I want to be emperor

Chapter 386 Join if you can't beat it

Chapter 386 Join if you can't beat it
Finally, there is another item that is extremely dissatisfied by the majority of gentry landlords and their spokespersons, that is, the government controls the rent of a large number of official lands at a relatively low level, generally no more than [-]%, and even temporarily reduced in some areas Up to [-]%, if there is a disaster, it will be directly reduced!

This is naturally nothing, but in February this year, the Great Chu Empire officially issued an order to encourage land reclamation and limit rent, requiring that the rent should not exceed [-]% of the land output.

And what frightened the majority of gentry and landlords was not [-]% of the rent, but once this was done, then according to the urine nature of the Great Chu Empire, it would not take long for this ratio to drop to [-]% or even [-]%...


In short, a group of hypocritical remnants are very dissatisfied with the current policies of the Great Chu Empire in many fields such as industry, commerce, and agriculture.

In the past, the Great Chu Empire was full of mud-legged people, and the traditional gentry class was not accepted on a large scale. These gentry and landlords had no choice.

But when the Great Chu Empire gradually grew larger and under the rule of shortage of manpower, in order to win over different classes, it began to accept a large number of defecting officials from hypocrisy, after scholars voted in.

These remnants of hypocrisy have found that their right to speak has gradually increased.

Up to now, they have their voices even in the upper echelons of the Gyeonggi Budang.

So they started to jump out and wave the flag, trying to gradually reverse the various policies of the Great Chu Empire of "taking profits with the people" and "persecuting the people of Liming", so as to return the people of the world to a bright future.

This situation began to show signs at the end of last year, and it became more and more serious after this spring.

The main reason is that the batch of surrendered officials accepted in Huguang at the beginning, the imperial examination scholars gradually climbed to high positions, and the batch of surrendered officials and imperial examination scholars who continued to be accepted during the eastward march also gradually entered the officialdom of the Great Chu Empire.

These people are all of traditional scholar background, with a good level of education and strong intrigue skills, so they are often promoted faster than the half-scholar-born officials accepted by the Great Chu Empire from other levels.

The most important thing is that in such a huge group, quite a few people are hypocritical.

This is not to say that they simply miss the Zhu family's royal family, what they miss is the happy life under Zhu Ming's rule...

Many people hold that the rise of the Great Chu Empire is inevitable, and the Ming Dynasty will most likely not be able to bear it.

So what to do?Desperate resistance?Impossible, if they had the courage to resist desperately, it would be impossible for them to be alive.

Many of them changed their minds: Since they couldn't beat them, they would join, and then gradually transform the Great Chu Empire into the Great Chu Empire in their minds, um, just like the previous Ming Empire.


When there are many such people, what they said and what they did will make the upper echelons of the Great Chu Empire vigilant!

Not only Luo Zhixue was vigilant, but also the other ministers were also very vigilant.

For example, Chen Xingkai, who is in charge of tax work.

Minister of State Affairs, Chen Xingkai, who is in charge of taxation and financial work, mainly comes from taxation. If you restrict the taxation department and change many taxation policies, he, Chen Xingkai, should also step down...

The Minister of Counseling, Yuan Gaofeng, is in charge of the affairs of industry, agriculture, economy and people's livelihood. His main power comes from the factories and agricultural fields affiliated to the Ministry of Industry. If you close many factories and abandon the agricultural policy, it is equivalent to digging The foundation of his Yuan Gaofeng's power...

Once he is succeeded by the remnants of the hypocrisy, Yuan Gaofeng will change from a tiger to a cat in minutes, and he will be a short-legged cat...

In addition to these two ministers of affairs who have direct interests, the other ministers of affairs also have more or less interests.


For example, Qin Gaolin, the minister of justice in charge of justice, mainly wanted to recover the political points lost a while ago. You must know that the security problem in the Great Chu Empire has not been very good, and the anti-corruption work has not had any outstanding results. Work, that's just my job, no bonus points.

To be honest, Qin Gaolin, as the minister in charge of the judicial system, has not done very well in the past two years. Luo Zhixue has criticized Qin Gaolin many times on issues of law and order and official corruption.

Qin Gaolin felt that if he continued like this, not only would he become the weakest of the seven ministers, but he might also lose his seat!

After all, His Majesty's patience is limited.

For his own political life, Qin Gaolin is naturally very concerned about this storm of bureaucracy.


Guo Quanshu, he is the Minister of Counseling in charge of official affairs, and his official is still the Minister of the Ministry of Official Affairs. Now the issue of official affairs is naturally inseparable from him. It can even be said that the officialdom of the Great Chu Empire is now full of a group of ideas. The remnants of dishonesty and hypocrisy are directly related to his dereliction of duty in the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

For this reason, Emperor Luo Zhixue has also criticized the administration of officials many times in the past two or three months.

Guo Quanshu naturally wanted to find a way to restore his political position in front of the emperor.


As a result, the four senior civil servants in the Senate directly supported and personally participated in setting off this political storm.

And the other three ministers in the Senate.

Although not directly involved, but expressed support.

The minister of affairs, Lai Dehui, a scholar in charge of the Imperial Academy, was one of the secretaries or aides of Luo Zhixue's earliest scholars who were former scholars. He was an absolute confidant of the emperor. He didn't even have to think about why he did it to fight against the remnants of falsehood, he just did it and it was over.

This is also the key reason why he has lived in Gyeonggi for a long time and became the minister of counselors.

Lai Dehui, this person is actually not well-known in the official circles of the empire. Even though many middle and low-level officials know that there is a minister named Lai Dehui who is also a bachelor in charge of the Imperial Academy, but his past and his detailed powers are somewhat vague. of.

And this person was not actually an old bandit, and he didn't even have the label that such an early important minister as Funiu Mountain had.

In fact, he came here after the Chu army captured Nanyang Fucheng. This person was born as a refugee, because he was a boy before and knew how to read and write, so he has been working in the then General Affairs Office since he came here.

His main job was to assist Luo Zhixue in handling huge military and political affairs, and he was gradually promoted to the director of the Counselor Affairs Office.

In the end, the Senate Office was changed to the Hanlin Academy, and he took advantage of the opportunity to become a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy. According to the official system of the Great Chu Empire, he is the second rank.

Later, Luo Zhixue summoned important ministers and counselors to set up the Senate Council, and he became one of the first seven ministers of counselors, with the title of prince and grand teacher.

Although this person's reputation in the outside world is not obvious, he basically doesn't participate in the affairs of the outside world, and stays in the Imperial Academy all year round, but in fact his authority is very large!

You must know that in the Hanlin Academy of the Great Chu Empire, every subject can directly correspond to each department!

At the same time, Luo Zhixue clearly stipulated that all those above the fourth grade of literature and above the Colonel Wu had the authority to submit secret documents, and no one could stop them from dismantling them privately.

Through the secret decree system and the Imperial Academy, Luo Zhixue can directly bypass the ministries when necessary, and directly use the Imperial Academy as the institution in Gyeonggi to implement emergency rule over the huge empire through the secret decree.

And all of this is not enough to rely on the system, there must be a certain amount of force as a guarantee.

Naturally, this force does not refer to the army, but specifically refers to the Internal Affairs Investigation Section of the Imperial Academy.

This intelligence agency, known by the outside world as "Hantong", "Hanchang", and "Internal Affairs Section", has assumed extremely important responsibilities since the day it was established.

They are responsible for monitoring all officials and killing all kinds of risks that could threaten the imperial power in advance. They are the daggers that guarantee the smooth operation of the imperial power system of the Great Chu Empire!

And this dagger is in the hands of Lai Dehui, the academician in charge!

To a certain extent, this person's authority is similar to that of the eunuch in charge of the eunuchs in the Ming court, such as assisting the emperor in handling public affairs, and in charge of publicizing edicts, or the admirals in charge of intelligence forces. factory etc.

Of course, today's Great Chu Empire is different from the Ming court. Luo Zhixue basically doesn't personally review a large number of memorials, and doesn't participate in detailed affairs, so he doesn't have the authority to comment on memorials.

Coupled with the existence of the Senate, Lai Dehui is generally equivalent to a weakened version of the eunuch who is in charge of the ceremony.


And this, I have to talk about the Senate.

The Senate, this is not actually an institution, it does not exist in any official documents, it only exists in what people call it.

When Luo Zhixue appointed the Minister of Counseling, there was no imperial decree in the form of any document, only oral instructions, and this oral order was not to transfer the Minister of Counselor to the Senate to serve as the Minister of Counselor, but to transfer him to the "important duties of the palace counselor".

Belongs to a real job without a name.

When the emperor admits it, the minister of affairs is powerful, but if the emperor does not admit it, the minister of affairs has no meaning.

This is also the reason why all the Ministers of Counseling are also the top leaders of an organization. At least one must have a real official, otherwise there will be no place to receive salary...

Well, at least for now, it is hard to say whether it will evolve into a practical position in the future, or whether there will be any new situation to replace the Senate.

The system is always changing, and it is impossible to say that after a system is formulated, it can continue to operate smoothly.

When the environment changes, the system will change accordingly. As for whether it will become worse or worse, it is hard to say.

At least for now, Luo Zhixue feels that this system of managing the ministers and co-organizers by himself, and the ministers of counselors are in charge, and the co-organizers, that is, other ministers and powerful ministers, are in charge of specific affairs.

As for the future, who knows what will happen next.

(End of this chapter)

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