there were small cities with thousands of people. Much.

The agricultural development around these cities is quite good, and some cities have used local resources to establish some steel, machinery, textile, shipbuilding, chemical and other factories.

At the same time, some of these small cities also have a special feature, that is, there is often a large-scale factory in such small towns.

In many towns with a population of several thousand, hundreds of people work in the same factory... This almost includes most of the young people in the area.

A local enterprise-city structure has been formed.

This is one of the characteristics of industrial development brought about by the vast land and sparsely populated areas in North America.

In addition, many cities may seem small, but their economic output is not low... and their per capita output is also quite high.

In particular, the data on per capita agricultural output value are very impressive... After all, the Americas are vast and sparsely populated, and farm families can obtain a large amount of land for farming.

At the same time, horse plowing and even mechanized planting were also widely used, which resulted in a very high local agricultural output value per capita.

This has also led to the fact that the overall living standard of local farmer families in the Americas is not low, at least much better than that of pure farmer families in East Asia.

Of course, this only talks about living standards... not income.

If we simply count money income, then the cash income of farmer families in the Americas and other overseas territories is still relatively limited... Mainly because overseas territories are generally agricultural production areas, but there are generally difficulties in transporting food out of the country. reason.

This has led to the widespread existence of overseas territories: crops such as grain or cotton have been harvested, but they cannot be sold at a good price.

Therefore...peasant families in overseas territories will definitely not have to worry about food and drink, not to mention food, even meat...

There is so much food that I can’t even finish it!

However, because the selling price of grain or other crops is relatively low, the money available is relatively small, which makes it difficult to purchase other cloth or other daily necessities.

These situations are actually just the opposite of those in the mainland!

On the mainland... due to the extremely developed industry and complete industrial system, various industrial products and industrial consumer goods, such as cloth, are very cheap.

However, grain prices are relatively high, so farmers may eat relatively sparingly, especially meat. However, after selling the remaining grain, they will get more cash, which can be used to purchase various industrial consumer goods.

Therefore, in the contemporary empire, people in overseas areas eat better than at home. In some areas, even ordinary farmers can have a full meal every day and even eat a lot of meat and fish... but they don't have much money and cannot afford industrial consumer goods... The food they produce cannot be sold at a high price because of its high yield and difficulty in transportation!

The local people have more money and can consume some industrial consumer goods, but they have to save some money on food, because food prices are relatively high, and ordinary people can't expect to have a lot of fish and meat every day. This difference between homeland and overseas territories also contributed to the operation of global economic integration in the empire.

Agricultural, livestock, fishery and mineral products from overseas territories are imported into East Asia, while industrial products from East Asia are imported into overseas territories, thus forming a complementarity.

Without such complementarity, the economic cycle in East Asia and overseas territories would be more difficult to maintain.

Of course... this economic cycle is still an economic cycle within the empire. It is a benign and complementary economic cycle. This is very different from the predatory trade behavior between the empire and indigenous countries.

Luo Zhixue's inspection train went all the way west. As it continued to go west, it passed the fertile central region of North America and entered the western wilderness of North America. The local population became smaller.

Not all places in North America are fertile. Quite a few parts are actually relatively desolate, especially in the western region. There are large mountains and even plateaus here, and there are even deserts in some places. Many places are not suitable for agricultural development.

However, as the special train moved forward and finally entered the Jinshan Prefecture area of ​​North America, Luo Zhixue saw the prosperity unique to North America again.

The Jinshan Prefecture area has a relatively narrow plain area. This small plain has fertile land, dense water network, and there is also a large amount of gold mines.

Jinshan City was originally developed on this small plain, and Jinshan City laid the foundation for the expansion of the Chu Empire in North America.

After 20 to 30 years of continuous development, the Jinshanfu area has become very mature. Looking out from the train, there are flat farmland everywhere, and there are various water conservancy facilities and rivers that have been rested between the farmland.

There are often small river boats sailing on many rivers.

The overall scene looks similar to the agricultural towns in the central and eastern areas, full of hope.

Luo Zhixue's special train crossed a large wilderness and finally arrived at Jinshan City, the largest city of the Chu Empire in America and the governor's residence of North America Province.

Jinshan City, which has been developing for several years, currently has an urban population of more than 400,000. Such a population not only makes it the largest city in America, but also the largest city outside East Asia.

Many famous large cities in overseas regions, such as Singapore, Colombo, Banten, Luzon and other places, are not as good as it.

The initial development of Jinshan City actually relied on agriculture, and incidentally, trade with the Spanish.

Later, after the gold mine was discovered in the area, it was out of control. Within a few years, tens of millions of people poured into this area, laying the foundation of Jinshan City.

Subsequently, Jinshan City relied on local agriculture and mineral resources to gradually develop shipbuilding, textile and other industries, and became increasingly prosperous.

During this period, a large textile enterprise such as Song's Clothing Company was born.

Speaking of which, Song's Clothing Company can be regarded as a local star company in Jinshan City... Although it is only a light industrial textile company, its scale and output value cannot be compared with those of domestic giant textile companies.

But it depends on who you compare with... It is definitely incomparable with the giant local textile companies, such as Su Qin Textile Company, but compared with those small and medium-sized textile companies, Song Clothing Company is still okay.

And in America, it would be the largest textile company.

The headquarters of Song Clothing Company and its largest production base are in Jinshan City... Its company headquarters, R&D center and production base have brought at least 5,000 direct jobs to the city.

At the same time, Song's Clothing Company also has a large number of suppliers and various cooperative enterprises... These enterprises also employ a large number of employees, and the total number of direct and indirect jobs is at least tens of thousands.

At the same time, these direct or indirect employees also drive the development and employment of the local tertiary industry... This will create thousands of additional jobs or even more jobs.

It can be simply said that the Song Clothing Company has directly and indirectly brought at least 15,000 jobs to Jinshan City, and brought in at least millions of dollars in tax revenue every year.

The urban population of Jinshan City is only over 500,000, which is equivalent to one and a half of the fifty people living on the Song Clothing Company.

Therefore, the status of Song's Clothing Company in Jinshan City is very special. The local government has also given Song's Clothing Company great preferential policies to prevent Song Erniu from moving the company... In recent years, with the rise of Song's The apparel company continues to grow and develop, and continues to expand its territory in East Asia to gain a large amount of revenue. Many shareholders and senior managers in the company have an opinion: move the company to East Asia.

They believe that North America is still too limited. If the company wants to continue to grow and develop, it must increase its presence in East Asia, especially the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the Bohai Sea region, which are the three major economic centers of the empire.

It is best to move the company headquarters and main production base directly there!

This caused the top officials of Jinshan Prefecture and even the North American Province to be worried... The industrial development in the Americas was originally not very good, but it was not easy for a large textile company like the Song Clothing Company to emerge that could drive a large number of jobs and industrial systems!

As a result, they still wanted to run away...

For this reason, in order to continue to win over the Song Clothing Company in recent years, the local government has also made great efforts. It has provided all kinds of preferential policies that can be given, and even those that cannot be given have been given in secret and roundabout ways.

It won't work if we don't give it... Once the Song Clothing Company runs away, to exaggerate, Jinshan City's economy will be reduced by one-tenth, and it will also cause extremely serious chain reactions!

Once Song's Clothing Company runs away, a lot of supplier companies surrounding the company will also run away... Song's Clothing Company, a big customer, has moved away, so what are these suppliers doing here?

However, the local government's win over finally made Song Erniu firm up his mind: he would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix!

Their Song Clothing Company is located in Jinshan City and even in North America. It has a good reputation and is convenient for everything... But if it moves to East Asia, especially to a place like Jiangnan Province, it will be inconspicuous and ordinary. Textile companies, let alone special preferential treatment, it is difficult to obtain ordinary preferential policies.

Businesses are like this, and so are people!

Song Erniu is here in North America, and he is definitely a core member of the local upper class... His contacts are all local high-ranking officials and wealthy people, so he is very proud...

But when I went to Jiangnan, to Songjiang... it's hard to say, who would recognize him as Song Erniu!

Even if he, Song Erniu, has a net worth of tens of millions, so what... In the eyes of many people, he is just an overseas rich man. In Songjiang Mansion, it is difficult for him to even join the upper class.

In addition, Song Erniu still has feelings for this place, Jinshan Mansion. After all, this is the place where he started... Buying denim clothes during the gold rush wave was his first battle. Even now, he often thinks about it. Be proud of this choice.

This matter has been spread one after another, and it has become a classic business case that people talk about from time to time.

During the wave of gold mining in Jinshan Prefecture, others went there to prospect for gold, but Song Erniu chose to prospect for gold. Instead, he started a canvas work clothes business for gold diggers, and finally built this business from scratch.

This also made Song Erniu a well-known multi-millionaire in Jinshan Mansion, even North America, and now the entire Americas...

But... when he returned to his hometown and went to Songjiang City... he couldn't be ranked.

In terms of social reputation, he is probably not as good as Wang Liqing, the freeloader!

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